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Captain Semper's Consecrators

Captain Semper

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Here's my second Tartaros Termie - the one with the H. Flamer. Really like this mini and the weapons are of great quality. Same comment about their suitability as Termies applies (i.e. they don't look very much the part) but I'm growing fond of them regardless. So much so that I might have a go with another 5 with close combat configuration (once I'm done with these obviuosly :D).












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Love the look of the Tartaros Terminators. Truthfully, whily I liked the concept of the Terminator, I always felt the original looked more "bestial" (almost like a Warhound Titan in miniature) than the paragon of Astartes warriors. As such, I like the new pattern because it better captures the themes I had in my cranium to begin with. Selfish, I know. And hey, it's a great name for the pattern... but again, I'm biased! :cuss


Also: Idrael looks amazing, man.

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@ Stobz: I keep going all right. :) I actually have run out of bases which means I have to place an order. Which in turn means I'll start on my Mk5 Marines + Deimos Rhino (for which I got plenty of bases) for the ETL "parallel" vow!


@ Kierdale: I'm happy with the pose too. The one in the FW site looked un-naturally rigid... So I added some movement. Tartaros are pretty cool in this respect.


@ Elmo: Thx mate. The stripes add color to the otherwise monochromatic pattern of the Consecrators. Glad you liked it! :)


@ Phoebus: Thx for stopping by! The Tartaros armour is interesting - and I find it easier to paint than the Indomitus. Frankly I really like these minis -however I would have prefered it if there were not supposed to be Terminators. Regardles, I'll be painting more of them! :D

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Incredible work as always! The hazard stripes and the base especially take this already top notch model to the next level, as does the pose and the way the head faces.


Why thank you Candleshoes! :D


I recall that you have also some Tartaros in the pipeline... Can't wait to see them in halved parttern! Have you received your minis yet?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thx guys!!! This ETL business is taking too much of my time...



Here's another Tartaros:









And a WIP Techmarine Anon (you think they'll let the Contemptors out with noone keeping an eye on them?) :tu:





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Hey I know I should not be loitering around the Dark Angels forum, especially after the insolence I often display to the First Chapter but I must say Captain these Consecrators are top drawer!


The black and red is an all time classic combo and I like the way you have utilised the colours on your vehicles. The Tartaros Terminators look great and suit the Consecrators theme well.


It is an army you should be proud of.


Cheers - The Yak


PS: Maybe its the distinct lack of dresses that makes me like them so much, in fact your army looks extremely practical are you sure they aren't Raptors in disguise? :devil:

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I did not hink that the red techmarine would look too good and was going to go for green with red pads but now I have seen your excellent version I think I will be reconsidering.


Great work :angry:

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Thanks for the comments guys! I see the Techmarine was popular... I need to find the strength and put the finishing touches on him - and do the base of course...


In the mean time here's another Tartaros:









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You just conviced me, if i ever get tartaros termies, they gonna be consecrators! :lol:

I dont know why some people dont like their looks, just the stormbolters alone are awesome!

Same goes for at least one contemptor!


And i really like your IW style Powerfists!


The techmarine was so stunning i thought he was done...didnt saw the base at all :D

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Thx Brother Chaplain... :)


Well the squad is finished. This is the last Tartaros Terminator: Running and with a Chainfist:







And a squad photo:





And with what appears to my "Belial"



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One thing im wondering about...


How did you do the bases for the termies? Besides the usual stones, i mean the steel stuff, meshes etc


Oh, and a bit offtopic: Besides managing the ETL (btw kudos for that), did soccer European Championship distracts you in any way? Well im distracted for sure...not that good for my ETL, yesterdays game made me drink some beers, after that i dont touch my models anymore...but you Greeks made a good game there, nice fighting!


I envy your loss, i could focus more on my ETL :tu:


Edit: I forgot youre not participating in the event, so you have all the time in the world for anything! :lol:

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