Brother Christopher Posted November 27, 2013 Author Share Posted November 27, 2013 Don't know about that. You're right about the BT nature, but Chaplains are needed too. Take the EC and take our distrust in the warp (which despite the alterations in our fluff I still uphold). Sure, BTs are zealous and righteous and loyal, but having a skull-faced guy shepherding them won't hurt. Well, now I'm actually considering fielding chaplains as "Sword Brethren with a power maul". That would solve my power maul shortage problem. Now that Chaplains are actually not much more than a W2 marine with a special rule armed with a crozius (which is a power maul, just a bit more fancy), that makes some sense. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arthanor Posted November 27, 2013 Share Posted November 27, 2013 That, or as honour guards with power mauls, someone here has done/is doing a "recclusiam honor guard" which is full of chaplain models. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Christopher Posted December 8, 2013 Author Share Posted December 8, 2013 I've got another question, maybe you can help me out. I'm trying to figure out how to make an Inquisitor, who'll have the honour and privilege to fight alongside my Crusaders. I don't think I want to go for a regular Inquisitor model, though. I'm considering using a Mephiston instead. But I'm worried that Mephiston is too big for a more regular human. I'm planning to shave of some of his collar and make a custom backpack for him, which can also sere as the TDA back grille. That way I can field him as PA or TDA, whatever is more tactically advantageous. So here's my question(s): would you say that Mephiston is too big, and a "regular" PA inquisitor model smaller than a Space Marine? I think that somebody here used Cotaez as a base for a Marshall conversion, so I suppose that Cotaez is roughly the same size as a Marine. Likewise, there's the awesome Forge World Terminator Inquisitor (Rex?). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal_Roujakis Posted December 9, 2013 Share Posted December 9, 2013 (edited) Power Armour makes any normal human look "big", that and some Inquisitors actually get Bionic enhancements and physical Gene replacements to "make" them fit into Power Armour and Terminator Armour. I'll take a Chaos one for reference, Kor Phaeron was "too old" for any gene enhancements that was needed to make a Space Marine, so instead they gave him Physical enhancements and Bionic arms and legs so he could compete with his fellow Astartes. Same with Luther of the Dark Angels. Although also: Inquisitor Xavier Mendoza the reason why I won't have Inquisitors for the Vengeance Crusade. Edited December 9, 2013 by Marshal_Roujakis Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Christopher Posted December 9, 2013 Author Share Posted December 9, 2013 Thanks for answering. There are psychopaths among the Inquisition, but our Chapter isn't crystal clear either :) And I also thought about all those enhancements, but my pain with all them is that there is no representation of them in the Inquisitor's statline. But now I'm pretty convinced that Coatez is roughly the same size as a SM, so I'll probably convert that useless Mephiston model into a heretic-seeking, xeno-hating, witch-hunt maniac, who decided to become to start a traineeship with my psychopaths in black. Because who's better than us in doing all those nasty things? :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Christopher Posted January 21, 2014 Author Share Posted January 21, 2014 (edited) !MASSIVE BLOCK OF TEXT INCOMING! A brotherhood of knights known today as the Neurode Crusade, over the last few decades, underwent a series of changes leading to its present day composition. The changes centre on the figure of Marshall Arthur, the current Marshall of the Crusade. I’m embarking on a project to make my Crusade more organized. Knowing myself, I can see where this is heading (to a halt, that is). But I’ll do my best to… do my best. To repaint some of my older models to a better standard. To finish their bases. To count all my boxed, unassembled miniatures. And to finally write some fluff for my Crusade.I was going to do this for myself anyway, but I figured that I could share this nostalgic journey with you. If you have some time to spare, hop aboard Hopefully, I’ll be successively providing you with next pieces of the Crusade’s history, some pictures of my old models and, later, some new stuff.As a word of introduction, there were 3 major steps in my army’s development: the initial (Otmar) stage, with a nameless Crusade composed of random units which I could get. Then, the Dol Amroth Crusade stage: the peak of my gaming career during which I had a reasonable, competitive army. I also gained some painting proficiency and even had a fully painted force. And then came the disastrous Neurode stage where I lost all control over my forces whatsoever. Occupied with tens of projects, including scratch-builds, I allowed my army to grow uncontrollably and fill the shelves with scores of unassembled, unpainted models. What a mess this is…So, this new “write some fluff” project is an attempt to reorganize the Neurode Crusade and restore my army’s glory. +++PART 1+++ The Otmar Intervention Still a Sword Brother, Arthur was appointed command of a minor, 35-man strong (including a Dreadnought and a 5 TDA Sword Brethren), Black Templar strike force. They were ordered to support Imperial forces on Otmar. Thereon, the safety of a sacred shrine of the Emperor was threatened by an Ork raiding party of unknown size. Planetary radars located an incoming Ork vessel and the local officials sent distress signals. Because of its location and insignificance, Otmar did not have a military force and had little chances of defending against the incoming Orks. The defenders of the planet were but a small, underequipped militia, mustered from the more zealous civilians and local priests. The plea for help was answered by a nearby Black Templar vessel. Arthur’s force landed in time to bolster local defences and, most importantly, secure the safety of the shrine located on a rise in Walhaim, the biggest city of the planet. The Ork shuttle crashed on the surface of Otmar on the outskirts of Walgaim just a few hours after the Black Templars landed. Arthur assigned 10 Initiates, a Dreadnought and some of the local forces to defend the immediate proximity of the shrine. Meanwhile, he lead a pre-emptive attack. Unfortunately, as the Orks need no time to organize, they already managed to brake the militia’s defences of Walhaim.Fighting the scattered Ork forces was tiresome. The greenskins posed no threat, nor were they a worthy challenge for the fearsome Crusaders. However, the crashed vessel was not the only inbound Orkish craft. Somehow two other, larger vessels remained undetected until it was too late. The cumbersome, mutilated chunks of metal entered Otmar’s atmosphere. This time the greenskins were lead by a Warboss. Seeing what was left of the first wave of attackers, the brute became furious. He lead a swift strike on the city, much more organized than the previous formless assault. Orks used their numbers to their advantage and were pushing the defenders back, deeper into the city. Even the might of the Astartes, stretched thin among the kilometres of breaking defence lines, proved to be insufficient.Arthur ordered all his man back to the shrine to prevent desecration of the holy place. The remaining forces of the human militia, at first hesitant to leave their homes to be ravaged by the scattered parties of the green horde, joined the Marines. Eager to fight the finest of the Imperium, the Warboss gathered a significant force of Orks and ordered a brutal onslaught on the defenders’ donjon. The joint Black Templars’ and militia’s forces repelled the initial push and two consecutive ones; yet, the defenders, especially the militia, suffered great losses. However, the Ork’s numbers were greatly diminished. In the third attack on the shrine, the Warbass was slain. The rest of his kin, leaderless, discouraged and broken, scattered. The shrine was secured. Walhaim was ruined, though. The remains of the defenders, assisted by fresh units of militia from other settlements, dealt with the scattered Ork survivors. At first, I had little idea about the hobby. I was drawn to Black Templars by the Damnation Crusade graphic novel and by an easy, cheap, yet awesome paint scheme. Little did I know about painting black, or painting miniatures in general. However, finishing my first units wasn’t that hard. After all, they were mostly black after basecoating. All marines were painted at a poor tabletop quality. I still have some of those troops in my army and I decided to rework them.Also, during the fist stages of me in the hobby my army was limited to the AoBR set and an SM Battleforce (Additionally, I had a box of Sword Brothers, a BT upgrade sprue and an Emperor’s Champion model. However, I saved the metal models for later.). That was my starting point. That’s more or less reflected in Arthur’s available units. Back then I played only with my friend, who had an Ork army.I can’t seem to find any pictures of the troops I took back then. I still have my old AoBR guys, but they are in various states of (de-)composition because of some “upgrades” I introduced in the meantime. Some are still bearing my first layers of paint, some are scarred with my first codex-grey highlighting attempts, some “templarified” with green-stuff tabards. I want to rework those guys as soon as possible: they deserve better. Maybe I’ll upload some pictures of those guys later this week. Edited January 21, 2014 by Brother Cristopher Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Christopher Posted January 25, 2014 Author Share Posted January 25, 2014 (edited) I've lately decided to repaint my miniatures so that all are painted using the same 'techniques'. I want to have a more unified look of the army in place of the current panorama of my skill's development. Here are the first two guys. The idea was to improve the highlights, shading and to FINALLY paint the bases. I don't know whether the improvements are visible, but I feel that the miniatures are updated in a sense. The improvements don't really show in the photos, but they are there. Believe me The highlights are less messy (still far from perfect, but apparently I can't do better... at least not on top of the old ones); there's more 'shading' on cloth elements, eye lenses, seals, etc. Before: After: Before: After: And images from different angles: I'm not sure if I like how the bases turned out, though. But there's no way of changing them now. How do you like them? Edited January 25, 2014 by Brother Cristopher Netsu and greggles 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CastellanDeMolay Posted January 25, 2014 Share Posted January 25, 2014 Noticable improvement on the highlights. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted January 25, 2014 Share Posted January 25, 2014 I see definite improvement as well and I would say that your bases look a lot better. I know initially at least, we'd like to believe that the natural color of sand and/or stone should look nice, it being natural, but in reality, it doesn't. We'd like to be able to save the time invested in the basing to do other things. Unfortunately, unpainted basing material just looks unfinished. So kudos to you for taking that one last step. Also, at some point you may develop an attraction to nice base details (like I have) and start doing all sorts of stuff. It's another way to make your figures stand out and look different. With the quick texture stuff GW puts out now, it's actually seems to be turning into a lost art, only practiced by a few of the "old" guys. :) Another tip I might offer that I read from an article in an old WD, is from Tom Schadle (Golden Demon and Slayer Sword winner). He stated something that was so obvious that I couldn't see it plainly in front of my face, but I have certainly embraced the practice ever since...and that is... A lot of us have challenges painting highlights on power armor. Sometimes you're in the zone and it looks awesome, but a lot of times it looks a little sloppy. In my case, it always seemed to be in some visually prominent place that would always detract from the totally awesome highlight I did that nobody could see. Very frustrating to say the least. So you sort of get in the habit of trying your best, then if it's not Ok, I'd just say, "Ok, I'll do better on the next one". Well, Tom came out in the article and said, "did you know it's Ok to go back and clean up some of the sloppiness and make your lines sharper?" <paraphrasing> I was reading that and just sat back and went "What?" The I started having this conversation with myself about, "how clueless are you? That's so obvious that everyone knows that." 'Cept me. I didn't know that and it wasn't like I had just started painting. I'd been painting "miniatures" (all kinds of stuff) for close to two decades at that point and this one critical tip just pops up now? Criminy! It was so obvious, I couldn't see it. So, I started using that one simple tip and it really changed how I look at highlighting edges. Mine look so much better now. When I see some of your highlighted edges, I think you are ready to take that next step. Yes, sometimes that means taking an extra step, and taking a little more time, but in the end and in most cases, you only paint a figure once. Why not? The only other thing I would point out is that it's Ok to go back just briefly and drybrush a quick highlight over things like chains with the original silver color after the wash. It helps them pop a tad. That and you might consider putting some color (e.g. red) on the bolt pistol panels to add just a touch of color there. Also remember the most important thing. It's a journey. None of us have "arrived". We can always get better and learn new things. :) Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Christopher Posted January 26, 2014 Author Share Posted January 26, 2014 Thanks for the tips. I already tried to improve on my highlights, but I'm still not enough skilled with the brush to make the improvements count. And it also takes way too much time. Yet, with my newer models the highlights are much neater (as long as I don't take a close-up shot of them, then the merciless camera reveals everything I normally overlook). The biggest issue with those two repainted guys is that there's already quite a lot of paint on them and any improvements make the layers of colour even thicker. Highlights are one of the most important thing in painting black, so I'm now pretty obsessed with them. I really want to believe (and I'm sure I feel that way) that my most recent highlights are much better now. Here's a WIP of Initiate Zenon. While the highlights aren't very thin, they are much neater - that's something! And they're still before a clean-up. I also developed a liking for such thicker highlights... I had to: I can't make them thinner in reasonable time. Such highlights aren't anywhere near to Eavy Metal quality, but instead give minis a 'cartoon' character. Or something: I can't really put my finger on why I like them. Also, doing proper, thin highlights is extremely time-consuming and for now I want a to paint as many models up to a decent standard. If I had a 'concise', small army, I probably would now pay more attention to every possible detail and paint them using 150% of my skills. But with the load of unpainted marines I own, and some more waiting to be repainted, I have to settle on giving just the standard 100% of skills and attention. And bases: I remember how I cared about the arrangement of bigger stones on the bases when I made them. Now, with some new supplies (such as static grass, yay!) and the decision to paint them (it's a paradox, I can't get over: how come painted sand imitating unpainted 'real' sand looks better that unpainted 'real' sand itself?) I will spend some time on that. And I'll still do it the old way, as I did it with half of my painted models. No GW textures: I can mix my sand with paint on my own. And with the final drybrush, it is there, it just got sort of lost. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Netsu Posted January 26, 2014 Share Posted January 26, 2014 Your highlights are already amazing by my standards and, as always, I admire your attention to detail, all those little inscriptions and symbols... delicious. All in all a nice improvement between the 'before' and 'after' shots. Can't waint to see some of those marines in person :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Christopher Posted January 27, 2014 Author Share Posted January 27, 2014 Thanks for the positive input! I'm looking forward to some games as well. Right now, here in Poland, or at least where I study, we have an examination session. You know, the usual. Some projects to make, some exams, and an M.A. is waiting to be written. With all that stuff on my head, I decided to take some pictures of my toy tanks. Behold, my painted vehicles. And some close-ups. Transports: Heavy support and fast attack: Elites: Land Raiders: Most of those were painted a while ago. The most recent ones are: Contemptor, DIY Vindicator, Helbrecht-LRC. Unfortunately, I can't find the time and motivation to assemble the rest of my vehicles. I'm just stacking them. I have 2 Stormtalons, 1 proper Vindicator, 1 Whirlwind, 1 Stalker/Hunter, 1 AoBR Dread (who is ultimately going to be an Ironclad), 1 FW Venerable Dreadnought, 1 drop pod, 0,80 of a Stormraven and about 0,20 of a Caestus ram. I really, really need to take care of all this. Fingers crossed! Maybe next year by this time I will be able to share a picture of all my Crusade's armoury. greggles, Metic, Marshal Zaccheus and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urkh Posted January 27, 2014 Share Posted January 27, 2014 (edited) Eshin Grey. That is the one thing I can say will help highlights on black armor immensely if you're doing line highlighting. I think your lines are thin enough that they look good. However, what Eshing Grey (a very dark grey paint) will do is help the transition of the black armor to the grey highlights. The Highlights won't look as stark and super stand-out-ish, but they will still plainly be there and the armor will look a lot more natural. The best part about Eshin Grey, is that you can hardly even tell it's there unless you're looking for it. The effect is purely in making the Dawnstone (Codex Grey) look more natural to the armor. And because you can hardly tell it's there, the lines don't have to be perfect. Just do a quick thick line of Eshin Grey where you want to have highlights, then do your thin, neat lines of Dawnstone. If you REALLY want to make the highlights pop, take Administratum grey (fortress grey) and put it where there are sharp corners. This will make the corners pop out even more and give the model a real crisp look. You can see the effect of it in the collar of my avatar pic. Edited January 27, 2014 by Urkh Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Metic Posted January 27, 2014 Share Posted January 27, 2014 oh my god, the free handing on that land raider looks amazing! Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urkh Posted January 27, 2014 Share Posted January 27, 2014 oh my god, the free handing on that land raider looks amazing! i second this! didn't even notice them the first time because i was so caught up in looking at your highlights! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arthanor Posted January 27, 2014 Share Posted January 27, 2014 Nice work on the freehand indeed! And I commend you for going back and improving your painted models. Few of us undertake this penance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted January 27, 2014 Share Posted January 27, 2014 The tanks look cool.But your LR's are works of Art!!. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
greggles Posted January 28, 2014 Share Posted January 28, 2014 So much time on those land hand cramps just looking at them! Gorgeous! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
philsminions Posted January 28, 2014 Share Posted January 28, 2014 Your work is definitely that of a caring "artiste"! I am most impressed with the DIY vehicles and your freehand work. I haven't the gumption to take on such time consuming projects, nor do I trust in my very rusty skills to try such an endeavor. I have to live vicariously through the work of my fellow brothers. I have an affinity for "saving" models from previous owners that treated them with blatant disrespect. Call it a "Modeling Jesus Complex", if you will (or, like you, the fact that GW has continuously increased the price of my "plastic crack" habit). In the end, it does take quite a bit more time and love getting them in a state suitable for the Eternal Crusade. I commend your work. I will definitely be following your progress. Very nicely done. Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Christopher Posted January 28, 2014 Author Share Posted January 28, 2014 Wow, I weren't expecting so many comments. Thanks for all the positive feedback, it's very motivating. And the "art" part made me blush I felt that LRC are something special and they deserve adequate tratment. That's why I attempted those freehands. I was inspired by one Dark Angels LR. Obviously, what the guy did with it is way beyond my league, but I did what I could with my tanks. They also come from various stages of my skills, so the "Helbrecht" is relatively new, while the other one is there for some time. I'm also planning something special for my Stormraven. A next step from "Helbrecht" LR. Urkh, thanks for the highlighting advice. I'll give it a try. My first vehicle highlights were done with boltgun metal. The more recent are done with codex grey and administrative grey. philsminions: I hear you. "Modeling Jesus Complex" made me give a laugh :) I also like to "save" miniatures. It's actually a double save, because I rescue them from being forsaken and I save money. I bought 2 marines with metal lascannons and I managed to save most of them. But they were glued with, I don't know, molten lead - it was virtually impossible to disassemble them. And when I removed the paint, I discovered 4 different layers of colour!! I mean radically different: green, blue, red and yellow. Plus a black basecoat. Honda 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sir_Isenhar Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 Maybe a close up on those art would be great! And a small tutorial on how you start and what colours you choose first would be nice... Do you start with a pencil and work your way afterwards with the brush? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honda Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 +++ WARNING +++ WARNING +++ WARNING +++ WARNING +++ WARNING +++ +++ LAND RAIDER SWOONING IN EFFECT UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE +++ +++ WARNING +++ WARNING +++ WARNING +++ WARNING +++ WARNING +++ I really like the freehand you've done on your LR. Very classy looking...and the rest of your crusade looks awesome. But you really do need to get that Caestus done. You'll thank me later. Cheers, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tekman Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 The freehand on these landraiders are awesome, I salute your ability to stylize. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Golf33 Posted January 30, 2014 Share Posted January 30, 2014 That Land Raider is lovely. You don't seem to have any trouble with the neatness of your highlights on the vehicles! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Christopher Posted January 30, 2014 Author Share Posted January 30, 2014 I see that you like my LRCs, so I want to share with you some more images. I guess that there is a visible difference in the style of painting. The "Helbrecht" Raider, as I rediscovered, isn't assembled well and the barrels aren't drilled yet. Sir_Isenhar, the knights on the side doors were painted just the way you said. I started with a pencil sketch. But there is a twist to that. I'm not a good painter/drawer and I don't trust my skills, but I wanted the door paintings to be relatively identical on both sides. That;s why, first I cut out a paper "figure" of the knight. Then, I outlined it with a pencil. Thanks to that the freehands are quite identical. Then I started to add colour to the pencil outline. I never got many paints, so I operate with a narrow range of colours. The knights were painted using the old range of GW's colours: codex grey, chaos black, skull white, golden yellow, bleached bone and blood red. I applied the base colours: grey for the armour, red for the cloak, yellow for the fire in the lantern. Afterwards, I marked the edges of the kingt's armour, the folds in the cloak and detail on the sword with black. And then, I added what I considered to be shading in place I figured shadows and highlights could be. All the shading and highlighting was done mixing the respective base colours with black/white for darker/lighter areas. I can't help with that, because I did it "intuitively". The ornaments on the front panels were much easier and didn't have to be simmetrical, so I outlined them with a pencil and filled in with colour. On a side note, I try to give my units now a "personal touch". If family heritage and nobility were still important, the roses would probably be my family crest. At least that's the conviction in the family. While roses aren't vey 40K or Templar, I figured that they'd be a nice addition and a bow to the family tradition. And they were much easier to paint than a fancy 40K knight. Likewise, Neurode is a German name of my home town. And the German name in English sounds pretty serious, unlike "Nowa Ruda". The same was done with the old LRC. The knight killing a bug was copied from the internet, I guess. There was a GW's article about Black Templars and there was a similar image attributed to a crusade. Back then I didn't dare to try and paint the same thing. Therefore, on the other side there are some scriptures and Crusade badges, much more messy than with the "Helbrech" LR. Honda, breathe man! Breathe! Unfortunately, the Caestus has to wait for now. I'm building it from scratch, so finishing it will take ages. And I'm much closer to finishing my priority project: the Stormraven. But I hear you. Caesti (Caestuses?) are awesome and appear to be a very direct form of delivering pain and violence to the enemy. Honda, Deadman Wade, Marshal_Roujakis and 2 others 5 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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