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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Fear not brothers! My terminators are but 4 helmets away from completion. I will not fail in this late hour with the honor of the crusade at stake. Paint swiftly brothers! Victory is not assured yet!
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I have been terribly busy with work plus exams coming up so didnt really have the time I wanted to devote to my ETL vows!

I assure you though my vow will be complete my the 15th but I dont think I will have time for a second vow... luckily my fellow brothers have more than compensated!


For the Emperor!

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I am pleased to announce that...

From this...


...emerged this...though not without some interesting twists and turns which I will document in my crusade thread.





Thus completes my fourth vow.

I would point out that the smoke launchers for both vehicles did not make it on (-6 pts), but the standard LR received a pintle mounted storm bolter (+10 pts), for a total of 525 points vs. the original 521 points.

And for my fifth vow


I, Honda of the Black Templar answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete five initiates, one with bolt pistol and power weapon, one with a plasma gun, three with bolters, with crusader seals from Codex: Black Templar of a total value 106 pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars!

Question for the good Captain. If I should have time, and I wanted to add some neophytes to this squad, assuming I completed in time, would I create a new vow or just update #5 with the new points?


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This must be the MOST spectacular before-after pictures ever!!!! Honda you are painting to a very high standard sir! Salvaging those LRs requires superhuman skills - The inquisition has burned people on the stake with much less evidence of deamonic pocession than this! Oh, boy...


*straightens up, assumes authoritarian attitude*


As regards your question, you cannot do it. Adding on previous vows is not allowed as each vow should be a stadalone legal Codex entry in its own right. So as Neophytes are not a legal entry on their own the only way to include them is to vow for them now... or not at all. I will not update the tables just yet - let me know which way you wanna go.

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Understood Captain Semper. My 5th vow will only have the initiates in it.


I want to fiddle around with the modeling of the neophytes a bit and that is time and points that I don't want to put to risk.



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Honda those raiders look amazing. I was wondering how you are doing your black? I can see it is actually a dark grey which looks awesome. What color is it? The faded look you have to your white is also great. I must know your secrets!
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Hey Nards, I'm glad you like the effects. I should note that I use an airbrush for everything except detail work.


My black formula is:


1. Basecoat black


2. Vallejo VMC 70995 German Grey over the basecoat


3. Then a 50/50 mix of German Grey and VMC Light Grey (70990) to highlight vehicle edges


I have some WIP shots I'll post in my crusade thread soon.


My white is GWs Baneblade Brown base, then Vallejo VMC Off White (70820), at least for vehicles. The white on my figures shoulder pads is the Light Grey base, then Off White over.



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Fourth Vow


“I Mystech1 answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a 10 man Crusade Squad w/ Crusader Seals, BP&CC, Meltagun and Power Fist from Codex: Black Templars of total value 205pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”

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Captain Semper,

I have completed my fifth vow.


And it looks like I am pretty much done for ETL. One of the things that allowed me to get as much done as I was able was not building anything, so I could focus on painting. As it stands, I've pretty much painted all my "built" stuff. Also next week I'll most likely be driving my daughter up to get her situated for college, so the run up to the end would be at risk.

More photos will be posted in my crusade thread later.

So now my role will switch to cheerleader, er, chaplain as I continue to root for the rest of our brothers.

Also, I seem to have developed an ear infection that is just killing me and need to get that addressed.

Paint on Brothers, your chapter needs you.


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@TC: Many thanx Brother. The color is the foundation paint formerly known as "Solar Macharius Orange". I only have one and it is full, but hope it makes it through to the end of the army. ;)




1. Finish up model, i.e. complete armor color


<This next effect is sort of a "poor man's" wet palette>


- Place a drop of water on a piece of clean paper towel or napkin


2. Put a small amount of on end of brush


3. Dab paint on wet paper towel <this has the effect of taking some paint off and putting some water on the brush, making it translucent>


4. Paint eye lens and lower cheek area as desired. Termies would have some glow above eye lens, PA is always below eyebrow.


5. Let dry


6. Apply another coat just on lens


7. When dry, quickly put a drop of orange, then white on paper towel. Mix a little to get a lighter orange


8. Paint cheek highlight and thin line on lens.


You can stop at this point or if you want a slightly more "glowey" effect, add a thinned line of just white on the lens and just a dab on the lower cheek area


= Anything that will contrast enough with your armor color. On the standard LR, I used Ice Blue on the techmarine's eye to contrast with the red armor. I've used blues and greens for black, grey, and white armor.



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Congratulation on your fifth completion Honda - you offered us some fantastic work thoughout the ETL - and you know when to make an exit. I certainly expect to see you around until the curtain drops and for the detailed conclusion report that will follow!


No go do you RL stuff! :lol:

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Honda, fantastic work on those Crusaders! I've never really been a fan of glowing eyes, and I'm not gonna pretend that you've changed my mind. I can, however, appreciate when it's done well and you've created a really nice effect there. I also feel the need to congratulate you on what is easily the most impressive piece of "mangled-model-rescue-work" I've ever seen.


It's also good to see that you know when enough is enough. Must be tough, with your daughter leaving for college. I can imagine it must have been tempting to spend all the time you can with her in the run-up to the big day so your contribution to the ETL Crusade is even more impressive. Good luck to her in her future and good luck to your ear in its recovery...

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So many fantastic completions! Too bad I started on this hobby far too late for the challenge - quality might not have been great, but it would've been an extra few points to the pool anyways :D But it's a good thing my zealous battle-brothers have held up the honor of the Chapter so fiercely regardless.
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Many thanx Brothers for your accolades. For some reason, I really enjoy taking something that someone has discarded and restore it to it's former glory. Also, the price is right lol. I was able to get the two LRs battle ready for less than the price of one LR full retail, before the hike.


It's sort of like bringing in an abused animal and nourishing it back to health.


Re: Daughter going off to college...she will do just fine...me...we're still waiting to see. :)


Also, got some antibiotics for the ear, so I should be back to normal in another day or so. I always love it when a doctor/nurse practicioner looks at your body and says, "Ooh" like they are really surprised to see <whatever>. At least it's treatable, so I am thankful for that.


Onwards Brothers, we are so close!



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Well done Honda. Your vows have been both numerous and mighty. Your models make me severely regret having my models coated with chaos black. I love the look of your dark grey armour. If I ever do another black armoured army, the idea will be shamelessly stolen :P


Well done honda, you have done us all proud.


As to your daughter, there comes a time where every neophyte must strike out on their own crusade. I am sure you have prepared her well and she will do you proud. (cant believe I just tried to give parenting advice from a templars point of view ;) , I have a problem)


Can I ask about the rust spots on your land raiders honda? I know you've pretty much described the process behind every part of your model by now but id really like to know the colours you used if you wouldn't mind terribly.

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I am pleased to announce that...

From this...


...emerged this...though not without some interesting twists and turns which I will document in my crusade thread.





Thus completes my fourth vow.

I would point out that the smoke launchers for both vehicles did not make it on (-6 pts), but the standard LR received a pintle mounted storm bolter (+10 pts), for a total of 525 points vs. the original 521 points.

And for my fifth vow


I, Honda of the Black Templar answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete five initiates, one with bolt pistol and power weapon, one with a plasma gun, three with bolters, with crusader seals from Codex: Black Templar of a total value 106 pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars!

Question for the good Captain. If I should have time, and I wanted to add some neophytes to this squad, assuming I completed in time, would I create a new vow or just update #5 with the new points?


The German Grey came out fantastic looking, I am bouncing between VMC Black Grey and VMC German Grey, both pretty close.


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Well done Brother Anthraxus! A mighty force indeed.


Regarding which grey to use, I went back and forth myself, but eventually settled on the German Grey. I had seen some pics of someone who did a BA (Angels of Redemption) using the GG and it looked very nice. The other thing that I like in my armies is softer contrasts, which is odd considering that I spend most of my time painting black and white, still, I feel like the softer contrast helps make my toy soldiers look a little more real to me.


The other reason I ended up going with the German Grey is that when I got the highlights on, I was then able to darken the recesses with the Army Painter black ink (equivalent of the older Badab Black). When you start with a black, there's just no way to make that darker. So that means you have go lighter, so you can darken.


There are some other Brothers on this forum that inspire me in this approach like Eberius, Krikey, and MadMatt, whose abilities I continue to aspire to. I have lots of room for improvement.


@Marshal Veyross: The chipping is a two part process using the sponge technique. In detail:


1. Find a piece of foam like the kind that is used for packing miniatures


2. Cut a piece approximately 1 inch (2.5 cm) long


3. <here's the artistic piece> Now pull bits off of one end so that you have an uneven shape. It doesn't really matter what it looks like just make sure that it doesn't look like a square, rectangle, or circle.


4. Now this will work regardless of what color set you use, as long as the colors are significantly different than your armor color. So in my case, I used the old GW Terracotta color as the first color. Dip the foam bit you sculpted, into your paint.


5. Next dab the foam bit on a paper napkin to get some of the paint off. This keeps the base chip from getting too blobby, though there are ways to fix that if it happens.


6. Now dab the foam on various parts of the model, primarily along hard, angular edges. I tend to put my chips more towards the front of a vehicle as that's where I expect most of the action to happen.


7. Go to town. Always make sure that when you reload paint on the foam bit, that you dab it on the paper towel first. If you get a little carried away in this process and get a paint blob on your awesomely painted model (it happens), then go dab the foam on the napkin, then go back and dab around the "blob" making it bigger, but looking less like someone spilled paint. You will be able to recover from this as you'll see later.


8. After you are through going crazy with chips, and do keep in mind that you can have too much of a good thing, let the chips dry for a bit.


9. Now, get ready to repeat Steps 1-7 with your second color. In my case, I used Ironbreaker (I think that's the Boltgun equivalent). You could also use Space Wolves Grey or Codex Grey. The idea behind the second set of chips is to not cover over completely the original color so that you see two colors. This gives depth to the chips.


So that's my recipe for chipping. If you were going to do this on figures, I would recommend using a small brush for the second color as you have more control on the application.


I hope that helps and don't be afraid to ask more questions. I'm no expert, but I'll give it my best.


Many thanx Brothers for all of your support.





P.S. I think Templars make great parents. They clearly point out that there is right and wrong, to be strong in your faith, and step boldly in the direction you have taken. The "tolerance" thing needs to come with experience. :devil:

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I Brother Christopher answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Dreadnought, one Crusader Squad and one SB Terminator Squad from Codex: Black Templars of total value 605pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Templars and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Crusader Squad

10 Initiates, 3 Neophytes, Power Weapon, Melta Gun, Frag, Krak, Crusader Seals - 260pts

Terminator Squad, 2x Chainfist, Assault Cannon - 230pts

Dreadnought, Multi-Melta - 115pts


Before picture - Crusader Squad & Dreadnought



Before - Terminators before re-painting (they were one of my first models ever painted and I decided they need an upgrade and maybe re-basing)


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