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The Gore-Stained Workshop: Murderous Machinations


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Just looking for comments and critiques on a couple of test models for my Doomseekers.

Decided to edit this first post to include the basic five-man squad!:

Gorrok Redhand:

Iric Bloodhelm:

A close-up of the greenstuffed Khorne Icon I shabbily sculpted onto the red-helmed Renegade's (also known as Zale Narthris, possibly an ex-Raven Guard) pauldron:


Borus The Unchained (two shots so you can see his broken chain):


And my personal favourite, Harach Skin-Eater:


As usual, advice, suggestions comments and praise to the Blood God are all welcome!

Sorry for the shoddy cameraphone pics, I really need to get a new card reader for my digicam...

Thanks for your time,


I like the bone-coloured helmets. Is the trim the same colour or is that metalic?

Also nice to see Khorne worshippers that arn't just 'nutters-with-axes'. Is that just the models you had available or are you focussing on a certain aspect of Khorne-worship other than blood-crazed berzerkers?

Hey guys, thanks for the replies! :(


I should be able to get the fourth squad member uploaded tonight. I've decided to paint the rocks on their bases the same way I paint chunks of warpstone for my Skaven army - I think the dark, almost black-green I use with vivid green highlights will provided a nice colour splash against the armour and muddy brown ground.


Very nice work doing the icon in GS.


Cheers! It's my first real attempt at it and I intend to put them on most of the Doomseekers. Unfortunately so far that original attempt is proving to be the best. :S


I like the bone-coloured helmets. Is the trim the same colour or is that metalic?

Also nice to see Khorne worshippers that arn't just 'nutters-with-axes'. Is that just the models you had available or are you focussing on a certain aspect of Khorne-worship other than blood-crazed berzerkers?


Thanks! The trim on the pads is the same colour, but I've been colouring anything bearing Khorne's icon Tin Bitz, Devlan and Badab, then... Scorpion Brass (damnable name-changes!).


The Doomseekers worship Khorne through bloodshed, like any of his true followers, but maintain the heavily ritualistic mindset of their original Legion, the Word Bearers, and are far from being the rabid, semi-lobotomised nutbars that people constantly label Khorne armies as. Check the link in my signature for their Index Traitoris. ;)


But having said that, the truly zealous and worshipful Doomseekers are blessed by Khorne to become the Bloodbound, robed warriors whose fanatical thirst for bloodshed drives them into close-combat, where their deity can be praised in the purest way - by taking skulls with vicious chain-weapons! ...guess what they count-as ;)


At the moment I've got the mini-set of three clip-together Chaos Space Marines and five stripped-down Imperials. I'll be getting a box of CSM and a box of 'zerkers then mashing them together to create my Bloodbound Doomseekers.


Nice and simple colour scheme! The beakie Renegade on the right is my favourate.


Have you any ideas on Doomseekers fluff or insignia yet?


Hah, ta very much! Beakie was my least favourite to begin with, but as I work on the others I'm starting to like him more. I think it's because he has the most solid icon. :\


For Doomseekers fluff, click the link in my sig. As for insignia, I've decided to play it safe for now and just go with skulls, chains and Khorne-symbol iconography. I'm trying to think of something more specific to their warband at the moment. Whatever I can come up with will go on the Aspiring Champion's banner.


Thanks for your time!



Quick update - edited the first post for individual shots, and as promised, here's the full squad as it currently stands!





"We seek a mighty Doom, the better to beg for Khorne's forgiveness."





I'll be honest with you: I think the hand-sculpted icon looks awesome. It doesn't look like a cut-and-measured icon like in the boxes, no, but it does look like this roughly-wrought symbol of malice and hate. The slight lumpiness (or so it appears) could be played up as beaten brass, a favorite Khorne accessory. :tu:
I'll be honest with you: I think the hand-sculpted icon looks awesome. It doesn't look like a cut-and-measured icon like in the boxes, no, but it does look like this roughly-wrought symbol of malice and hate. The slight lumpiness (or so it appears) could be played up as beaten brass, a favorite Khorne accessory. B)


Thank you very much! It's good to know my ham-fisted attempts at sculpting isn't totally rubbish. :D


here's the latest member of the squad, not quite finished (need to complete drybrushing on the base and horns), Skol Vortgorn, the scroll-bearer:




I really need a Micron pen or some freehand tutorials for lettering. :(


Anyway, thanks for looking!



Righty-ho, got another quick update. This is Brother Vermithrax, the squad's Meltagunner. You can't see it in this shot (ah, crudely blu-tacked minis-in-progress, how I love them) but he also has a severed head swinging from a chain on his backpack, which will be painted to look Space-Wolfish. He'll also be getting one of my GS Khorne Icon pauldrons and something similar for his breastplate, should I work up the courage to do it.




Thanks for looking!



And while I wait for Vermithrax's GS to cure, I've been starting work on the squad's Aspiring Champion, Kor Gallan:




That's the Chaos Terminator Lord's powerfist, with a teeny tiny bit of GS to hook the wire up to the arm, and as you can (vaguely) see at the bottom right I've prepared another Khorne Icon pauldron for him. The banner, which was taken from the Skaven Plague Monk sprue and summarily had all its bells and skaven symbols carved off, is secured to the backpack via drilling and liberal application of superglue. I added a Chaos Terminator Lord spike to one side, making sure I speared an Imperial Marine helm on there for good measure (to be painted in Space Wolf colours) and clipped one of the Terminator trophy racks down to stick on the top. I think his helm is actually from the Chaos Terminator Lord sprue as well, actually. One of these days I'll actually buy some Chaos Space Marines.


Thanks for looking,



Righto, Brother Vermithrax has had his greenstuffing and converting finished and will be receiving his primer in about half an hour with any luck! I added the massive chest wound (you can justy about make out the ruined Khorne logo on his breastplate) after some advice from my mentor:




And Aspiring Champion Kor Gallan is coming along nicely too!:




Man, I am impressed at myself. Not at the actual hobbying - I've just never kept up this kind of WIP-posting before!


That's all for now!



Righty-ho, now that I've completed the first squad, I've moved onto my first Rhino, which is going to be a Space Marine Rhino desecrated and rededicated to the Blood God!


Done some extremely basic work so far - stripped it, hacked chunks out of the chassis and cored some bolter damage into it as well. This is a WIP of the icon I'm designing to go on the top hatch. This one's only cardboard but hopefully I'll learn enough about working with plasticard over the next few days to carve a proper one:




C&C always welcome, and thanks for dropping by!



Okay, the Icon has been cut out of plasticard and 'riveted' to the top hatch now:




And a leeeetle Khorne icon has been hesitantly greenstuffed to the front plate alongside a ruined aquila:




Phew! Right, tonight's job will be working out how to best use some thin chains I bought and make some nice spiky bitz out of spare Skaven weaponry...



Yeah that looks really cool :P


one tiny tiny thing, if it were me I might pop a couple of bullet craters in the remains of the aquilla, or a hastily made 'something' (banner, body, armour, icon?) to put over it?


just my 2 pence!

Finally managed to do a bit of work on the Rhino during my lunch break!


Responses first...


...I personally would just remove the aquila from the front. The GS khorne icon on the front looks good as well but why didnt you just do that in plasticard as well?


I thankyew sir! I've decided to keep the aquila because due to the simmilarity of the Chaos/Codex Rhino sprues it's a good way of showing that it used to belong to the loyalists. My mentor has actually asked me to put a faded/ruined scroll showing the Rhino's original name and designation. :P Probably won't do that though.


The Khorne icon on the forward plate was greenstuffed simply because I didn't trust myself to cut a decent, small and fitted icon to slot in there. I've never really mucked about with plasticard until now, you see.


...one tiny tiny thing, if it were me I might pop a couple of bullet craters in the remains of the aquilla, or a hastily made 'something' (banner, body, armour, icon?) to put over it?


Well, I want to keep the aquila for the above reason, and you can't really tell from the distance of the shot but there are hack marks and a bolter crater in the aquila already. :P




Here's a shot of the front again, this time with another GS icon:




And the right side, including faith paper and skulls as appropriate:




The left side, and I'd really, really appreciate feedback on this because of the dodgy-as-heck chain thing I have going on:




And finally the rear, which has plenty of damage and a great big skull! You can probably see the damage on the skull (which is slightly too far to the right on the door :\ ):




The next step is going to be deciding whether or not to build a set of ram spikes for it, and whether I should buy those large, spiked rails that one sees on Chaos vehicles. You know, the ones with all the lovely skulls on.


As always, C&C welcome and thanks so much for looking!



Alrighty! Stubborn has been primed and is ready for her first basecoat! So glad I bought those spiky railings, they really tie the rest of the modifications together nicely:




And further good news - I ordered the Chaos Rhino with Chaos Space Marines boxed set from 4TK Gaming in my town, I expected it to turn up next week but one of the guys there lives nearby and personally delivered it to my door last night! Awesome service and now I can start salivating over the prospect of buying my 'zerker box next month! ;)



  • 3 weeks later...

I've been away too long!


Stubborn is now based and washed, I'm moving onto the layers this week:




And here's a peek at what I've been working on at work intervals....




This is the WIP for my Khorne Dreadnought, Urkaz The Unhinged! He'll be packing a Plasma Cannon and a Heavy Flamer. Not because it has any serious competitiveness to it, but because it's a fun loadout and they strike me as the sort of weapons a ten-thousand-year-old psychopath would like to wield most.



Thanks for looking!




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