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On 12/4/2024 at 7:49 PM, WAR said:

Love it keep up the good work!


I shall! Especially now, when the finish line is within reach! :)



Brothers! The following post may be a bit boring. After all, it's an extract from a spreadsheet! However, I'm quite excited to share it with you.

After (too) many years, the final shape and composition of the Neurode Crusade has emerged. While a census of Space Marines isn't as fun as photos thereof, I still consider this an important step. Somehow counting and organising my models -- something that wasn't classified information since for years they were in a glass display cabinet -- gave me a sense of accomplishment.

The number on the left shows the number of models with a given kind of wargear or a given role. Sometimes, mostly for the sake of better cataloguing my collection, there are additional remarks about the models; e.g. metal (which is self explanatory) or OOP (which I'm defining as 'models older than when I started 40k and back then were described as such,' e.g. ancient, 3rd edition super-small Marines). In my naivety, I attempted to 'future proof' my army. Some models have socketed magnets; this is also reflected in the list below: I either socketed the magnets in wrists (for CCW and special weapons) or shoulders (to replace entire arms, mostly because of swapping Power Fists and Lightning Claws).

The tally doesn't include vehicles; however, it includes bikes and centurions which historically were not counted as vehicles.



:Flyer: Power Armour Marines - 166 models :Flyer:

:Troops: Troops

20          Chainsword and Bolt Pistol

20          Bolter (10 magnets)

3            Sergeant w/ Boltgun and CCW weapon


:Troops: Specialist Weapons

3             Melta guns

3             Plasma guns

5             Flamers/Inferno Squad

1             Heavy Flamer

2             Gravguns

5             Combi Weapons; inc. 1 w/ Chainsword, 1 w/ Power Sword + magnet

5             Special Issue Boltgun/Sternguard

5             5 Plasma guns/Hellblasters


:Troops:Exotic weapons

2             Single Lightning Claw

2             Dual Lightning Claws

1             metal Power Mace

6             Power Fist (inc. 1 Web Exclusive Sergeant, 1 OOP Captain)

5             Power Sword (inc. 1 OOP Captain; 1 Castellan Draco)

3             Thunder Hammer (inc. Games Day 2008 Captain and Master of the Fleet)

5             Power Sword (inc. 1 OOP Captain; 1 Castellan Draco)

3             Power Axe (1 OOP Captain; 1 metal Veteran)


:Elite: Elites

7             Veterans w/ wrist magnets

2             Veteran w/ arm magnet

6             Metal Sword Brethren (1 power fist; 1 power sword; 1 dual lightning claws)

5             Metal Sternguard Veterans

4             converted Blade Guards


:HQ: Marshal’s Household

6             Commanders

               AoBR Captain, converted Marshal, Master of the Arsenal, Sicarius, Seraphicus, Heavy Sniper

3             Apothecaries (2 OOP metal models)

3             Standard Bearers (custom, 1 UM Honour Guard)

3             Fancy Sword Marines (‘Judiciar,’ ‘Company Champion,’ ‘Chapter Champion’)

2             Emperor’s Champion metal models

3             Chaplains

1             Grimaldus

3             Cenobyte Servitors

1             Helbrecht

2             Honour Guard with Axe + magnet

1             Librarian [Heresy]


:HS: Heavy Support

1             Marine w/ Signum

4             Missile Launcher

4             Multi-Melta

4             Plasma Cannon

4             Lascannon

4             Heavy Bolter

4             Grav Cannon and Amp


:FA: Fast Attack :FA:

:FA: Jump Pack Marines - 36 models

11           Chainsword + Pistol (2 plasma)

5             metal Vanguard Veterans

5             Dual Lightning Claws

4             w/ arm magnets

5             w/ wrist magnet

5             miscellaneous (OOP power fist, OOP grenade, axe, hammer, hand flamer)

1             Chaplain w/ Jump Pack and Power Fist


:FA: Bikes - 14 models

8             regular Bikers

2             Marshal / Castelan

1             Chaplain

1             Standard Bearer

2             Attack Bikes


:Elite: Terminators - 53 models :Elite:


13          Storm Bolter + Power Fist/Chainfist

3            Storm Bolter + Power Sword (OOP metal Captain)

1            w/ arm magnets

Heavy weapons:

2             Heavy Flamer

2             Assault Cannon

2             Cyclone Missile Launcher


10          dual Lightning Claws

10          Thunder Hammer


2             Marshal / Castelan w/arm magnets

1             metal IF Captain (TH+SS)

1             dual Power Fists (Calgar)

1             Apothecary

1             Standard Bearer

1             Librarian [Heresy]

3             Chaplains (1 metal, 1 w/ Crozius and Storm Bolter, 1 w/ Storm Shield and Relic Weapon (flail))


:HS: Centurions - 6 models :HS:


:Troops: Initiates/Scouts - 32 models :Troops:

2             metal sniper

4             plastic sniper

2             metal shotgun

3             plastic shotgun

3             metal bolter

2             plastic bolter

8             metal CCW

4             plastic CCW

2             fancy Sergeant w/ wrist magnet

1             Missile Launcher

1             Heavy Bolter


TOTAL: 317


As always, I'm very grateful to GW for ruining 40k for me; the introduction of Primaris was painful but sobering and ultimately helpful. Otherwise, this collection... I don't want to think about how much more draining this project would've been had I not stopped buying new stuff.


For the record, I think I can safely say that the majority of the models is painted. Currently, I'm doing the final updates/adjustments on around 10 power armour models and will need to revisit 10-15 Terminators. In terms of models that need to be painted from scratch, there are less than 30 of them. Oh, plus I'll need to base and varnish the lot.


I really can't wait to have all of these done so I can take proper photos and close this chapter of my life. While the models aren't as hip as Primaris, I definitely prefer the oldschool aesthetic of Space Marines. Sure, I'm a bit tired of painting the same models over and over again but that's the consequence of my youth's foolishness. However, as the Marshal of this Crusade, I can't see myself abandoning my guys. Also, I do intend to get back to playing tabletop games with these guys, even if it means I'll have to use them as proxies.

Edited by Brother Christopher

More updated minis; this time some pewter models - Chaplains and a kitbashed Emperor's Champion/Fancy Sword Marine, as well as a Cheaphammer kitbashed Chaplain that once was a count-as Grimaldus.








The helmet is - obviously - a new addition to this ancient conversion; I've attempted to do a smoothish transition from white to black. I'm not really sure what I expected but I'm rather okay with this first attempt. Unfortunately, I messed the photos up and it's not really visible - but believe me: there is something there ;)





My AoBR Terminators, an example of some of the first models painted I've ever painted:




And now after the update:



It's a bit of a shame that I haven't taken 'before pics' of the backs of the models since that part was probably the worst. There still is room for improvement but I really want to keep focused on the big picture and I don't wat to obsess about old models too much.


I've left the face of the leader unchanged, though. I figured it's not that bad and in a stilly, slightly nostalgic way, I want to preserve my original attempts.


Oh boy; this hobby project scheduled for November/December IS TEDIOUS. Revisiting these old models makes me really appreciate the amount of work I put into this army. At the same time, I'm yearning to do something different; however, my goals and priorities are set: I want to push through the pain of tedium and start the new year with a clean slate.


I still need to retouch 5 older Termies and do some minor work on even some more. Then, I plan to fix chipped paint on some relatively awesome pewter models (Sword Bros and Sternguards) and I'll be done with this stage.


After that, I might take a break from Black Templars and paint some of my purple not-Primaris.

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