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+++E Tenebrae Lux+++

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Of course you are allowed! And, after seeing the mini, the correct wording should be: "Count as" Khârn ONLY BETTER!!! Really great conversion there Odsox - good luck.


I have updated the table - no need for a formal vow!

Vow complete!

I present one seven-man Plague Marine squad with Aspiring Champion, powerfist, two meltaguns and a personal icon:





One Sorcerer of Nurgle with personal icon:






So, onto my fourth vow:

I Araziel answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete one Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle from Codex: Daemons and one Chaos Lord with the Mark of Nurgle, Terminator Armour, personal icon and Daemon weapon from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 280 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to The Pestilent Scourge, and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.



Built/Undercoated shots:





Chaos Lord:





I'd also like to ask something; Captain Semper, how is the challenge when it comes to using "counts-as"? I'd like to enter some Plague Bearers in, but I'd planned on building zombies for "counts-as". Would this be OK?

Vow complete!


I know someone that sits in his garden being a proud grandfather... :P Excellent stuff there Araziel - as per usual! You've done Nurgle a feat service! Status and fourth vow updated! Good luck ;)


I'd also like to ask something; Captain Semper, how is the challenge when it comes to using "counts-as"? I'd like to enter some Plague Bearers in, but I'd planned on building zombies for "counts-as". Would this be OK?


My initial reaction is say no. The main reason is I'm not even sure if Zombies are B&C compliant minis... I'd better check with the Admins before I make a ruling on them.


my bloodletters are done, ill put some pics up when i get a chance.


Well done HJL - and to show some favoritism to by Fallen brother I'll update your status to "COMPLETE" with the pics still pending. But make sure you post them soon - certainly before you make another vow - if another one is forthcoming... But in any case congrats and if they are anything like the Bloodletter in your blog, amazing job there too :o

Vow complete!


I know someone that sits in his garden being a proud grandfather... :) Excellent stuff there Araziel - as per usual! You've done Nurgle a feat service! Status and fourth vow updated! Good luck :)


I'd also like to ask something; Captain Semper, how is the challenge when it comes to using "counts-as"? I'd like to enter some Plague Bearers in, but I'd planned on building zombies for "counts-as". Would this be OK?


My initial reaction is say no. The main reason is I'm not even sure if Zombies are B&C compliant minis... I'd better check with the Admins before I make a ruling on them.


my bloodletters are done, ill put some pics up when i get a chance.



Haha, thanks man. Ironically, my garden is currently an overgrown, wasp-infested mess so you may be onto something there..

Don't worry about the zombie question. I realised that it was only the command box that was horrifically overpriced, so I've ordered a box of the generic Plague Bearers.


Here's hoping I can make them into my fifth vow, time pending (I know Epidemius is going to take me ages..)!

Aaaargh, I can't see the pic!!! (am at work currently). Regardless; your status is updated to COMPLETE - well done Kizzdougs! (judging from your previous work, I can't wait to see this Contemptor of yours!!!)
daemon prince done


had a couple of days of free time :RTBBB:

I don't mean to rules nazi this one.. ok I do.

1. There is no indication of a Mark of Nurgle visible on the model

2. Why not take the extra points made available for the wings if you are trying to maximize points?

3. How did you have a "couple days of free time" between today and today? I want in on that action, I work weekends!

Mon is implied.... somehow


Couple of days free time is refering to last couple of days. Got 7 bloodletters done and a dp. I painted the dp today incase you were implying otherwise.


Wasnt sure about wings untill i put it together. The model costs money and money comes before internet vow basicaly.

At first I wasn't sure why the Dark Angels painting contest was here... I assume there will be a proper Call to Chaos when the box set or the new codex comes out...


Dark Angels are a Chaos Legion, clearly.


I even vowed, and mostly completed, two of them:




Man, so much stunning stuff here ... Great work, everybody! It's awesome to see so much effort and dedication!

I've completed the maybe most pathetic vow to the Chaos ETL: My Chaos Lord with MoN and wings. I hope the MoN is explicit enough to be worth its 20 points; let me know if it's not.



Sadly I won't be able to place another vow. I'm overseas for the next 3 weeks, and I'll lose my job rather soon. Job hunting isn't fun and takes quite a bit of time. I'm not sure if I'll be able to find the commitment and peace to finish more stuff in time, particularly not anything that'd make an impact. I'll let you know if I do though.

Cheers, JT

@ HJL: The DP is awesome! Very impressive in such a short time... Well done! ^_^ I'll be happy to award points for the wings, if you make him a Khorne DP (given that there is some red there and nothing much Nurgly about him)... Oh, and is there any "before" pic? I'm updating your status for now but let me know if the trade-off (wings vs. Khorne) is on.


@ Muskie: Well, it's not so much a Dark Angels painting contest (although it was initiated and organized by the Inner Circle), it's a cross-forum event where everybody is against everybody else! :P It's an opportunity to paint some minis in a friendly competition environment and have fun while getting some motivation to complete and expand your armies.


@ zyl-: Congrats! I'm updating your status and look fwd to your next vow! ;)


@ JT: This is a fantastic Nurgle lord - Well done! ;) Status updated! Good luck with your employment...

@ HJL: The DP is awesome! Very impressive in such a short time... Well done! :P I'll be happy to award points for the wings, if you make him a Khorne DP (given that there is some red there and nothing much Nurgly about him)... Oh, and is there any "before" pic? I'm updating your status for now but let me know if the trade-off (wings vs. Khorne) is on.


Objection. There are no stipulations for requiring a Mark to have Wings on a Daemon Prince, nor is there a stipulation for there to be a color scheme to a Mark. Wings are wings, they cost 20 points regardless of whether or not the DP is Marked, and a Mark of Nurgle is 20 points regardless of what color the DP is. Holding points hostage over a cosmetic demand not even required in the relevant Codex is irregular at best and suspect at worst.

Vow complete!


Iron Warrior Contemptor Dread.



Check out my thread for the WIP shots :D


I'll have to come up with another vow now.


That is jaw droppingly awesome! I may do something unwise involving Forge World and my credit card because of this photo...


The Dark Angel underfoot is really nice touch.

@ HJL: The DP is awesome! Very impressive in such a short time... Well done! ;) I'll be happy to award points for the wings, if you make him a Khorne DP (given that there is some red there and nothing much Nurgly about him)... Oh, and is there any "before" pic? I'm updating your status for now but let me know if the trade-off (wings vs. Khorne) is on.


Objection. There are no stipulations for requiring a Mark to have Wings on a Daemon Prince, nor is there a stipulation for there to be a color scheme to a Mark. Wings are wings, they cost 20 points regardless of whether or not the DP is Marked, and a Mark of Nurgle is 20 points regardless of what color the DP is. Holding points hostage over a cosmetic demand not even required in the relevant Codex is irregular at best and suspect at worst.


Well, here's the deal. HJL did not vow the wings so by the letter of the law he should not benefit from them. And to be fair he did not ask for the wings to count - so that's cool. He did vow for a mark of Nurgle though which to me it’s not blatantly obvious. Since marks are a curious situation when it comes to wysiwyg, I have ruled in the beginning of this thread that they should be represented somehow - even if its is just through appropriate choice of colors.


This has actually come up before. The answer is: only upgrades that have a physical representation on the figure (i.e. some WYSIWYG) can be used to earn points. For example, special abilities from the BTs Codex (like furious charge) or Sagas from the SWs codex cannot be used to claim points. We want people to convert and try to represent all the stuff they’re vowing for on the mini, i.e. do some effort even if it means a single purity seal to denote Terminator Honours – but it has to be there. Proper painting can be used to denote a particular Mark of Chaos (or Mark of the Wolven for that matter ;)) so that’s possible. Psychic powers? No.


Next pertinant question: I paint the described prince with clear marks and add a greenstuff psyker power effect, does it add to the total now if it didn't before?


Trying to represent Marks of Chaos is addressed above. Proper painting would do it. Also if you plan to make major conversions and additions to the mini to clearly represent the effect of a psychic power then it will be judged on a case by case basis (no promises – it really must impress the Inner Circle to award points for it – so I say play it safe and avoid it). As a general rule of thumb psychic powers cannot be used to gain points.


So what consists “proper” is a matter of debate. There is the generally accepted combinations (sickly green or dirty white as a color to denote Nurgle affiliation) – but you’re right there is no fixed definition. In fact the bluish-white skin tone of the DP might be considered “sickly” enough to qualify. Ultimately I’ll be happy to accept HJLs DP as is (i.e. with the mark of Nurgle and no wings). I have even updated his status already. So your remark about keeping points hostage is irrelevant. He got all the points he vowed for.


As regards the wings he did do the job - it's not like he didn't. So offering him the opportunity to benefit from that does not seem like a huge problem to me. However given that as I said above the DP sports coloration that is usually associated with Khorne (red armour) rather than Nurgle, I’d offer to bend the rules a bit to get the wings included but also at some sort of “penalty” if you like making him a Khornate DP. Given your reaction, I’m regretting it already.


If you still maintain your objection, I’ll withdraw the offer (which was bending the rules to benefit HJL) because to me it’s more important to have this competition running smoothly than whether anyone will benefit form 10pts more or less. It is also run in good faith and in good humour. Let’s keep it that way.


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