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Captain Semper's Consecrators

Captain Semper

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Thx Keith, this is the Consecrators branch of my grand scheme. The one that will cover the RW slot. The DW is covered by the Desciples of Caliban (you can find them WIP in my signature) and the "Ironwing" will be covered by the Guardians of the Covenant. That's in the future though.


For the Consecrators the highlight is done with Hawk Turquise. I works very well for the all black models but no so well for the black parts of the Disciples for example because it kind of clashes with the green. That's a matter of taste of course...


Glad you liked it! Stay tuned.

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Really? Just hawk turquoise? Man, I gotta try that out, it looks really sharp on your guys.


I've been quietly following your project for a while now, and I'm looking forward to seeing more! These guys are looking great!

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@ Brother-Captain Sharp: had a look at it and it looks great. I think I'll be ordering to test it out. Maybe it'll work for my Desciples as well...


@ Shabbadoo: nostalgia, I know... More to come though :)

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  • 1 month later...

I haven't updated this thread since Oct. 26th... The date is of some significance for those that follow developments in Greece. Said developments kept me in a depression state and away from my painting station for the best part of November and only now I find the drive to continue with my project. I initially planned to post three bikes so as to conclude the first half of the squad (Three bikes and a Land Speeder) but as it turns out I only managed the one I'm posting here... However I'm sure this will be enough to put me on top again B) Without furhter ado:












I vow I'll do the remainiong two bikes before Christmas and then continue with the attack bike and the remaining three bikes within January!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

CPT Semper, that beakie biker is lookin' awesome! You're doing a great job on your Consecrators, but I think they are quickly overtaking your Disciples as the main portion of your army! :huh:


Keep at the painting, you're doing a great job!

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Oh and also:BEAKIE BIKERS!!!!(drools....like Patric).


More is coming rest assured - it's a race against time to try and finish two more before Christmas. ;)








*tries to exterminate the "Patrick" image form his head - unsuccesfully*

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  • 2 weeks later...
Wow, these are coming along really good. As simple as the colour scheme is, your usage of red on these is really effective. You have some nice, crisp line work there. I'm really looking forward to seeing your Drop Pod from the LPC when thats done. Keep up the good work.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just finished the Drop Pod for the 6th Company Veterans (that'll be 1st squad or squad Kadmiel). The Drop Pod is part of my LPC 2012 vow so it is the same one you'll find in my LPC thread. However I want this thread to be also updated with the finished products for here its (in somewhat better quality pics thatn in the LPC thread).








Squad Kadmiel, to me!





Who's this guy?



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Looking amazing Captain Semper. Im glad you decided to stick with the Drop Pod, it looks incredible with the whole squad set up like that, they really compliment each other. I must point out also that its really good to see such consistent quality in your work.


I have to ask, whats with the Angel of Redemption? Just trying out something different, or going to work it into your Consecrators somehow? Either way, hes looking great also. You managed some nice line work, and seperated the colors really well.

Keep up the good work Captain, and good luck with the rest of your vow. Im sure we are all keen to see the rest.

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I have to ask, whats with the Angel of Redemption? Just trying out something different, or going to work it into your Consecrators somehow?


First of all thx for your kind words of encouragement! Regarding the Angel of Redemption, I'm keeping my mouth shut! ;) The Inner Circle works in mysterious ways... :)



So two bikes added. These are NOT part of the LPC 2012 vow. They were 90% done by the time the vow was declared and they (along with the LS) represent half of the 4th squad of the Consecrators 2nd Company (RW). The remaining 3 bikes and the attack bike are part of the vow and will appear in the relevant thread as WIP and here once finished.





















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Really nice looking unit. Only the Attack Bike to go. I see that you went with decals over the overly embossed Ravenwing shoulder pads. Still waffling on that myself.


Thx Shabbadoo! It is actually the attack bike AND another three regular bikes (one with special weapon) so the unit will be complete (and legal).


Regarding the RW signs I generally prefer the "elegance" of the stensiled markings rather than the embossed style. For some reason the embossed do not look exactly right to me... Is it the implicit scale or the quality of the detail itself? They look a bit "fat" to me.


Unless it's FW stuff! :D

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Great work Captain Semper! Missed this thread in the past and only just caught up now, thanks for providing a very entertaining lunch break B)


Glad that you stuck with the drop pod from your LPC thread, it looked good in that thread and even better in here. Love the colour schemes, highlights, poses and basing work, a very nice force indeed.

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