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I'm not a fan of how some of these Initiates turned out, but my hands are tied - the amount of superglue used by the original owner to assemble the models could easily seal a planet-wide Chaos invasion. I salvaged what I could; however, most of the arms are not yet glued in place, so I might adjust them to get a different result.


Here it goes. The Neurode collection of awkward poses photo shoot, running ccw Initiates:


Brother I'm Nothing Special


and a look at his chainsword:


Brother I'll First Headbutt You, Then I'll Stab You


He really picks up speed!


Brother Will You Look at Those Clouds! (with his messed up torso, crafted by yours faithfully)


Brother I'm Probably the Most Kick-:censored:  of the Lot (with some superb armpit ribbing)


and a less favourable perspective, but still okay:


Brother I'm a Bit Fat, But Still Awesome (with a hand-crafter belt going through the breastplate and a little pouch for carrying sweets)


and a better look at the shoulder pad


and last but not least, Brother On Your Marks, Get Set, Cleanse!, making haste to crush the heretic



Making the final touches took me way more time than anticipated. I absolutely abhor super glue! Half of the time spent with it is a struggle to get it running, but without it I have no chance of doing any decent green stuff work done. I can't wait to start painting them - I'm curious how much all the mess and unstripped paint will hinder the painting; but for now, I'm rather happy with the squad. They are dynamic, they are (hm) unique - they are now official members of the Neurode Crusade.

Edited by Brother Cristopher
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  • 2 weeks later...
Nice work brother - you took something most people would have turned their nose up at, then produced some unique and dynamic models. Even if they are never your favourite poses, they will mix in well amongst your crusader squads and bring some diversity ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...



A New Beginning


The Marshal looked at the smoking wreckage of the Records Chapel, called by the local population of Hive Neurode the Photobucketus. He thought for a moment that it was a mistake to entrust the keeping of the records of the Crusade's glories to a third party, but quickly dismissed the thought. The Black Templars are warriors, not clerks, not builders. Under the circumstances, with the entire sector cut off from the remainder of the Imperium, a Chapter Keep had to be established.


'This does not mean that we discard our history,' the Marshal said to his loyal knights, 'however, we shall not have time to reclaim the records. All that is apparently lost is still preserved in the Halls of Glory onboard our vessel in orbit. Thus, nothing is lost. For the time being, we shall establish a new site to keep the records of our current history on this rock.'




With a small regret, I have to 'restart' the Crusade Thread. All records on pages 1-30 are compromised thanks to Photobucket's decision. I will probably not update the affected posts, but I am sure that I'll post my stuff, starting from this page, using a different hosting site. This could be a good motivation to retake photos of some of the stuff I already did, or something along these lines; I'm still not sure.

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Planning on a similar thing w/ my thread, but since it's been inactive for quite some time, I figured I'd hit it off with a "fully painted army" pic... once I'm done basing the last 24 members before adding some... flavor? into the mix...


Will be posting on imgur from now on, but I'm not familiar with their photo limitations...

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I also plan to use imgur for now. Any limits they may have should not be an issue. Moreover, due to its nature, it seems to be a more reliable site than photobucket ever was, for my purposes. There's also flickr, which seems like a nice choice, and the B&C gallery. Funny thing; now, when I think about my past history with image hosting sites, I realise that this is the second time something like this happens. Way back, I used to use the one with the yellow (?) frog. I suppose it was/is called imageshack and they too started to require consideration for their services.


I'm looking forward to your new thread and taking a closer look at your Crusade, which is probably one of the coolest and most customised I've had the honour to see.

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First update after the forced 'restart' of the thread. I managed to almost finish three CCW Crusaders. The models were reclaimed, as I bought them second-hand at an online auction and they turned out to be ruined with an excess of glue.


The painted models are 90% done - I will add another layer of highlights and make them generally finer. On top of that, I still need to paint the bases.




















Here's a reupload of the "before" pictures, just to show in how bad of a state the models were in, but also to show you some of the conversion nad green stuff work I did.













Edited by Brother Cristopher
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Great looking models mate! It's a nice way of approaching black, did you drunrush areas in boltgun metal?

What did you do for highlights?

Base black, eahin grey, bolt gun?


Will he starting my own crusade shortly and these are some good inspiration models.


I'll scour your plog later, just on my phone ATM.



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Allow me to start by referring to the end of your post. There is no plog, unfortunately, due to photobucket changign its policy. However, I believe you can access the photobucket gallery directly, here's the link: http://s90.photobucket.com/user/krj_38/library/?sort=3&page=1.


Thank you for the very kind words!


It must be the photo being a bit overexposed, but I'm basically using a modified version of the ancient method originally found in the Codex: Black Templars (and How to Paint Space Marines book). I would like to try other methods, drybrushing and layers of washes, because they seem a lot quicker than my old approach, but I want a consistent method of painting/aesthetic throughout my army and I already have around 50 models painted. That is why I'm stuck with what I'm doing.


For the black armour, and especially the highlights, I (attempt to) paint thin lines with Codex Grey (Dawnstone), followed by Fortress Grey (Administratum Grey) over a black base colour over a black primer. I hope this answers your question! If you need more explanation or detail, don't hesitate to write.

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Welcome! Here's an update on my Crusader squad and a reupload of the models I painted to commemorate the end of 7th Edition.


The models are done for now. I accept them as representing table top quality. The only thing I will do with them for now is seal them with spray varnish and add some grass and bushed to the bases.




















More photos, taken from different angles, are available at imgur: http://imgur.com/a/voeq3.


Now I need to decide what to start next. So many options, but with my current skills maybe it's time to paint up Helbrecht and Grimaldus, whom I've been 'saving' for better days.


Or maybe you have an idea, or can provide advice, as to what I could or should paint. I have basically everything there is in the codex with the exception of Land Speeders. Any suggestions for a good unit for a BT list ready for 8th Edition?


EDIT: I fixed the 'beakie' bolter guy's eyes.

Edited by Brother Cristopher
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Great looking squad mate. And I'm even more impressed that you green stuffed the tabards and such.... I'm actually quite oblivious as to how to do it... or where to purchase it... would you mind making a smalll tutorial on the matter? I would like to mimic your skills with tabard making with my own Templar!
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Great looking squad mate. And I'm even more impressed that you green stuffed the tabards and such.... I'm actually quite oblivious as to how to do it... or where to purchase it... would you mind making a smalll tutorial on the matter? I would like to mimic your skills with tabard making with my own Templar!


The tabards are made using molds that he got from the actual Templar kits... I'd do the same thing, but the molding materials are a little bit pricey where I come from :p

As usual your Crusaders are very impressive ;)

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As Roujakis said, the bottom parts of the tabards are made using moulds. After several attempts to sculpt tabards, I let it go - I never were able to get consistent results which were even remotely similar to 'proper' sculpts, done by professionals. I highly recommend getting Instant Mold, it's reusable, nothing sticks to it and it satisfactorily reproduces details (and even if you're not happy with the result, you can redo the mould in no time). The tops parts are usually usually sculpted, but I'm never satisfied with the results. Take for example the CCW beakie Marine - the top of the tabard, including the belt, is hand-made and the creases in the fabric are kind of odd.

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Oh excellent, I'll look into it thank you. Is it called instant mold? Around 16$ and out of stock everywhere? Haha I'll need to take a look around. I suppose you squish the tabards from the upgrade sprue onto the mold and put some green stuff inside? I'll have to do some research on moulding, no expert. Thanks again for the tips, and once again great work.
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Yeah, Instant Mold. It seems you're right that it's out of stock. I remember reading something about a thing called blue stuff, which judging from the description appears to have similar applications and properties to Instant Mold.


You can always make moulds with green stuff - that's something I used to do for a long time before I got Instant Mold. It works fine, it's just a bit more messy because you need some grease for the mould to release the moulded part. The other potential drawback is that it might seem more expensive; but this depends on your needs - I got much life from my GS moulds and they did not wear and tear, although I used them quite a lot. There's also Milliput, which is way more affordable than GS and which is perfectly fine for mould making.


Regarding the process itself, you'll easily find some great tutorials online. But in essence, the procedure is what you said: press a part into your putty (Instant Mould or GS or whatever), leave the part in the putty while it cures, remove the part and you're done. You only need to press GS into your mould and wait for it to set (remember about grease as a releasant, if you're not using Instant Mold) and your part is ready.


And you don't need to limit yourself to the bits from the upgrade sprue. I've successfully 'taken' moulds of tabards from the Sword Brethren, Helbrecht, AoBR Captain etc.

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I would keep playing around with the green stuff. Even if it's just for table top models it's a useful skill to have. I've got a whole slew of terribly sculpted tabards (and well a lot of stuff) ;) Still though I feel like I'm improving a little bit. My most recent tabard was for the Dawn challenge:








It's still not the greatest (and the top half is a modified biker sergeant from the DV box set), but it's still a huge improvement over my earliest attempts... :D

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It's looking good, the creases are quite convincing. The only I'm not entirely a fan of the ragged look, but that's a very personal thing.


Have you tried a two-stage approach at making tabards? First, do a green stuff 'base' - a '2D' shape of the cloth you want to achieve. Then wait for it to cure and only afterwards add the creases and what-not: that way, with my poor sculpting skills, I were able to achieve more satisfying results, with more depth and detail, than sculpting on the go (which often resulted in me pushing the putty too hard and distorting the way I initially intended to arrange the tabard).


But, all in all, as you can see, I gave up on sculpting tabards and took the path with making copies using moulds. I have been basically pleased with the results and produced a number of decent miniatures, including the Crusaders above, as well as some Terminators. The undisputed upside of sculpting your own tabards is that they will all be unique, however.




What do you think about Storm Shields on characters, such as Marshals. Are the 15 points worth the +1 for the invulnerable save roll, or would you say that taking some bodyguards to soak up the wounds is a better pick? I want to finally finish a biker who will either be a Marshal on Bike or some other character and am debating whether to bulk him up and add a Storm Shield (which I'm not a big fan of on bikes due to modelling issues) or leave it be.


Considering that I want to add something to my army, I really don't like the state we're in now regarding rules - I mean, the uncertainty there is. If nothing changes, I want to add two Command Squad bikers with Storm Shields, if the shields will remain at ~5 points - that's a bargain. If the shields' price goes up, however, I probably should go with magnetising them, but I don't feel like doing it - I have an idea for shields 'better' suited for bikers and the magnet would force me to give up on some details I want to make.

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Now I need to decide what to start next. So many options, but with my current skills maybe it's time to paint up Helbrecht and Grimaldus, whom I've been 'saving' for better days.





@AC: I think that tabard came out very well.

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I've been pretty happy with the storm shield on my terminator captain. Between the protection he gets as a character and his invulnerable save, he has yet to be even seriously wounded even when the Terminator squad around him has been wiped out.
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Tomorrow, I have an important state examination. The exam is quite difficult, not more than 20% of candidates pass it, according to data.


To me, the exam is important for two reasons. Firstly, if I pass it will allow for an exponential growth of my professional career. Secondly, the attempt to sit the examination costs an equivalent of ~4 Land Raiders. Failing it would, therefore, be painful as it will cause both a setback in my life, as well as a financial blow.


The exam is a mystery in that one does not specifically know what to expect. Instead of cramming throughout the last day, I decided to do the Emperor’s work and finish my Storm Raven. I hope that finishing a model I were building and painting for over five years is a suitable token and will give a boost to my morale, zeal and fury which, in turn, will lead me to victory.


As a reminder, the model is 95% scratch built. Without much further ado, here are the photos:


















In the future, I will probably get back to the model to tidy the highlights up a bit. Also, I'm planning to do more scratch building related to the model: maybe add a hurricane bolters option or do a full Fire Raptor conversion, something that I planned on doing for some time (the sides are left removable and the Lascannons are magnetised, so that I can replace them with bolt cannons).

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