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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

Captain Semper

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Wow - a lot of activity in this thread...


First off, congratulations to Brother Kovash that showed up in the nick of time to declare a completion! You earn the right to wear the Badge of Honor mate - well done! :P


Secondly well done Grotsmasha - your plan to keep adding Masters pays off so far - Just remember: the deadline in on Wednesday @ 22:00 GMT - please keep that in mind! :P


Thirdly Stobz I'm moving around with my personal Apothecary just in case blood pressure hits the roof! DECLARECOMPLETIONALREADY!!! :D


It seems to me that there is a last minute mobilization - let's see this through!


For the Lion!



Edit: Tables updated

You know me, I like to make an entrance. Haha, glad to be able to back up my battle brothers Grotsmasha.


Chaplain is done now too. All that is left is seal coats and start rolling dice. Phew! Feels good ta have a fully painted Deathwing army. Now where are the xenos.


Here is a group shot. Do units tomorrow.



2145 pts worth.

All hail Dread, a Hero in the Eleventh Hour! Awesome completion. By my calculations, that vow completion just pushed us over Wolves. While the Templars with their unbelievable zeal are likely beyond reach, we can honor the Lion and Legion alike by sustaining this lead. ;)


Seriously though, this is an awesome surge. I hope to add to it in not too long here as progress is being made on the Land Raider Crusader sitting between me and completion.

*stands up and claps slowly*


Well done Dread, well done indeed! Not only this is a huge bunch of points, the end result looks great too! You're painting at a very high level - congratulations. Now stay put and enjoy the finale! ^_^



We are now second - but not safe. The wolves are close behind us (ca. 2k pts) so keep those completions coming guys!

Sorry Louis, you have to post both the "after" pic of the finished vow and the "before" pic of the new vow... I'm willing to update the table with your Contemptor completion on condition you will post "after" pics soon but I cannot accept the new vow just yet. :)

No worries Captain S, I thought this would be the case. I knew I should have grabbed a camera before leaving, or even a half decent phone, oh well!

Relic Contemptor "Malik" has now been photographed (initial shot with just undercoat is here ):




First time at a bit of freehand, a hooded robed head on the dread's shields


Unfortunately I started on the Venerable Dread whilst away, so I don't think it's eligible for the ETL anymore. Given the timescales I don't want to start anything new as I don't think I can complete anything from undercoat only by Tuesday. A massive thanks to Captain S for organising the ETL, it has given me a huge boost in painting my Third Company (just 50 marines, 3 whirlwinds, 3 Razorbacks and 3 rhinos to go!), and an excuse to break out the Contemptor too... Thanks Captain S, Master of Recruits!

Sorry Louis, you have to post both the "after" pic of the finished vow and the "before" pic of the new vow... I'm willing to update the table with your Contemptor completion on condition you will post "after" pics soon but I cannot accept the new vow just yet. :tu:

No worries Captain S, I thought this would be the case. I knew I should have grabbed a camera before leaving, or even a half decent phone, oh well!

Relic Contemptor "Malik" has now been photographed (initial shot with just undercoat is here ):




First time at a bit of freehand, a hooded robed head on the dread's shields


Unfortunately I started on the Venerable Dread whilst away, so I don't think it's eligible for the ETL anymore. Given the timescales I don't want to start anything new as I don't think I can complete anything from undercoat only by Tuesday. A massive thanks to Captain S for organising the ETL, it has given me a huge boost in painting my Third Company (just 50 marines, 3 whirlwinds, 3 Razorbacks and 3 rhinos to go!), and an excuse to break out the Contemptor too... Thanks Captain S, Master of Recruits!

Oh I really like this. This is the first contemptor that I have liked and your painting kinda matches mine.

ARG!! My internet is running slower than 2 beavers in a petrified forest!! Here is the beginning of the pics.




http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/DeathbyDread/DW2.jpgSQuad 2

http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/DeathbyDread/DW3.jpgSquad 3


I am happy to report a Vow Completed status. I was hoping I could have contributed more for the competition, but various other life activities and armies kind of took some time away. My stuff was sitting at all but final details for the last month, and I just finished up those details today. Here's the picture for the entire ETL Vow. I can supply some more pictures if necessary. At the very least, those points should help for the final push.


GRRRR! A storm just blew thru town and internet went down. Don't get me wrong with all these triple digit days we've had I will take all the rain we can. Anyhow here are my land raiders.




http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll62/DeathbyDread/DWLR2.jpg AH HA, finally posted and all complete. Come on brothers and sisters, lets do the lion proud!

@ RayJ: congratulations mate, our posts must have crossed because I didn't see your completion before I update... Will do soon! This is an amazing force you've build there, very, very nice. Metal with green robes? What are they? A mystic branch of the GotC? :lol: You certainly don't need to post more pics but I'd love it if you do! You know, like Dread :tu:


@ Dread: those LRs mate, they look awesome! I particularly like the one with the twin dozer blades! So mean! :D A great force you have there!



Second Vow Complete:

Ravenwing Attack Squadron Red; SGT w/ PS, PP, MB's 6X Bikes w/ PG's, AB w/HB, Land Speeder Tornado. 435 Points


Ravenwing Attack Squadron Blue; SGT w/ PS, PP, MB's 6X Bikes w/ MG's, AB w/MM, Land Speeder Tornado. 425 Points


Ravenwing Int Chappi: 150 points


Totyal Points = 1010


Third and Final Vow;

I, Pueri ex Deus, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Ravenwing Attack Squadren of 3 bikes, SGT w/ PS, PP, MB's, 1X MG & 1X PG for 265 points. One more Int Chappi on a Bike w/ Croziu, PP, & MB's for 170 points. And finally a Librarian on a bike with Force Sword, PP, & MB's for another 170 points. For a grand total of 605 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


These are all the RW I have left, some of them got caught in the assemble-line painting I have been doing the last two days. My Bad, I suddenly noticed I had an extra Sqd Ldr painted and nowhere to put him, oops.


My only other option to add is a Storm Talon but I'm not sure if they are DA legal.

Puriexdeus: Amazing effoort and congrats on the next vow... Ravenwing reinforcements are coming in thick and fast... Between your RW squadrons and Stobz's stuff, my lot looks postively underwhelming. Excellent stuff....




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