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The Primarchs - Artwork


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I find that a lot of the BL book covers fail in the design aspect.


They tend to work as full spread artworks, but when they're wrapped around, they look underwhelming or messy or just...not like a book cover. More like if I'd wrapped a Christmas present in a 40k poster.


The only book cover so far, that I think works from a design perspective, is Legion. Maybe Prospero Burns and Thousand Sons.

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They're meant to function as posters. That said, I don't see it as a bad thing, necessarily, it's actually amusing to find two primarchs fighting on the same image, like in the Fulgrim cover - even if Ferrus is pretty badly designed, in that cover.


In that sense [of hidden goodies], the cover for Primarchs is especially good. I mean, it's not easy to fit multiple characters in such a tight (and vertical) space as a BL novel cover.

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The Heresy book covers are always a complete mess in my opinion. As mentioned above, the only good one so far has been Legion. It's a book about the Alpha Legion with the Geno neatly lining the path either side. Just like the section written in the book. Bam, spot on. I can look at the book cover and go yeah, that's it, right there.
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Khan is awesome. Magnus, Lorgar, Mortarion and Fulgrim looks normal.

Angron seems like an abomination. We know his violent nature but it is never been said that he is highly mutated.

Sanguinius looks like a blonde version of Fulgrim, he should have been more "angelic".

Horus is extremely ugly, it is hard to say he is one the most charismatic primarchs.

Rogal Dorn should look like more noble, wise and stern.

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Can anyone recall any Sanguinius/Fulgrim interaction? I cant quite recall if they were ever written together. It would make for a very compelling interaction I feel, one being ever striving for perfection, the other having aways been kinda perfect already
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