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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Terminator squad "Hammer of Dorn" (posted previously)




Castellan "Name Goes here" (also posted previously)




Land Raider Crusader "Purity's Ark"











And the complete Vow. 625 points of Templar flavoured face smashing :)









Enemies of the righteous never rest brothers. Neither shall we



I Marshall Veyross answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete One Vindicator with smoke launchers and Dozer blade from Codex: Black Templar of total value 133 on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end



(EDITED to include before pic)

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Okay brothers the next section of my vow is done!! Babysteps right :)


A bada$$ squad if there ever was one! Excellent work there hart - keep it up!



I have a quick question: is it permissible to vow a Caestus Assault Ram? Or is it not because its rules are still experimental? (I somehow feel that a similar question has been asked, but I can't find it anywhere).


As stated in the rules section a FW unit CAN be pledged provided its rules claim it can be used in the 40k context and it can be used by your army. Caestus is included in FWs "Apocalypse Second Edition" publication on p. 31, it has a 40k stamp on it and clearly states it's a Fast Attack choice for the Codex Black Templars (among others). So yes it's a legal entry for 275 points! Go ahead and do it!


EDIT: oh, and experimental rules DO count, provided they state clearly the above. Now, Stormeagle anyone?



Okay, I've finally finished my challenge vows and taken the pictures.


Well done Ginger Avenger - those termies look mean!!! Your status is updated to COMPLETE! Any refill?





Vow complete indeed - super nice work too Marshal! Good luck with your second vow there!

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Captain Semper,


I would like to take this moment to thank you for the effort you've clearly put in to this cross forum event but perhaps more importantly the effort your putting in to be non biased and actively encouraging all participants whether they be DA BT or any of the other forums. In a community that is usually beset with "mine is better than yours" attitude its refreshing to see and one of the reasons why I've actually picked up a brush! SO from myself and im sure my brothers, thanks again!

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Captain Semper,


I would like to take this moment to thank you for the effort you've clearly put in to this cross forum event but perhaps more importantly the effort your putting in to be non biased and actively encouraging all participants whether they be DA BT or any of the other forums. In a community that is usually beset with "mine is better than yours" attitude its refreshing to see and one of the reasons why I've actually picked up a brush! SO from myself and im sure my brothers, thanks again!


+1, indeed probably all. I for one painted 2 rhinos that I would of probably never seen fully painted.

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Well done brothers. 3 Great vows completed. Very well done!




Captain Semper,


I would like to take this moment to thank you for the effort you've clearly put in to this cross forum event but perhaps more importantly the effort your putting in to be non biased and actively encouraging all participants whether they be DA BT or any of the other forums. In a community that is usually beset with "mine is better than yours" attitude its refreshing to see and one of the reasons why I've actually picked up a brush! SO from myself and im sure my brothers, thanks again!


Indeed brother!

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Gee, thanks guys! B)


I'm happy this event provides motivation to get stuff painted and add an element of friendly competition to it! BTs sure have come together and are currenlty among the favorites to win this! I'm enjoying ETL very much myself - and get the added bonus to glimpe at some amazing work these boards are putting forward!


Keep going guys, we're not even half way there! ;)

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One Razorback with tl lascannon, dozer blade pintle s/b, h/k missile, smoke and POMS - 153 points


Also posted in the Chapter challenge together with 5 termies, but those do not count here as I had already started on them before the vow.

Now to scratch head, stir brains and decide on the next task.

Oops, almost forgot the link to wip pics:

Razorback starting point

Razorback Interior

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I have completed my second vow for E Tenebrae Lux and am providing proof of my deed below:


Swordbrethren Terminator Command Squad with 1 Heavy flamer and Chainfist



3rd vow will be taken once i get all needed components to assemble a 'before picture'


Blessed is the mind too small for doubt


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Vow 2 Complete!





And After





Now for vow 3


"I, Nards08, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Marshal with Master-crafted Lightning Claw, Storm Shield, Artificer Armour, Holy Orb of Antioch, Terminator Honours, and Adamantine Mantle from Codex: Black Templars of total value 210 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end."

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Excellent - Congratulations to both of you guys! And this is your second completion no less!!! Now Nards, you'd better model all these extras on your Marshal. :D


Table updated - you guys are doing great - taking the lead from the Wolves once again!

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vow copleted! B)




and from the back




now for planing 3rd vow ;)




I [brother-Captain Sicarius] answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete [Crusader squad with 5 initiates: frag and krak grenades, crusader seals 1 melta gun and a powerfist] from Codex: Black templars of total value [130 pts] on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to [The Black Templars] and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end




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Vow Complete! Pictures could be better but then again so could the model. Overall Im happy with how it turned out.


And so you should be! Templars are really dominating the ETL right now! Well done reckoning - Table updated!

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Vow Complete! Pictures could be better but then again so could the model. Overall Im happy with how it turned out.


And so you should be! Templars are really dominating the ETL right now! Well done reckoning - Table updated!



Where can I find the tabel?

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Okay brothers the next section of my vow is done!! Babysteps right :)

Initiate Squad of 10 w/ML: gallery_66974_7235_1993280.jpg

That's it for today...maybe this weekend I can get my primed Grimaldus or Sword Brethern squad done

Have to say that is one badass looking squad. Especially love the bases. Are those pre made resin sculpts or did you do them yourself? Love the paintjob, they look very dusty and dirtied.

Hey Reinhard,

So sorry for the delay I decided to go last minute and camp for the weekend with my buddies. Those are premade sculps that I had a little fun with. They were city ones that I tweaked to add a little something extra. We are currently running a city crusade right now and I decided these new units (for the challenge) are all going to be set for that stage. So when I washed them I decided I wanted them to look like they were clearing buildings with all the dust and rubble that comes associated with blowing buildings up.


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Finally done with Vow 1. Here we go, 6 Sword Brethern Assault Terminators, (3 lightning claws, 3 thunder hammer storm shields, all with crusader seals) and a Reclusiarch with Crozius, Storm Bolter, and Terminator Armor for a total of 377 points. I'll just post the the few group shots.





“I Brother Lysere answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete One Land Raider Crusader with Blessed Hull, Dozer Blade, Pintle-Mounted Storm Bolter, Searchlight, and Smoke Launchers, as well as One Emperor's Champion from Codex: Black Templar of total value 399 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to The Templar Order and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”




The LRC I got from a friend so I'm overhauling it. All the bitz except the Dozer Blade are in there. (I will be picking that up on monday from my IG friend)

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I The Ginger Avenger answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Marshal with power fist, combi-plasma, artificer armour, iron halo, adamantine mantle and a holy orb of antioch from Codex: Black Templars of total value 210 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end...

And here is the before shot...


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Finally done with Vow 1. Here we go, 6 Sword Brethern Assault Terminators, (3 lightning claws, 3 thunder hammer storm shields, all with crusader seals) and a Reclusiarch with Crozius, Storm Bolter, and Terminator Armor for a total of 377 points. I'll just post the the few group shots.



Impressive blue handling.

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Finally done with Vow 1. Here we go, 6 Sword Brethern Assault Terminators, (3 lightning claws, 3 thunder hammer storm shields, all with crusader seals) and a Reclusiarch with Crozius, Storm Bolter, and Terminator Armor for a total of 377 points. I'll just post the the few group shots.



Impressive blue handling.

The lightning claws are a lot of fun to paint. Also easier then when I do normal power weapons.

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