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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Right, I assume I can submit my second vow now?


Nope. You have to complete your previous one first. However, given that I probably written down your previous one wrongly :) I'm taking your "second" vow in as your first one and delete the previous one. You OK with that?


Someone explain "second vow"? Despite the closed submission, I can add to my vow?


The second vow can only be pledged once your first vow is complete. Declare your completion and then you can (even in the same post if you wish) make a new vow. And you can carry on doing this until august 15. Finish one, start another. But remember, the more completed vows you have under your belt the higher the stakes are because if you fail to complete a subsequent vow ALL YOU PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED VOWS ARE NULLIFIED. So be extra confident before you raise the stakes! :)

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Well Semper, this is truly a contest of great lengths :)


And let the 2 month chaos begin


Glad you're enjoying this Mucielago! There is a long walk still ahead of us - so plenty of fun is to be had! :)


BTW, do you have the Lambo as well?

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Right, I assume I can submit my second vow now?


Nope. You have to complete your previous one first. However, given that I probably written down your previous one wrongly :) i'm happy to take your "second" vow in as your first one and delete the previous one. You OK with that?


Yup, no problem. I'll end up doing them either way, and I'd prefer to get the big lads out of the way first.

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Looks better in black than the usual yellow :tu:


Still not 100% on the head for my priest. Think it should be bald and with facial hair.

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That priest will look sick forte!!

I am ending up GSing a beard onto a head as well, because I too thing he should be barking orders with the manliest of beards!!


End of Line

Thinking plated beard for some reason. Just got to see if I can remove the head cleanly or I'd have to keep the original.

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Sooo.. I just now realized that with this challenge ending in August, there is still another month (July) to go. Somehow I didn't take July into account. -_____-


With the (sudden) addition of another month to my timeline, I'll most definitely be adding to my vow once I've completed this first one.

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You might be able to GS a beard onto the head he's already got, making it look much better. Hell, a paper bag would do the trick... :D


End of Line

Not sure how tactically viable a paper bag would be. Apart from to see how long it takes for a Dark Angel to fight their way out of!

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You might be able to GS a beard onto the head he's already got, making it look much better. Hell, a paper bag would do the trick... ;)


End of Line

Not sure how tactically viable a paper bag would be. Apart from to see how long it takes for a Dark Angel to fight their way out of!

They'd have to call it a traitor then spend 10 000 years trying to fight it :D


On topic so we dont get in trouble; i have to do the accessories on the termies then highlights and i'll be done them

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So, after 5 complete weeks and with the teams for each forum fixed, E TENEBRAE LUX is entering its second phase – that of the build up of critical mass of completions. This is actually the most important part since it’ll require a lot of commitment as the initial enthusiasm wanes and the finish line is still way into the future. People might feel they have plenty of time yet, but this is an illusion! If people become complacent and lose their momentum now, it’ll be very difficult to regain it when the deadline is imminent – it’ll be just too scary. In my view E TENEBRAE LUX will be won or lost between June 15th and July 15th so get those completions done and renew vows early – because last minute renewals also carry a disproportionate amount of risk in them.

On more practical level, there is not much change since the June 15th extraordinary update. Overall the teams have had some completions and some renewals but the basic picture remains largely unchanged.

Black Templars 68 30,961 455 4,757 15%
Blood Angels 51 26,977 529 3,190 12%
Dark Angels 69 36,092 523 755 2%
Codex Space Marines 49 30,309 619 220 1%
Space Wolves 40 26,919 673 3,078 11%
Chaos 40 14,104 353 3,446 24%
Ordos Inquisition 18 5,341 297 2,198 41%
Total 335 170,703 510 17,664 10%
Index Astartes 24 13,267 553 85 1%
Liber Astartes 14 9,663 690 135 1%
Ultramarines 11 7,379 671 0 0%


The Dark Angels are comfortably positioned for the next month’s effort. However currently they are significantly lagging in terms of completions with a completion rate with only 2% vs. an average of 10% of the entire event. Just to make a point here, if the DAs had a completion rate in line with the current average of the ETL then they would be at ca 3,600 completed points and in second overall position. That would be achieved by only being average. In fact they would lose only to the BTs that have a much higher-than-average completion rate (15%). As it stands now though they are the second worse in the competition, with only 755 completed points. Unless the engines start soon, the 1st Legion is in for some serious embarrassment!

The Wolves appear to be calmly in control. With completion rate of 11% (very close to the average) they do not seem overextended and with an absolute number of completed points of above 3,000 they appear to be following the developments from a close distance – a distance that they can easily cover if it appears to widen. Their only real problem is structural, i.e. the relatively small amount of participants. However at this stage of the competition it does not show… yet!

Blood Angels are a force to be reckoned with. With completion rate of 12% and with almost 3,200 total completed points, they are currently in similar position with the Wolves (i.e. comfortably close to the leader without any particular worries) but without the Wolves’ structural issues as they posses significant numbers that give them much higher staying power… However if they want to make it for the top they’ll need to improve completion rate further and start on second and subsequent vows fast. And yes, the BAs can easily do that.

Black Templars, still crazy after all these years... After a fantastic show of commitment in the closing stage of the recruitment period, they carry on with completions and new vows that lower their completion rate. As a result their completion rate is “only” 15% (which is still 50% higher than the average) translates to almost 4,800 completed points and are currently at the top of the competition. They have huge momentum and sky-high morale! However the risk of an early burnout is very much a consideration. It’s still early on guys, if you overextend yourselves you might not have the drive in the final stages where competition will undoubtedly peak!

Codex Forums have been quiet for some time now. The vows are in but where are the completions? Really, where are they? They have a good mix of high-value/low-value vows so by now they should have some completions under their belt. With the completion rate of just 1% (even lower than the DAs and the lowest overall) they only have a meager 220 completed points. This is in many respects a similar situation as the DAs since the Codex Forums are the third in terms of pledged points and above the 30k mark. But guys, the winner will be the one with the most completed vows. So get down to it – or the competition will leave you behind very soon. Don’t forget, number of participants make a difference only if you follow the competition closely. If you’re left behind and other forums have made tons of second or third vows, your relative advantage would be wasted!

Chaos has come together very nicely so far. Their completion rate is the second highest at 24% however it only translates to some 3,400 completed points underlying the low value of the average vow. If their average vow was at par with the average of the ETL (510pts/vow) then with this completion rate they’d be leaders, marginally ahead of the Black Templars with 40% less pledged vows! To be fair a new mega-vow of ca 2,000pts is to be submitted soon (some tweaks remain) and this will both raise the average value and lower the completion rate somewhat. So let’s see… Chaos (as always) is interesting!

Ordos Inquisition are the heroes of the ETL: Completion rate 41% the highest in the competition while 40% of them (i.e. ALL those that have reported completions) have made a second vow. The first vow completion rate is 53% (!) So guys, can you do 100% completion rate for the first vow at least?

So until the next weekly update, farewell and good luck to all!
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Is it too late to make a vow?


I'm afraid yes... You can make an out-of-competition vow if you like, like I will, but this cannot be added to the SW total. Sorry, but deadline was June 15.

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Im afraid we, the Emperor First Legion will make this contest!


The pure fact that we are the 6th edition posterboys may give us access to new models before the end of this ETL!


Personally i will do my vow asap but the new edition will be there before im done i guess...then lets see my furry Brothers <_<

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Don't forget that essentially the Dark Angels list is home to two chapters. One in dresses and one they wish would disappear. Like an annoying twin brother ;)
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