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***Librarium's Painting Challenge 2012 - Phase II***

Captain Semper

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What happened to your catalepsean node? Report to the apothecarium at once!


Updated to 80% ^_^

I used to be able to not sleep like you, but then I took a bolt round to the catalepsean node. ;)


Back to painting! Time for the Land Speeder.

Well, we do have approx. 2:30 hours until the day is over (GMT). But I'm sure time zones will be taken into account. So go for it mate! No heretic will hide from your speeder!

Captin Semper,


Brother Sargon reporting. All objectives reached and awaiting further orders. Heretics crushed and are in full route. Our faith in the Emperor and the blessing of our tactical drednought proved anthem to the enemy!


For the Lion!





Until the sword is reforged!

All hail Sargon, the 40th Hero of the Chapter!!! He was working underground for some time - but in true DA style he emerged whe least expected!!! Along with ten DW termies no less!


Congratulations Sargon for completing - don't forget to declare your vow complete to the official LPC thread here. All that's required is to make a new post stating you completed your vow and add a link to your WIP thread.


Just to show the magnitude of our success, let me point out that with this completion we tabled the IA guys EVEN including the two vows marked [iA?] raising their total commitment to 39 (vs. 37 officially recognized). And just to add context, the third largest subforum in terms of vows is BTs and they have 48 in total!


And I have a feeling we are not done yet! :tu:

I think we are on the fast track to victory :tu: If we can table the BT, it will be awesome.


Its all down to the master of Recruits, all hail Captain Semper! Your efforts have been legendary :)

Haha, the captain does indeed deserve a medal for the effort he's put in. I honestly do think that without this thread and his continued support we'd not be sitting on over 75% completed vows which is amazing. Good work all round people!

Main Land Speeder body done. Crew members for it and the attack bike are next. 4 more hours till deadline, I think I'm gonna make it, thanks to an all night painting spree last night. :(



Back to work!

All hail Puck the 41st Hero of the Chapter! Next thing he'll do is free handing Chapter Symbols -with his airbrush!!! :D Congratulations Puck - meeting the deadline too! Awesome!


Now this means 41 completions or 79% completion rate! On more completion and we are above 80%, ONE MORE - (looking at you Brother Captain Sharp ;))!!!


Well as my own catalepsean node recovers I can't wait for the final whistle...

All hail Brother Captain Sharp the 42nd Hero of the Chapter!!! This is some force mate - congratulations!!! The Dread will surely pass in the history books and we still demand an army-wide picture!!!


This was done in the nick of time - bravo Brother Captain.


Now we exceed 80% (yes you read correctly) completion rate!!! Such is the wrath of the Unforgiven and such is the fate of the traitor and the heretic!!!


Now all we need is the final whistle (and any other brother that might come from the cold)! <_<


Sit tight brothers - the LPC will officially be declared over very shortly...

This is looking good!


I am impressed with the level of skill and commitment that this forum has shown in their dedication to serve the Lion and the sheer amount of encouragement that has been given, not only to those who completed, but also those who were unable, due to over reasons, to not, quite finish. Brothers, and sisters, you make me proud to call myself a Son of the Lion. Truly, the 1st has made their come back and this is down, in large part to the outstanding efforts of Captain Semper who has bullied, cajoled and pushed us all onto victory. Truly, he is the hero of the hour and should be honoured for his dedication and service to the Legion. Way to go Semper!

Truly, the 1st has made their come back and this is down, in large part to the outstanding efforts of Captain Semper who has bullied, cajoled and pushed us all onto victory. Truly, he is the hero of the hour and should be honoured for his dedication and service to the Legion. Way to go Semper!

Hear, hear! :( Wouldn't have made it without you pushing me, Semper. This LPC I painted the most models in one week that I ever have before, all thanks to you. Truly a hero of the chapter. <_<


And nice job guys. Our codex may be old, our options limited, and our pricing too high, but let it never be said that Dark Angels fans are not dedicated. :) We kicked some serious hindparts this LPC.

Brother Captain Sharp,


That is a brilliant finish to the LPC both for yourself and for this forum.


COngratulations to everyone who participated. Those who couldn't complete, please remember that the spirit of participation is far more important than completion. The fact that so many aprticipated was one of the inspirations for me actually getting off my lazy back and making time to complete my vow.. although jsut a measely five scouts compared to some of the more extensive commitments. Those being awarded the purity seal by Captain Semper certainly deserve them.


Great praise must go to Captain Semper who's recruitment drive and the subsequent intelligence gathering and cajoling went a very long way towards getting everyone to the finish line. The fact that we always knew at what stage the forum's compeltions stood was a great help and inspiration to every participant.


I can only hope that the rejuneated spirit within these forums will continue to swell as the anticipated release of the 6th edition and the new dark Angels Codex gets closer to becoming a reality.


Captain Semper: Duty is it's own reward!! ;)





Amadis was standing in the centre of what used to be the Basilica’s Sanctum. Now it was mostly rubble under an open sky. The south wing of the structure was held by squad Baphomael and in the north wing Oertha was relieved by squad Zariah – the 3rd squad of the 6th Company. Khadmiel and his veterans were entrenched here in the Sanctum, the east-facing part of the destroyed Basilica. Amadis new it will require nothing less than Exterminatus to dislodge them from their position now… The thought amused him, distracting his troubled mind for a brief moment.

The prevailing silence was broken and he lifted his eyes to the sky as the shuttle “Aura of Justice” was heard approaching in the horizon. In a few seconds the shuttle had landed. With a “whoosh” the door slide open and the figure of Enoch, Master of the 6th Company, in full regalia, appeared in front of him. Amadis saluted by bringing his right fist to his chest. The 6th Master fixed his eyes on Amadis for a second and then replied with a nod.

- Brother-Chaplain, do you have it?

- Yes Master, this way…

Amadis walked to the centre of the Sanctum where a large rectangular trap-door lay on the tiled floor. Without waiting for the order, Amadis lifted the heavy door to reveal a wide, stone staircase. The two Marines walked down the stairs, and entered a barely lit domed room. In the middle of the room there was an altar of obsidian marble and on it, there was a little shiny golden box.

- Is that it? Is this the relic? Enoch could hardly contain his excitement.

- This is LPC-12 Master. And it is ours!


icon7.gif Dark Angels LPC -2012 Roll of Honour icon7.gif

25-Jan bevulf

31-Jan Pbenner

03-Feb Flint&Steel

03-Feb stuka06

04-Feb CAM77

04-Feb Mercy of Spades

06-Feb Lord_Hail

07-Feb Droma

09-Feb Captain Semper

09-Feb Yellow Stripe

11-Feb Smellyfox

18-Feb Grand Master Neo

18-Feb Skink

19-Feb Brother-Sergeant Bohemond

22-Feb Elmo9141

22-Feb Uhr

23-Feb MadDoc

24-Feb Stobz

27-Feb Brother dean

29-Feb Louis

03-Mar Hexagon Sun

06-Mar Grand Master Belial

09-Mar Vazzy

10-Mar Gillyfish

11-Mar march10k

14-Mar Wayward

16-Mar Cactus

18-Mar Hezekiel

19-Mar Shadow Guard

23-Mar Dark Rage

24-Mar Brother Immolator

24-Mar Grotsmasha

25-Mar Darkest Angel

27-Mar PR_Luzbelito

28-Mar Brother Kovash

29-Mar pueriexdeus

30-Mar Piusservant

30-Mar egon1six

31-Mar Zincite

31-Mar sargon29

31-Mar puck

31-Mar Brother-Captain Sharp

Any closing comments are welcome!



Love you buddy. This is awesome. I am so freaking happy. From the looks of things we stomped a mud hole in the arses of the second closest chapter, both in percentage and completions!


I need to post pictures, but I actually ended up painting 22 TDA models between the start and finish. After finishing my MotDW, the painting bug struck me hard. I have (4) more full squads and a librarian to paint.


Congratulations again my friends - Well deserved!




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