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=][= Librarium Painting Challenge 2012 =][=

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Okay guys, I'm off to gallivant around Europe for a while :D The control of the LPC has been passed to Gillyfish and Brother Tyler (who've been around the place helping anyway).


Any questions or queries should be addressed to them. I'll have sporadic access to the internet at best and I can't promise any replies to PMs.


Well, that's from me for now. See you at the end of February, I hope to see some completed vows by then at least :) Good luck! And my the best subforum win...

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I, Wayward of the Dark Angels, vow on the honour of the Unforgiven to paint and present at least a Company Master, and its Command Squad on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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I, Taz of the Blood Angels Chapter, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least

One Astorath the Grim,

One Mephiston, Lord of Death

One Death Company Rhino

and One Land Raider Crusader

on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


Yeah. Fancy, multi-colored posts in your collective grill.

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I, ChrisB1 of the Ordos Inquisition, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least ONE STORMRAVEN and TWO PSI-RIFLEMEN on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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I, Bulweih of the Space Wolf subforum, vow on the honour of my Legion to paint and present at least 1 TDA Wolf Priest on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


The 13th warrior joins his brothers.

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I, Cleal Baros of the Liber Astartes subforum, vow on the honour of my chapter, the Order of Dorn, to paint and present at least two complete crusader squads on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


WIP pics are to be found in my project log.

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I, Hexagon Sun of the Dark Angels, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least one tactical squad on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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I, phoenix01 of the Black Templars, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present one crusader squad of seven initiates on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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I, Brother Godhead of the Space Wolf chapter and forum, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present 3 SW drop pods on or before the 31st of March, 2011. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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I, Mercy 0f Spades of the Dark Angels, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 2 Five-Man Company Veteran Squads, 3 Razorbacks, a Venerable Dreadnought, and a squad of Deathwing Terminators on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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I, Battle Brother Furniture of the Index Astartes and the Imperial Fists, vow on the honor of my Chapter to paint and present at least 15 Imperial Fists Tactical Marines on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


Before taking this vow, I have only completed 5 tactical marines with bolters, and a foot Chaplain for my new Imperial Fists army. This oath will ignite the fire that I shall need to get motivated to fill up that tactical squad, and add another tactical squad to bring my army to a playable 500 pts of models! I may not have much free time, working towards my MBA, but I will not let such a thing keep me from fulfilling this dread oath, lest I shame the honor of the Imperial Fists, the Emperor's own praetorians and the sons of Dorn! I will start a new WIP thread in the PCA WIP forum as soon as I get the first marines assembled and primed and will keep you updated on my progress with pictures.

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I, ChuckPasadena, oddly not from anywhere near Pasadena, of the noble and esteemed Black Templars, vow on the honour of my Chapter, the 3rd Mobile Infantry, more commonly known across the Segmentum as "The Queens Armored", to paint and present at least 10 new Chapter Initiates and a bright and shiny new Immolator from whence the "Queens" derive their name, on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


Laugh all you want at the fact the Queens are driving a "Chick Tank". Those twin linked heavy flamers will melt the smile right off your face.

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I, Order_of_the_Dragon,of the Dark Angels, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 1 chaplain and 2 x10 man tactical squads on or before the 31st of March, 2011. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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I, Chaplian Silkor of the Ultramarines, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 1 Land Raider (Terminus), 1 Command squad, 1 Combat Squad, 3 Sternguard Veterans and a Kayvaan Shrike count-as on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.


Edited stuff in bold

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I, Nards08 of the Black Templars, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 15 Initiates and 1 objective marker on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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I, Spawnius of the Black Templars, vow on the honour of my Chapter to paint and present at least 10 Initiates on or before the 31st of March, 2012. I promise to provide at least two WIP updates, preferably with pictures, in that time. I vow that if I should fail, I will provide the Librarium with an article and wear the Signature of Shame until my penitence period is done.
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