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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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I Psykic_scribe answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Venerable Dreadnought with TL lascannon and missile and smoke launchers from Codex: Black Templars of total value 158 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Yes, I know it's slow compared with those delivering multiples, but I've just received a new model in the post with my 6th Ed. This will post as a Venerable Dreadnought and conventional armoury - those big flat peices of armour are ideal for embellishment. The Ironclad stuff can wait until later.


A link to a photo of the assembled bits (and some unwanted bits): WIP photo link

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Okay, time for my third vow...

I, The Ginger Avenger, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Predator Annihilator with heavy bolter sponsons, searchlight, smoke launcher and pintle mounted storm bolter from Codex: Black Templars of total value 144 on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end...


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Any news? Seems like we are due for an update...No pressure though if stuff is happening.



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He may be busy doing Dark Angel things... like kidnapping loyalist Marines ;)


Seeing this pop back up, I'd like to remind you, Brothers:




Edit: On that note, I wonder if I can finish my vow before the 15th so I can squeeze in one more...

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5 days left? The challenge ends on August 15th and the "initial vow" period was May 15th to June 15th, but I did not see anything in the timing preventing us from vowing from July 15th to the end. Is there?
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It is my understanding that we can continue to make new vows upon completion of your previous vow. If you were really wanting to walk on the wild side, you could make a vow on 8/14 and as long as you completed your vow by 8/15, you'd be good.


I would not recommend that however...that's more of a Space Wolves kind of thing.



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Eight weeks into the challenge and the B&C community has painted in excess of 54k pts with the last week adding 12k pts a 50% rise compared to the previous. Interestingly new vows amounted to 7.5k continuing to add to the total points vowed that now approaches the 200k pts mark! The average completion rate kept climbing to 28% from 22% in the end of Week 7 while the value of the average vow was moderately trimmed to 500 pts from 512 pts the previous week.

Next week we are going to be 2/3 into the competition. Things are getting serious, and frankly time is now an issue! So finish up your current projects and look around to see what else can you do for your faction! Just finishing your initial vow won’t be enough...

So here’s how things look at the end of week 8:

Black Templars 86 36,246 421 10,109 28%
Blood Angels 54 27,737 514 6,095 22%
Dark Angels 79 40,267 510 7,980 20%
Codex Space Marines 54 33,487 620 7,795 23%
Space Wolves 47 32,017 681 9,788 31%
Chaos 51 20,197 396 8,250 41%
Ordos Inquisition 21 5,921 282 4,008 68%
Total 392 195,872 500 54,025 28%
Index Astartes 28 16,255 581 6,085 37%
Liber Astartes 14 9,663 690 825 9%
Ultramarines 12 7,569 631 885 12%


The Dark Angels Recovered some momentum and raised their completion ratio to 20% - still lower than the average of 28%. However the 20% completion rate correspond to almost 8k pts which puts the leading forums within their sight! What they need now is a couple of really large vows (1k+) complemented with an array of smaller vows before we enter the last month of the E TENEBRAE LUX. Not that difficult in principle since we already have a good 2 months behind us. Frankly the more completions we get this week the more our hands will be freed to paint small but point-rich vows as we approach the finishing line. Guys, we really need some really big vow done this week...

The Wolves. One might thought that fatigue would have crept in by now but one would be wrong! The Wolves delivered a strong 1.8k of new completions this week securing second position with only some 300 pts behind the BTs that still lead the ETL. Furhtermore they have pledged another 1.8k pts of new vows declaring their strong commitment to win this! Their Completion rate is unavoidably higher than average though at 31%. Not that much I hear you say... Well, given the small amount of participants, the average pts/ participant is by far the highest in the competition at 890 pts (!) Good luck – that’s all I have to say. You’ve made it thus far, can you keep up for the next month? As I said before, if not the Wolves then who?

Blood Angels with 1.2k pts completed this week, their overall performance should be considered anemic at best. The BAs have a decent amount of participants and a decent mix of high/low value vows… So what is going on? Procrastination is going on. Taranis is a shining example among the Angels of Blood, pledging his 5th vow already but really guys this week should be very productive for you to get back into the game. Remember: Completing your first vow on time might not be enough! Your 22% completion rate may seem OK at face value but you’re kind of left behind in total points pledged. And the only way to increase that is to vow again – which is only possible if you get some completions underway! Right now you are last – the worst performing forum (excluding the Ordos that are somewhat special). Would you let that pass?

Black Templars completed roughly the same amount of points as last week and retain first position. However, the strong performance by other forums narrowed the gap significantly, with the Wolves being only 300 pts behind! One might say that the Templars suffer from fatigue but the addition of 6 more vows worth 2.3k (their weekly completions were 1.3k) underlines that the commitment still burns in their souls! They are the first forum to cross the 10k level of completions and still seem the favorite to win. A word of caution: you need to get some high pts vows done from your First Vows stock because the Wolves have tons of points coming your way... The odd Marshall or Emperor’s Champion won’t save the day for you. Bring in the big guns!

Codex Forums seem to getting mobilized. Some more completions from the IA, LA and UM forums this week which is good news. However 68% of the completed points come from one person: Arizonajirt who 1) can’t win this on his own, and 2) he’s done with super vows (after three consecutive ones!). So it’s time to assume responsibility and start delivering large, medium and small vows to fill the gaps before things are irreversible. Because on paper they are not. You still have the completions to keep you in the game (compliments of Arizona) and you can challenge the first position – all you have to do is keep painting!

Chaos has an exceptional performance! Although only 530 pts added this week and a very high completion rate of 41% the Chaos faction is keeping 3rd position! However the gap with DAs that have 4th narrows and although Chaos makes new vows these are not large enough to create confidence that they’ll defend their position successfully. Their average vow dropped (!) this week to below 400 that compares unfavorably with the 500 pts average of the ETL. So as was the case in the previous week, you guys got to lower your completion rate while increasing completions – i.e. increase your denominator more rapidly than you increase your numerator... Good luck with that!

Ordos Inquisition moved their completion rate from 61% to 68%! The completion rate of their first vows is 74%!! If those percentages were even remotely approached by any other forum… well you do the math! Keep going guys you’re doing an honorable and inspiring effort here!

Until the next weekly update, farewell and good luck to all!
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Any news? Seems like we are due for an update...No pressure though if stuff is happening.




Yeah, sorry for the late update - I was in the beach with the family! I was the only one with power armour in the entire beach! People kept staring but it's not like I was in bone-white TDA or anything...








AND SOMEBODY GIVE DARKLIGHT HIS PILLS - he seems so confused... :rolleyes:

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Hey, my current vow is going well, but I recall you saying something about not editing vows after they were posted? Also, a bit of an odd question. I got some nice, old out of print metal scouts from ebay. I want to vow to paint them, but I am having them painted by a commissioner. I'm assuming I have to be the one painting?
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Hey, my current vow is going well, but I recall you saying something about not editing vows after they were posted? Also, a bit of an odd question. I got some nice, old out of print metal scouts from ebay. I want to vow to paint them, but I am having them painted by a commissioner. I'm assuming I have to be the one painting?


You cannot edit a vow after it is posted but once you have finished one vow, you can add take another one. So if you finish your models early and think you can do a bit more, you can! :( Except that if you fail the 2nd vow, it fails your first one too ;) So be careful.


I would assume you have to paint the models and that they have to be yours. Can't vow models belonging to a friend that you paint for them, can't have someone else paint your models. Also scouts (neophytes) by themselves are not a valid vow any ways as they have to come with an initiate each to make a legal squad and you can only enter legal squads in the challenge.

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Any news? Seems like we are due for an update...No pressure though if stuff is happening.




Yeah, sorry for the late update - I was in the beach with the family! I was the only one with power armour in the entire beach! People kept staring but it's not like I was in bone-white TDA or anything...








AND SOMEBODY GIVE DARKLIGHT HIS PILLS - he seems so confused... :lol:




I'm fine now. Promise. ;)


Apothecary gave me a shot of... uh... something. Anyways...


Brothers! We have been distracted by the changing of the ruleset, and granted this has been a rather significant change, we must not falter! The Task at hand: E Tenebrae Lux! We need to keep pushing. The Space Wolves have made their advancement and are closing! We need to show the Dogs of Russ that, as righteous their cause is, our duty is greater! We must show, not only them but all of our Battle Cousins that the true path to victory is to be dynamic! The Emperor Wills us so! Now, in this crucial point in the challenge, we need to step up the pace. To push ourselves forward! Where other Space Marines will seek cover when pressured, we zealously throw ourselves towards the objective!


We seek the enemies of Mankind! We Accept Any Challenge!


No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!

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Yeah, sorry for the late update - I was in the beach with the family!


No worries. In my book, this beats paintbrushes any day of the week.



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Although I am still working on my second vow, it shall be done this week and then a grand finale to get me to the finish line.


We are not dogs, we are the Emperor's chosen instrument. We are retribution. This crusade is just and it is ours!


Templars Unite!

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Yeah, all that is very heroic an'all but Chaos is ahead of you currently. Yeap - no typo, Chaos is leading! Good thing too because I'm currently reading the Void Stalker - a most excellent read btw - I recommend it to everybody! :(
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Total points painted.


However in order to monitor your progress vs. your opponents it's a good idea to keep an eye on completion rates as well as some other statistics. The idea is that the points is a universally accepted costing method to value units and therefore forums with smaller participation can even the odds somewhat against forums with larger participation by vowing (and completing) more points per participant (assuming similar completion rates) or by obtaining higher completion rates (completed points vs. vowed points). Of course this also has limitations, if the difference in participants is vast...


But since this is the first time such a contest takes place we should leave theory aside and see how it plays out. :jaw:

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wait... hold on...... did you say... CHAOS!?!?!


HERETICS are leading the dark angels painting challenge? this is grave news indeed brothers. Suddenly the wolves dont sound so bad....


Heed my words brother Captain. The Dark angels will never hear the end it if your competition is won by a pack of traitorous fiends.


Its time to rally the troops (some summary execution's could be just the thing to motivate the ranks) or pray like mad that another loyalist chapter knocks Chaos of the top of the hill. Now I need to continue research on my device which puts "real life" on hold to allow for more painting time

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