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Clever Girl... - Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge


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Boooooooo... You know you're not so far away that he can't come up there and stomp your Nocturean head...


Just kidding mate... I'm very much chuffed you'd even consider me in the same breath as Barabbas!


Anyway, I have a similar dilemma... I've struggled with my vote, because I really love Heathen's work overall, and his commitment to the Heresy-era way of life is inspiring... But I've seen BrotherCaptainArkhan's work up close, and it's gorgeous!


But I must decide...


A vote for BrotherCaptainArkhan!


Ain't no soft southerner scares me! :P


Seriously though, you only lost out by a hair. Great work man!

I would vote for One-eye's "Oberon". It's a really nice clean look that's not too over done. An added bonus is the excellent paint (great blending msn-wink.gif) and being as this is the "Hall of Honor" I think paint should matter laugh.png. To everyone else, great work! and thanks for all the inspiration!

Oh my ! Never ever miss a slight chance for some Greyall awesomeness !

Oberon, Lord-captain of the first company - Phoenix Knights



Okay, mates, time's up. And here's a joyous fella' to make sure of it.






Hope you like Delvarus, Contest Results follow shortly.

Oh, so still going then? Alrighty.

If bikes are allowed, I submit this old gem:


NOT ELIGIBLE FOR VOTING, but I don't wanna take it down now :lol:

If bikes are out, then this guy. I made him a loooong time ago, and is the most extensive conversion I've done to date. One of the reasons I avoid greenstuff like the plague now, actually laugh.png




Yes, it's a Librarian. I was young and misguided in those days.

I never did come up with a name for that Chapter, which is one of the reasons I abandoned it. I was quite proud of the Mobius Snake symbol, though. His whole right hand, the cable on the right arm, the hood, the mask over his face, the scales on the skull, and the thumb on his nina pose hand are greenstuff. The sword is from an old metal High Elf, I believe.

EDIT- Literally 1 minute late. You posted while I was posting. It still counts, so far as Im concerned tongue.png

Critique time! :)


The crest is at a slightly wonky angle.  The dreadlocks look...um...I'm just gonna go with 'not good' rather than the first thing that comes to mind :teehee:


The design is delicious!  And buku (booku?  bookoo?) points for making the chains look so solid, with even a little bit of wiggle in the middle.

Critique time! smile.png

The crest is at a slightly wonky angle. The dreadlocks look...um...I'm just gonna go with 'not good' rather than the first thing that comes to mind teehee.gif

The design is delicious! And buku (booku? bookoo?) points for making the chains look so solid, with even a little bit of wiggle in the middle.

If your looking for the french word meaning "a lot" its spelled beaucoup.

*the more you know*

I've gone from 45 to 10, but honestly can't go any lower. Might take as many weeks or even double, but I'll draw these guys.

Here's the rundown - winner saved for last :)

First, the Champion by popular choice:



When I said colours wouldn't count, this was why. One-Eye's CM is one of the most appealing 40K figures I've ever seen, and if this was a painting contest, it'd easily win. As a conversion, it's pretty damn awesome as well, and would've made my top 10 even if you hadn't voted for it. And that weapon...

Now here are the other 9 (no particular order except for the champion):



Kraut is a master of all things Khorne, and I can waddle around his blog for a long time before he stops inspiring me. Sure, we've all seen Khorne Marines, Terminators, Lords, etc. We've just never seen them this faithful to the Blood God's true spirit and what a blood-knight Marine should look like.


Kurgan the Lurker

This is simply delicious. And the fact that Kurgan managed to make a Gargoyle-headed Chaplain of an oldie model look not just plausible but modern and impressive is tremendous. Also, major, major points for originality.



My reaction to this guy was "What? World Eaters didn't have Chapla...oh, sure they had, and they looked like this so that's why everyone followed them". To me there's nothing better about a conversion than sense. The more sense it makes, the more of an Eureka moment it provokes, the better. This one matches leadership with bloodthirst masterfully.



Nobility is hard to achieve when you scream "Blood" whenever your mom asks you what you want for breakfast/lunch/dinner. And yet, even with the chains, the unkempt hair and - oh, right, the dual chain-knuckledusters - Ageis' fellow is kingly. Broken, but kingly. As I said, that's very, very hard to achieve.


Noctus Cornix

I honestly can't think of this guy as a character. Noctus has managed to personify Chaotic corruption in the 41st Millenium. If there's anything wrong about this guy, it's that his second job is being Astartes laxative.


Brother Captain Arkhan

This is a work of love...Really, if it had any more details, you'd see the hair in the Captain's nostrils. This is a knight of the Astartes, down to every last bit.



I can only imagine how long it took to make such a perfectly Nurglish character. And I will, when the time comes to draw him...The details are astonishing, and the overall design, flawless. It's like Disease came up with a mathematical formula for mixing Nurglish and Astartes elements - then he took it further.


Brother Heinrich

Not all Night Lords are lowlives like ADB's. Of those, roughly 99% wish they looked like this. The others are either the guy himself or dead. Heinrich has not only stayed true to the Night Lords' spirit, he's redefined it, I think, showing us their potential.

And the Winner...


Barabbas Sogalon

He doesn't just look awesome. He looks every bit like a Unification Veteran, and with an amazing simplicity. I really don't know what to say more, this is one of the most imposing and majestic 40K minis I've ever laid my eyes upon.

Congrats, Barabbas. You get an A3 battle scene.

And now, a short word of both thanks and apologies for those I wished I could've included: Heathens, The Chaplain, Athrawes, Ashmantle, Fire Golem, Mr. Bear, BCK, Kizzdougs, Sockwithaticket, Grotsmasha, and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone....

FInally, a great big thanks for all of those who entered and followed the Contest. You've really honoured me, I hope I can do justice to all these amazing minis.

Cheers, all. Keep followin, brothers :)

Wow! Thank you for the the kind words Greyall, I'm humbled to have old Hashec chosen to represent the sons of the Sunless World. Cheers to all the competitors and congrats to One-Eye on winning the popular vote! (would've had mine as well if I wasn't working). It's great individuals like you Greyall that make me love this community above all others. Cheers!


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