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New to Battlefleet Gothic

Master Ciaphas

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Nope; no update on the Eldar - but they did lose their battle against the Space Marine fleet. That particular battle can be read here:


Battle II - Turning the Ambush


The ambush was setup perfect. All the Eldar ships were in perfect position, drifting lightly on the solar winds of the Ashweers-systems small sun. The Farseers had predicted that a sizable Mon Keigh fleet would make its way towards Ashweers Minoris to support the ongoing war there. The imperial fleet would have to navigate the dense asteroid fields between the 7th and 6th planet in order to get to Ashweers Minoris. It was in this belt of stone that Admiral Thatueil had placed his ships and it would be here that the Mon Keigh was destroyed.


“Enemy detected!”


A thought pulse disrupted Thatueil’s thoughts of victory. He quickly scanned the tactical display in front of him and saw that the Mon Keigh was coming towards him as predicted and that they had not detected his ships. The enemy was the Black Templars, an enemy know to rush headlong into engagements, trying to bull rush its opponents. It would be easy to lure them in and then destroy them, but they needed to come a little closer before he gave them the lure! Thatueil smiled, this would be a great victory.


“Launch bombers and hold position” he ordered.


The Dragonship … along with the two Wraithships … and … gracefully held their position, while fighters and bombers launched from them as wasps from their nest. On each flank the two squadrons of Shadowhunters, three with gun batteries and four with pulsar lances, also held position.






Something was wrong! There was no mistaking it. He could feel that special tingle in his right hand that always came, when something was not right. It had always been that way, ever since he was selected to become a neophyte some 173 years ago. He would get a tingle in his right hand whenever danger was near. He still got these tingles even though his right arm had been ripped of fighting a genestealer brood on Aproxima. It had saved him more than once and he had come to see it as a sign from the Emperor, so he trusted it and followed it whenever he felt it.


“Reduce speed to a crawl, launch Thunderhawks on CAP and get the ships ready for battle!” Fleet Commander Felibert bellowed.

“But, sir, there is no enemy on the auspex, why not speed towards our goal?” The helmsman said.

“You may not be able to see the enemy, but it is here trust me!” Felibert said.




The ships of his fleet slowed down. He had divided his capital ships in two squadrons, Wrath of Terra and his own Iron Fist in one and the Spear of the Devine and Emperors Fury in the other. These proud ships were escorted by Faith Squadron, six Gladius-frigates.






Not much happened in the first turn. The Eldar held their position and the Templars fleet just moving at minimum speed. Both fleets launched attack crafts, which engaged one another in the middle of the board.








Second turn saw both fleets move forward a bit and the destruction of three Shadowhunter escorts with Pulsar-lances. Again the attack crafts slugged it out between the two fleets.






Third turn the fleets had closed. The Eldar scored some hits on one of the Strike Cruisers and killed a Gladius. In retaliation the Templars killed three Shadowhunters with weapon batteries. Again in this round the attack crafts of both fleets battled it out in the middle. Four squadrons of Eldar bombers tried to go through an asteroid field but were not successful as they were destroyed by the flying stones.





This turn were not good for the Templars as it saw a Eldar bomber attack hitting the Emperors Fury, reducing it to 1 hull point, and reducing the Gladius squadron to one ship. The Templars did retaliate but not much due to masterful use of the Eldars movement.




At the start of fifth turn half the Templar fleet was caught on the wrong side of the asteroid field and therefore out of reach for the Eldar, so they destroyed the last Gladius and scored a minor hit on Wrath of Terra. The Templars cruisers Spear of the Devine and Emperors Fury masterfully navigated trough the asteroids to get in range of the Eldar, but could do little against the two Wraithships arranged against them doing no damage. The Iron Fist and Wrath of Terra fared somewhat better as they scored a couple of hits on the Eldar flagship and destroyed its Holofield. The rest of the turn was a disappointment for the Templar fleet as three squadrons of Thunderhawk Annihilators failed to score a single hit on the flagship as it braced itself and four attempts to teleport onto the Wraithships failed as their Holofields made it impossible to lock on to the ships.




This turn saw a dramatic change in the score. At the start of the turn the Eldar had two Wraithships and a Shadowhunter with pulsar-lances at close range with the two Strike Cruisers Spear of the Devine and Emperors Fury, the last of which was badly damaged. On top of that the two Strike Cruisers didn’t have any Thunderhawks to protect them against the Eldar bombers being launched. And although the Dragonship had been badly damaged it was still alive and in the game.


It looked to be a very one-side turn, but it is said that a Templar is never more dangerous than when corned and as the Captain of Emperors Fury realized their position, he charged out of formation and as the proud Strike Cruiser fragmented due to incoming fire he ordered the Warp-core detonated. This valiant sacrifice destroyed one of the Wraithships outright and created such large disturbance in the real space that the incoming bombers were ripped apart. Again did the Dragonship survive the bombardment of the Iron Fist and Wrath of Terra, although it was reduced to one hull point and had severe structural damage.




The two fleets were almost spent. The Templars having lost all their escorts and one Strike Cruiser while another was badly damaged and on the other side the Eldar had one Shadowhunter and one Wraithship remaining, while their flagship was very badly damaged and whiteout the protection of its Holofield!


So this turn saw the two fleets disengage from one another, but not before the Iron Fist scored a single hit on the Eldar flagship at extreme range, making the Dragonship explode and drift in space.


Although it had almost ended in a massacre, if not for the heroic sacrifice of the Emperors Fury, the Templars won the day.





The Templar warfleet:

+ 8 reknown

Wrath of Terra – crippled; -1Ld

Emperors Fury – destroyed

Faith squadron – destroyed


Craftworld Rhiadan:

Wraithship - hulked

Dragonship - hulked

Shadowhunter squadron w. weapon batteries - destroyed

Shadowhunter squadron w. pulsars - crippled; -1Ld


So, as you can see - the Eldar player has not yet worked how to play his fleet with the superlative skill that the Eldar are infamous for... :-)



Master Ciaphas

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And today saw another battle in the campagin, with the other Chaos player trying to contest my space superiority above the planet of Regulus IV. Following on from the events of the battle against the Eldar...


Battlefleet Gothic - Battle III - Schism


Khorlak Daemonsoul surveyed the wreakage of the Eldar fleet in space around Regulus IV; the Eldar had been well and truly annihilated, and the sorry remaineder of their fleet had left the system as quickly as they could. The Carnage-class cruiser "Maleficarum" had taken light damage, but repairs would soon be completed, and then the Armada would pursue the Eldar and destroy the last of them, before they could regroup and return.


A few hours later, the Armada was reinforced by the newly arrived Acheron-class heavy cruiser "The Undying". Transferring his flag to this experienced ship, Khorlak left the Malevolence to guard the space above Regulus IV, while the rest of the fleet made to pursue the Xenos.


*** *** ***


Unbeknownst to the fleet supporting the Despoiler in his Crusade against the Cadian Gate, the secretive Alpha Legion had gathered intelligence, that the Eldar were in control above Regulus IV, and launched a strike perfectly poised to destroy their frail ships.


The Alpha Legion fleet Warmaster had adopted the title of "Dragonmaster" in reverence to the hydra emblem carried on his shoulder, and his many years of void combat had honed his skills to a razor edge. When the blundering fleet of Khorlak Daemonsoul appeared on the sensors of his flagship - "Gorgon" - he could but smile. The inept Khorlak was known to him; a monster of an Astartes, who had long ago bartered away his soul in return for fleeting secular power...a fool, who had condemned himself to eternal torment, once his mortal form was destroyed...


The Dragonmaster addressed the vox-officer "Mister Quén. Signal the Minotaur as well as squadrons Wraith and Gargoyle. Tell them to engage the enemy and terminate. We will leave no survivors"...


*** *** ***


Drawing up the fleet in two lines, Khorlak Daemonsoul ordered the advance - the fleet across the void from them appeared almost indentical in terms of firepower and ability to withstand punishment. Only superior tactics and cunning would carry the day.


The Crimson Armada set a course round the lifeless 10th planet in the Regulus system, maintaining speed and course.


The Devastation-class cruisers launch a fighter screen for the Undying and sent a flight of bombers towards the enemy's escorts.




*** *** ***


The Alpha Legion fleet moved to intercept the Armada, keeping out of range. Only the escorts of Wraith squadron opened fire, destroying the flight of bombers at long range.


*** *** ***


The Crimson Armada suddenly powered their engines to the fullest extent, driving forward through the cold void. The sudden movement brought them within firing distance of the Legion fleet.


Locking on, the Carnages fired all their weapons, supported by the rest of the fleet, crippling the enemy Carnage-class ship, "Minotaur".


The return fire was desultory, but the Undying did take hits which penetrated it's shields, damaging it's hull. The escort of Gargoyle squadron fired it's torpedo, the missiles being placed directly in the path of the Maleficarum.


Moving forward, the Crimson Armada unleashed it's terrible vengeance on the Legion fleet. The Maleficarum's turrets managed to down the torpedoes ahead of it. Two of three escorts from Wraith squadron were blasted apart by the Armada's Carnage-class cruisers, while the Malevolence and the Devastation-class cruisers concentrated all firepower on the enemy flagship, crippling it. The concentrated fire damaged port armament and the engine room; damage which the sorely pressed crew did not manage to repair...


*** *** ***


Realising that the game was up, the Dragonmaster decided to try and preserve as much of his fleet, as he could. Giving the order, his flagship disengaged, followed quickly by the surviving escorts.


Alas, the Minotaur failed in it's attempt to disengage, and thus the Devastation-class and the Slaughter-class elected to remain behind, and guard it, until it could successfully disengage.


The Devastation-class launched bombers and the Slaughter-class fired what weapons it could at the Undying, heavily damaging it, crippling it's efficiency in the rest of the engagement.


In return, the Crimson Armada drew up close to the Legion fleet. All guns were fired, crippling the Devastation-class. The amount of punishment dealt to it, saw explosions ripple through it's hull, blasting out it's engines, tearing off dorsal and port armaments.


The Legion fleet was well and truly in dire straits...


*** *** ***


The Legion fleet disengaged as best it could. The flaghip had already powered down, slipping away like a thief in the night, and the escorts had followed suit.


Now, the Devastation-class and the Slaughter-class as well as the Minotaur were the only ships left. Heading into the gas cloud, the Minotaur tried to follow the flagship, and disengage from the battle. As the other two ships successfully disengaged, the Minotaur's crippled systems refused to power down, keeping it firmly in the sensors of the Crimson Armada.


The Minotaur faced it's destiny alone and abandonded within the gas cloud, as Devastation's Hand and Ahesver prepared to launch boarders. While the Devasation cruiser's lined up to board, the Maleficarum and the Eternal Torment unleashed broadsides into the Minotaur's rear, bringing it to the point of destruction, where one more blow, would be sufficient to hulk it.






Captain Maccabbe of the Minotaur screamed with impotent rage, as the blast doors to his bridge were blown open, and through the breach stormed a diseased rabble of warriors, led by Death Guard chaos marines. Though he would fight bravely, he would be overcome, and damned to languish in agony for years to come...


The Alpha Legion had been comprehensively defeated - but the majority of their fleet had escaped to fight another day.


*** *** ***



The Crimson Armada

+ 8 reknown

The Undying: crippled, -1 Ld, 3 damage carried over to next round

The Maleficarum: +1 Ld


Alpha Legion Nocturne Nebula Interdiction Force

+ 0 reknown

Minotaur: hulked

Gorgon: crippled

Devstation-class cruiser: crippled

Gargoyle squadron: crippled



.........and while we are at it, an update on my painting: I have managed to finish 6 Infidel escorts, which I hope will assist me in coming battles against, say, Imperial Space Marines...:




Next up, two Slaughter-class cruisers :-D



Master Ciaphas

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thank you all for your replies. When the next set of battles get played, I will do my utmost to post them here.


With regard to my fleet, I have just today finished another Acheron-class, two Slaughter-class and 3 Iconoclast escort-class vessels. My fleet is now well beyond the 2000 mark...and quite a bit more than I actually intended. Oh, well. It is still the fastest 2000 point army I have ever painted. Ever.


And without further ado, here they are:


"The Undying" - Acheron-class cruiser



"The Butcher" and "Fleshgorger" - Slaughter-class cruisers



"Heathen squadron" - Iconoclast escorts



Close up



And here a full overview of "The Crimson Armada":



(I am sorry for the poor quality of this particular picture...)


C&C is more than welcome, and if you have any suggestions on what I ought to get next, I am all ears :-)


Best regards,

Master Ciaphas

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Wow, this has grown into a really impressive and beautiful-looking fleet! My Iron Warriors fleet is about equal size, but I don't get to play as often as you do, as we're lacking players for BFG in my area :/ But I'm glad it's working so well for you, as BFG is a really cool gaming system. So I hope you'll bring more glory to Chaos in the future :)


And I'm all for adding another battleship to your fleet!

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Thank you :-) I am pleased that you like it. I do indeed plan on bringing further glory to the Pantheon; alas my opponents will try to deny the gods their due :-)


Anyhow, you mention a battleship - should it be the Terminus Est or a Despoiler-class carrier battleship? Have anyone got experience with the activated Blackstone Fortresses?


Best regards,

Master Ciaphas

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True - a Despoiler could be the thing; on the other hand, the Terminus Est also has carrier capacity?


And I see that you are calling the Planetkiller a "battleship"...that is something of and understatement... ;-)


Do you have any experience with the Despoiler-class or the Blackstone Fortress?



Master Ciaphas

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I have experience with the despoiler and the planetkiller. Not with a fortress, though I plan to get experience with it soon :jaw:


The planetkiller is by far the superior ship, if you're looking for raw firepower that is. It's also a brilliant psychological weapon, It is also a total fire magnet so expect all weapons brought to bear on it.


Obviously you can use this to your advantage as the rest of your fleet will largely be untouched.

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  • 3 months later...

Hail frateris!


Well - this has been in hiatus for a while, however! Tomorrow, I will be playing am 850pts game against the Chaos player in the campaign.


Have any of you suggestions on how best to handle a mirror match? I would actually like to include my battleship, as the campaign rules we are playing with, mean that I get a free Ld9 Warlord with a re-roll and a free Mark.


What would you all suggest?



Master Ciaphas

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hail frateris!


Just stumbled into the fray, but this whole thread is brilliant! Your fleet is coming along admirably! Having the 4 of you go into this campaign together seems to have really paid off, and I look forward to your future updates! I wish I had the same kind of incentive to finish my own Battlegroup!


I'm loving your scenery too, very inspired to make my own. Keep up the good work Brother Ciaphas! I know how much more depth and fun that a good layer of BFG can add to any 40,000 campaign!





Ser Ottendahl Vame,

Thunder Knights Chapter Master

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  • 2 weeks later...



Thank you!


Now, I was supposed to play a game yesterday against either the Eldar or the Imperial Space Marine (Templar) player, but due to their first game taking about 6 hours, we did not have time to play my game.


Instead, I will be playing the Eldar player Wednesday evening, as my Crimson Armada will be launching an invasion of the Eldar home system. On Thursday, I will be defending against the Space Marines.


So - the game Wednesday will 1000 points and the Eldar fleet will contain a Haven Class spire, as his forces have now taken so many casualties, that he can no longer field a 1000 point list composed solely of ships. Any suggestions?


The game Thursday, will most likely be 1000 or 1500 points. If we are playing 1500 points, I will be facing a Battle Barge. So - any helpful suggestions for taking this on, will be more than welcome!



Master Ciaphas

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Hail frateris!


Help in the above would still be greatly appreciated! :-D


In the meanwhile, I can show off my three latest pieces of BFG terrain - mo' asteroids:




And here the entire cluster of them (five stands in total):



Lastly, The Loathsome is heading into a world of trouble (even if "asteroids do not concern the admiral"... ;-)



Best regards,

Master Ciaphas

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Against Eldar, the more Firepower the better. Lances and attack craft (two of the Chaos fleet's strengths) are mostly useless except in defense; keep dumping Fighters into space to protect your ships. The good thing is that Chaos still has ridiculous FP ships, such as the Carnage. Firepower simply gets reduced when shooting at Eldar; otherwise, every hit goes to the hull, and that's vital stuff.
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Thank you Seahawk.


Now, I am contemplating this list for the 1000 point battle tomorrow against the Eldar:


Veiled Falsehood (Ld 9)

- Slaughter-class cruiser

- Chaos Lord (+1 Ld) w. re-roll

- Mark of Tzeentch (+1 re-roll)


Ahesver (Ld 9)

- Devastation-class cruiser


Devastation’s Hand (Ld 6)

- Devastation-class cruiser

- 3 damage from previous engagement


The Maleficarum (Ld 8)

- Carnage-class cruiser


Eternal Torment (Ld 8)

- Carnage-class cruiser


I have the option of fielding other ships, if I so choose:


1 Desolator

1 Repulsive

1 Slaughter

2 Acherons

6 Idolators

3 Iconoclasts


If I field the Desolator, I get a Ld 9, 2 re-roll Chaos Lord for free, as pr our campaign rules.


(And oh, yes, I also just finished a volcanic planetoid, which will serve as the daemonic planet from which my forces launch their crusade...behold, the Shadowhold:




http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/Master_Ciaphas/Malenhandske-oktober002_zps270a0cc6.jpg )




Best regards,

Master Ciaphas

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I would advise against the Slaughter. Its speed and short range means it's going to be getting in close and unsupported, which is typically where Eldar want you. Plus, you already have nice long range lances on the Devastations.


If anything, I'd go simply for more FP, whether that's escorts or heavier cruisers.

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Sorry for the double post!


Tomorrow I will be facing off against the SM player, who will be fielding a battle barge, and on account of his appeal roll in the campaign, he is also getting a free strike cruiser!!


So, I am thinking of fielding this against him:


Activated Blackstone Fortress

1 Acheron

2 Devastations

Idolators for the rest


Total: about 1500 points.


What say you all?


Best and cheers!

Master Ciaphas

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Indeed - I will need to watch the huge amount of Thunderhawks zooming my way....


Anyhow - the battle against the Eldar this evening went...poorly.


We played scenario 4 - Surprise Attack. I had the sub-plot "Blood Bonded" and he had the sub-plot "Troubled Signals".


My fleet:


2 x Devastations

2 x Carnages


Eldar fleet:

Haven Class spire

3 Wraithships (2 Eldar pulsars, 1 Weapon battery, 3 launch bays)

4 ship escort squadron - pulsars


First turn - My fleet enters the battle, and inflicts two damage on his Haven-class spire, which ends braced.


His first turn - the entire Eldar fleet zooms towards The Crimson Armada and unleashes everything - the Slaughter is crippled and braced.


Second turn - The Devastations fail to reload ordonance (despite using a re-roll). The Slaughter disengages. The Carnages and the Devastations hulk the Haven Class spire.


His second turn - the Eldar follow the Carnages and fire everything at them. The shields are brought down, and two hits inflicted. The Eldar bomber wave suicides on the blast markers (phew!). The Eldar use their second move to sccot behind the Carnages.


Third turn - the Chaos fleet disengages, as I no longer have the capacity to fire at the Eldar, and he is right behind my ships to cripple them at his leisure.


End result:


200 VP against his 217 VP

I gain +2 reknown while he gains 8 reknown.


I had forgotten, that he would claim 50% of the value of the hulked Haven Class, if he held the field - giving him an extra 100 VP, as my ships "only" gave him a grand total of 117 VP.




As they say: "This is not over yet, filthy Eldar. The Armada will be BACK!!!"



Master Ciaphas

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