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Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company re-born - Army log

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Iron Circle I was painting on the 24th & spent today finish.












Unit of 10 Havocs that will be built next week.




Pick up part convert up a new Helbrute.




Just trying to make a chose for the new Siegebreaker mace relic the Iron Warriors get.  Right now I'm possible going to go for the Varanguard Knight one.........




Also saw Warhammer World just annouce a campaign in March.  I was planning on attending Throne of Skulls in Feb, but unsure if I might change to this event.  I aim go to two Throne of Skulls per year, there really great events.  But I've never been to a campaign weekend & have said to the event team about running a 13th Black Crusade when Traitor Hate was been release/back in Sept time this year.  Also it in Warhammer World, best gaming venue & all round hobby place.


See what the pack like & then aim be back down that Warhammer World around Sept - Oct time.




Our new Warhammer 40k Campaign Weekend coming soon.

You can find out more at our Open Day on 2nd Jan.




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Just got my White Dwarf during the week (subscriber) & really looking forward to the whole Gathering Storm.  The 13th Black Crusade always been my favorite campaign & my Iron Warriors did take part in.  Now I get to go though it all again :biggrin.:


After a month, got issue 3 of Will of Iron which I've enjoy & gotten some idea for,




With some Christmas money, I bought a Maulerfiend model for bitz toward my Daemon Prince conversion.  If I can get replacment engine's I can still get the fiend kit built, so maybe try get another Forge Fiend conversion done in the near future.




Also a quick mock up off a new Helbrute I'm converting up.  I don't have one with twin linked Autocannon.  In current games I've been useing my Contemptor Dreadnought.  It just some events like in Warhammer World allow Forge World.  So making the change so there no confusion & just allow me build new Dreadnought :biggrin.:


Going to use the Iron Warrior helmet from the Heresy range.





I was thinking of maybe useing Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Storm Cannon arm to rep the Autocannon.  But unsure if that maybe a bit to big for this model other wise I was thinking useing the standard Contemptor Autocannon arm.  Just really gutted Forge World stop selling there Dreadnought for Chaos & stop doing them before the whole last chance sale where brought in as well :sad.:




But spent bit time that my local store getting bit more painting done.  He almost there, re-done highlight on the robe & going to try add transfer to him.




I've also went back to this Helbrute model I think I painted around Christmas time in 2015.  I just wanted to add transfer to the knee pad & finish painting some parts I forgot to paint.






I also still need to green stuff sort torn cloth to show the Assassin's been rip apart.




Just need to re-spray matt varnish on the knee pad.


Unit of Havocs still waiting to get built.  I was going to build a few of them late afternoon, but had a lot on.  So try get some of them built tomorrow.




Unsure if I want them to be another unit like the Iron Havocs (right>>) I built a few year ago, or keep with the Havocs (left<<) look with the Heavy Bolter like once I built when I started my IW




This was just before taken my Iron Warriors to there first game 2017 against my friend Orks.  Really great game, got wipe out - it was ether deal with the Stompa or all those Ork units with there Trukks & Battle Wagons.
Right now I'm just trying out diffrent units & mainly once I've not use in a while.  I've got a game next week against my friend Nids so I'm thinking dropping one of the Havoc units & taken Maulerfiend as it been little while.


Also with 2017, I think stuff I'd like to add to my Iron Warriors this year


  • Sorcerer, inspired by Will of Iron comic
  • Havoc show above
  • Helbrute show above
  • Daemon Prince show above
  • Deflier, would really like to get a cool conversion done.  Not quite sure yet, but just somthing to try make the model more up to date
  • I've got a Land Raider still in a box
  • Siege Tyrant Terminator if they ever get release (two year since they've been rumour)
  • Any cool new Chaos models that get release during the Gathering Storm if it happen?


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Really cool update, excited to what you are going to do with that Daemon Prince. I would prefer the Autocannon conversion on the left (the belt fed heavy bolter esque autocannon one). Mainly because belt fed cannon things are AWESOME.


Helbrutes are looking tasty too, can't wait to get on with my own eventually! 

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The Church of the Lost Martyrs has risen.  A firebrand sect of the Imperial Creed, they preach that mankind has sinned, and is thus not worthy of The Emperor’s light and grace. Worship at this church is one of toil and hardship, for    sinners must atone for their transgressions. Led by Cardinal Ramaldus, the Church of the Lost      Martyrs herald the end of times. They preach that mankind must fight for its survival, and in doing so, they will redeem themselves.   This is what they preach.  This is not what they believe. They believe far worse.  The Church of the Lost Martyrs and its followers speak of a great event on the horizon. For the 13th time, all will be baptised in fire.                  


Enlightenment and redemption will be found at the end of the Crusade, and all who wish forgiveness must heed the call.  
Such rhetoric is opposed by all other Churches within the Boralis system, and violence has ensued. The Church of the Lost Martyrs has risen up and claimed Boralis II as their own.  Splinter factions are rising on other planets. The remaining Cardinals of the Boralis system have called for aid




Look like my Iron Warriors have there first event sorted for 2017, the 13th Black Crusade campaign weekend that Warhammer World - The Borialis Schism.  I'm looking forward to this, always like the 13th Black Crusade background & it has been a part of my Iron Warriors history from the world wide campaign many years ago. 


I'm still waiting to find out if multi army list are allowed.  I like that for Throne of Skulls, taken two diffrent army list.  Ether way I've got a rough idea what I want to take in my core list & one them this brand new Havoc unit.
Just built these two Iron Warriors between yesterday & today.  I've still got the Champion, 2x Autocannon & 5x Bolter arm Iron Warriors for this unit, as well as the Rhino as seen from my Christmas present - With the Rhino I'm waiting to see if FW bring back the Iron Warriors (Chaos) upgrade doors & front armour plate.


But here the two Autocannon Havoc who will get painted this week.  Want to make them bit diffrent from the Assault Cannon (count as Autocannon) version
















I'm really looking forward converting the Champion for this unit.




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Really enjoy your work, wondering what bit you used on those auto cannons havocs? Seems like a perfect look!


Thanks.  With the Autocannon is just the Autocannon from the new plastic Terminators from the Horus Heresy box game & add that onto a Heavy Bolter from the Space Marine devastator set.  Then just adding extra bitz.

Just I wanted to make these autocannon bit different from the once I've converted before useing the Assault Cannon part shown though out this log as I like having all my units with a sub theme to help add to there history & look.




So since Traitor Hate was release last year.  I've been looking forward to the Black Crusade all happing again & see where it will go.  So far I'm on page 44 that the moment but enjoy ever part of the story.  Would of had a bit more of the background read early today.  But one of my friends had today off & where looking for a 1850pts game with there Nids with Genestealer Cult allies.  One of the things for 2017 I'd like to try get is more games.

Also already fought another friend Nids army during the week as well.




Then the two Autocannon Iron Warriors.  Again, while both models are fully painted now.  Was meant try get them finish painted early today while also reading Fall of Cadia, but as said end up getting a game.  So just quickly got the finial part finish painted when I got home.















I'm really looking forward to getting this unit built.  Some of the parts have arrive in the post, so I can get a few of the Bolter arm models for this Havoc unit built & another Autocannon Battle brother built.  Just waiting on 2x Heavy Bolter part to arrive to build the finial Autocannon Battle Brother for this unit & the other HB, I want to use the backpack for the unit Champion.

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You've got some awesome conversions in this thread, finished by great paintjobs, now I just want to start Iron Warriors!!! This last Havok models are really good, I love the Iron Warrior helmet on the first one, probably on of my favourite bits ever...

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Thanks the Traitor




Just spent yesterday building the third Battle Brother for the new unit of Havocs.  I'm just waiting on a bits order to arrive so I can get the fourth Autocannon Battle Brother & Champion for this unit built.










I was originally going to make the above Havoc squad 10 model strong.  But....... I rememeber I've kept some Heavy Bolter from the MkIII plastic models a side that I wanted to use for a unit that some stage.  With a Autocannon part spare from the above conversion.  There going to be made into another squad with Autocannons.  But for this second new Havoc unit I want to try show them sort going down the Obliterator virus for the Autocannon arm models.

But until more bit order arrive.  I'm going to make this Iron Warrior champion for the new unit/other Havoc unit that will had a bit Obliterator theme to them.








Also here the Helbrute that still very much WIP.  Once again waiting on a order from Forge World to arrive.  Just order brass etching.  Then money permitting during the week might try get around order the Autocannon & the Renegade command upgrade.  I just need to get the knee pads from the plastic Daemon prince kit, sadily Let the Dice decided had a mistake on there web site & didn't have it in stock :(




Maulerfiend.  I bought the maulerfiend kit to use some part to help toward my Daemon Prince conversion with the Bloodthister.  That still going forward & part are already to one side.  But thanks to Bio, he had a few left over fiend part & it meant that I could get this model built & added to my Iron Warriors force.  Not wanting the spure to sit there gathering dust.

So I'm going to build this as a Autocannon Forge Fiend.  I really like the idea of a hoard of thie Forge/Maulerfiend supporting Chaos Knight.  It really cool seen that on the Warhammer World Chaos vs Ultramarine display as well.




While no photo, again I'm just waiting on a few bits order & Forge World order to arrive.  Then I will hopeful start building the Daemon Prince model as well.  I want to get the model fully built before anything shown.



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Always good to see an update from you IP... really digging the IW helm on yer go go gadget legs dread...kind of want to see a 'thinner' arm on the dread to match the chicken legs. DO you have any spare contemptor or iron circle/ domitar bits about to give it a look??

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Always good to see an update from you IP... really digging the IW helm on yer go go gadget legs dread...kind of want to see a 'thinner' arm on the dread to match the chicken legs. DO you have any spare contemptor or iron circle/ domitar bits about to give it a look??


Thanks Loinfjudah.


​I do have my Contemptor Dreadnought that is arm with a Autocannon I can place next to the Helbrute in the update just posted there, so I can try get that sorted in the next update on Saturday. 

It ether, I'm going with the Contemptor Autocannon or I was going for the Autocannon the Siege Dreadnought had & was kind hoping someone would post up model just get a idea of the scale but nothing so far.

​As other thing keep in mind.


Then there possible servo arm been added to the hull to fit in with Warsmith Berossus from the novel Dead Sky Black Sun.

From Dead Sky Black Sun:

Augmented and extensively engineered since his interrment, Berossus’s mechanical form towered above the other dreadnoughts of his grand company, his leg assemblies strengthened and widened to allow him to carry heavier and heavier breaching equipment. The dreadnought’s upper body was scarred and pitted, the testament of uncounted sieges engraved on its adamantium shell. One arm bore a mighty, piston-driven siege hammer, the other a monstrous drill ringed with heavy calibre cannons. Four thick, iron arms ending in vicious picks, blades, claws and heavy gauge breachers sprouted from behind Berossus’s sarcophagus and hung ready for use over his armoured carapace.


There also the trophies


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So since last week I've been building & painting a brand new unit of Havocs.  Parts finial arrive for the unit Champion & the fourth Battle Brother for this new unit.


Champion of the unit.














Then just finish painting the third Autocannon Iron Warrior during today, getting last bits painted.






I was going to model this as a 10 man havoc squad, so Champion, 4x Autocannons & then rest all Bolter.  But seen all those spare Bolter I have from the Heresy box set with MkIV & MkIII models, though be best make those 5 other Iron Warriors into another brand new squad of Havocs but try model them sort going Obliterator.  Try tie it in with conversion of Lord Narach I made back in 2006 when he use to have a Kai Gun for smaller point games or when I didn't use Warsmith Abhorred Riddick (Daemon Prince) or Lord Narach when he was a bit more tool up.


So this model now been promoted as Champion to led the new unit once more Heavy Bolter backpack arrive.






Tau trophie base on Eddie Au-tau-bots.  Just one of the coolest Tau armies I've face, though it was with the Space Wolves.




Here what I'm going try for the new unit, as said base on a old conversion of Lord Narach that the time in 2004-2005?  Had to look though my older photobucket accounts to try find these photos






Sadily don't have these models any longer.


With Traitor Legion release last month.  I'm still gutted lossing MoK & Axe of Blind fury on Lord Narach.  But all those points save has if I'm useing formation list (warband, Oblits & Tanks) allowed me to upgrade my Helbrute with Twin Linked lascannon & that mean bring back my FW Iron Warrior dreadnought, one of my favorite models.  If the game last Saturday was anything go by against Nids, shown that he really miss the gaming table taken a Trygon out in combat, wipe out a full 20 gaunt unit - took few out, there out of range of the bigger monsted & failed there Ld, follow by over-watching a Death leaper that try charge him.  Only loss one hull point that a Warpsmith fix.


I've always enjoyed useing this Helbrute in games & always does really well.  From over-watching & taken out a Eldar Farseer or just bring lot of glory to the 5th Grand Company in my games.








Really gutted Forge World stop selling these Dreadnought.  If I knew I'd bought another few along with different weapons.



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The havoc squad just finish today, with the fourth Autocannon arm Iron Warrior & Champion painted up.  Just gutted there first game on Thursday saw them been taken out on turn 1 & as first blood..............

Then it went from worst with Lord Narach & his unit of Terminators scattering & fail there mishap roll :sad.:


Just waiting on other part arrive to make my second unit of Havocs.  It just Heavy Bolter backpack I'm waiting on.
























Forgefiend.  I bought the kit a few week back useing part to convert up a Daemon Prince.  But thank to Bio he had some replacment part & sent them mean I could still build the Forgefiend.



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Thanks for the comments


Regarding your bits, do you use a lot of bits sites to come by them?


I use a few like Bitz box, Let the Dice Decide & then a few ebay accounts just help out.  I think there been other bit site I've look that but never stock the parts I needed :sad.:  Other wise I get everything else from my local Games Workshop store :biggrin.:




The second unit of New Havocs.  As said I was orignaly going to make them as Bolter arm models for the unit of Havocs I posted up few week ago.  I though it would maybe be better making these models into another unit of Havocs, wanting to try convert them as though there just starting with the Obliterator Virus, like my unit of Iron Warriors Possessed I converted last year for Throne of Skulls September









So be like my unit of Iron Warriors Possessed I converted last year for Throne of Skulls September.




Then from Friday to the weekend, there seem be a LOT happen for the hobby.  Games Workshop confirm the third part of the Gathering Storm book, which see a return of a Imperial Primarch.

But for me, it the new version of Cypher.  I'm really looking forward to getting the brand new Cypher & thinking of going back & try get my Fallen Angels force done.  I'll wait until the book out just see what happing.


Also I'm going to paint my Cypher model in green power armour.




Then during the weekend was the Horus Heresy weekender.  Look like the Siege Tyrant are finish & possible ready for release in the coming months.  So try convert them up as part of my unbound Terminators force......or now I've got a cool formation thanks to Traitor Hate & Legion supplament.





So be somthing like the Terminators I converted last year for Throne of Skulls March




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Havocs look great buddy, I've actually started putting together a squad of Havocs or Teeth of Khorne tonight for my WE as well, I'm gonna use the Terminator Reaper to count as an Autocannon and maybe a couple of Heavy Bolters as well. Basing them on the art work in Jes Goodwins sketch book and that index Chaotica book last year.
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Havocs look great buddy, I've actually started putting together a squad of Havocs or Teeth of Khorne tonight for my WE as well, I'm gonna use the Terminator Reaper to count as an Autocannon and maybe a couple of Heavy Bolters as well. Basing them on the art work in Jes Goodwins sketch book and that index Chaotica book last year.


Thanks Bio.


My friend starting to take photos of there game for Instagram.  Gutted we only got three turns, but we also had my gaming club AGM meeting just go though the year & who would like to join the committee for this year, didn't take to long & my friend arrive to the game a little late :(


So where going to try get a rematch.






2000pts - This was mainly so I could use my Dreadclaw more than anything else be honsty as I've not use the model since buy it last year.


Really enjoy useing the Dreadclaw & somthing I might look into adding more off in the near future.




Then part of today buy, there also a Land Speeder for my Ravenwing o fit with one of the formation.  Gathering Storm just for the background more than anything else........well until next month for CYPHER!!!!!!!!

Deflier for a conversion idea I've had in my head since last year.  I use to have a Deflier in my Iron Warriors back in the 13th Black Crusade campaign & when the model was originally release, but didn't use them to much.  As said one my aim with my Iron Warriors force, as well as create new units that I think look cool, also to bring back unit & character that have been a part of the Grand Company history.


I'm also going to base the Deflier as well, I think it make it a bit more neat & they look cooler with a base.  I'm not sure if I will use a cd or I've got a spare base same size as the one the Dreadclaw is on.




Then today pretty much much getting these two Havocs finish.  The other memeber of this squad get built tomorrow & painted this week.












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I must have missed a few updates in here, the Havocs look absolutely awesome, I think that's the first time I've seen your Dreadclaw completed too, love how it fits on to the base, I've been wrestling with the idea of basing my tanks and drop pods for a while and you're really swaying me towards it.

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I must have missed a few updates in here, the Havocs look absolutely awesome, I think that's the first time I've seen your Dreadclaw completed too, love how it fits on to the base, I've been wrestling with the idea of basing my tanks and drop pods for a while and you're really swaying me towards it.


Dreadclaw update can be found here



It was done as part of my Call of Chaos vow & my local Games Workshop store had a event around that time that the Dreadclaw needed to be finish for the diorama (among many other) painting comp during the day :D


Just I wanted to use it in a game.  I've got a game arrange next week with the Dreadclaw as well.  Using it to transport my Dreadnought



I base the model, part this of that was just due to been little worry how the legs would act.  Also with them been resin & to try protect it from set bit of terrain that may use sand on the base as a exsample.


If you also check out Nick Bayton Ultramarines that been in the White Dwarf & Warhammer Vision last year.  He base all of his tanks.

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I must have missed a few updates in here, the Havocs look absolutely awesome, I think that's the first time I've seen your Dreadclaw completed too, love how it fits on to the base, I've been wrestling with the idea of basing my tanks and drop pods for a while and you're really swaying me towards it.


Dreadclaw update can be found here



It was done as part of my Call of Chaos vow & my local Games Workshop store had a event around that time that the Dreadclaw needed to be finish for the diorama (among many other) painting comp during the day :biggrin.:


Just I wanted to use it in a game.  I've got a game arrange next week with the Dreadclaw as well.  Using it to transport my Dreadnought



I base the model, part this of that was just due to been little worry how the legs would act.  Also with them been resin & to try protect it from set bit of terrain that may use sand on the base as a exsample.


If you also check out Nick Bayton Ultramarines that been in the White Dwarf & Warhammer Vision last year.  He base all of his tanks.


Cheers for the link man, I shall be sure to back date y reading after work tonight, it's only too right that your dreadnought have something, what kind of awesome psycopathic killing machine doesn't have a sick ass ride.


 I think Nick's army was actually the thing that started me thinking about it, I remember seeing it in Warhammer World and liked how it tied the vehicles in to the rest of the army, I always end up deliberating between round or square bases for the tanks, I bought the square bases because the footprint fits a Rhino, but then I always wuss out.

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Great action shots IP :tu: always nice to see them on the table.


Your Havoc are looking the business too mate. I have been mulling the idea of making a squad, but I can feel it in the warp, this year they will get a new kit!


Mauler is awesome too, nice work and your Dread is an absolute BEAST!! :)

Edited by Midnight Runner
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