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The Shadow Guard

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Archangel: Sorry to hear that. I was really looking forward to one of the Redemptors finishing up and taking on the special task. However, we all udnerstand the vagaries of the Greater Demon of Slaanesh called real life... ;) ... be proud that you did try heading back to the path to Redemption... we shall remember you and be ready for you when you once again try your route to Repentance.... We shall not forget!


march10k and NCSUwolf: Congratulations on completing your second oaths and keeping the completion rate steady!


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 46 12 04 62 01(1.6%) 22 (35.5%) :)



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I Arkley am very proud to report my 3rd VOW is complete....




I also add a 4th Vow. To compete a Libby I started a while back.

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I Izzuan have completed my vow, and stand proudly before my brothers!

Since I cant get the code to work right to link back to my Vow Post, it's on page 19.

Well doen Izzuan..an unusual scheme but looks very nice ... Well done on compelting the October oath!! :huh:


I Arkley am very proud to report my 3rd VOW is complete....


I also add a 4th Vow. To compete a Libby I started a while back.


I am truly amazed by your paitning. That is a super rendition of what is now a classic DA captain. I am more amazed at your cotinued persistance in vows.. a fourth vow?? :D


Vow complete! Sorry for the crappy picture, but they're totally table ready!


Vow Completed.


Brothers Artemid and Cerroneth, well done on reaching the next milestone in your trudge on the Path to Redemption! Nice work!


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 46 12 04 62 01(1.6%) 25 (40.3%) :huh:



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Nicely crisp and clear painting... Well done on competing the Oath!



Can I take one more oath of momment?I have a target of opportunity to take care


Absolutely, an oath of opportunity! ;) is most welcome... but remember if you don't finish in time your original oath of moment becomes invalid...


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 46 12 04 62 01(1.6%) 26 (41.9%) :lol:



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I am truly amazed by your paitning. That is a super rendition of what is now a classic DA captain. I am more amazed at your cotinued persistance in vows.. a fourth vow?? :P


I can feel my ego getting big lol :P


4th Vow now complete. :D


Very shiny :)



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well done! good luck with the move. i'm preping models now ready for the next vow (building tem ready at least) as i'm moving mid next month too so want to make sure i have the best chance to get something done.


Thanks man! Good luck on your move as well. They totally suck :)


Hopefully we'll both be able to do a vow next month! :)

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Vow complete!


Think this is the second Wit...Librarian I've ever painted. Still having trouble getting the DA green right and you can't really see any of it on the chest and left shoulder. Considered painting the right shoulder DA green instead of the blue, but on the fence about it. I'm really happy about how the backpack turned out so included a back pic. :P


Just want to add this event is great. It provided motivation to start a a new army using the DV box set models as a base. Having an entire month to paint each unit will provide the army with what I consider a fantastic paint job. On top of this, as I work on the painting I have enough time to create a back story for each unit. I find the entire process quite enjoyable. Thanks. :)


Recovered from the image buffer of an optical implant found near an unknown headless body on >>deleted<<.


One of only two known images of Epistolary Lorr.


The initial capture was from the back.



Before pic is here.

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October Vow complete!

I really enjoyed doing this. So I hope I'll have enough time to participate next month. I'm closing on a house early November and moving throughout the rest of the month. That on top of work/school, maybe I'll be able to sneak in some painting! :P


Some really nice DW terminators there elphilo


I can feel my ego getting big lol :P 4th Vow now complete. :)

Very shiny :)


Well done again! The first fourth oath for any of the two months. I really don't mind how big your ego gets, as long as you keep painting and just becareful not to get your head stuck on doorways!! :P Nice work, even if a little shiny...


Vow complete!

Think this is the second Wit...Librarian I've ever painted. Still having trouble getting the DA green right and you can't really see any of it on the chest and left shoulder. Considered painting the right shoulder DA green instead of the blue, but on the fence about it. I'm really happy about how the backpack turned out so included a back pic. :P


Just want to add this event is great. It provided motivation to start a a new army using the DV box set models as a base. Having an entire month to paint each unit will provide the army with what I consider a fantastic paint job. On top of this, as I work on the painting I have enough time to create a back story for each unit. I find the entire process quite enjoyable. Thanks. :) .


Well done on the completion. Glad you are enjoying yourself.... It appears that so far the event has had the desired effect... we just have to see if the plans will stretch the legendary resilience of the first legion over the next four months.



Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 46 12 04 62 01(1.6%) 28 (45.1%) B)



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Wow there are some really awesome models happening here! Great work guys.


I won't have time to make an October oath, but I can't wait for November. I definitely want to be involved!


You would be most welcome to be involved Captain Quirk... and there will be ways and means of earning the coveted Black Pearl even for those who joined in late.... but at the moment we are waiting for our brothers undertaking the long walk to reach their local destination by completeing their October oaths!!



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