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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Brothers, Well done! All of you! We're showing true Templar Fanaticism to our rivals and enemies alike.


However, even we must play this smart to avoid failure. The end of this challenge is near.


To those of you on your first vows, Brothers I urge you to finish what you started. With all of your contributions, we cannot fail in our cause! If everyone completes their first vow, we will show the galaxy why we don't sit in some Planetary Fortress on some 'Homeworld' while there is Crusading to be done! We will finish what we start, such is the Emperor's Will!


To those of you who have taken matters into your own hands and are on your sixth and higher vows, Dorn smiles upon all of you. However, do not underestimate time. Time flows in mysterious ways. Time will seem abundant and drawn out one moment and then will be faster than light the next! Your contributions are greatly appreciated and greatly displayed. For this, on behalf of every Templar throughout the Eternal Crusade, we thank you. But do not let glory blind you. If time runs out and you are part way through a vow, everything you've worked for in this Crusade is undone! I am not urging you to stop. I am simply saying that you need to watch time carefully. Do not take on more responsibility than you can handle as a single Battle Brother. We Crusade as a Chapter, and we must depend on each other, not on ourselves.


This Crusade is almost concluded. Soon we will depart on other Crusades to clean the Galaxy of Witches, Xenos, Heretics, and whatever else is deemed offensive to the Emperor. But until then, we must see this Crusade to a successful conclusion.


*Raises Crozius*


In Sigismund's name, for his blade guides our strength!

In Dorn's name, for his cause guides our intent!

In the Emperor's name, for his light guides our fury!


No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!

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Brother Darklight preaches truth and wisdom!


In return, I echo back...<raising crozius>


In Sigismund's name, for his blade guides our strength!

In Dorn's name, for his cause guides our intent!

In the Emperor's name, for his light guides our fury!


No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!

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I have adorned the plate of my tactical dreadnaught armored brethren with white crosses, I have affixed the crusading seals with red wax, and red lenses. Just a few more nights of tender care and painting and they will be done.


Though my agri world is in the midst of harvest (Wheat, Alfalpha, and Barley) and I can only afford to spend a few moments each night. Progress is steady. I have focused on a single paint color for each evening, and while at first I felt progress was too slow, I must admit that the plan is working. One color, one target, one part done.


I have to agree with Brother Darklight that my brushes will be granted an honored burial at the end of this challenge.


Paint well brothers! For the end of this crusade is near...

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both as we will have two LTE banners to show! one for participating and one for winning! but don't let the confidence fool you, we all need to keep pushing to the last, it is time for that last straightaway sprint to the finish line brothers! let us not wane in the moment of triumph.
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@GKP: I would drop the LPC and hold on to the Chapter vow.


As to my vow, I will finish on time and I will add one more to help seal our victory!


Onward Brothers!

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Excellent Typhoon Brother Ulkesh!


May it bring effective firepower where you need it the most throughout your crusades.



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Cheers guys. I'm fairly happy with how it turned out - i just wish I could paint quicker!


Captain S - I just do an edge highlight with Celestra Grey. Which I then correct with Chaos Black. And then I re-apply because I've over-corrected... This may be repeated many times...

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Still 2 weeks left Brothers, we haven't won this thing yet. ^_^


I may actually have my initial vow completed tonight, and hopefully a few more by the weekend.


++Fires Plasma Pistol at Brother Darklight++




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I present my humble contribution to this righteous crusade, the vindicator "Voice of Alacrity"















Thought of the day: Idle minds wander in dark places



And on that note;


I Marshal Veyross answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Marshal with tactical dreadnought armour, Master crafted thunder hammer, storm shield, holy orb of antioch and adamantine mantle from Codex: Black Templars of total value 210 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.

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Great looking Vindicator Marshal Veyross.


I echo your Vow Complete


Before: Marshal, EC and Chaplain.






I haven't painted in over 10 years, and I only have 15 paints at the moment, so please forgive the mediocre quality. Will post some individual shots in my WiP thread.


Second Vow:

“I Mystech1 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Marshal in Terminator Armor w/Adamantium Mantle, Master Crafted Storm Bolter and Master Crafted Power Fist and one 6 man Terminator Command Squad w/ CML, Heavy Flamer and Bionics on the Sergeant from Codex: Black Templars of total value 480pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”


And there's more coming! ;)

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@ Marshal Veyross: Excellent job there - love the subtle weathering of the dozer blade - well done! ωραία indeed! hahahaha!!! ;)


@ Mystech1: I'm very happy the ETL was reason for you to return to painitng. ;) What's the story with your Marshal? How come you opted for a white-ish color instead of the traditional black?


Anyway the tables are updated with your completions and new vows! Go for it guys! ;)

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@MV: Wow, that's a wonderful looking vindi. I too am impressed with the weathering on the dozer blade. Would you care to share your techniquea?


@Mystech1: Actually, one of the biggest mistakes some painters make is using too many colors in their palette. I think you did an excellent job and the colors you limited yourself to in no way detract from those great figures. Well done.


Onwards Brothers!

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++Fires Plasma Pistol at Brother Darklight++




Well maybe if you'd stop shooting at me!! Plasma hurts! :rolleyes:


Excellent work brothers!! It's good to see the completions flowing in this close to the end date.


@Marshal Veyross: More Vindicators for the Eternal Crusade! A very crisp look. I'm a fan of the worn effects on the Dozer Blade, Brother!


@Mystech1: I like the visuals on those HQs!! That Champion is great! Well done. Captain Semper is just curious about the white Marshal because he's planing to kidnap more Templar... He probably doesn't have many in white armour in his 'collection'.


I'm watching you, Dark Angel! <_<

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Quick question:


I am close to finishing my 2nd vow, and I'm wondering if the Imperial Bastion is legal. I just got one for my b-day and I'm thinking about building and painting it up. I saw that it was now legal in the 6th ed book, but wasn't sure if it was legit for this contest.

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Quick question:


I am close to finishing my 2nd vow, and I'm wondering if the Imperial Bastion is legal. I just got one for my b-day and I'm thinking about building and painting it up. I saw that it was now legal in the 6th ed book, but wasn't sure if it was legit for this contest.


Knowing Captain Semper's general plan for this event by now, I'd have to say: I don't think you can. Though I'd very much like him to prove me wrong in this case! :rolleyes:

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Good question watanabe2k, I was wondering the same thing because I just got that GW kit that comes with two. I'm thinking it won't count though because it's not a unit that fits in the force organization chart. But then again, I could be wrong.
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It is not. No fortifications - no allies. It's too late into the ETL to change the rules so fundamentally and besides the spirit of the competition is to pit Codex against Codex - to promote Codex loyalty if you like... Generic fortifications and (even more so) allies kind of defeat this aim.


So no points for fortifications but feel free to enter them as out of competiotion items - You can still use the ETL deadlines for motivation but you will not earn any points for it. Up to you! :cuss


Edit: wow three responses in like the same minute! :rolleyes:

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When the seeds of chaos sprouted to a galaxy in flames, the sons of Dorn brought the fight to the enemy


When the legions of madness besieged the imperial palace, the sons of Dorn manned the walls


When all seemed lost and the warmaster closed in for his kill, the sons of Dorn held the breach


And when victory was snatched at immeasurable cost, the unrelenting sons of Dorn clawed at the fleeing traitors right into the eye of terror.




Brothers, it is now past 4:30 AM. I have laboured through the long night so that I may offer you this news.





My second vow completion today: My namesake, Marshal Veyross



















There is a reason they call us the eternal crusaders



I Marshal Veyross answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete One master of Sanctity with Artificer armour, Holy orb, power fist, terminator honours and artificer armour from Codex: Black Templars of total value 180 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


I would love to begin my third vow for the day but alas, the sun is rising and the strokes of my arm have become sloppy. The crusade continues soon though.

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