Shaezus Posted February 19, 2015 Share Posted February 19, 2015 It seems that all that planning and prep really paid off, so you could really enjoy the game. If you throw another apoc gig, what would you change or add, planning and prep-wise? Was the beer order big enough?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Charlo Posted February 19, 2015 Share Posted February 19, 2015 For me it has to be the Vindicare. You know he did nothing else all game because that was his mission. Go in, assassinate the Titan, get out. For the Emperor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted February 25, 2015 Author Share Posted February 25, 2015 It seems that all that planning and prep really paid off, so you could really enjoy the game. If you throw another apoc gig, what would you change or add, planning and prep-wise? Was the beer order big enough?! We've been doing these yearly since Apocalypse came out in the fourth edition, so we're getting the hang of the planning part. It was certainly better than last year's event as we were used to the new book and decided against the Natural Disaster tables. Next time I expect it to be at least 25k and it inspired a couple of onlookers to get their models ready which is always good. However, the chap who organises it with me suggested that we only take Apoc formations next time which could make it very interesting. One thing I didn't take into account was the size of the board. First time on an 8x6 meant the only unit that managed to assault bar the Knight was the one in the Stormraven. So perhaps I should have used Deep Strike with my jump troops and started my Rhinos, etc on the board? It's a tricky one because you run the risk of them being annihilated early on. As for the beer, it was enough. One keg would have ran out but it was nice to have two and two different options. Saturday I was alternating coffee and beer which probably wasn't that healthy... For me it has to be the Vindicare. You know he did nothing else all game because that was his mission. Go in, assassinate the Titan, get out. For the Emperor. Thinking that too. Was hoping he'd pop one of the Warlords for an extra VP but never mind :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted March 6, 2015 Author Share Posted March 6, 2015 Almost forgot, here's Strike Force Enville: ... and yes, maybe one day I'll level up for photography skills! mandaloriano, Aubéron, Arkangilos and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paulochromis Posted March 7, 2015 Share Posted March 7, 2015 That's a wicked looking warmachine on the back left! It doesn't look to be quite as mobile as the rest of your army, though. When are you going to paint it? Bukimimaru, keeblerartillery and Arkangilos 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaezus Posted March 8, 2015 Share Posted March 8, 2015 Ah, the new Death Company 'blender' dread, I believe. marine7312000, Arkangilos and Paulochromis 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 10, 2015 Author Share Posted April 10, 2015 It's taken a while but all being well, I've got a couple of games coming up. I'll be using my "Heavy Mech" 2k list in eight and my "Death Company" 1250 list in nine days time respectively. If anyone fancies a gander, follow the links and I hope to have battle reports up before the ETL begins. Speaking of which: So far, I'm considering vowing a squad of Sanguinary Guard, Captain in TDA, Drop Pod, Librarian in TDA, Terminator Squad, some Death Company and a Bike Squad... So let's see how much of that I can stick to! Bukimimaru 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 13, 2015 Author Share Posted April 13, 2015 I have a nasty feeling one/both of these games is/are going to be against a cheesey Eldar list... Pray for me? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Remtek Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 Lets hope the DC don't go too mad while waiting for deployment. Good luck! Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 23, 2015 Author Share Posted April 23, 2015 Blood Angels Vs Eldar - 2000 points Army Lists Flesh Tearers Strike Force – Gain Rage on a charge roll of 10+; re-roll Flesh Tearers Warlord traits Mephiston - Biomancy Furioso Librarian Dreadnought - Sanguinary, Warlord Tactical Squad “Tactical” Terminator Squad with Land Raider Redeemer Assault Squad in Drop Pod Bike Squadron (with Attack Bike) Stormraven Gunship Predator Destructor in "Autolas" configuration Vindicator Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer Full list and thoughts Eldar Combined Arms Detachment Spirit Seer 2 x Wraithguard, each in a Wave Serpent 2 x Guardian Support Squad 2 x Dire Avengers, each in a Wave Serpent Wraithknight Crimson Hunter - Exarch Deployment Mission: Deadlock Setup: Vanguard Strike The board is a Realm of Battle board with six tiles of the order: ABC DEF In the centre of the board is an inactive Skyshield Landing Pad (SLP). At the external corners of A and D is a hill, whilst there is also a hill running between the boarder of C and F. The rest of the board is covered in patches of forest. Cover is 5+ with the exception of the SLP which is a 4+. Objective 3 is placed on the SLP with Objective 6 to the north in Tile B and Objective 2 to the south in Tile E. In Tile C on the inner corner where it meets the other three tiles, is Objective 1 while Objective 4 sits on the hill in Tile F. Finally, Objective 5 is placed in Tile D, near the border to Tile A and its internal corner. In addition to Force, the Furioso Librarian Dreadnought (FLD) rolls on Sanguinary gaining Wings of Sanguinius and Blood Lance to complement Quickening. Mephiston compliments his Force and Sanguine Sword by rolling Haemorrhage and Life Leach on Biomancy. The Spirit Seer rolled on the Runes of Battle gaining Enchance/Drain and Embolden/Horrify to compliment Conceal/Reveal. The FLD’s Warlord Trait was Soulwarden (Adamantium Will), whilst the Spirit Seer’s trait was Ambush of Blades (once per game re-roll of 1s to wound within 12”). Winning the role off, the Eldar nominate the Blood Angels to deploy first, who leave the Terminators, Stormraven (and its cargo of Mephiston and the FLD), and the Assault Squad (RAS) (in the Drop Pod) in Reserve. The Predator and Vindicator take their left flank, with the Tactical Squad occupying Objective 5 in the trees. These are screened by the Redeemer. The Bikes are placed next and finally, the Cerberus occupies a good firing lane. The first Guardian squad (G1) deploy in a wood near the Eldar board edge in Tile B. The first squad of Wraithguard (WG1) deploys inside the first Wave Serpent (WS1) just behind G1, whilst the first squad of Dire Avengers (DA1) deploy adjacent to them inside WS2. The second Guardian squad that contains the Spirit Seer (SS-G2) occupy a wood near Objective 1 and these are backed up by WG2 inside WS3. DA2 deploys in the corner and inside of WS4 while the Wraithknight stands on the hill that straddles Tiles C and F. The Crimson Hunter starts in reserve. The Blood Angels aren’t challenged for first turn. Turn One Blood Angels ~ The following Tactical Objectives (TO) are drawn: BA11 (Valour of the Angels), 41 (recon), 43 (Hold the Line), 44 (Ascendency), 55 (Psychological Warfare) and 62 (Witch Hunter) ~ The Drop Pod lands in Tile E behind WS3 and disgorges the RAS into the rear facings and within Melta range. The Cerberus strafes to the right to line up a shot on the Wraithknight while the Bikes advance on it. The Redeemer inches forward towards G1, as do the Predator and Vindicator on the left flank. ~ The Vindicator unloads onto G1, with the Predator and Redeemer clearing up (First Blood). The Bikes knock a wound off the Wraithknight whilst the Drop Pod claims a kill in SS-G2. Both the RAS and Cerberus miss their intended targets.... 0.o Eldar ~ WS1 moves towards the SLP whilst WS2 moves into cover from the two encroaching tanks and onto Objective 6. WS3 and the Wraithknight advance on the Bikes whilst WS4 turns to face the RAS and DA2 also disembark bring the RAS into line of sight. ~ Horrify and Drain are cast on the Bikes, whilst Conceal is activated on SS-G2. ~ DA2 and SS-G2 combine to bring down the RAS while WS4 knocks 2 HP off the Drop Pod. WS2 kills four of the Tactical Marines skulking on Objective 5, but the remaining chap holds. WS1 moves onto the SLP to claim Objective 1 and the Wraithknight knocks a wound off the Attack Bike. ~ The Wraithknight kills the Attack Bike and two Bikes in combat, but remains locked with the Sergeant. ~ TOs 16 (Claim Objective 6), 23 (Claim Objective 3), 33 (Claim Objective 3) and 51 (Overwhelming Forepower) are cashed in for 1VP apiece, .while 56 (Harness the Warp) is cashed in for 3 VP 0.o Blood Angels 1:7 Eldar Turn Two Blood Angels ~ TO 41 is discarded. ~ The Stormraven Gunship enters play and advances on SS-G2, with Mephiston and the FLD deploying via Skies of Fury in Tile F. The Terminators arrive and teleport in beside the Drop Pod after a long scatter. The Cerberus moves behind WS3 while the Redeemer advances on it, while the Predator and Vindicator advance on WS2. ~ The FLD manifests Blood Lance which destroys WS3 and subsequently causes one from WG2 to perish. The Redeemer and the Cerberus kill all but one from WG2 while the Terminators, Drop Pod and Stormraven combine to kill all of G2 and leave the Spirit Seer on one wound. ~ The Wraithknight easily dispatches the Bike Sergeant. Eldar ~ The Crimson Hunter enters play and lines behind the Vindicator. WG1 disembark from WS1 in the direction of the Redeemer and they are joined on the SLP by the Wraithknight. The sole member of WG2 heads towards the Cerberus. ~ The Crimson Hunter knocks 1 HP off the Stormraven and WG1 knock 1 HP off the Redeemer. WG2 immobilises the FLD, DA2 and WS4 wipe the Terminators whilst WS2 and the Wraithknight kill Mephiston. ~ The Spirit Seer charges the Drop Pod and bounces off it. ~ TO 26 (Claim Objective 6) is cashed in for 1 VP. Blood Angels 1:8 Eldar Turn Three Blood Angels ~ TO 11 is discarded. ~ The Tactical Marine, Redeemer and Cerberus all retreat to within 12” of the BA board edge. The Stormraven heads towards the Crimson Hunter and WS2. ~ The Redeemer kills three from WG1 and all other shooting is ineffective 0.o ~ The bomb on Objective 5 explodes killing the Tactical Marine 0.o Eldar ~ DA2 hops into WS4 and turn to bring the Drop Pod into its firing arc. The Crimson Hunter strafes towards along Tile A towards the BA board edge, and WS2 follows. The Wriathknight jumps down from the SLP behind the Vindicator and the remaining member of WG2 moves out of the firing arc of the FLD. ~ The Crimson Hunter unloads on the Stormraven which not only immobilises it, but causes it to subsequently crash and burn 0.o WG2 pops the FLD (Slay the Warlord) while the Wriathknight kills the Vindicator and WS4 repeats this result on the Drop Pod. Blood Angels 1:9 Eldar Turn Four Blood Angels ~ TO 55 is discarded ~ The Predator moves towards Objective 5, whilst the Cerberus moves towards Objective 4. ~ The Predator moves on to Objective 5 but immobilises itself in the process 0.o The Redeemer purges WG1 whilst the Cerberus dispatches both WG2 and the Spirit Seer (Slay the Warlord). ~ TOs 44 and 62 are cashed in (2VP). Eldar ~ TO 55 is discarded ~ WS1 settles on its Objective, while the Wraithknight and Crimson Hunter head towards Objective 5 and the Predator’s rear. WS4 moves further infield and WS2 moves towards Objective 2. ~ WS1 wrecks the Predator, the Crimson Hunter shakes the Redeemer and WS2 boosts onto Objective 2. ~ TOs 22 (Claim Objective 2) and 35 (Claim Objective 5) are cashed in (2 VP) Blood Angels 4:11 Eldar At this point, the Blood Angels concede. However, Objective 4 is a Skyfire Nexus. The Cerberus lines up a shot at the Crimson Hunter who effortlessly jinks out of the way. infyrana and Memento Of Prospero 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainHelion Posted April 23, 2015 Share Posted April 23, 2015 Ouch. Not a good game there. Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 23, 2015 Author Share Posted April 23, 2015 I don't believe in luck. Random events like dice rolls can and should be manipulated by the choices you make and what bothers me the most about this battle was how evident how rusty I (am) was. Mistakes played a huge part in this battle and if I were "match fit" this would have been a closer game. As it happens, taking such high AV against this list (the Wave Serpents were equipped with scatter lasers and shuriken cannons) should have been a better fight. Review: Mephiston - Biomancy - Rolling Life Leach and Haemorrhage displays the risk you take of running Biomancy with Mephiston these days. That coupled with a poor deployment choice neutered him early when the plan was for him to run in tandem with the Furioso Librarian Dreadnought. Next time, I'll stick to the plan but I *may* bench him for now. Furioso Librarian Dreadnought - Sanguinary, Warlord: Why do I always get my Dreadnoughts immobilised? Sadly, due to bad deployment I didn't get to use him as I wanted to. Other than that, there's not much else to say but I do have plans to use him again. Tactical Squad: Didn't use them well and should have put them into the Redeemer as planned (not that I used that well either). Perhaps a heavy weapon if I'm going to camp them? “Tactical” Terminator Squad: Five man squad with heavy flamer, so right idea to teleport them in, but so very wrong on execution. I was far too aggressive with them and should have selected a different target. That said, I'm going to keep them in. Land Raider Redeemer: This doubles up as the ride for the Tactical Squad. Perhaps I should use it as such? I do like having two AV14 in the list though... Assault Squad in Drop Pod Bike Squadron (with Attack Bike): Too aggressive maybe? I also forgot that the Wraithknight was concussed... As it stands there were a late addition to the list. Perhaps if I take Mephiston again I should swap these out for the Command Squad I was debating. Stormraven Gunship: Did as well as it normally does, but for a change it got taken out by the Crimson Hunter. In hindsight, I should have left its cargo onboard and went into Hover mode on its second turn on the table. Predator Destructor in "Autolas" configuration: Staple unit, not going anywhere this side of a Sicaran purchase. Just a shame about Jinks... Vindicator: Decent debut for my most recent purchase. Looking forward to getting further acquainted and a staple unit in a heavy mech list. . Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer: She didn't do a great deal and typically, she was pretty much ignored the entire battle. Suppose I should find the points for the pintle heavy bolter and she was worth it for the look on my opponent's face when I bought her down the stairs! Akylas 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
infyrana Posted April 23, 2015 Share Posted April 23, 2015 Shame about the defeat, but thank you for your detailed battle report! How did you find your luck versus the Wraithknight ? I'm currently reading another thread regarding their power level and curious to see how BA's fair against it in 40k. I'll wish you advance luck if you're planning a rematch! Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 27, 2015 Author Share Posted April 27, 2015 Ouch. Not a good game there. Was more concerned that my performance was riddled with mistakes to be honest. I like the list and expect it to perform better, but even the best set up can be hampered by a rusty general. Shame about the defeat, but thank you for your detailed battle report! How did you find your luck versus the Wraithknight ? I'm currently reading another thread regarding their power level and curious to see how BA's fair against it in 40k. I'll wish you advance luck if you're planning a rematch! Keep in mind that this was the old Wraithknight (i.e. the JMC version, not the new JGC version). I was a little irked that I only caused one wound from the grav weaponry to be honest. My army's firepower and a strong counter assault (i.e. the eggs in my raven basket) should have dealt with it easily but alas... Just remember Concussive! infyrana and Kyle_Haydon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 27, 2015 Author Share Posted April 27, 2015 Blood Angels Vs Eldar - 1250 points Army Lists Flesh Tearers Strike Force – Gain Rage on a charge roll of 10+; re-roll Flesh Tearers Warlord traits ~ Chaplain with Jump Pack - Warlord ~ Librarian on bike - Divination ~ Cassor the Damned in a Lucius Drop Pod ~ Three squads of Death Company ~ Bike Squadron (with Attack Bike) Officio Assassinorum Detachment ~ Callidus Assassin Eldar Combined Arms Detachment ~ Autrach ~ Two squads of Warp Spiders – one with an Exarch ~ Two Guardian Support Squad ~ Two squads of Dire Avengers, each in a Wave Serpent ~ Rangers ~ Crimson Hunter - Exarch Deployment Mission: Tactical Escalation Setup: Dawn of War The board is a Realm of Battle board with six tiles of the order: ABC DEF Running along the border of Tile C and F lies a hill, on top of which is a Skyshield Landing Pad (SLP). In the centre of Tiles B and E is an Imperial Bastion. The rest of the board is covered in patches of forest, rocks and a crashed Aquila Lander. Cover is 5+ with the exception of the SLP and Bastion which are a 4+. Objective 3 lies in Tile F, on the outskirts of a wood which straddles Tiles E and F. Objective 4 lies on the foot of the SLP that steps into Tile C and Objective 1 sits in the wood which straddles Tiles B and C. Objective 5 sits near some rocks in Tile A while Objective 6 sits on top of Tile E’s Bastion. Finally, Objective 2 sits near the door on Tile B’s Bastion. In addition to Force, the Librarian rolls on the Divination table getting Forewarning and Foreboding to complement Prescience. The Chaplain’s Warlord Traits were Master of Ambush (The Chaplain and three units have Infiltrate) and Strategic Genius (+1 to reserves), whilst the Autrach’s trait was Mark of the Incomparable Hunter (Warlord gains Split Fire). Winning the role off, the Eldar deploy first, who leave the Autrach, Crimson Hunter and both squads of Warp Spiders (AWS denoting that it also contains the Autrach and EWS denoting that it contains an Exarch) in Reserve. Deployed in a line, Tile F has the first Wave Serpent (WS1) and this contains the first squad of Dire Avengers (DA1). The rocks between Tile E and F that has Obj5 contains the first squad of Guardians (G1). The woods that transverse Tiles D and E harbour G2 (and thus, they have Obj1) and to their left in Tile D sits WS2 (which contains DA2). The Blood Angels deploy their Bike Squadron behind cover in Tile A. Next, the Blood Angels Infiltrate one squad of Death Company along with the Chaplain (C-DC1) onto the SLP, one squad (DC2) onto the Lander ruins in front of Obj6, the third squad of DC (DC3) on the same flank as the Bikes and the Callidus reveals herself by the Bastion 2 doorway. The only place for the Rangers to Infiltrate is a wood in Tile F. The Blood Angels Seize the Initiative for first turn! Turn One Blood Angels ~ Tactical Objective (TO) 22 (Claim Objective 2) is drawn. ~ The Lucius-pattern Drop Pod lands in just in front of G1 in Tile A. Cassor remains embarked. DC3 and the Bikes rush up the left flank, the Callidus moves towards G1 and C-DC1 jump off the SLP in the direction of G2. DC2 jump onto the Bastion and coalesce around Obj2. ~ Forewarning is cast on the Bikes ~ Callidus shreds four from G1 who flee off the board (First Blood) ~ C-DC1 fail their charge on G2 ~ TO 22 is cashed in for 1 VP Eldar ~ DA2 disembarks from WS2, whilst WS1 draws a bead on the Callidus. ~ G2, DA2 and WS2 kill DC1 and the Chaplain (Slay the Warlord), WS1 slays the Callidus ~ TO 31 (Claim Objective 1) is cashed in (1 VP) Blood Angels 2:2 Eldar Turn Two Blood Angels ~ TOs BA11 (Valour of the Angels) and 41 (Recon) are drawn. ~ DC2 jumps down from the Bastion in the direction of the Rangers. DC3 and the Bikes make a beeline for WS1 and are joined by Cassor who disembarks the Lucius Pod. ~ Prescience and Forwarning are cast on the Bikes, however, two Perils of the Warp results in a Librarian casualty 0.o ~ DC2 fail their charge on the Rangers, but DC3 wreck WS1. Eldar ~ The Crimson Hunter arrives and moves up the flank where the Bikes reside. AWS arrive near the Rangers and DC2. DA2 embark WS2 and move towards Obj1 while DA1 moves around its former transport to get line of sight on DC3. ~ The Rangers, AWS and WS2 combine to destroy DC2, while DA1 can only down a single member of DC3. The Crimson Hunter wrecks Cassor. ~ TO 36 (Claim Objective 6) is cashed in for 1 VP. Blood Angels 2:3 Eldar =][=IMAGE REDACTED=][= Turn Three Blood Angels ~ TO 63 (Scout the Skies) is drawn. ~ The Bikes head to Obj5 (Skyfire Nexus), while DC3 advance on DA1 ~ The Bikes miss the Crimson Hunter thanks to Jink 0.o Meanwhile, shooting from DC3 kill 1 from DA1 ~ DC3 charge DA1 and butcher a mere three for one loss in return. Eldar ~ EWS arrive but mishap and are diverted to the far corner of Tile F. AWS move towards the middle of the board, while the Crimson Hunter moves out of range of the Bikes. G2 puts some distance between themselves and DC3 ~ EWS run towards the fight, while G2 put further distance between themselves and DC3. ~ EWS again moves towards the action whilst DA1 claim one DC for no loss 0.o ~ TO 13 (Claim Objective 1) is converted into a VP Blood Angels 2:4 Eldar Turn Four Blood Angels ~ TO 66 (Annihilation) is drawn ~ The Bikes move on to Obj2 ~ The Bikes kill the Autrach’s bodyguard, but leave him standing. ~ DC3 finally purge DA1 from the battle and consolidate 6” onto Obj3 ~ TO 13 is claimed for the Imperium (1 VP) Eldar ~ EWS continues its slog forward. WS2 moves onto the SLP and the Crimson Hunter does a long swoop around to that side of the board. The Autrach moves away from danger. ~ WS2 dispose of the DC3, while the Crimson Hunter kills the Sergeant and the Attack Bike. ~ TO 61 (Kingslayer) is cashed in (1 VP) Blood Angels 3:5 Eldar With just two models remaining, the Blood Angels concede the match. 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BloodTzar Posted April 27, 2015 Share Posted April 27, 2015 (edited) Jolemai, how does Cerberus perform overall? Is it good addition to fast mech BA? While it has LotW status is it worth its cost/org slot? Thank you ~BT Edited April 27, 2015 by BloodTzar Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 27, 2015 Author Share Posted April 27, 2015 So far I have ran her twice. The first time was in an Apocalypse game where she made her points back simply by stopping a Reaver from firing for a turn (it was armed with two laser blasters and one double barreled turbo laser). The second game she didn't do much in the way of shooting nor in the way of being a target (my opponent had mostly STR 7 weaponry, so it was ignored). As far as LoW vehicles go, she is one of the cheapest (being just five points more than a Typhon). A 12" movement means she can easily keep up with a BA mech force and to any BA list she brings ranged, high strength weaponry and she can be boosted with various Legacies of Glory to make her more potent. What people don't like about her is her potential number of shots. Her main gun does 1-3 shots and despite being Twin-linked, you've still got to hit for the carnage to happen. In my game above, she didn't do well in that regard (i.e. low rolls for shots and then that was saved/jinked/failed to penetrate). This is one of the reasons why I give her heavy bolter sponsons (and when I have the points, a pintle HB too). By increasing her dakka output, I feel it makes her more viable and more of a threat as opposed to a single lascannon. If I were to switch her out, the options I would choose would be a Typhon or a Marauder Destroyer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BloodTzar Posted April 27, 2015 Share Posted April 27, 2015 (edited) Well thank you very much for a feedback, I liked the model, however I think the new vindy can be just more potent than this behemoth Edited April 27, 2015 by BloodTzar Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Memento Of Prospero Posted April 28, 2015 Share Posted April 28, 2015 Well thank you very much for a feedback, I liked the model, however I think the new vindy can be just more potent than this behemoth It's also about resilience. A vindicator doesn't stack too well against a stiff breeze. Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 28, 2015 Author Share Posted April 28, 2015 Well thank you very much for a feedback, I liked the model, however I think the new vindy can be just more potent than this behemoth It's also about resilience. A vindicator doesn't stack too well against a stiff breeze. The new Vindicator Laser Destroyer sits at around 230 points less without taking into account any upgrades. The VLD fires 1 Twin-linked shot if it moves (which is a Snap Shot if it moves between 6 and 12"), 2/3 if it remains still. The Cerberus has D3 Twin-linked hits regardless of whether or not it moves. This gives its neutron laser array a threat range of 84". LDA is STR 9, AP1. NLA is STR 10, AP1, Primary Weapon (re-roll armour pen), Concussive, Feedback (if you don't penetrate/wound, you lose a HP on a D6 roll of 1), Shock Pulse (all vehicles including SHVs fire Snap Shots the following turn if you penetrate them). Whilst not as bad as a regular Vindicator, a VLD still suffers from the vehicle damage table. So a dozer blade (note that if it can't take OVE then it can't take a Siege Shield ) and a storm bolter are necessary upgrades and even then, the storm bolter will only ever fire Snap Shots until the main weapon is destroyed. The Cerberus can happily take 3/4 weapon upgrades and fire them wherever it wants without penalty. It also has greater armour all round, more HPs and a more forgiving damage table. It also performs a Tank Shock like a boss and can crumple other vehicles under its treads (which I admittedly forgot in the above game. I think one should make more use of this in regular games when using SHVs). The point is, the VLD is a nice, inexpensive option and the closest thing in 40k we're going to get to the Sicaran Venerator. However, if you can pay the premium you get a tank that has the potential to be so much more, provided you know how to use it. (It's also just over £50 more expensive...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BloodTzar Posted April 28, 2015 Share Posted April 28, 2015 Well thank you very much for a feedback, I liked the model, however I think the new vindy can be just more potent than this behemoth It's also about resilience. A vindicator doesn't stack too well against a stiff breeze. The new Vindicator Laser Destroyer sits at around 230 points less without taking into account any upgrades. The VLD fires 1 Twin-linked shot if it moves (which is a Snap Shot if it moves between 6 and 12"), 2/3 if it remains still. The Cerberus has D3 Twin-linked hits regardless of whether or not it moves. This gives its neutron laser array a threat range of 84". LDA is STR 9, AP1. NLA is STR 10, AP1, Primary Weapon (re-roll armour pen), Concussive, Feedback (if you don't penetrate/wound, you lose a HP on a D6 roll of 1), Shock Pulse (all vehicles including SHVs fire Snap Shots the following turn if you penetrate them). Whilst not as bad as a regular Vindicator, a VLD still suffers from the vehicle damage table. So a dozer blade (note that if it can't take OVE then it can't take a Siege Shield ) and a storm bolter are necessary upgrades and even then, the storm bolter will only ever fire Snap Shots until the main weapon is destroyed. The Cerberus can happily take 3/4 weapon upgrades and fire them wherever it wants without penalty. It also has greater armour all round, more HPs and a more forgiving damJoage table. It also performs a Tank Shock like a boss and can crumple other vehicles under its treads (which I admittedly forgot in the above game. I think one should make more use of this in regular games when using SHVs). The point is, the VLD is a nice, inexpensive option and the closest thing in 40k we're going to get to the Sicaran Venerator. However, if you can pay the premium you get a tank that has the potential to be so much more, provided you know how to use it. (It's also just over £50 more expensive...) Jolemai, i belive its less than that, stock it is 130 ( while still able to get BA "fast" and be able to move 12" and yet pop 2 shots 2and some of these are still less (in point cost) than the behemoth i believe ( however correct me if I am wrong as I dont have IA2E2 with me at work :) ) On the other hand, the Cerberus is just one of those eye catchers I would love to have in my collection (jealous) Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted April 28, 2015 Author Share Posted April 28, 2015 Blood Angels Vs Eldar - 1250 points Army Lists Flesh Tearers Strike Force – Gain Rage on a charge roll of 10+; re-roll Flesh Tearers Warlord traits ~ Chaplain with Jump Pack - Warlord ~ Librarian on bike - Divination ~ Cassor the Damned in a Lucius Drop Pod ~ Three squads of Death Company ~ Bike Squadron (with Attack Bike) Officio Assassinorum Detachment ~ Callidus Assassin Eldar Combined Arms Detachment ~ Autrach ~ Two squads of Warp Spiders – one with an Exarch ~ Two Guardian Support Squad ~ Two squads of Dire Avengers, each in a Wave Serpent ~ Rangers ~ Crimson Hunter - Exarch Deployment Mission: Tactical Escalation Setup: Dawn of War The board is a Realm of Battle board with six tiles of the order: ABC DEF Running along the border of Tile C and F lies a hill, on top of which is a Skyshield Landing Pad (SLP). In the centre of Tiles B and E is an Imperial Bastion. The rest of the board is covered in patches of forest, rocks and a crashed Aquila Lander. Cover is 5+ with the exception of the SLP and Bastion which are a 4+. Objective 3 lies in Tile F, on the outskirts of a wood which straddles Tiles E and F. Objective 4 lies on the foot of the SLP that steps into Tile C and Objective 1 sits in the wood which straddles Tiles B and C. Objective 5 sits near some rocks in Tile A while Objective 6 sits on top of Tile E’s Bastion. Finally, Objective 2 sits near the door on Tile B’s Bastion. In addition to Force, the Librarian rolls on the Divination table getting Forewarning and Foreboding to complement Prescience. The Chaplain’s Warlord Traits were Master of Ambush (The Chaplain and three units have Infiltrate) and Strategic Genius (+1 to reserves), whilst the Autrach’s trait was Mark of the Incomparable Hunter (Warlord gains Split Fire). Winning the role off, the Eldar deploy first, who leave the Autrach, Crimson Hunter and both squads of Warp Spiders (AWS denoting that it also contains the Autrach and EWS denoting that it contains an Exarch) in Reserve. Deployed in a line, Tile F has the first Wave Serpent (WS1) and this contains the first squad of Dire Avengers (DA1). The rocks between Tile E and F that has Obj5 contains the first squad of Guardians (G1). The woods that transverse Tiles D and E harbour G2 (and thus, they have Obj1) and to their left in Tile D sits WS2 (which contains DA2). The Blood Angels deploy their Bike Squadron behind cover in Tile A. Next, the Blood Angels Infiltrate one squad of Death Company along with the Chaplain (C-DC1) onto the SLP, one squad (DC2) onto the Lander ruins in front of Obj6, the third squad of DC (DC3) on the same flank as the Bikes and the Callidus reveals herself by the Bastion 2 doorway. The only place for the Rangers to Infiltrate is a wood in Tile F. The Blood Angels Seize the Initiative for first turn! Turn One Blood Angels ~ Tactical Objective (TO) 22 (Claim Objective 2) is drawn. ~ The Lucius-pattern Drop Pod lands in just in front of G1 in Tile A. Cassor remains embarked. DC3 and the Bikes rush up the left flank, the Callidus moves towards G1 and C-DC1 jump off the SLP in the direction of G2. DC2 jump onto the Bastion and coalesce around Obj2. ~ Forewarning is cast on the Bikes ~ Callidus shreds four from G1 who flee off the board (First Blood) ~ C-DC1 fail their charge on G2 ~ TO 22 is cashed in for 1 VP Eldar ~ DA2 disembarks from WS2, whilst WS1 draws a bead on the Callidus. ~ G2, DA2 and WS2 kill DC1 and the Chaplain (Slay the Warlord), WS1 slays the Callidus ~ TO 31 (Claim Objective 1) is cashed in (1 VP) Blood Angels 2:2 Eldar Turn Two Blood Angels ~ TOs BA11 (Valour of the Angels) and 41 (Recon) are drawn. ~ DC2 jumps down from the Bastion in the direction of the Rangers. DC3 and the Bikes make a beeline for WS1 and are joined by Cassor who disembarks the Lucius Pod. ~ Prescience and Forwarning are cast on the Bikes, however, two Perils of the Warp results in a Librarian casualty 0.o ~ DC2 fail their charge on the Rangers, but DC3 wreck WS1. Eldar ~ The Crimson Hunter arrives and moves up the flank where the Bikes reside. AWS arrive near the Rangers and DC2. DA2 embark WS2 and move towards Obj1 while DA1 moves around its former transport to get line of sight on DC3. ~ The Rangers, AWS and WS2 combine to destroy DC2, while DA1 can only down a single member of DC3. The Crimson Hunter wrecks Cassor. ~ TO 36 (Claim Objective 6) is cashed in for 1 VP. Blood Angels 2:3 Eldar =][=IMAGE REDACTED=][= Turn Three Blood Angels ~ TO 63 (Scout the Skies) is drawn. ~ The Bikes head to Obj5 (Skyfire Nexus), while DC3 advance on DA1 ~ The Bikes miss the Crimson Hunter thanks to Jink 0.o Meanwhile, shooting from DC3 kill 1 from DA1 ~ DC3 charge DA1 and butcher a mere three for one loss in return. Eldar ~ EWS arrive but mishap and are diverted to the far corner of Tile F. AWS move towards the middle of the board, while the Crimson Hunter moves out of range of the Bikes. G2 puts some distance between themselves and DC3 ~ EWS run towards the fight, while G2 put further distance between themselves and DC3. ~ EWS again moves towards the action whilst DA1 claim one DC for no loss 0.o ~ TO 13 (Claim Objective 1) is converted into a VP Blood Angels 2:4 Eldar Turn Four Blood Angels ~ TO 66 (Annihilation) is drawn ~ The Bikes move on to Obj2 ~ The Bikes kill the Autrach’s bodyguard, but leave him standing. ~ DC3 finally purge DA1 from the battle and consolidate 6” onto Obj3 ~ TO 13 is claimed for the Imperium (1 VP) Eldar ~ EWS continues its slog forward. WS2 moves onto the SLP and the Crimson Hunter does a long swoop around to that side of the board. The Autrach moves away from danger. ~ WS2 dispose of the DC3, while the Crimson Hunter kills the Sergeant and the Attack Bike. ~ TO 61 (Kingslayer) is cashed in (1 VP) Blood Angels 3:5 Eldar With just two models remaining, the Blood Angels concede the match. Review time. Close game points-wise, but another one where I should have performed better. Rolling Master of Ambush was great but I shouldn't have split my forces up. I know through experience that DC lists work best doing the "refused flank" tactic and instead of trying to cover each Objective, I should have opted for one side and rolled it. Hindsight, eh? As for the Callidus, lets just say I need to go back to the Callidus Temple for more training. ~ Chaplain with Jump Pack - Warlord Right choice for the Warlord, but I threw him away. Can't say much more than that but it is a toss up between him and Astorath to lead my 1250 list at the moment. ~ Librarian on bike - Divination This is the second time I've fielded this model and it's the second time it's killed itself As for his usefulness, my Bikes were too far away from the action whilst he was still alive. Going forward, I really don't know if this is a fluffy/suitable choice or not... ~ Cassor the Damned in a Lucius Drop Pod Barely got a sniff of the action. Perhaps I was being too cautious with him? Either way, this, or a regular Death Company Dreadnought will remain a staple in my DC list but I've got to use him better... ~ Three squads of Death Company MSU DC. Was fun when it got into combat (as always) but again, I didn't use them very well. I'm starting to not see the point of INT 1 weapons on my DC as there's barely anything left alive for them... ~ Bike Squadron (with Attack Bike) Too far out of the action to do anything of note really. After using them too aggressively in the first game, I guess I was too cautious in this one. ~ Callidus Assassin She's there as a distraction and because I have the model, so I want to use it. However, my ineptitude with her means that she doesn't scare my opponent like she should and munching through a squad of Guardians isn't really the return I'm after. I will persist though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted May 1, 2015 Author Share Posted May 1, 2015 I Jolemai rise to the challenge of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one TDA Captain and seven Sanguinary Guard additionally armed with a plasma pistol, inferno pistol, chapter banner, power fist and death masks from Codex:Blood Angels of total value 413 points on or before August 1st, 2015. Success will bring eternal glory to my Legion, Chapter, her Successors and her for a and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of the Oathbreaker until my vow is fully completed. That shall be my penitence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted May 1, 2015 Author Share Posted May 1, 2015 One very belated kit bash for the Librarian Conversion Challenge. Provided I get that far, this and a squad of bikes are penciled in for my third ETL vow. Front: Left side: Rear: Right side: Angle: Parts used: Legion Scimitar Pattern Jetbike Heavy flamer from the second edition Predator Annihilator kit Space Marine Bike legs and left arm Blood Angels Death Company shoulder pad Second edition Character arm should pad Staff and torso from the Grey Knights box Tactical box right arm Head from the Grey Knights Terminator box Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainHelion Posted May 1, 2015 Share Posted May 1, 2015 I'm not sold on the positioning of the staff. It just looks sort of awkward? And generally, it doesn't look like anything's happening. On the plus side, the heavy flamer looks basically perfect with the Scimitar! Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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