Captain Semper Posted May 14, 2012 Share Posted May 14, 2012 E TENEBRAE LUX THE DARK ANGELS PAINTING CHALLENGE THE CHALLENGE Traitors, your time has come!The First Legion, the Unforgiven will at last put an end to your blasphemus existence and send you back to the Warp whence you came. Standing in our path can only ensure your utter destruction and only the most crazed amongst you will dare to oppose us. Do you think you can stop the Angels of Darkness bring the Light of the Emperor to the Eye? You can certainly try but rest assured no quarter will be given to the servants of the Dark Gods! Destruction is upon you!+++IT IS THE FATE OF THE WEAK TO DIE UNKNOWN AND THE DESTINY OF THE STRONG TO RULE FOR ETERNITY. GIVE ME GLORY OR GIVE ME DEATH+++Welcome to E TENEBRAE LUX, the Dark Angels Painting Challenge. This Challenge aims to cultivate faction loyalty and tighten the relations of members of the various forums while getting miniatures painted at the same time. E TENEBRAE LUX is structured quite differently compared to the LPC that many of you might be familiar with. It is designed to play down the inherent disadvantage of low vow-count (that some forums seem to suffer from), evening out as much as possible the chance of victory for all. It also allows for the development of strategies such as to who’s going to paint what, under the coordination of moderators or other active members of your sub-forum. Even a last minute hero might tip the balance!!!THE RULES 1. ELIGIBLE FORUMS: This challenge involves all the sub-forums that are associated with a Codex officially released by GW. See eligible forums in the “Important Stuff” section below.2. VOWS: Each participant MUST declare the sub-forum (and hence the Codex to be used) in his/her vow. That’s how his/her allegiance will be defined. You cannot pledge for the Blood Angels sub-forum for example and use Codex: Space Wolves units as your vow. One has to make a choice. This is different from the LPC where people can paint whatever they like and pledge it for whichever forum they like. Here it’s about faction loyalty! So make your choice and support your preferred faction to the bitter end! 3. LEGAL ENTRIES: Each vow should be a legal unit from the chosen Codex. It can be upgraded with any legal upgrades but WYSIWYG is required. An exception is made for dedicated transports that can be entered individually as if they were standalone entries in any Codex. Furthermore Special Characters that are used as squad upgrades can also be entered individually and are worth the “upgrade” points. If in doubt of whether your vow is legal or not, feel free to raise the question (publicly or through PMs) and you will receive the ruling of the Inner Circle before you commit. 4. THE TWIST: EXPANDING THE VOWS: Here is the twist: once the vow is complete, a new vow with additional units can be added but they should also be legal entries from chosen Codex as described above. This new vow must be clearly made according to the same format of the original vow. It should be stressed that the participant is liable for all the vows he makes. Failing one is failing all. So think carefully before stepping-up your commitment, if you fail on the second or subsequent vows all is lost! 5. THE WINNER: The sub-forum with the most points (as per relevant Codex) in the end of the event wins. As simple as that. Those that complete their vows successfully will get an amazing banner declaring their success in the Dark Angels Challenge while those that vowed for the winning forum will get the “Dark Angels Challenge Champions” banner that can wear with pride until the end of their days! Those that fail will be branded with the banner of shame until the year-end!IMPORTANT STUFF Timing of the event: E TENEBRAE LUX opening: May 15th Vow submission period: May 15th until June 15th at 22:00 GMTE TENEBRAE LUX ending: August 15 at 22:00 GMT. The format of the vow should be: Quote “I [insert name here] answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete [insert unit name here] from Codex: [insert Codex name here] of total value [insert point value here] on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to [insert Chapter/Legion/Warband] and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end” Eligible Forums:• Black Templars – Codex: Black Templars• Blood Angels – Codex: Blood Angels• Dark Angels – Codex: Dark Angels• Index Astartes – Codex: Space Marines• Liber Astartes – Codex: Space Marines• Space Wolves – Codex: Space Wolves• Ultramarines – Codex: Space Marines• ALL Chaos sub-forums – Codex: Chaos Space Marines OR Codex: Chaos Daemons• Ordos Inquisition – Codex: Grey Knights OR SoBs PDF.• Adeptus Mechanichus – IMPERIAL TITANS ONLY! (more on that in the Forgeworld section below)Forgeworld: Forgeworld entries are legal provided it is clearly stated that the unit can be used in the chosen Codex in the 40k context. They worth the points as depicted in the relevant Forgeworld publication. The only exception here is Imperial Titans. For people that want to have a go with Imperial Titans they can legitimately do so if the vow is pledged for Adeptus Mechanicus. That’s the only non-Codex entries that are legal in this Challenge and the only vows that can be pledged on behalf of the Adeptus Mechanicus.Only two pictures are required – one in the beginning (minis unpainted or primed or in very early stages of painting) and one for the finished vow. You are of course welcome to post as many pictures as you like in your WIP thread – but just two (one at the start and one at the finish) will suffice! This thread is the “Chapter House” for this event. All vows of this sub-forum should be posted in this very thread in order to be valid. This is also the place to declare vow completions and/or vow renewals. Finally posting your WIP thread links in your vow post will be tremendously helpful! This is a big event guys, so making life easier for me, will help avoid confusion and backs ‘n forths…You can also use this thread to gauge the progress of your forum (I’ll update often) and compare it with other forums in their respective threads. It will also be a good place to talk to each other as how to go about it, and organize your forum effort. I am Captain Semper and the Inner Circle has given me command of this event. I’ll be glad to answer any questions as we go along and I will keep track of all forums’ efforts. So I’m the person you need to talk to for anything regarding the procedures of this competition but Moderators still have full control of the Meltas, Flamers and Blades of Reason. And they will gladly use all of them given half a chance...May the best forum win! Dark Angels Painting Challenge/ All Chaos sub-forums First Vows A Kvlt Ghost 10xCSM, meltagun, flamer, icon of glory and powerfist champion 215 Incomplete Ahrimanjjb 10 Chaos Space Marines (Lascannon, Icon and Powerfist) 220 Incomplete Akylas 10 Chaos Marines (one upgraded to Aspiring Champion with Powerfist and plasma pistol, one Icon of Chaos Glory, one marine with Plasma Gun, one with Heavy Bolter) 240 Incomplete Ammonius A 10-man unit of Chaos Space Marines with Two Melta Guns, and an Aspiring Champion with a Powerfist and their Rhino Transport with a Havoc Launcher 260 COMPLETE Araziel one Land Raider 220 COMPLETE Azarias 4 regular Chaos Space Marines, 1 Aspiring Champion with a power weapon, and one Land Raider 325 COMPLETE Caffeineated 8 man squad of Khorne Berzerkers, with a Skull Champion with a Powerfist and a Rhino w/ a combi-melta 258 Incomplete Chapter Master Onyxius 2 Terminator Squads, 1 Chaos Space Marine Squad and 1 Chaos Lord 515 COMPLETE Circus Nurgling a 5 man Terminator squad (2 CF, 1 PF, MoNurgle), and Terminator Lord with Mark of Nurgle and Daemon Weapon 395 COMPLETE daemonclaw chaos defiler that looks suspiciously like a brass scorpion and 5 terminators of the hakkanors reavers clan including reaper autocannon p-fist .combiweapon p-fist twbolter+chainfist twbolter+icon tzeentch twbolter pweapon 400 COMPLETE Drelthar 8-man berzerker squad with a powerfist champion 208 Incomplete Excessus 5 Chosen with 2x melta guns 110 Incomplete Fasha the Dog 7 Imperial Fists w. melta gun, one armed with a Missile Launcher (Chaos Space Marines), 10 Space Wolf Berserkers of Khorne, including a Pack Master armed with a Power Claw. (Khorne Berserkers) 375 COMPLETE Furyou Miko Chaos Sorceress (counts-as Ahriman (Power Armour, Black Staff, Personal Icon, Mark of Tzeentch)) 250 COMPLETE Grifon one 10 Man Chaos Marine Squad with Heavy Bolter, and close combat weapons, with Champion 175 Incomplete HJL 5 Termies and a Lord 565 COMPLETE Jay Taint a Chaos Lord with mark of Nurgle and wings 130 COMPLETE Khestra the Unbeheld 19x Khorne Berserkers armed with bolt pistols, close-combat weapons, or a combination of both, and 1x Khorne Berserker with a plasma pistol and close combat weapon for the Black Legion, 2x Khorne Berserker Skull Champions armed with bolt pistols and power fists, and 4x Khorne Berserkers armed with bolt pistols, close combat weapons, or a combination of both for the World Eaters Legion, and 1x Chaos Dreadnought armed with twin-linked lascannon, chainfist, and heavy flamer from the World Eaters Legion 771 COMPLETE Kierdale one Havoc squad (Aspiring Champion, 4 marines with missile launchers, one with bolt gun) 185 COMPLETE Kizzdougs an Iron Warriors Contemptor Dreadnought (autocannon+heavy flamer) 190 COMPLETE Kol_Saresk six Night Lords CSM +1 aspiring Champion (PF & Plasma pistol) + 1 Marine with icon of Chaos Glory 185 Incomplete Leinmann 1 Chaos Lord (plasma pistol, daemon weapon, combi-bolter, personal icon and meltabombs) and 5 Khorne Berzerkers (with skull champion, power weapon, plasma pistol and personal icon and two have plasma pistols, the rest bolt pistols and chainswords) 345 COMPLETE Lord_Caerolion a Chaos Sorceror with the mark of Slaanesh and wings 125 Incomplete -Max- 5 Chaos Havocs - Champion w/PF, x2 Lascannon, x2 Missile Launcher, IoCG 235 COMPLETE Noctus Cornix a 10 man squad of Chaos Terminators, all equipped with combi-plasmas, save for two who are equipped with Heavy Flamers and four of the terminators have replaced their power weapons with power fists with an icon of Chaos Glory 400 Incomplete Odsox one Chaos Dreadnought armed with a Plasma Cannon and Heavy Flamer 110 COMPLETE Piousservant Abaddon the Despoiler and a unit of 5 Chaos Terminators plus 1 Reaper Cannon, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Lightning Claw, 1 Power Fist 490 Incomplete Skoolstah! 7 possessed Chaos Space Marines 182 Incomplete Slayer le Bucher A Chaos SKullraider(Khârn's personal LR), two Khornfilers and a Chaos Stormeagle 775 Incomplete steve shields 3 dreadnaughts (two missile CCW one TL lascannon CCW) 2 Landraiders (possession) Lucius the Eternal and A khonre termi lord with icon and two lightning claws 1,110 COMPLETE sword brethren A Chaos Sorceror (counts as Arhiman), a Raptor Lord (mark of khorne, power fist, twin linked bolter and jump pack 400 Incomplete Tchort 5 a Chaos Terminator Lord w/ Demon weapon and personal Icon 150 Incomplete ThisisJimmy a 10-man unit of Word Bearers with Two Plasmaguns and Icon of Chaos Glory, with an Aspiring Champion with a Power Sword and Twin-Linked Bolter 225 Incomplete Vorganov 7 Fallen Angels Space Marines (6 marines & aspiring Champion) 175 COMPLETE Yogi 5man CSM squad with powerfist 115 COMPLETE zyl- 5 Chosen Chaos Space Marines (1 pf champ, 2 flamer, 2 melta) 155 COMPLETE Dark Angels Painting Challenge/ All Chaos sub-forums Second Vows Araziel one Blightdrone of Nurgle and one counts-as Necrosius 285 COMPLETE daemonclaw Daemon Prince (mark of Nurgle & wings) 150 COMPLETE Fasha the Dog Dornian Heresy Portion: Imperial Fists Rhino - Havoc Launcher, 8 Raven Guard Raptors - Mark of Tzeentch, Power Claw armed Aspiring Champion, 2 Flamers, Space Wolf Chaos Lord - Mark of Khorne, Plasma Pistol, Juggernaut, Daemon Axe, Space Wolf Lord - Daemon Axe, Mark of Khorne, Imperial Fists Chaos Sorcerer - Plasma Pistol, Imperial Fists Chaos Sorcerer, Dark Angels Chaos Sorcerer - Power Weapon, Personal Icon, Familiar, Dark Angels Lord - Power Weapon, Bike, Personal Icon | Non-Dornian Heresy Portion: Khârn, Night Lord Chaos Lord - Power Claw, Combi-flamer, 5 Night Lords Chosen - Aspiring Champion, Power Weapon, Missile Launcher, 10 Night Lords Marines- Aspiring Champion, Plasma Pistol, Power Sword, Plasma Gun, Meltagun, Iron Warriors Lord - Mark of Tzeentch, Terminator Armor, Pair of Lightning Claws, Iron Warrior Daemon Prince, Iron Warrior Daemon Prince, 5 Iron Warrior Terminators - 2 Combi-flamers, 4 Power Claws, Chainfist, 3 Iron Warrior Terminators - Reaper Autocannon, 2 Combi-meltas, 2 Lightning Claws, Chainfist, 1 Iron Warrior Sorcerer & Brass Scorpion count-as Defiler. 2,350 COMPLETE Furyou Miko a Chaos Sorcerer with Plasma Pistol, Mark of Tzeentch, Personal Icon, Familiar and Melta Bombs. I also pledge a Chaos Lord with Bolt Pistol, Daemon Weapon, Mark of Tzeentch, Melta Bombs and Personal Icon 210 COMPLETE HJL 10 Bloodletters 160 COMPLETE Khestra the Unbeheld 1x Fallen Rhino with havoc launcher, 1x Word Bearers Rhino with havoc launcher and 1x Word Bearers Defiler with 2x DCCWs 250 COMPLETE Kierdale one Chosen Chaos Space Marine squad (Aspiring Champion and 4 marines, all 5 with combi-meltas) 150 COMPLETE leinmann 1 chaos sorceror (TDA, combi-melta, MoT, personal icon, familiar), 10 chaos marines (ML, plasma gun, champion, plasma pistol and power fist, icon of chaos glory) and 6 chosen (heavy bolter, plasma gun, combi-bolter and 2 powerfists, champion and icon of chaos glory 643 COMPLETE Odsox "Count as"Khârn the Betrayer 165 COMPLETE steve shields Abaddon, Typhus, Khârn, 3 Termi lords (Khorne pair of claws, Nurgle Pair of claws, Slaneesh pair of claws), 1 Sorceror Termie (Tzeentch, Combi Melta), 3 Chosen Terminator (Reaper Auro Cannon 2x Power Fist 1x Chain Fist 1x Combi Metla), Ceastus Assault Ram w/ frag launchers (counts as land raider with possession/dozer blade) 6 Chosen Marines (4 Melta Guns, 1 Lascannon) 1,858 COMPLETE zyl- 2 (conversion) obliterators 150 COMPLETE Dark Angels Painting Challenge/ All Chaos sub-forums Third Vows Araziel one Sorcerer with the Mark of Nurgle and personal icon in addition to one squad of seven Plague Marine upgraded with one Aspiring Champion armed with a Powerfist, as well as two meltagun's and a personal icon 351 COMPLETE Furyou Miko A Chaos Lord with Daemon Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Personal Icon and Combi-Flamer! (The 'model complete' image will have an aspect that shows the holstered pistol more clearly, and the sword on his backpack is the Personal Icon) 155 COMPLETE HJL Demon Prince (Mark of Nurgle) 130 COMPLETE Odsox Seven counts-as Khorne Berzerkers and a Skull Champion with Power Sword and Melta Bomb 203 Incomplete steve shields 10 chosen (3 plasma guns, 2 melta guns), 8 chosen (slaanesh banner, 3 power weapons, 2 power fists (one of whom is the squads champion), Sorceror (slaanesh)), Lord (warsmith)(combi melta, power sword), 7 Bezerkers (champion, power fist, personal icon, Sorceror (slaanesh)), 5 havocs (4 lascannons), Lord (wings, khorne, Demon Weapon), 5 raptors (2 flamers, khorne, champ, power weapon, plasma pistol), Lord (wings, Nurgle, Demon Weapon), 5 raptors (2 meltas, Nurgle, champ, power weapon, plasma pistol) 2,091 COMPLETE zyl- Demon Prince (Mark of Slaanesh) + wings 135 COMPLETE Dark Angels Painting Challenge/ All Chaos sub-forums Fourth Vows Araziel one Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle from Codex: Daemons and one Chaos Lord with the Mark of Nurgle, Terminator Armour, personal icon and Daemon weaponn 351 Incomplete HJL One Hellblade 130 COMPLETE steve shields 7 nurgle demon princes (wings, iron hide, nurgle), 1 mammon demon prince, and one bloodthirster (deathstrike) 1,855 COMPLETE zyl- 1 chaos sorc (terminator armor, familiar, mot), 1 term champ (2x lightning claw), 3 termies (chainfist, chainfist, combi, combi)1 landraider with pintle bolter, 605 COMPLETE Dark Angels Painting Challenge/ All Chaos sub-forums Fifth Vows steve shields typhus, ahriman, lord (termi, nurgle, demon weapon, combi melta), lord (termi, nurgle, demon weapon), lord (nurgle, bike, power sword, plasma pistol), 3 terminators (chosen, reaper, 2 combi meltas, 2 fist 1 chain, nurgle), 3 bikers (champ, fist, plasma pistol, 2 plasma gun, nurgle 1,454 COMPLETE Dark Angels Painting Challenge/ All Chaos sub-forums Sixth Vows steve shields 1 land raider w/ possession and havoc launcher, 1 predator with triple lascannon possession and havoc launcher, one chaos lord (warsmith) with combi melta power fist 560 COMPLETE Dark Angels Painting Challenge/ All Chaos sub-forums Seventh Vows steve shields three vindicators with possession, havoc launcher 480 COMPLETE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trevak Dal Posted May 14, 2012 Share Posted May 14, 2012 Man I would, but both of my Chaos armies are done, and I'm reluctant to go out and buy any more models 'cause the eventual codex might Squat what I get. I got tactical flexibility, I got my converted Killteam. My World Eater army 'borrows' from my shooting Chaos army, and vice versa. I'm currently repainting my tau (Deconstructing suits and re-converting them after having learned some valuable lessons through making them) but they aren't permitted. I'm sort of in the planning stage for a fluffy Grey Knight brotherhood...but that will be waiting until after Chaos gets its new book 6th Edition drops and the group passes judgment on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yogi Posted May 14, 2012 Share Posted May 14, 2012 I yogi will paint a 5man CSM squad with powerfist from the chaos codex total value 115. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted May 14, 2012 Share Posted May 14, 2012 The initial vow must be made by 15 June, but then additional vows can be made all the way up to the end provided the first was completed, yes? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted May 14, 2012 Author Share Posted May 14, 2012 That's correct. First vow should be made by June 15. After that no new entrants are allowed. Old entrants however can vow again provided they have completed the initial oath. That way you can catch up with other sub forums that might be ahead in points. But be careful! If you fail your second vow all is lost - your first vow won't count either! So be extra sure before you up the stakes ^_^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drelthar Posted May 14, 2012 Share Posted May 14, 2012 Hey, I'm almost ready to submit a vow, but I only paint, and don't own the chaos codex, which is what I'll be painting for. Would it be alright for me to leave out the points cost of the squad that I'll be painting, or do you want me to find that out? If it helps, the squad is a total of 8 berzerkers, including 1 champion with a powerfist. No plasma pistols or additional wargear. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted May 14, 2012 Share Posted May 14, 2012 Drelthar said: Hey, I'm almost ready to submit a vow, but I only paint, and don't own the chaos codex, which is what I'll be painting for. Would it be alright for me to leave out the points cost of the squad that I'll be painting, or do you want me to find that out? If it helps, the squad is a total of 8 berzerkers, including 1 champion with a powerfist. No plasma pistols or additional wargear. 208 points Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warsmith Aznable Posted May 14, 2012 Share Posted May 14, 2012 I, -Max-, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 5 Chaos Havocs from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 235 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Iron Hounds and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. Details: x5 Chaos Havocs (Champion w/PF, x2 Lascannon, x2 Missile Launcher, IoCG) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drelthar Posted May 14, 2012 Share Posted May 14, 2012 -Max- said: Drelthar said: Hey, I'm almost ready to submit a vow, but I only paint, and don't own the chaos codex, which is what I'll be painting for. Would it be alright for me to leave out the points cost of the squad that I'll be painting, or do you want me to find that out? If it helps, the squad is a total of 8 berzerkers, including 1 champion with a powerfist. No plasma pistols or additional wargear. 208 points Thank you so much! Here is my vow: I, Drelthar, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete an 8-man berzerker squad with a powerfist champion from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 208 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Hell Dragons of Khorne, and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caffeineated Chaos Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 I, Caffeineated answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete an 8 man squad of Khorne Berzerkers, with a Skull Champion with a Powerfist and a Rhino w/ a combi-melta from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 258 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Brotherhood of Slaughter, formerly of the World Eaters Legion, and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jay Taint Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 I, Jay Taint, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Chaos Lord with mark of Nurgle and wings from Codex: CSM of total value 130 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Tainted and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. (As of today, the Lord is assembled and primed. Let me know if that doesn't comply with the rules.) Cheers, JT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord_Caerolion Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 I, Lord_Caerolion, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a Chaos Sorceror with the mark of Slaanesh and wings from Codex: CSM of a total value of 125pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Host of the Graven Icon, formerly of the Iron Warriors Legion, and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. Thanks to Azarias for providing the proper points cost for me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azarias Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 "...forth rush'd with whirl-wind sound The Chariot of Paternal Deitie, Flashing thick flames, Wheele within Wheele, undrawn, It self instinct with Spirit, but convoyd By four Cherubic shapes, four Faces each Had wondrous, as with Starrs thir bodies all And Wings were set with Eyes, with Eyes the wheels Of Beril, and careering Fires between..." I, Azarias, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 4 regular Chaos Space Marines, 1 Aspiring Champion with a power weapon, and one Land Raider from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 325 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Word Bearers Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. EDIT: Link to my warband's WIP thread. I'll update in the near future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted May 15, 2012 Author Share Posted May 15, 2012 Go Chaos!!! Very good guys! I'll soon (like today) start to make the lists of vows so that all forums will have an overview of both their and everybody elses vows. This is great guys - keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rune_Priest_Rhapsody Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 “I Rune_Priest_Rhapdoy answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a 5 man Possessed Chaos Space Marine unit with an Aspiring Champion from Codex: Chaos Space Marine of total value of 140 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the World Eaters Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end” End of Line Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Piousservant Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 Horus was weak. Horus was a fool. He had the whole galaxy within his grasp and he let it slip away. “I, Piousservant, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Abaddon the Despoiler and a unit of Chaos Terminators from Codex: Chaos of total value [TBC] on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end” Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kierdale Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 I Kierdale answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Havoc squad (Aspiring Champion, 4 marines with missile launchers, one with bolt gun) from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 185 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Thousand Sons and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. I actually use Codex: Space Marines for my (crusade-era) 1kSons but what the hell, for the purposes of this challenge they're equivalent to Havocs :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beachymike123 Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 i'm just about ready to submit my vow but i have a quick question here - is it just one unit that has to be submitted per vow or can we put them together ie a commander and chosen unit say? then i can submit my vow and this can be the beginning of my army :P cheers in advance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Yogi Posted May 15, 2012 Share Posted May 15, 2012 I decided black legion with simplified icon. Subtle discord's black legion inspired me even though mine aren't a patch on his. 1st marine Unpainted Painted Needs basing but I will do that for all 5 of the marines at the end. 1 down 4 to go. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Noctus Cornix Posted May 16, 2012 Share Posted May 16, 2012 I, Noctus Cornix, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a 10 man squad of Chaos Terminators, all equipped with combi-plasmas, save for two who are equipped with Heavy Flamers and four of the terminators have replaced their power weapons with power fists with an icon of Chaos Glory from Codex: CSM of a total value of 400pts on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ankou Pact, of the Night Lords Legion, and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted May 16, 2012 Author Share Posted May 16, 2012 leinmann said: i'm just about ready to submit my vow but i have a quick question here - is it just one unit that has to be submitted per vow or can we put them together ie a commander and chosen unit say? then i can submit my vow and this can be the beginning of my army :) cheers in advance. You can vow as many "legal" units you wish but they have to be from the same Codex - Chaos in this case. But keep in mind that you can also submit a second vow after you finished your first. So play conservatively because only finished vows count. Also bear in mind that if you fail on a subsequent vow then all is lost - even if previous vows were completedc they count for nothing. So to recap: You can use as many "legal" units as you like in any given vow. Keep in mind you can always vow again once you finished - so play conservatively. Also keep in mind that unfinished vows nullify previous vows too! Good luck! EDIT: The first post is updated with a table at the bottom that shows the overall effort of the Chaos forums. It is updated up to that point and are entries are alphabetical. Similar tables can be found in all ETL threads across all participating forums so you can monitor all rivals' progress. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beachymike123 Posted May 16, 2012 Share Posted May 16, 2012 thank you Captain Semper for the quick response. I Leinmann answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 1 Chaos Lord (plasma pistol, daemon weapon, combi-bolter, personal icon and meltabombs) and 5 Khorne Berzerkers (with skull champion, power weapon, plasma pistol and personal icon and two have plasma pistols, the rest bolt pistols and chainswords) from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total points value of 345 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to The Iron Crusade of Brother Lord Xanthan and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Piousservant Posted May 16, 2012 Share Posted May 16, 2012 Piousservant said: Horus was weak. Horus was a fool. He had the whole galaxy within his grasp and he let it slip away. “I, Piousservant, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Abaddon the Despoiler and a unit of Chaos Terminators from Codex: Chaos of total value [TBC] on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end” I've worked the points out and it comes to 490. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caffeineated Chaos Posted May 16, 2012 Share Posted May 16, 2012 I've begun work on my vow, progress can be viewed here: My DAPC Vow Comments/feedback would be greatly appreciated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
*Furyou Miko Posted May 17, 2012 Share Posted May 17, 2012 I, Furyou Miko, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Chaos Sorceress (counts-as Ahriman (Power Armour, Black Staff, Personal Icon, Mark of Tzeentch)) from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total points value of 250. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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