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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Really hard to pick just one from the three I would like to nominate but my vote has to go to Apothecary Kyphas Sadistra by Disease, A class conversion like the mini came out of the blister like that, great base and a stunning paint job.

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Choose one?! CHOOSE ONE?! Have you not seen the competition?!




Okay, narrow it, my favourites being Athrawes's Volta and Barabbas's Unification Veteran...


Nnnnnrrrrrgggghhhh.... Gaaaaagggghhh...

The Volta! Athrawes's lore and models are just too damn unique and amazing to pass up, Lightning Bearers, hell yeah!

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There are so many fantastic entries that it's an enormously different choice, but in the end, the question is which model would make the most awesome piece of artwork in Greyall's style.


Therefore, my vote goes to One-eye's model for Oberon, Lord-captain of the Phoenix Knights' first company.

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There is some really amazing stuff in here - this thread is in my favorites bar twice: once for greyall art and now again for all the conversion ideas. 


Of all the models i want to see drawn, i was particularly by the ingenuity of struck by Poom, Thrasius and Depthcharge12.


But my vote goes BrotherCaptainArkhan. I've seen this in the flesh and it is a really amazing model. 

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I thought you were going to pick?


He's picking 4, we're picking 1 I think.


I was really struggling to choose between Barabbas Sogalon's Unification Vet and StruManChu's assault captain, however I have made my decision.


I vote for Barabbas.

Boooooooo... You know you're not so far away that he can't come up there and stomp your Nocturean head...


Just kidding mate... I'm very much chuffed you'd even consider me in the same breath as Barabbas!


Anyway, I have a similar dilemma... I've struggled with my vote, because I really love Heathen's work overall, and his commitment to the Heresy-era way of life is inspiring... But I've seen BrotherCaptainArkhan's work up close, and it's gorgeous!


But I must decide...


A vote for BrotherCaptainArkhan!

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Is it too late to post in an entry? I saw Greyall say that the deadline is today but I don't know if that was for putting in models or just voting. If so, I'd like to put my entry in. I was going to try and paint him but I have to go into work so I can't do it before the end of the night. 


So here we have a Sorcerer for the Chapter of the Ruined King and more or less a physical representation of myself in my army. This is the blind sorcerer Nihil, the Gods Speaker












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Well this is morbidly difficult. I have to be honest, I almost would prefer not to vote because there's about six different entries I think should be painted. Noctus' entry above in particular is near the top. I also wanted to go for Heathens' entry (dem chainclaws), StruManChu's 'boot to the face' entry, and Barabbas', but if I choose just one I'll have to go for Kyphas Sadistra by Disease in the end. It's the only other entry I've seen in the flesh and I'd love to see it get a 2D rendition by Greyall. Honestly I would love to see all of the above drawn (and more besides) but it would be very very cool to see Sadistra drawn up, especially as it'll light a fire under Disease's butt to finish his Throne damned army one of these days ;)


That said, whoever ends up getting drawn will more than deserve it, this is a stellar thread.

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