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Thou Shall Post Conversions... ( Pic Heavy warning )

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I thought I'd put a couple more photos up.



My Erebus mini. Yeah thats right Erebus! The big bad boss himself...




CSM terminator lord legs, torso, shoulder pads, cloak and loin cloth.

WoC head.

Thunder hammer and plastic sorcerer's staff.

Flagellant back banner, book and skulls.

CSM back pack.

Green stuff.


Pre-heresy Kharne.




Gabriel Seth.

FW chain axe.

DC plasma pistol.

Green stuff.

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Khorne Berzerkers. Mainly CSM bits with some Zerker and Imperial marine bits







Daemon Princes




Made with the standard DP kit, the head was made up from 2 Defiler faceplates a set of Ork jaws and some GS.


This WIP one is similar but uses parts from the Ogre Kingdoms,Tomb Kings and Chaos Warrior kits.




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One of these again? Well, can't hurt to advertise my previous work I guess ^^

Bjorn Counts-As:


Visit his thread! This fella actually has a led in his head now, maybe I'll get around to update him.

Bitz-built Demon Machines:



Their thread! Also have some updates for these, if I get around to making pictures...

Chaos Sorceror on Jetbike


Hall of Honor thread! This guy was my entry into the world of the B&C, so always fond memories lawl

Bottom line: I should paint more.

As you can see these have all kinds of parts in them and I don't have any idea which came from where anymore. If you want to know something specific, just ask.



P.S. This thread is rather awesome, always great to see all kinds of conversion of the past and present.

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might as well post here as ive not had a chance to paint in ages.


sons of medusa command staff



and standard bearer



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Man, some people over here are incredibly creative - really dropped my jaw sometimes.

Well, my lil' friend here isn't exactly a big conversion, but still some of you might like it. Called him "Brother Titus". Anybody wants to guess why? <_<



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An oldie, but a goodie...my Marines Malevolent Venerable Dread. I was really proud of how he came out.


And the WIP pic so the many odd pieces can be seen.


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A lot of really great stuff on here. My Fists haven't really got anything that can match the caliber of work on here, so thought I'd show my old HQ for my old Iron Warriors.



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...so thought I'd show my old HQ for my old Iron Warriors.


I can picture how an aspiring champion might challenge him with a fell blade.


"[chuckles] That's not a knife.. [draws his deamon weapon] Now THAT's a knife."

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@Templar14: Thanks! With this guys I thought size DOES matter. Love the quote, might try that in a game sometime.


@1000heathens: Cheers! Love the Iron Warrior upgrade pack. Love your dread btw, looks really menacing with that claw.

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A lot of really great stuff on here. My Fists haven't really got anything that can match the caliber of work on here, so thought I'd show my old HQ for my old Iron Warriors.




Nice use of the Soul Edge there :)

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Pretty sure he'd be proud, lol.

Ah hell, I'll pitch another, just because I am damn proud of him.

Hastur Rook the Unyielding, of Akan's Reavers, traitor Imperial Fist (idea created by Deus Ex Ferrum, brought to life by me)


and his WIP shot.


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Man, I always feel inadequate when looking at posts like this; all your works are great and it always awes me looking at some stuff here (especially the model with the Soul Edge... damn nice idea!)... I need to put more effort in, I mainly just browse ebay and get "bitz" and then put them together, no real "conversion" or modelling.

Here's one of the ones I'm working on now, a librarian; Grey Knight Torso, backpack and Stave, Blood Angel honor guard Legs and Bolter-Arm, forgeworld bionic arm, and I "think" it was a Death Company head.

He's now undercoated and I'm plucking up the courage to slap some paint on him.


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Imperial guard heavy weapon squad knife(on the leg)



And, a servo arm for the poor people:



Three chainswords,

Bit from imperial guard heavy weapon team autocannon stand to hold them together

Imperial guard flamer

Little hose thingy from a chaos backpack on the top

consider this stolen.

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A lot of really great stuff on here. My Fists haven't really got anything that can match the caliber of work on here, so thought I'd show my old HQ for my old Iron Warriors.




I see what you did there.

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might as well post here as ive not had a chance to paint in ages.


sons of medusa command staff



and standard bearer




Could we get a few more shots of that converted Rune Priest? Loving the hand pose!

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Yes, that command squad is particularly nice (and conversionful). I like the Tyranic vet holding the banner. Great idea.

Also want to see more of that converted Rune Priest.

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