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The Gore-Stained Workshop: Murderous Machinations


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Blimey, I didn't realise un-commented posts fell behind so fast! Had to really look for this thread! ^_^ Oh, I could have just checked my threads on my profile, couldn't I?


Anyway! Here's the latest round of photos for my Rhino's progression. The last bits to do are battle damage highlighting with Mithril Silver, a layer of Blood Red on the armour, some Dark Angel>Knarloc>Scorpion>Skull highlighting on the lenses and searchlight, Skull White highlighting on the, well, skulls, and some freehand symbols and slogans. ...oh God, also the Marine Helm and severed head. Must break out the corpse colours again.


Come payday I'll also be investing in a pot of Tamiya Clear Red to recreate the gore effects so brilliantly used by Jimmi over here.


Here are the thumbnails, you know what to do to get a better look...




Thanks for looking and as always, C&C both welcome and encouraged!



Well, the Rhino's all finished but if you want to see her you'll need to pop over to my Hall of Honour thread!


For now, here's the latest on my WIP Chaos Dread, Urkaz The Unhinged, who is now ready for priming as part of the E TENEBRAE LUX challenge!




Thanks for your time,



Just a quick update to prove I'm still working on him! Base coats are all done and the first wash has been applied to the arms and feet. Crappy lighting, crappy camera, crappy angle but proof nonetheless:




Thanks for looking!



The Dread is all done!


BUT YOU WON'T SEE IT HERE! Buahahahahaha.... If you really want to see how old Urkaz is looking, head over to my Hall of Honour page!


Right now, here's a shot of what I'll be working on next: 16 Berzerkers mashed up from a CSM and Zerker sprue set!




Thanks for looking!



Alright, so I've put the 'zerkers on hold while I work another E TENEBRAE LUX vow. My Counts-As-Khârn:




Derj Moloq, Master of the Rites Vitae!


You might notice one very obvious piece missing. Gorechild. I've got a couple of ideas for the axe head, but at the moment it's a lot of fiddling with greenstuff. I'll keep you updated, anyhow!


Thanks for looking!



You're sculpting is excellent. Just enough to add a bit more character to a model.


The only thing I'd say, and this may even be intentional on your part anyway, is that your vehicles show the washes used quite obviously.

Just a quick one to prove I haven't forgotten about this vow/WIP!


God, models always look horrible at the basecoating stage, don't they?




Probably going to have a very busy weekend, but shouldn't have too much trouble getting this finished by the end of next week, life willing.



Wow. That's completely fantastic, going to have to try something like this myself. Is that 1mm plasticard?


It sure is! I sketched out the design on graph paper, then glued it to card (ooooolllldd schoooooolllll!) and traced it onto the plasticard before cutting. The rivets are just small squares of 1mm plasticard, too. I think it might be the most fun I've ever had while converting something, to be honest. Well. That and the Dreadnought.



Another quick update, the Master of the Rites Vitae is coming along quicker this weekend, thanks to lots of coffee!





Right, let's get to highlighting and basing and then working on the power axe ooooooohhhh, LOTS of caffiene will be needed...



Right then, Derj Moloq is all finished and he (along with a bit of fluff) can be found over in my Hall of Honour thread.


Now I have a few options available so I'm going to need to think for a while before deciding how to proceed. I can work on eight Bloodbound (counts-as-'zerkers) Doomseekers, another Rhino, a squad of four Lightning-clawed Chaos Terminators or a squad of four Khorne's Teeth (Chaos Havocs) with converted Autocannons.


Decisions, decisions...



  • 2 weeks later...

Forgive my silence, I've been dealing with reality (it's bloody horrible, why didn't anyone tell me!?) :




As you probably won't be able to tell from the horrific, rushed picture taken with a mobile phone, these are seven WIP Bloodbound Doomseekers, AKA Berzerkers, which I intend to enter for my third E TENEBRAE LUX vow. I'd intended to spend last night taking better pictures with an actual camera and working on their bases, but other events saw me getting drunk with the missus and watching The Blues Brothers again.


Sorry about the brief post, I aim to get more work done either tonight or tomorrow, when I get the time. Gotta put a rush on these, because I only have until the 10th of August, which is when I'll be flying out to sunny Orlando! ...anyone know of a good LGS out there? :s


Thanks for stopping by,




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