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Space Marine B&C Clan

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Well, since no one else is putting in a thread..





Excubitor(Marky1924), Xbox....GMT+10

Goreclaw(Mephistus85), Xbox....

Brother Captain Kezef(Fallen Kezef), Xbox....

CMID(Dying Dutchman2), Xbox

Uprising(uprising013), Xbox

Dorns_Fist(Grizzly wiperz), Xbox

Atin(atin1810), Xbox....GMT+1

Razblood(Razblood), Xbox....

Hellhunter(NuclearMutant), Xbox....


Melee(Assault Marines)

Assault Brother Pervazius(eI kabong), Xbox....

Hank Harpoon(Hambery), Xbox....

Terrahawk(RoboPale), Xbox

1000Heathens(xOnTheWarpathx), Xbox....GMT-9

Trignama(Tri1gnama), Xbox

Tarkus(vConstantine), Xbox

TheDVoid(The D Void), Xbox

Huberticus(Huberticus), Xbox

Shan Vener(STEAKATRON), Xbox....GMT-5

Beef(FLESH_OF_RUSS), Xbox....


Mixture(Tactical Marines)

Demoulius(peetje X), Xbox....

Asdmodai Barok(Vaporise), Xbox....

Captain Nightengel(Thaledan), Xbox....

Lion Fire(lionfiretx), Xbox....

jamsight(jamsight), Xbox....

Forgotten Knight(Forgotten Knigh), Xbox....

V Dubbed(V Dubbed), Xbox....GMT-7

rocketsredbear(bawstin), Xbox....

The 13th Goat(The13thGoat), Xbox....

AnatharCaerun(Anathar Caerun), Xbox....

Vulkan He'Dan(Vulkan He'Dan), Xbox....

LunchBizzle(Ironwarrior8), Xbox....

Kassill(CoolKassill), Xbox....

God of War(moose70), Xbox....

Corton(phillip corrie), Xbox....

BLOODSAINT(ChopBloodSaint), Xbox....

incinerator950(incinerator950), Xbox....

Refuse(Racer WB), Xbox....

Deathwing70(Olrog), Xbox....GMT+1

Jipimus(Jipimus1), Xbox....

presc1ence(presc1ence), Xbox....

Doghouse(Doghou5e), Xbox....GMT

Crusader of Dorn(Creedence Mac), Xbox....GMT

Brother Cambrius(RECEPTOR 17), Xbox....

Tellos05(D3AD C3LL), Xbox....

Father Mapple(thefathermapple), Xbox....

Clone(Logan030), Xbox....

Nrthstar(Nrthstar), Xbox....

Toasterfree(toastedtart), Xbox....GMT-6

Dremen(Dremen86), Xbox....GMT-8

Nexus25(Malleus24), Xbox....

Brother Anvilus(Lord Gen Anvil), Xbox....GMT+1

Blood Angel Marine(ImperialFist39), Xbox....GMT-5

Demoulius(peetje x), Xbox

Yodaid764(Seianus), Xbox

Grand Admiral Thrawn(xJoshy Bear), Xbox

Firenze(Cpt Reinez), Xbox

Telanicus(Ardius Decimus), Xbox....GMT-6

Leardinal(Leardinal), Xbox....GMT-5

11th Company Dark Master(Cpt Reaper0232), Xbox....Somewhere

Captain Juan Juarez(The Ragged Man), Xbox....GMT

Reyner(REYN3R), Xbox....GMT


Porridgemeister(RampageCookies), Xbox....

Gaeus Marius(Reaper9055), Xbox....





Mixture(Tactical Marines)

Faulkner(LordBoring), PS3....GMT

Death_Jester_(slick0074), PS3....

Guinness Drinking Dwarf(ram-man81), PS3....GMT

Zid(Sleepingsamurai), PS3....

Evz(Zual), PS3....

dijital_llama(dijital_llama), PS3....

Forte(fortelondon), PS3....GMT

Captain Idaho(Idaho14), PS3

Sviar(Northblade), PS3....GMT+1

Chaplain Haladriel(Ironman914), PS3

Eberious(Eberious), PS3

Cyrox(TK7725), PS3....GMT

Olisredan(Olis_redan), PS3....GMT

Vulkan454(Andy-159), PS3....



HJL(HJLamont), PS3....GMT-6

Gamer-freak16(Gamer-freak16), PS3....


Melee(Assault Marines)

Acebaur(Acebaur), PS3....GMT-5

Evz(Zual), PS3

Marius Perdo(Teknometer), PS3....GMT

Dannis_(Dannis_), PS3....GMT+1

DarkCrusader(stupificationism), PS3





Mixture(Tactical Marines)

Dante Alighieri(Dante41), Steam....

Mortis Angeli(mortisangelica), Steam....

Chengar Qordath(Chengar Qordath), Steam....

igotsmeakabob!!(igotsmeakabob11), Steam....

Grazcruzk(Grazcruzk), Steam....

Kurgan the Lurker(KurgantheLurker), Steam....

Brother Valerius(visualdeity), Steam....GMT-6

PsY Crash(Crash), Steam....

Venemox(F1r3b4ll457), Xbox....GMT-5

rocketsredbear(rocketsredbear), Steam....

Chaplain Lucifer(goatreich), Steam....

somogyi(somogyi), Steam....

Marius Perdo(doktor), Steam....GMT

Brother Khairon(GreyStoat), Steam...

Heru Talon(U13-Deathstrike), Steam...

Talliostro(Talliostro), Steam....GMT+1

Karack Blackstone(Karack), Steam....

Pulse(bp/Pulse), Steam

Ramell(Ramell), Steam

Firenze(Firenze), Steam

Rafen_2(Rafen_2), Steam....


Bava(bava81), Steam....GMT+1

TEC(Ieyke), Steam....

Godspear(Apocryphus), Steam....

Father Mapple(thakandar2), Steam....


Melee(Assault Marines)

Blood Mange(Womb Raider), Steam....GMT-6

Losfer Werds(Losfer Werds), Xbox....

Quixus(Andezzar), Steam....GMT+1

Dark Apostle thirst(Thirst), Steam

Goober(olietrendkill), Steam....



Ornestahl(Ornestahl), PS3, GMT+!

Sick Six(SSGTurk), Xbox....

Venerable Brother Pelinore(VBP), Steam....GMT+10

Sabadin(Crazy_Canuck), Steam....GMT-5


Console/PC: Xbox 360

Gamertag: Dying Dutchman2(I'm not Dutch, nor am I dying. I think.)

Preferred Form of Saughter: Ranged.

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Tri1gnama on Xbox 360 Assault Marine. (Note that is the number one not the letter I in my gamertag name)


Also please only add me if you are a mature adult, as I do have a bit of a foul mouth at times ;)


Please feel free to add at anytime.


Oh and I'm pre ordering so I can have the Templar skin ^_^

Console/PC: Xbox 360

Gamertag: uprising013(I am not 13 but uprising was taken so i just add my favorite number to my gamertag)

Preferred Form of Saughter: Range, so i will probably be a Dev or Tactical. I really Can't decide till I play the game.

I can`t wait to toast people as a Salamander.

Just giving you all a heads up on this before you get to far into it. The staff is discussing how to approach this right now. We've generally put down things like this in the past because of the issues it may cause for the site overall. Not saying that will happen this time around but just want you all to be prepared in case it does.


One option we might look at which would let this go forward is


a. requiring squad members to be site members

b. ANYTHING that happens in game that gets reported back here will have severe consequences for your account here. We really don't want to have the site dragged through the mud because someone gets in a game and decides to act like some racist-troll-d-bag that you see in a lot of online settings these days.


You would be expected to conduct yourselves in match the same way you would here on the boards.


So again we aren't saying no at this time but it is being discussed by the staff.

No offense Kurgan but, unless you just mean not letting people talk about clan stuff here on the B&C, it's out of your control.

At least where Steam is concerned the B&C group has been up and running for nearly 3 years, and it has it's own comment board and chat system (not that anyone appears to use them...). And there's no way you could keep track of who is who.

Honestly, I'd venture to say you'd be better off letting them come here just so that you DO have some say in it.





@Olisredan: PS3 ID: Ieyke

But I'm not sure if I'm going to get it on PS3 too yet.... I'd get the collector's edition one if I did....and it's not exactly cheap.

PS3 Ironman914

Chaplain_Haladriel on here and on spacemarine.com

Probably gonna roll with assault or Tac.

Dark Angels Chapter.

Trying to recruit for a Dark Angels Battle Company, if there are any DA players on here that are interested. Head over to spacemarine.com or facebook and just search Dar Angels Battle Company.


P.S Kurgan. I think, or rather I hope that people conport themselves in game as they would at a tournament. Just cos your army is being wiped out on the board, doesnt mean you go ballistic and get racist?! Lets hope cooler heads prevail! Cheers!

No offense Kurgan but, unless you just mean not letting people talk about clan stuff here on the B&C, it's out of your control.

At least where Steam is concerned the B&C group has been up and running for nearly 3 years, and it has it's own comment board and chat system (not that anyone appears to use them...). And there's no way you could keep track of who is who.

Honestly, I'd venture to say you'd be better off letting them come here just so that you DO have some say in it.





@Olisredan: PS3 ID: Ieyke

But I'm not sure if I'm going to get it on PS3 too yet.... I'd get the collector's edition one if I did....and it's not exactly cheap.


Actually the person who set that up can't even spell it right "Bolter&Chansword"....really?? And yes I know you and others (like Allerka) are in it.


Maybe we can or can't do something about it in the end. There are remedies out there with places like STEAM if it came down to it. We've only ever had to go that route once in the history of the site and that was because of a place just basically telling BloodSaint to go screw and they would do what they want with his art and what not. They didn't last long. :)


The point being that people go and do this stuff without thinking about the site. They think "cool I'll sport B&C tags or start a facebook page or something else" without any thought to how it may effect the board as a whole. Our job (the staff) is to look at how things may effect the board and do what we can to keep things from going to a negative.


There is already a fake facebook out there and we get people complaining all the time to us that they can't post Warmachine crap here yet "we" talk about it on our facebook page.


Same thing has happened with "clans" or "squads" in past games. We had an official one back for MoH (yeah really old I know) but some folks started things up for other games (like Cities of Heroes) and we had to deal with some of that fallout from people claiming to be "us" and acting like gamer-d-bags online.


So when we say that we may go ahead and let folks set up an official clan with this particular section of the forum being the place to chat we realize in the end we may not be able to do anything about folks starting something up somewhere else. But at least if we allow it here and do something like mentioned above where you have to be a member here to join then it at least opens the options up to us to airlock someone from the forum if they start acting like a numpty in game.



Not suggesting CMID or Olisredean or anyone else starting one of these threads plans to go out and "be that guy" in game, just saying the staff is talking about whether or not we put some kind of Official entity up here or if we say no way and make people do unofficial stuff elsewhere.

Just giving you all a heads up on this before you get to far into it. The staff is discussing how to approach this right now. We've generally put down things like this in the past because of the issues it may cause for the site overall. Not saying that will happen this time around but just want you all to be prepared in case it does.


One option we might look at which would let this go forward is


a. requiring squad members to be site members

b. ANYTHING that happens in game that gets reported back here will have severe consequences for your account here. We really don't want to have the site dragged through the mud because someone gets in a game and decides to act like some racist-troll-d-bag that you see in a lot of online settings these days.


You would be expected to conduct yourselves in match the same way you would here on the boards.


So again we aren't saying no at this time but it is being discussed by the staff.


Both of those seems perfectly reasonable. With a., this thread is on the B&C, meaning members of this would have to be members of the B&C in order to join. For b., while I have no authority whatsoever, I, and the others here, can attempt to calm anyone who starts acting rowdy/inappropriately, on the off chance it happens. Naturally, we can't control things outside the limits of the group, but since anyone seeking to tarnish the B&C's fine image could do so anyways, I'm sure that won't be a barrier to the existence of this.


There is already a fake facebook out there and we get people complaining all the time to us that they can't post Warmachine crap here yet "we" talk about it on our facebook page.


So when we say that we may go ahead and let folks set up an official clan with this particular section of the forum being the place to chat we realize in the end we may not be able to do anything about folks starting something up somewhere else. But at least if we allow it here and do something like mentioned above where you have to be a member here to join then it at least opens the options up to us to airlock someone from the forum if they start acting like a numpty in game.


Not suggesting CMID or Olisredean or anyone else starting one of these threads plans to go out and "be that guy" in game, just saying the staff is talking about whether or not we put some kind of Official entity up here or if we say no way and make people do unofficial stuff elsewhere.


Interesting, I've never heard of that fake Facebook. But then again, I'm not on Facebook.



I actually welcome you having the ability to toast someone who begins to get out of control, as it means that there will actually be incentive for calmness.


And I assure you, I've put too much time into this forum to want to enter a death spiral. :D


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