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The Tempest Hounds

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Wicced - Yeah I managed to make them look suitably chaotic I think thanks to you!

Kol - I know you were being facetious, no worries. :P Yeah it's exactly what we were talking about, if you can get your hands on some assault cannons you can create some nice autocannons!

Little update, finished their heads. The two autocannon boys are essentially done for now, need to wait for a shipment of winged skull shoulderpads to arrive. Missle launcher guys though I'm not sure what backpacks I want to use, I'm thinking MK III because they're bulky and would match the autocannon backpacks pretty well. Any thoughts? The champion is still a WIP, as well as some pistols and grenades that I'll be adding to each of these guys. Anyway a few pictures.


The guy with the GK head is definitely my favorite.


Just read this from start to finish and I like what I see ;)


Your painting has just gone from strength to strength and your modelling started out great and just got better!


The one singular criticism I have is toward the ammo feeds on your first Dread's gun. I just think the look odd being perfectly curved like that.


But that is all the criticism I have ;)


I look forward to what you pull out next.

What's the idea there Kol?

Well if I did my math right, I can take the extra ten points and put them into converting the Dual Meltas on one squad into Dual Plasmas which can use the two plasmas in the DV set, and also convert the Mark on that squad into MoN, which should help out if I make them Campers.

  • 1 month later...

Small update here, almost finished with 3rd Claw now. Also did another weapon set for Hallion. Bad picture today but I'll take a better one possibly tonight when they're finished along with another shot of Hallion with his new weapons.



Another update, this time with slightly better pictures. Finished 3rd claw, was happy with how they turned out until I added the grenades and pistols from the CSM sprue. I thought they'd look much better than they do but oh well. Picture of Hallion too with updated weapons. Want to be able to use him as a lord occaisonally. Also, received this in the mail yesterday, going to be working on this (hopefully if I can clean it enough) next. Anyway here are the pictures.



  • 2 weeks later...

Arterialsplash- Thanks, I've seen yours as well and keep it up.


Hey guys small update here. Decided to do an HQ instead of the Decimator over my holiday time off. I needed a Juggerlord and decided to use Kryos for this. He looks a fair bit different than the old version, mostly because he's now farther down the skull road than he was before and ti's starting to show. Now that he's done I think I should've done his left gauntlet gold instead of the Ice blueish color. Oh well. Onto pictures, C&C if you please.



  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah he does look pretty "new" but I was going for highlights on the whole model. Thanks for the complement on Hallion too.


With the inclusion of Imperial Guard to the forum, I am going to post my old Shadow Legion, traitor guard for my Night Lords. Did these guys a long time ago so the paintjobs aren't all that but I'll be adding to them with decent paint soon.




  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys. Latest update will be some obliterators and a psyker HQ for my guard allies. First, the obliterator on the right was painted by my little brother. I wasn't sure what all he used on his so I decided to go for something similar but a little different. I have four more identical to the one I painted (on the left) except the paint on them is much thicker (I bought them off ebay with a really thick coat of primer already on). All the fleshy bits have been highlighted. Second, is my Primaris psyker for my traitor guardsmen. I like the way he turned out. Anyway pics, C&C if you would be so kind.




  • 1 month later...

Some fluff.


They'd been raiding and pillaging on the border ridge of the Imperium for almost a year now, surviving mostly on hit and run tactics. Kryos was gifted with tactical intelligence, although his temper was fierce it was rare that it ever showed its ugly face. The Impia Vindictam, a strike cruiser and one of the few Adeptus Astartes vessels the Tempest Hounds possessed, was his flagship and he used it like a blade. He'd suprised and ambushed numerous trading fleets, outposts and escort fleets throughout the last few months. Kryos was impressed with the tally they'd reaped among the loyalist scum. They'd even bagged an Archbishop in transit from one shrineworld to another. His master would be pleased. It was time to head home.

"It's time to head home, are the other vessels prepared for transit Captain?" Kryos asked.

"Aye Lord, the Shadow Legion vessels are ready. Our own preparations are nearly complete, it will only be another hour before we are ready." Answered a older grey haired man.

"Good. Signal the others to head back, we'll join them shortly."

Moments later an alarm began to ring.

"Proximity alarm! We've got company!" Someone shouted.

First claw were on the bridge with their champion and as soon as the vessel was brought on screen they recognized it for what it was.

"Grey Knights...." Hissed one of First Claw.

"Prime the lances and load torpedoes. Fire everything as soon as you have a lock!" Kryos all but screamed at his crew.

"Lord, they're not firing at us, they're coming aside us. Are they trying to board us?" The Captain asked.

"Aye. All available Claws and Shadow Legion personnel, prepare for boarding. The loyalists have finally come to exact retribution."

Bright lights from lasers on the starboard side of the vessel as the Grey Knights came alongside. Concussive blasts began to rock the ship as torpedoes and boarding pods began to fly between the two ships. The lights on the ship dimmed as the Impia Vindictam went into phase to repel boarders.

"Ninth Claw is standing by outside the bridge doors to deny access Kryos." Nadir said. He was the chief apothecary and his own Claw's apothecary. When situations of overall command fell to Kryos, Nadir often took command of First Claw while Kryos dealt with the bigger picture. A formidable warrior in his own right, his brilliance as an apothecary was only matched by his cruelty as a son of the Haunter.

"Good, tell them to hold position until reinforced." Kryos said.

"Brother, we can reinforce them right now and even the odds. On their own they don't stand a chance against a strike squad. They're a newer Claw and there's only five or six of them."

"I know and their sacrifice will buy us time to do what we need to." Kryos said, readying his chainaxe and lightning claw. He flew into motion, bisecting the first crewmember in easy reach. The others didn't even have time to scream as the rest of First Claw leapt into action alongside their champion. They were second to none in pack mentality and in moments all but the Captain were dead.

"Captain, go hide in one of the closests. The sacrifice of your crew will not have been in vain."


Justicar Raythern parried a chainsword with his halberd. The Night Lord wasn't bad as a swordsman but he was a Grey Knight. He broke the weapon with a powerful chop and followed up with another that sliced through the Night Lords shoulder, who promptly fell down. Raythern stood over him for a moment then brought the halberd down into the marine's stomach. He removed it after a moment and looked around, noticing the lack of incoming fire or sounds of battle, he saw the rest of the traitors were dead or dying. It seemed he'd been lucky and found the path of least resistance to the bridge. The other squads were facing far more resistance and a few had been wiped out entirely. There was even a report that one had ran into the screaming shell of what could only have been a dreadnought once. Their vessel had been destroyed a few moments ago but that had been expected. Their ship hadn't been designed to match the firepower of a strike cruiser and they only had one objective, to cripple this ship and leave these traitorous bastards to die in the void. He signaled one of his men to bring up the melta charge. Moments later they were standing before the broken bulkhead of the bridge doors. Inside was a scene of carnage that he would've more expected to see from Orks or World Eaters. The ship's crew lay in bloody heaps strewn all over the instruments. Something wasn't right here. Just then he noticed the blood was beginning to come together into one big pool in the center of the bridge.

"Form up! They've summoned Daemons! For the Emperor!" Raythern voxed his brothers.

Shapes began to form in the blood. Horned creatures with long tongues and swords that glowed with hellfire began to emerge.

"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!" Came shrieks from all around them.

Wait that wasn't right, that shouldn't be right. All around them? Raythern was momentarily confused, then he looked up and saw a lightning claw coming directly at his head. He brought the halberd up just in time, but still the blow knocked him down. He shoved the creature off him, got up and charged. The creature was definitely a champion of some sort and was far more skilled than his last opponent. They dueled back and forth, back and forth. Raythern couldn't spare a moment to see how his brothers were faring, but he'd already heard the flatline of at least two of his brothers lives ending. He knew he had an advantage simply because of the champions choice of weaponry. The lighting claw could parry his halberd but the chainaxe was already beginning to lose its teeth. He focused on that side and soon it was all but useless. He heard the flatline his last brothers and his righteous anger grew. He saw an opening and took it, slicing through the champion's wrist. The champion fell and Raythern stood over him.

"Are you ready to face judgement traitor?" He noticed he was now surrounded and worried that one of these abominations would interfere but none of them did.

Kryos laughed heartily. Raythern looked down and saw with his one remaining arm the champion had grabbed his plasma pistol which was now aimed directly at his head.

"Have you no honor at all?!?" Raythern asked.

"No, none at all. Someone once said that "We were murders first, last and always". Never really knew what it meant until now. So thanks for that." Kryos said and laughing still, shot the man in the head.



These First two are my favorites.



And a few more for Second Claw.


This is all pretty sweet, but I don't feel like the gold is living up to the rest of the paintjob.  It looks pretty flat, especially against shaded blue with lightning bolts. maybe an extra highlight is in order?  The backpacks would probably look a lot better if they were given highlights akin to the rest of the model too, rather than just simple, wide hard-edge highlights.


The modeling choices are pretty fun too, by the by :)

Yeah Firepower, I still have alot of work to do on my gold. I can't get gold down for the life of me, silver is getting a bit easier though. I'll probably do some shading on the backpacks too.

Wicced, haha yeah it might, I guess it just depends how you look at it. I view him as shifting the banner down in preparation to strike with his claw.

Deathspectre, I think I will try grey grenades next and see how that looks. Oh and the Tau heads will be coming soon once a few of those shiny new Tau heads/bodies are available as bitz! biggrin.png

Huntingbane, thanks mate but I can't claim credit for those. The missile launchers ideas were mostly from Wicced's thread and the heavy bolter/assault cannon-autocannon things were from Insane Psychopath's thread. Lots of great inspiration and ideas from everyone here!

I'm going to steal your idea for putting assault cannon barrels on kitbashed Devastaor/CSM. It looks too good with the ammo belt and huge backpack not to do it, like that dude from the movie Predator.


Your Traitor Guard look boss I love the Sentinels especially. And your Night Lord colouring is vivid, it really pops.

Thanks Max, the Sentinels were really really fun to build/paint, did them like a year ago though. I first got the idea from looking through IP's thread. It's actually where I got the idea for this rhino at too.


Had this rhino laying around primed black forever so I painted it up this weekend. I don't usually prime my models but after seeing how quick it was to paint this thing I might just have to start. Anyway pictures are pretty crappy but the loyalist turned out pretty well I think. Also a shot of it next to the other rhino. The color contrast also represents the different squads (as First Claw has brighter and more "stormy" armor than Second Claw). You also might notice the track on the posterior right side is a bit glumpy, that's because I ran out of tracks somehow and had to use a bit of GS to fill it in.




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