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Horus was weak. Horus was a fool. He had the whole galaxy within his grasp and he let it slip away.



“I, Piousservant, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Abaddon the Despoiler and a unit of Chaos Terminators from Codex: Chaos of total value [TBC] on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”



I've worked the points out and it comes to 490.


And I can't come to terms that you vow for Chaos! :) :D :D


Could you add a bit more flavor on the load-out?

That's great HJL. The vow is valid; however some detail on the loadouts would be appreciated!



I can't help to notice it's the second brother we lose to Chaos! You'd think we have a predisposition... ;)

Allas i have a company of da and most of the dw. I dont have much nees for more. My chaos however is new and exciting!


Chaos terminators x5

5x champions

Combi melta + power weapon

Twin lightning claw

Combi melta + chainfist

Combi bolter + power weapon

Combi bolter + lightning claw


Chaos lord

Terminator armour

Combi melta

Demon weapon

Congratulations Yogi! Well done. I'll update front table ASAP!


Given that is early in the Challenge, woud you consider making another vow? That way you have the opportunity to add more points to the Chaos team. However keep in mind that if you do not complete the second vow, then the first is nullified as well. Up to you. If you stop here you would contribute your 115 pts to Chaos team and you deserve your "vow complete" banner.

Thanks semper, i am pretty swamped at the moment. But you never know.


Also thanks for running this, I haven't painted much lately and I am real happy with these guys.


You're welcome, it's very enjoyable from my end as welll! Thanks for participating!




Now how about the rest of you Traitors? Aren't your patron Gods allow you to stay out after dark? Are you afraid of the wrath of the Unforgiven? Well, it's only natural I guess... But what Nature has to do with the Warp, eh? <_< C'mon make a stand!!! :lol:

I, Circus Nurgling, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete a 5 man Terminator squad (2 CF, 1 PF, MoNurgle), and Terminator Lord with Mark of Nurgle and Daemon Weapon, from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 395 points, on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Apostles of Contagion, and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.


Question: How do you handle Apocalypse units? I'd like to enter either a Plaguereaper of Nurgle or possibly a Plague Tower of Nurgle, which were going to be my summer projects anyhow.


Also, since this is "all chaos", both from C:CSM and C:D, can I add to my vow from the Daemons codex after my Terminators are done?

Apocalypse is a bit tricky... This whole thing was build with 40k in mind. But we have a guy in the DA forum who pledged a Thunderhawk! I didn't have the heart to disqualify him - I really want to see people painting what they want. So if in the unit description is clearly mentioned the Codex that it it supposed to belong to and the point value go ahead. Is it from the Apocalypse book or a FW publication? (got everything - just want to check them out).


Re: using the Codex Chaos Daemons, yes you can! Chaos is supported by two Codices - so by all means use them!

Well, the plaguereaper is from the Apocalypse book, but the plaguetower is from a GW .pdf here: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...lague_Tower.pdf. I'm more inclined to enter the plaguereaper, as I have the baneblade built but still have to add the nurgley bits and the tower is still just in the concept stage, but I'm still curious about its legitimacy.


Ok another question as well: I have the FW Great Unclean One, which by most standards is Scabeiathrax, the 777 point gargantuan creature that it claims to be when you put it on the table, so would I be able to enter it at that points value or would I have to use Ku'gath's points value of 300?


Reason I ask these questions is I'm not sure which I'm going to follow up my initial vow with, so I'd like to get it sorted out ahead of time.



Well, the plaguereaper is from the Apocalypse book, but the plaguetower is from a GW .pdf here: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...lague_Tower.pdf. I'm more inclined to enter the plaguereaper, as I have the baneblade built but still have to add the nurgley bits and the tower is still just in the concept stage, but I'm still curious about its legitimacy.


Ok another question as well: I have the FW Great Unclean One, which by most standards is Scabeiathrax, the 777 point gargantuan creature that it claims to be when you put it on the table, so would I be able to enter it at that points value or would I have to use Ku'gath's points value of 300?


Reason I ask these questions is I'm not sure which I'm going to follow up my initial vow with, so I'd like to get it sorted out ahead of time.




I'll reflect on this and will revert tomorrow - got to fly now, wife's getting THAT look!

Just because there is always a rules nazi in me ruining all fun in the world, I must clarify..


If I vow a Daemon Prince, would the psyker powers he runs add to the point value as well? MoT and 2 psyker powers would add almost 100 more points to the total.


Next pertinant question: I paint the described prince with clear marks and add a greenstuff psyker power effect, does it add to the total now if it didn't before?


Last question relevant: A sorceror HAS to have at least one power to be fielded (doombolt is lowest at 10 points). Do we at least get those 10 points minimum for a sorceror?


reguardless of that..


I zyl- answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete 5 Chosen Chaos Space Marines (1 pf champ, 2 flamer, 2 melta) from Codex: Chaos Space Marines of total value 155 points on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to Rav'vir's Thrall and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end.

look guys i'm really sorry aboutg this but its really bugging me now (i might be tired from both jobs so that can explain it some way) but how can i upload a photo to this forum? i've started and to keep to the rules of the comp i wanna stick up some pics of my models in the undercoat stage. feel free to ridicule as you show me. thanks guys.

Here's my first picture for this challenge. The man in the plastic bag is going to be the second lascannon guy, and will probably also be carrying the IoCG.


I've got some paint on them from Thursday, but I'm not going to do a second photo until they're done. And since I've committed myself to having 500 points of Sisters painted for the Kansas City GW opening, these guys won't be done until two weeks time.

EDIT: because I'm just now figuring out how to use the B&C photo galleries...

Well, the plaguereaper is from the Apocalypse book, but the plaguetower is from a GW .pdf here: http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Custom...lague_Tower.pdf. I'm more inclined to enter the plaguereaper, as I have the baneblade built but still have to add the nurgley bits and the tower is still just in the concept stage, but I'm still curious about its legitimacy.

Ok another question as well: I have the FW Great Unclean One, which by most standards is Scabeiathrax, the 777 point gargantuan creature that it claims to be when you put it on the table, so would I be able to enter it at that points value or would I have to use Ku'gath's points value of 300?

Reason I ask these questions is I'm not sure which I'm going to follow up my initial vow with, so I'd like to get it sorted out ahead of time.



Did some thinking yesterday and I came to the following conclusion:


For the sake of consistency and to avoid any significant distortions in point values I’m going to apply a “read as written” verdict on the rules. All entries should be units from the chosen Codex. Exceptions are FW units whose rules explicitly state that a model belongs to a specific Codex for 40k purposes. No apocalypse-only units.


FW models can be used as “count-as” for a Codex unit entry but Special Characters that are not described in the Codex cannot be used as such. The thinking behind that is the points’ values of such Characters are usually over the top and are justified by a number of special rules that are not physically represented on the mini (psychic powers an’such). So in order to keep this Challenge as level as possible for all participants the ruling is: stick to the Codex. If you want to paint Scabeiathrax go ahead (I have great respect for that mini and the people that have a go with it) but it’ll worth the points of Ku'gath since he’s the most expensive Great Unclean One in the Codex.

However, you can still enter the plagueripper and/or the plague tower as an out-of competition entry (i.e. no points will be awarded for it) but you will gain the Inner Circle’s attention that does not go unrewarded! :D


Just because there is always a rules nazi in me ruining all fun in the world, I must clarify.

You help more than you think mate. As GW itself has said in the past it is impossible to cover all eventualities with a single rule-set – hence the FAQs. Which is effectively what we are doing here.


If I vow a Daemon Prince, would the psyker powers he runs add to the point value as well? MoT and 2 psyker powers would add almost 100 more points to the total.


This has actually come up before. The answer is: only upgrades that have a physical representation on the figure (i.e. some WYSIWYG) can be used to earn points. For example, special abilities from the BTs Codex (like furious charge) or Sagas from the SWs codex cannot be used to claim points. We want people to convert and try to represent all the stuff they’re vowing for on the mini, i.e. do some effort even if it means a single purity seal to denote Terminator Honours – but it has to be there. Proper painting can be used to denote a particular Mark of Chaos (or Mark of the Wolven for that matter :)) so that’s possible. Psychic powers? No.


Next pertinant question: I paint the described prince with clear marks and add a greenstuff psyker power effect, does it add to the total now if it didn't before?


Trying to represent Marks of Chaos is addressed above. Proper painting would do it. Also if you plan to make major conversions and additions to the mini to clearly represent the effect of a psychic power then it will be judged on a case by case basis (no promises – it really must impress the Inner Circle to award points for it – so I say play it safe and avoid it). As a general rule of thumb psychic powers cannot be used to gain points.


Last question relevant: A sorceror HAS to have at least one power to be fielded (doombolt is lowest at 10 points). Do we at least get those 10 points minimum for a sorceror?


Well this is not the table top - it's about painting. During the game you can benefit from all the "unseen" upgrades but here we want to strip them down to what can be seen. Obviously 10 pts is not a big issue especially when the vows are several hunded points each, but again think of the controversy if the whole Challenge comes down to those 10 pts! (fat chance I know but still). So I'll stick to the general rules that says no points for psychic powers (unless of course you model such a power to a level that is undisputably clear as to what it is).


So keep it as WYSIWYG as possible guys. Good luck with everybody's vows! ;)

Horus was weak. Horus was a fool. He had the whole galaxy within his grasp and he let it slip away.



“I, Piousservant, answer the challenge of the Unforgiven and vow to complete Abaddon the Despoiler and a unit of Chaos Terminators from Codex: Chaos of total value [TBC] on or before August 15. Success will bring eternal glory to the Black Legion and failure will doom me to bear the sign of damnation until the year-end”



I've worked the points out and it comes to 490.


And I can't come to terms that you vow for Chaos! ^_^ ;) ^_^


Could you add a bit more flavor on the load-out?


Yes, sorry brother but I finished my Ravenwing in the LPC and my DA are complete now, until a new codex hits anyway!



Termi squad is: 5 Terminators plus 1 Reaper Cannon, 2 Combi-Meltas, 1 Lightning Claw, 1 Power Fist



This is the first weekly update of the ETL Challenge. In this update (and the ones that will follow) I’ll try to compile the overall picture of the ETL and how it’s developing so all can have a quick understanding of the overall situation. So with no further ado and as at 16:00 GMT here’s the situation:

Black Templars 18 6,451 358
Blood Angels 17 5,878 347
Dark Angels 27 12,020 445
Index Astartes 8 2,075 259
Liber Astartes 3 1,325 442
Space Wolves 12 7,225 602
Ultramarines 5 1,994 399
Chaos 16 4,281 268
Ordos Inquisition 5 1,203 241
Total 111 42,472 383
- - - -
Codex Space Marines 16 5,394 337

Some early comments:

The Dark Angels have the highest number of vows and the highest point-count with significant difference from the second (currently the Wolves). This raises the stakes for the competition. Obviously it’s completed points that will win the day but number of participants also carries significant weight to achieve that. So people need to flock to their favorite forums/Chapters and pledge vows – it’s still early on, everything can change!

The Wolves have highest points/vow ratio and currently they are second in total points pledged. That means that those committed have done so with big vows (in true Wolfish manner), which also entails big risks. It also means that if they maintain their average at 600 they’ll require another 8 participants to reach the pledged points of the DAs (assuming no more DAs submit vows – yeah right!)

Black Templars mean serious business. With fairly high points/vow ratio and some serious commitment they have managed a very respectable 3rd place for far. Look forward to see what else they have stored for us – one has to remember their strong performance in the LPC to realize they are a force to be reckoned with! Well done guys (so far :tu:).

Blood Angels are also strong in the game with the third largest amount of vows. However their points/vow ratio is lower than the Templars and it shows on the total point count. But here we have the Champions of two consecutive LPC’s and a Chapter known for its artistic inclination – so I think there are some Aces in their sleeves yet. What they basically lack is a couple of hefty vows (close or above the 1,000pts mark) to tip the balance.

Chaos is also putting up a fight with 16 participants but they also lack a couple of super vows (something close to 1,000 mark) to bring them at par with the other forums. As it happens is has lowest points/vow ratio among the big players.

Codex Space Marines forums are showing a significant lack of vows among them although from what I’ve seen there is no lack of talent. LA sports a fairly high points/vow ratio but with only 3 vows so far it can be misleading. On the other hand if all the C:SM forums were put together as one the picture would be much more competitive: 5,394pts and 16 vows between them – they are certainly not far from the other forums. Hmmmmmm… see where I’m going with this? ;)

Ordos Inquisiton has an aura of heroism about it. Only 5 vows but very brave to face the challenge of the other mega-forums! Kudos to you purest of soul! You make all of us proud!

Before I conclude this first update I need to make a special mention to the two participants that already completed their vows, namely ZAChos from Index Astartes and Yogi from the Chaos forum. Furthermore ZAChos renewed his vow making him the first participant to raise the stakes! Congrats to both of you guys [but ZAChos is still in the game – so be careful mate! ;)]
Chaos is also putting up a fight with 16 participants but they also lack a couple of super vows (something close to 1,000 mark) to bring them at par with the other forums. As it happens is has lowest points/vow ratio among the big players.


We are fighting the Long War, apparently. I know I am. I pledged way too much stuff for the LPC and fell flat on my face. I'm doing this challenge one unit at a time, and hoping to add on a lot of further pledges.


Very cool update!


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