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Custom Blood Angel Dice


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Got mine yesterday. Of course with my luck my wife had to get the mail first, so had to explain why I got even more dice... but they are beautiful, well worth it.


Thanks again!

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wow the USPS was spot on with their service over the weekend. I wasn't expecting these to arrive so early. VERY happy to have served my battle brothers so well. Glad everyone that has gotten them so far are pleased with them.
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I just stepped outside to see the mailman drive away, and I made all haste to the mailbox. Upon opening, I found a box and inside were my preciouses! Thanks again, E! I was hoping to get my first game in with them tonight, but the fiance is hinting hard that she wants to go to a hockey game with some friends of ours. She knows Tuesday nights are for 40k. Ah well, hopefully sometime soon!
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wow that was quick Drunken_Angel! 4 business/mailing days to get to NZ from the US.


Just seen in 2 other chapter forums that a custom dice revolution has begun haha! Well done brothers! We're the ones who started it (I believe) Glad to see that we've given a local U.S. business all of this work (no offense to oversea businesses, I'm just partial cause I live here. It's appreciated though.) So much in fact, that they're unable to take anymore orders for custom dice until they catch up on other orders.


I'll be looking to get some Death Company themed dice done here soon. So keep you eyes peeled and ears to the ground for when that happens. I spoke with Joe about them and he said they'd be able to do them at the end of March. I'm doubtful we'll see the numbers we saw with our Blood Angel dice, but I'm hopeful we'll get the price into the $0.42/dice range.


I'm very glad to have been able to do this for everyone and look forward to being able to do it again.

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wow that was quick Drunken_Angel! 4 business/mailing days to get to NZ from the US.


Just seen in 2 other chapter forums that a custom dice revolution has begun haha! Well done brothers! We're the ones who started it (I believe) Glad to see that we've given a local U.S. business all of this work (no offense to oversea businesses, I'm just partial cause I live here. It's appreciated though.) So much in fact, that they're unable to take anymore orders for custom dice until they catch up on other orders.


I'll be looking to get some Death Company themed dice done here soon. So keep you eyes peeled and ears to the ground for when that happens. I spoke with Joe about them and he said they'd be able to do them at the end of March. I'm doubtful we'll see the numbers we saw with our Blood Angel dice, but I'm hopeful we'll get the price into the $0.42/dice range.


I'm very glad to have been able to do this for everyone and look forward to being able to do it again.




Lemartes would be well pleased and honour you, I am in for another 50 dice to order

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I got mine yesterday and this evening I'll unleash the wrath of Sanguinius! Wielding my new spiritual relics/dice my Brothers and I shall be both unstoppable and invincible!


They look great! Thanks for carrying out this endeavour, Eviscerator.


Best of luck Brothers!

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Count me in on that DC dice order, E! Since we bounced logo ideas around several weeks ago, I've begun working on repainting my DC and will definitely need more than just 30 dice for a large squad on the charge. Thanks again for doing this, I couldn't be happier with this order.
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