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The Gore-Stained Workshop: Murderous Machinations


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Right, finally managed to get the WIP basing sorted, so here are eight Bloodbound Doomseekers (Counts-As Berzerkers) ready for priming:




Close-ups will occur during the painting process, but so far I think my favourites are the fellow bottom row centre, the top left chap who is a fallen Space Wolf [that's for you, Husker! >^_^], and the top right guy who isn't even bothering to prepare because he's too busy roaring at the heavens.


Thanks for your patience!



  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, so, yeah, I failed my third E Tenebrae Lux vow because of my holiday - where do I pick up my Oathbreaker badge? ;)


I've yet to retrieve my WIP zerkers from storage, but when I do I'll make sure I get some updated pics sorted!


Awesome work so far. Can we get a few close-ups of the dread?


Thank you! You should be able to spot some ose-ups of Urkaz over in my Hall of Honour thread. Specifically HERE.



  • 3 weeks later...



Here's a couple of my in-progress zerker squad, these two are tabletop-ready but I'm popping them here because I only want to put the full squad in the Hall of Honour thread.


Meet Furious Fendr and Garvok the Grim:




Fendr is a roaring, rage-fuelled savage, while Garvok is his opposite, a dour and silent warrior who speaks only with his chainsword and his unbending devotion to the Blood God.


You'vep robably noticed I used two different methods while making their loincloths. Fendr's was cut out on a board then gingerly glued in place, only to fold up messily, while Garvok had a piece of plasticard (slightly too thick plasticard) glued to his belt and greenstuff applied to the surface. If I used a thinner plasticard, I think the Garvok's loincloth design would be the better one. What do you think?


I'll be working on the rest of the squad this week - maybe I'll even finish them! Then I could have TWO fully painted Troop choices to use!


Thanks for looking,




P.S. anyone who gets the reference in the updated thread subject wins an internet.

  • 2 weeks later...
Really nice Warband, love the Dread and CA Khârn!


That reference has to be Slaine Mac Roth ;)


Ta very much! Also nope, it ain't from Slaine!


Anyway, just to prove this project hasn't died, here are the final three Berzerkers for this squad, still WIP obviously:




Hopefully I'll have them done by tomorrow, if I can get enough caffiene down me when I get home from work at like, nine tonight...







I know, right? Still not finished. And the missus will be here this weekend so they won't be finished until next week now. AUGH. Just these three to do and I'll have my full zerk squad, too...









Anyway, you can see them over HERE.


Now I need to decide upon my next project. Ideally I should get another bunch of Berzerkers done, but oh, look, we have a new Codex! And a new Codex calls for a new character to lead my warriors. Or perhaps a monstrous DV Helbrute converted to worship the one true God, He who sits the Skull Throne. Maybe even a winged lord of blood, a Raptor Lord whose claws ever thirst for the blood of loyalist scum...


So here are my options:


1) Khornate Helbrute with Thunder Hammer

2) DV Khorne Lord

3) Khorne Lord with Wings (Jump Pack) and Lightning Claws*


...oh damn. I don't think we can actually take dual-claw Lords unless they're in TDA anymore. Crap. Can anyone confirm that?


Anyway, thanks for looking!






referencing Clerks, right?
No, you can still take twin LC lords. he comes with a bp and a ccw, and the mele weapons entry says "May replace a bp and/or ccw with..." so you're good to go. You just can't take two claws and a Chaos artifact weapon.

Thanks Wyrm! That's helped confirm my next project:


Rahab Goretalon, called The Murderer:




I decided that each of the Chosen included in the DV box were way too ornate to just be Chosen, so I'm using them to represent HQs and champions. This fellow has had his base modified to include a carved Khorne Icon since this photo. I'm thinking about doing some work on his helm as it isn't too Raptory right now, but I need some suitable horns or "ears". I'm also looking into adding some claws to his feet to bring him in line with the awesome new Raptor boxes, of which I shall eventually own two.


Thanks for looking,





Rahab Goretalon, called The Murderer:




A new God awakens in the warp... until Phil Kelly beats Mat Ward furiously with a Kaldor Draigo model and takes the codex back off him :P



Cool looking stuff man, keep it up


Quick update! I've done a bit more GS work to the backpack and wings, I wanted them to look mutated but due to my total lack of GS skill I wound up just slapping a couple of weedy tentacles on it. I also tried to borrow Wicced's Raptor Foot method to add some talons, but I botched it. I've tried to clean up as much as possible.


http://imageshack.us/a/img515/4812/photo2ip.th.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img833/733/photorqb.th.jpg


You may have noticed the little accessory to the right. It's a recent victim - specifically a Grey Knight who's had his head and spinal column ripped out. A fly-by decapitation, as it were. There's a Khorne rune carved into the rock perch, too, though I'm not sure you can make it out. I've lost my brass chains, which is irritating, as I'd also planned to have a few hanging from his wings.


Anyway, thanks for looking!



nice looking raptor champ mate :angry:



I also tried to borrow Wicced's Raptor Foot method to add some talons, but I botched it.


first of all i'm flattered :)

but you don't wanna know how many feet i ruined until i had claws that i liked...

...but you don't wanna know how many feet i ruined until i had claws that i liked...


Actually I kinda do! :)


Thanks for the encouragement, brothers! Another small update on Goretalon:




Basecoats are nearly finished, then it's time for cleanup and washes.


Thanks for looking,



Rahab Goretalon is complete and visible in my Hall of Honour thread!


Next up...


KHORNE HAVOCS! With missile launchers and gribbly auspexes and a daemon signum and all sorts of other cool stuff that I'll probably never actually do...





BIIIIIIIIIIIG UPDATE due to a week of bronchitis and a lack of mobile phone use.










And of course the big guns themselves. HAVOC ONE!:












And Havoc Four is nowhere near construction as yet due to a total lack of a fourth missile launcher.


Thanks for looking,




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