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Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company re-born - Army log

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Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company
This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they DIE!!!!!!!!!!

Hi everone

This is going to be a army log on my brand new (well 6th) Iron Warriors force. Hope to take photos though out the progress. I am aim for Throne of Skulls April tournament down in Warhammer World for the deadline.

Also in a few days time, Thur 17th Nov. This is going to mark ten year of collecting Iron Warriors for me, a army that has been my favrout of all time armies, along with Space Wolves & Black Templars.

I've alway been a big fan of Chaos Marines thanks to John Blanch art work from WD 202/2nd Ed Codex Chaos & have been battle with Chaos for 15 year now. From my second army in 40k being Black Legion, to my Iron Warriors & my Chaos Daemon in 2008.

For the Iron Warriors it all started when 3rd ed came out. One of my friends converted up some really nice Obliterators for his Thasound Son army, before we had the current models we have today. Also gaming wise Obliterators where complete diffrent from the way they are today & your able to take up to 6 in a single unit.
Also back then, Index Astarties where being release in the White Dwarf, given us a wealth of background into some of the famous Chaos Legions & Space Marine Chapter, even with some rules to field these armies. Like White Scar make great use of bikes, but not allow them some other chose with in codex Space Marines. The Index Astartirs also had a lot of cool art work inside as well, for me I really like the art work base on the Iron Warriors.

Since then my Iron Warriors have been battle it out against many oppents, fought in many tournaments & winning some honour from a few player chose award for best army

I though the best way to mark ten year of collecting Iron Warriors would be, to start a brand new army, well my 6th Iron Warrior force. Few of the reason is down to, I'll need to move from the old GW Inks to the current wash which are brillaint (Badab Black wash is the future!!) & also Games Workshop release a lot of cool kits over the years to further convert models which I really enjoy doing, it rare if any that I have out of the box armies, everthing got a conversion in some shape or fourm.
Chaos Marines offer a lot in term of being one of the most convertible (sp) armies out there in the 40k world along with Orks.

I'll be aim my new Iron Warriors force for Throne of Skulls April, which will mark ten years of attend tournament & then for the rest of 2012 from Throne of Skulls down in Warhammer World, to local tournaments though out Scotland.

To start thing off, here some of the new Iron Warriors I been working on since last week

First Iron Squad - Iupatus Proeliator

This was the Iron Warrior Marine that I posted a few weeks back




The first half of the squad I been work on last week & hope to finish tomorrow



Melta arm Iron Warrior - I base the Iron Warrior pose roughly on the art work of Cadaras Grendel from Graham McNeill novel "Iron Warriors"



Cadaras art work from the Black Library web site


Some recently made Iron Warriors for my first squad - The model with the Heavy Bolter/Assault cannon going to be my Autocannon arm Iron Warrior, it just look cooler & anger.





One of the reason I like Chaos Space Marines is adding trophies. Like my Mk5 Iron Warriors force. Mk6 Iron Warrior force will make great use of trophies. These are all going to be base upon past & present oppents that I had great games against from my local GW, gaming club & tournaments. It why I also like to keep count of my games for my Iron Warriors & Space Wolves.
So everon trophie you'll see on my Iron Warriors will have a story behind it, of a battle I fought many years ago to recently battles.
This Black Legion trophie is base on White Dwarf own Christian Byrne when I fought his Black Legion during Grand Tournament 2006 down in Nottingham/Warhammer World.

I've still to build the Champion for Squad - Iupatus Proeliator, just waiting on a few friends to get me some bits for the conversion. I've also to make a Iron Warrior carry the Icon of Glory. So hopeful try get both these models made during the weekend.

When I work on any army, I alway like to get my 2x Troops & HQ out of the way. I tend to get the first squad done follow by any transport, then move onto the next troop chose + transport. Then I'll paint up my HQ after word. Once the legal part of the army done, I'll tend to work on anything from there. It just save time & energy. I loss count of the time I change a army list & that Elites unit, say of Terminators are no longer needed... while none of the troops or HQ done.
So getting your troops & HQ out of the way, this allow you that time to make any changeies to the army list while collecting. Then after word I'll let the gaming make any changies.
I also tend to try get a army fully painted before I hit the gaming table as well. Just me personial I hate useing unpainted armies for a lot amount of time.

So once I got my Champion & Icon of Glory Bearer made up. I'll get to work on my Rhino for squad - Iupatus Proeliator

Also I wanted to try out a idea for my Obliterators, useing the Plastic Chaos Terminators along with the Devastators weapon. I really like the current Obliterators models don't get me wrong. But being metal & because I travel to my local GW, gaming club & to tournaments, metal models tend to add bit of wight along with all the other stuff or when travel to a tournament. He still WIP painting wise





I hope he alright. I am not wanting to go to over the top with the heavy weapons.

Also though I would show some of my older IW models or Chaos in general
This was my first Iron Warriors back 10 year ago, where it all started being my Warsmith Abhorred Riddick in Human fourm before the Daemon Prince (metal) model was ever release. Back when you where able to Mail order single bits.

Photo was taken back in 2009, I'll try get some new photos soon



Abhorred Riddick was the model that started the Iron Warriors for me, he was the first model I got back on the 17th Nov 2001. Then by Christmas I had the rest of my Iron Warriors for Conflict Scotland 2002.
You can see the rest of my Iron Warriors from though out the years by these fourms, just check my old topics.

Also I commented on Black Legion. This was my Chaos Lord & one of my first conversion I try after seen John Blacnh art work 15 year ago (was only age 10 back then)



Also John Black Art work, I though it would be cool to let new hobbiest see this. Photo was taken during the Grand Tournament 2007 when I was down in Nottingham/Warhammer World. This was in White Dwarf (UK) 202 & 2nd Ed codex Chaos Marines



A lot of stuff will be play a big role in term of give me idea from - John Blanch art work shown there. Graham McNeill Iron Warriors novels. Bloodquest comic Black Library use to do base on a Exile Blood Angels Captain in his quest in the Eye of Terror to claim a relic. Wade or know as Teethgrinder on these fourm (Games Workshop staff memeber) Khorne Bezerker army. Christian Byrne Black Legion. Andy Chamber Iron Warriors from 2nd ed era.
Codex Chaos Space Marine 2nd ed & 3.5. As well as a lot of conversion work George Dellapina done back when he had his models in the WD.

Finial here my recent tidy painting area


I'm going to aim get another update on Thur 17th.


Edited by Insane Psychopath
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Some sexy poses and touches of individuality (is that dark tongue runes I see?! Kudos!), old friend. Your blood effects look nice and not over the top also. The years have been good to your techniques it seems. I for one would like to see some clearer pics though. I feel like alot of nifty details are getting lost.


Also, what is your recipe for that brass? I would have killed for it during my Knightmare days.

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Some sexy poses and touches of individuality (is that dark tongue runes I see?! Kudos!), old friend. Your blood effects look nice and not over the top also. The years have been good to your techniques it seems. I for one would like to see some clearer pics though. I feel like alot of nifty details are getting lost.


Also, what is your recipe for that brass? I would have killed for it during my Knightmare days.




Like my Mk5 Iron Warriors force. I will be making great use of the Chaos rune found in the Warrior of Chaos army book. So exspect a lot of hidden message on my Iron Warriors. Current once don't have any message, just went with the once there to try out some idea & for the way I want to do my squad marking.


Yes I'll need to take better photos on Thur when it better light as well.


Brass/gold done


Dwarf Bronze

Badab Black wash

Burnished Gold? but make sure to leave some of the Dward bronze shown for the shade (Hopeful it can be seen on the shoulder pads)

Devlan Mud wash

Leviathan Purple wash

Shining Gold for the highlight & pick out the rivit's (again hope it shown on the Shoulder pads)


That pretty much it.


So try get new photos on Thur. Hopeful my friends will have the bits tomorrow for me, so I can start work on the Champion & Icon of Glory bearer. Got a few idea for both of them.

Then try get working on the Rhino on Sat. Also hope to pick up Eavy Metal Brush Set as I been highly recommended trying out the glaze/matt wash out & also pick up Eavy Metal Masterclass book.



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Just a little quick update


Today now mark ten years of collecting Iron Warriors for me :D


Here some models I was working on in my local GW store yesterday






Autocannon arm Iron Warrior - I've chosen to use the Heavy Bolter with Land Speeder Assault Cannon to rep my Autcannon in game. As said just look more danger to the foe it shot down.

With the Heavy Bolter Backpack, I though be good to try the Yellow & Black strip on it as a nice spot colour


Edit - Sorry for the little blurry photo. I will get better once next time.








So the first unit of Iron Warriors is almost there. I am aim to spend Sat afternoon getting the Champion made as well as the Icon of Glory Iron Warrior. Also, the bare heads above are not painted yet, I'm wanting to wait until Sat - When Games Workshhop release a lot of new hobby gear from the Painting Guide to the Eavy Metal Paint Brush set with the Glaze stuff. I've been highly recommend the pots of glaze & want to try out a few stuff useing them painting wise.


Also I start work yesterday on my Rhino




Yes I paint the inside of my Rhinos. Just look cool & there a lot of stuff you can do. I'm still working out idea in term of what I want to do, ether Blood made Chaos Icon's?? or somthing along those lines.



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Question? Berserkers? Taking them and if so, any ideas yet in terms of design and painting?


I am thinking about a unit for 1750pts leval, which would be 8 strong. They would be Iron Warriors - Like Storm of Iron how there where Iron Warriors who where going toward Khorne, but not World Eater Bezerker type yet if that make sence. Also Index Astarties allow you to use 0-1 Bezerker unit back in the days.


Idea wise they'd all be converted with Chaos running legs, useing Chaos Space Marines legs & Space Marine Assault Legs, with a little bit of green stuff. Painting wise, think of Titus from the Space Marine computer game after your just slaughter a hoard of Orks Boyz. In my view Khorne Bezerker get there red armour from the blood they spilt. So still be Iron Warriors but just a bit more blood.

Might also bring in element from Uzas - From Aaron Dembski-Bowden Night Lord novels



But for the time being, not sure when I would add Bezerker in as yet. But they will be added. Also due to no longer useing the old inks, I can happily add a few extras, bring back a lot of Characters from my 2001 to earily 3.5 era Iron Warrior army.


Aim right now will be to get my 2x Troop chose out of the way, then my Warsmith Abhorred Riddick done & then can start going onto the other units :P



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Congratulations to collecting Iron Warriors for 10 years, one of the coolest armies out there (though this view might be slightly biased :P )! I still have one year to go until I reach that goal, but seeing your new cool IW stuff makes me already want to think about something special I could do for that date. So I'll be watching this thread closely to get some inspirations.


Iron Within! Iron Without!

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I am thinking about a unit for 1750pts leval, which would be 8 strong. They would be Iron Warriors - Like Storm of Iron how there where Iron Warriors who where going toward Khorne, but not World Eater Bezerker type yet if that make sence. Also Index Astarties allow you to use 0-1 Bezerker unit back in the days.


Idea wise they'd all be converted with Chaos running legs, useing Chaos Space Marines legs & Space Marine Assault Legs, with a little bit of green stuff. Painting wise, think of Titus from the Space Marine computer game after your just slaughter a hoard of Orks Boyz. In my view Khorne Bezerker get there red armour from the blood they spilt. So still be Iron Warriors but just a bit more blood.



I see what you are saying completely. Truth is when I returned to the hobby one of the concepts I kicked around was a "Re-Inventing Fear" style Iron Warriors project, and loved brainstorming Berserker concepts. To me the cold, calculating brain of the Iron Warriors would look at the bretheren falling into Khorne worship as "having episodes" so to speak. Throw them into a unit and have them be the "hammer" to another units "anvil" in the trenches you know?

I love the gore idea from Space Marine. Have you thought of doing it in degrees? Perhaps the newer members of the unit show disturbing habits that made putting them into the unit needed - like taking a gore covered hand and smearing the blood across their helmet, chest, a shoulderpad. Maybe also in terms of modelling converting some Black Templar arms? The ones with chainswords chained to them?


Love your project and you (along with good ol' Chrono) are synonomous with Iron Warriors in my head. Figured since I'm not doing anything with these ideas I had maybe someone would take em or leave em. ^_^

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Just a quick update


Bought the Eavy Metal paint set today & really worth it. The Eavy Metal Medium/glaze been pretty cool so far on the test model (sorry no photos as it was a random WFB model & we are a power armour fourm). Really impress with the Medium & really hope Games Workshop release this in the future as single pots as well (hopeful along with "how to green stuff/sculpt", all the Hobby team articles & "how to roll GW dice").


Iron Warriors side of things - Current just finish the Icon of Glory Iron Warrior. Just about to convert up the Champion. First unit almost there & then I can go onto my Rhino which will see a Crusifed (sp) Black Templars.

Also need to start getting the Second squad ready to build soon, just need to put aside all the bits for each Marine of the unit so they are all ready to convert up. I might sub theme the second unit more toward a Khorne aspect, but not full on Khorne Bezerker.



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Really impress with the Medium & really hope Games Workshop release this in the future as single pots as well


Two options for you if you want to buy Medium in bulk; Any good art store will carry Medium, and it's usually called something like Soft Gel Medium and come in Matte or Gloss. Odds are it'll be too thick, but it can be thinned very easy. Your other option is a substance called Acrylic Adhesive, which is a glue, but can be used as a varnish or as a great base for mix-your-own Glazes/Washes. This adhesive is also some of the best water based glue you can use, in my humble opinion. I use it for all my basing, and will never use 'white glue' again. Both will be far cheaper than any price point GW would come up with, and you'll get more.


Beyond that, great work so far. It'll be nice to see how this project progresses.

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Really loving these guys, IP. That autocannon especially rocks - it's got a real Iron Warriors feel, with the technology improved in an efficient, dangerous-looking way. It's also great to see the improvements you've made in style and technique. Keep 'em coming!
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Little update on the Iron Warriors


Was trying the new GW Medium to make stubble/shaven hair for my models, hope to use this though out my army from shaven hair to beards. Just the way I sort of see the Iron Warriors & just added another leval to the models. One thing I like to do when collect a army is to try somthing new out from model to painting.




Also hopeful a better photos of the Autocannon IW backpack




Like wise with the Melta Gun arm IW




1st Iron Squad, just wanted to see how the models all look together in there unit




Finial the Champion & Glory of Chaos icon bearer




The head is not glue on. This is the Forge World Raven Guard Captain/specil ch. The head was taken from a model I was work on a while back, but that project he was for has stop.

It a great bare head & fit really well with IW or Iron Hands. I know I've use it a lot though out my Space Wolves force.


Icon bearer. Unsure what to do with the flag. Mk5 army had a free hand Chaos Icon & then a bit of Chaos Ruins. But would not mind painting space, few planets & then the Chaos Undivided Icon with flames behind it. We'll see what workible in the end.


2nd Iron Squad preview




I am still waiting on some bits to arrive. The models have been base, so as soon as the bits arrive in the post. I can get them glue on & undercaot my models asap, instead of doing that & then base them, waiting a hour until I can undercaot them.


The IW with the T face Bezerker helmet, I would like the do the yellow & black hazer strip on his face plate. One idea I would like to try on a future T Face Bezerker helmet would be to have a Jaw from some Xeno beast as a trophie, just that the bottem part of the T face bezerker face plate.


I'm going to try start work on my 1st Iron Squad Rhino, try start building that tomorrow night so I can start getting that painted soon.


Also hope this is a better photo of the Obliterator




Old School models


As said in the orignaly post when starting this project log. Was going to try get some photos of my Older Models


Warsmith Abhorred Riddick in 2001, before he became a Daemon Prince




Part of Abhorred Bodyguards, two Champion & a Sorcerer. The Sorcerer was painted the day before Conflict Scotland tournament. Since then I alway painted a model before a tournament over the near ten years of attending tournaments from Conflict Scotland, few local gaming clubs here & then the tournament down in Nottingham Warhammer World.




Like my Space Wolves, my Iron Warriors have a lot of history thanks to the games they fought in vs some great oppents. In the Bodyguard, the Champion with Power Fist was know as Narach.

When codex 3.5 came out, it was time to update him. Thanks to the games, he became promoted to be a protege of my Warsmith & fought though out the Medusa V in 2006.

He became game wise a Inflty Daemonic Speeder Lt in my army, slaughter many, took out 500 pts of Imperial Guards before he kept fail his Ld for the Daemonic Weapon (Dark Blade) :P How crule the Chaos can be






In fact I found some background a friend had done back from my old gaming club which I'll post up after the photos


Here my Land Raider which was gotten in 2001 for my Christmas, built this that 3am & painted it though out the Christmas day






So that it for now. I am just waiting on a lot of bits to arrive ether from post or friends rememeber to bring them. I should be painting the Champion & Icon bearer on Wed. While the new models for Second squad, it'll all depend if the postman bring those bits!! I need Bits for the Bits gods, spure for the spure throne!!


Also though ask people there though on this. Like my Space Wolves, my aim for the IW is to make each model there own. End of the day Marines are hero in there own rights, or in Chaos anti hero. Know though out for there deeds. They are not clones (as in all the same)


Was thinking of possible Mail order - Chaos Space Marine Chirugeon Backpack




It was to use Fabius Bile Chirugeon Backpack on a Champion or standard trooper. Be the guy who collect the gene seed, bit like a Apothercary, but somthing more Chaos, like Variel the Flayer from A B-D Night Lord Novels. Just wounder how this would be in term model in my IW force.

Fail that, could alway use the bits on my Obliterators


Before I forget, I said I'd post up the background on one of my Iron Warriors, being Narach. This was during a campaign (sp) that my old gaming club done back in 2006? Where it was pretty much Chaos Marines vs Imperial, Sister & Guards. The background was done by my friend to help myself for background to use in tournaments & just in general if it a army I really like, I want it to be well know. Can not have a faceless army in my view. I rather say "By Morkai black fang, Rothgar the Skald (Dreadnought) has failed to his with his Twin Linked Lascannon for all six turns!!"


The Belarius Crusade


The Belarius Crusade is a torch striking into the Darkness of the previously lost and uncharted sectors within the Ultima Segmentum. From the Imperial Shrine World of Hesha the armies of the God Emperor assembled and set out to liberate the worlds known as the Athenema cluster, partly in response to increasing Chaos incursions into the sector. A host of millions of Imperial Guard, Adeptus Sororitas of the Order of Golden Chalice and several Chapters of the Emperors blessed Astartes strike into the void to meet and cleanse the dark places infested with the Archenemy. In response the hosts of Chaos who have long been gathering their strength in the places untouched by human eyes rallied under the blasphemies and dark sacrifices of their unholy masters.


This dark host struck the first Imperial worlds only four hours before the Crusade entered the warp destined for the front line. Meanwhile the advance elements of the Chaos host felling upon the World of Sellon II and the Forge World of Delphis IV. Much of Sellon suffered under the ruthless Chaos advance headed by the Iron warriors. Yet with word of their saviours only days away they held bravely until the spearhead of the Adeptus Sororitas and Astartes Blood Angels could make planet-fall. Here the Emperors chosen bloodied the Chaos advance at the major river Romic in the Capital of Sellon II. With major reinforcements of Guard the Imperials surged forward throwing the Chaos assault into retreat. Iron warrior contingents lead the more mortal elements in a rear Guard action but very driven back by the ferocity of the Blood Angels assault and the supporting Guard elements.


With many of his forces poorly positioned and most in rout the Chaos Warmaster called for withdrawal to the Forge World of Delphis VI. Imperial forces rushed to turn this retreat into a massacre using long ranged artillery to hammer the embarking Chaos troops and lander

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The experiment to make stubble paid off in spades. The skin itself really captures an IW feel - they look grimy and sweaty.


How exactly did you achieve the shaved look? I'm not familiar with any of these new products. Foundation Paints were new when I left the hobby. :/


Nick Bayton who use to be part of the GW Hobby team, but now GW event team suggested mixing - Chaos Black, Codex Grey & Schorched brown, as he done this on his Ultramarine army for Armies on Parade.



So I've mix this up in a empty pot, mainly Wash once as they are easy to clean.

While it was suggested by other to try out the Eavy Metal Medium when that was advertise in the White Dwarf just last month.


With the Medium glaze, mix this on a palette with the stubble


Skin is - Bronze Flesh (no longer on sale, but I kept well stock), Brown Ink (again no longer sale, but because it only small bits like Flesh for exsample I use it, just not on whole armies like my My5 army did in the event running out) & then dry brush with Bleach Bone.

Going to find out how one of my friends paint the skin on there Space Wolves which is really cool.



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Update time


Little update on the Iron Warriors. 1st Iron squad almost done, just a few details to finish off & my Icon of Glory to finish. So here what I done so far


My Champion with two finish Iron Warriors Chaos Marines. Just varnish these a few moment ago, the two IW I wanted to get some of the GW water effect on the models. While Champion was just to get him done & get the Servo Skull added onto the base, also so I would not loss the clear plastic rod.








Use some of the GW Medium on mix paint for the shaven head & beard. As said added a Servo skull, I would like to add more to my army. I converted up a lot of Servo Skulls on my Mk5 army, all from undead skulls & Scout Sniper, so would like to keep this going with my IW. I see them floating around the battle feild, give my Iron Warriors that vital information during there seige warfare.


Melta army IW, hopeful shown bit more with the base/water effect.




1st Iron squad - Iupatus Proeliator






Start of my 2nd Iron Squad - Be Graphicus




I though be nice to have the yellow & black strip on the T face plate on the helmet, it got a bit of metal on there, but not as chip as the weapons.




Melta arm IW






Two IW I made on Fri in the wash stage. I use Badab Black after paint Boltgun metal on, then Purple, follow by more Badab Black wash before dry brush with Bolt Gun metal






Iron Warrior Chaos Marine that I just built a few hour ago






With the Skull, I done this again on my Mk5 army. Again it just added to that tech theme, about Iron Warriors getting that tactical data during a battle/siege warfare. This was orignaly inspired by a bit of Art work, I belive it was a Dev drawing on a Techmarine taken back during the rumour leding up to the 4th ed Space Marine codex with Traits, it was on warseer that much is all I can rememeber from a few year back




Finial, I was hope to get my Rhino for my first Iron Warrior squad all built. But I am going to add a bit more painting wise, to try bring some focuse to this when I got the army display & if people are seeing the inside of the Rhino model. So trying to think of a way to make the inside of the Rhino stand out & general look really cool as the out side of the Rhino model will be once it is all built.



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Update time


I've been busy working away on my 2nd Iron Squad - Be Graphicus, during this week. Just have a Champion & my Autocannon arm Iron Warrior left to build & paint for this unit.


So here what I got so far


Icon of Glory Iron Warrior








Iron Warrior's with Bolters


Edit - Just notice his eye need re-done, get that done tomorrow in my local GW store.






Really like the Eavy Metal Medium for try out on shave hair




Melta arm Iron Warrior




Hopeful the photo can show this. I am trying a glow effect on the eyes. Useing Blue, just this was due to the tubes being painted Red on my models. Though blue be pretty cool for the glass. Hopeful it work out, once the models are varnish I'll get some gloss varnish in any glass like the gun scope & the eye lence of the IW helmets.


The only finish Iron Warrior so far for this unit. I painted this Iron Warrior Chaos Marine as part of Brother Nihm hobby challenge over in the Chaos area of these fourms - "Inspirational Friday 11/25/2011, Do you dare to..paint!" where you where to paint a single Chaos Marine for today









Then some recently built Iron Warrior Chaos Marines, which I hope to get some paint on them tomorrow when I am in my local GW store






2nd Iron Squad - Be Graphicus as it currently stands




When ever starting a new army, I alway like to try keep them together useing ether the plastic GW painting stastion or a tank box. Just keep everthing together & allow me to see how a project going




As seen there, I got my Rhino all built now. I just need to get some plasticard onto this. I'll be aim tomorrow afternoon & Sunday night getting all this done. I'll be make some Chaos style plasticard extra armour & I will also be getting a Iron Warrior icon - plasticard onto the hatch of the tank.


Next up after the Rhino will be the second squad Rhino & to start work on my Warsmith Abhorred Riddick. I've also got enought bits to start on my first unit of Chaos Terminators as well.



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Nice looking army, I'm also working on a new Grey Knight force. I've just spent 400 quid on my new army...


I'm gonna be trying my hand at NNM I think... could be interesting.


Yes I saw your going for a Custodian (sp) theme army. Take it you'll be aim for Throne of Skulls April with the new Grey Knight force & know you, it'll be a Terminators armour base army :P :D

For the NNM metal, I'd suggest getting the Eavy Metal painting guide, it really good book, though stuff is already in the WD, just it all in one place & there a lot of cool models in there. Really nice guide on NNM in there.


Thanks. Right now just planning my third unit. Want a Bezerker feel, but they are noe Bezerker, just Iron Warriors who like to spill blood in close combat. Need to try get my hands on as many Grey Knight Ward Staff as possible for this unit (spiky) :)


Have just spoted that the new Turft grass is up for advance order. I'll be pick up a set next week from my local GW store to try out on my Iron Warriors force & mean I'll be able to get my models varnish. I tend to get my base all done with static grass, then varnish. Just this help the static grass to stand up little better & just help seal this onto the base.



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Yeah dude I'm gonna go for an all Custodian Grey Knight army and yeah you guessed it... Draigowing! I've looked at that before but like the idea of doing them using washes and cheating slightly. :lol:


Let me know about that Mordheim Turf as I'd really like to use it on my Grey Knights, could be done really well if I did it right.

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Yeah dude I'm gonna go for an all Custodian Grey Knight army and yeah you guessed it... Draigowing! I've looked at that before but like the idea of doing them using washes and cheating slightly. :P


Let me know about that Mordheim Turf as I'd really like to use it on my Grey Knights, could be done really well if I did it right.




Yes I'll let you know how the turft work out. Aim to get this on Sat asap, then try some of it in the afternoon on my Iron Warrior first squad. Need to get them finish as part of my local GW store painting pleadge. Already that chapter master, next phase for me is Emperor, don't want to be a smelly old spawn for those who miss out on them.

So be getting update on that asap.


So far I been really impress with the Eavy Metal Medium, really enjoy useing this on my IW for the shaven hair/beards/stubble, really really recommend this. If GW release this as single pots, it'll be like Badab Black to me, go though one pot of Badab Black per week.


tyrannosaurus Posted Today, 10:42 AM

Loving these Iron Warriors - the bronze is spot on as are the blue glowing eyes - I really like the black shoulderpad with the red chaos symbol on it, helps to break up the silver a bit - hazard stripes on the banner guy's helmet are a really good idea too


Thanks. Yes just alway been a fan of Red/Black, as you said it just break it up a little along with the Chaos Ruins. Happy people are like the blue glow effect, was a little worry on this. Still to be finish off, waiting for the Truft to be release before I start varnish any of my models.

Like wise with the banner, as this was a idea talk to with a few people in my local GW store, just trying to find a way to help make the banner stand out a little bit. Were still talk about some more idea for the banner as well.


Project side - Mange to get some paint on the new IW I shown yesterday. Mail order has been place for the 2nd Iron Squad champion. Basicly Bile backpack, I though be cool to try this out for some conversion work



I never really saw Bile backpack in the flesh in all the 15 year I been in the hobby be honsty. Just wanted to see what it like. If it look cool, as well as the 2nd Iron squad champion. I hope to get a few more to try out on some Obliterators

So right now I'll get the current models for the 2nd IW squad finish. Move onto the Rhinos, my Warsmith & also get my Terminators all ready so they can be painted in my local GW store this Wed.



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