Angelus Mortifer Posted October 6, 2014 Share Posted October 6, 2014 Another cool bat rep Jol and nice work on your WIPs. I enjoy reading and seeing your stuffs, keep it going Jolemai and Frostbit3 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted October 8, 2014 Author Share Posted October 8, 2014 Thanks for the encouragement :) All being well, my next battle report should be at the start of next month with my 1850 Death Company List. Angelus Mortifer and Morticon 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angelus Mortifer Posted October 9, 2014 Share Posted October 9, 2014 All being well, my next battle report should be at the start of next month with my 1850 Death Company List. "The Blood Angels 9th Legion approves this message". Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted October 17, 2014 Author Share Posted October 17, 2014 By the start of November, I should have the following painted to my group's legal level for Apocalypse games. HQ Mephiston Astorath Lemartes (old) Librarian (Force Axe) Librarian (Force Sword) Reclusiarch Honour Guard Elites Furioso Dreadnought (alternative configuration is a Death Company Dreadnought) Sternguard Sanguinary Priest Corbulo Troops Assault Squad (option of making two five man) 2 x Tactical Squad Death Company (foot) Death Company (Jump Packs) Scout Squad (close combat, option of making two five man) Scout Squad (Sniper Rifles) Death Company Dreadnought (alternative configuration is a Furioso Dreadnought) Dedicated Transport 2 x Rhino Razorback (Las/plas) Razorback (TLHB/TLLC) Drop Pod Fast Attack Attack Bike Land Speeder Heavy Support Whirlwind Devastator Squad Dreadnought Stormraven Gunship Allies Vindicare Assassin Callidus Assassin Imperial Knight Paladin Assorted Eldar (adding for completion, but unlikely to use) This gives me three months to add something to this for our next planned event (31/01/15, ~ 20k per side, teams and points quota TBC). The question is what? I'll have time to paint maybe one or two units (I have a Ph.D thesis to write up!) and I was wondering what from the following list would be your choice to do? Dante Tycho 2 x Captain (Power Armour) Captain (TDA) Librarian (TDA) Terminator Assault Squad (8 models) Terminator Squad(s) (19 models) Sanguinary Priest (TDA) Sanguinary Priest/Chaplain (Bike) Honour Guard Lemartes (new) Sanguinary Guard Bike Squad (6 models) Attack Bike Land Speeder Land Raider (all configurations) Predator Annihilator 2 x Tactical Squads Techmarine Aegis Defense Line As always, thanks for reading and any replies! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted November 8, 2014 Author Share Posted November 8, 2014 My Cerberus arrived. Excited! This is what it looks like in the box: There's also a blister for the BA iconography and for some Tank Commanders. This is what a dry fit looks like: Next I have to take a saw to that flash on the chassis and then wash all the bits before I can glue it and undercoat it. *** In other news, my forthcoming Apocalypse game is starting to look pretty epic. The Eldar player now has two Revenant Titans (who I usually end up on the opposing side from...), we'll be playing on an 8' x 6' board and at least a Warhound and a Reaver Titan will be present (and possibly two more Warhounds if he is still motivated to do them after painting his Reaver with every weapon option ). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted November 10, 2014 Author Share Posted November 10, 2014 As promised, here are some WIPs of Corbulo (sorry for the fuzziness): Still need to highlight the armour and paint the headlamp (which I've got no idea how to do at the moment. I'm after a blue light effect if anyone can help). Also need to tidy some of it up. *** Sadly I had to cancel my game with the 1850 Death Company list Hope to get one in before the new Codex though... j-smuv 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted November 17, 2014 Author Share Posted November 17, 2014 As the Cerberus needs magnets I've started on Tycho (another model I've had lying around since the days of lead miniatures). First time I've painted gold on such a large scale too. Corvus_Danseur 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Memento Of Prospero Posted November 18, 2014 Share Posted November 18, 2014 Cant wait for the knight's completion ;) Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted November 18, 2014 Author Share Posted November 18, 2014 Not working on him at the moment. I packed him up for my battle and when it was cancelled I just left the army packed up as I'm moving house this weekend. If I have time, I may be able to get a WIP up some time in the next two weeks (after that I'm in the US for a conference). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted November 20, 2014 Author Share Posted November 20, 2014 Looks like I found some time Apologies again for the bad lighting (best I can do right now) and that it's a camera phone picture Front/side view WIP: Here he is in all his blu-tacced glory and yes, that's a lot of blu-tac. The green Ion Shield is going to represent the only link to his Knightly House. The red freehand is just a guide at the moment but right now it looks like a spider... Front/top view WIP: With this one you can see my progress on the highlighting. All my Death Company have a muted Hawk Turquoise edge highlight and I feel it really stands out on the bigger model. Not finished yet though! Plans for this involve adding a magnetic truss to the inside and I may magnetise his feet as I want the base to come away for packing. I also plan on doing some minor sculpting on the pauldrons (so that's my first attempt with green stuff, first attempt at a truss and first attempt at freehand - I must be mad). Memento Of Prospero 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Memento Of Prospero Posted November 20, 2014 Share Posted November 20, 2014 Definitely needs more skulls! Looks great ;) Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted November 20, 2014 Author Share Posted November 20, 2014 Well, I do plan on using the skull transfers that come with it :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Angelus Mortifer Posted November 24, 2014 Share Posted November 24, 2014 Really like the blue highlight for the black (rather than the go-to grey). Makes it look a lot more sinister. May need to try that for my gaggle of Assassins - consider it stolen Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted November 25, 2014 Author Share Posted November 25, 2014 Oddly enough, I'm using grey on my Vindicare as I want him to blend in better with his base... If you do try it on your Assassins I'd like to see it. It may sway me to use it on my Callidus when I repaint her and the other two when I eventually acquire them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted December 22, 2014 Author Share Posted December 22, 2014 Having had time to digest the Codex there aren't too many nerfs at all really. Most of the them are simply changes that bring us into line with the other Chapter's Codicies and our Wardisms have been reigned in and/or realigned. Coupled with (in most cases) a price drop, I'm quite happy with the new book. However, now we have the quandary about making our lists legal again. What I've tried to do is have a theme for each of my main "TAC" lists. These are: 1250 - Death Company 1500 - Light Mech 1750 - Hybrid 1850 - Death Company 2000 - Hybrid/Light Mech Naturally, each will need an update but the main one right now is the 1500 list, with the changes starting from here. Basically this will be my first game using the new Codex and whilst I want it to remain a Light Mech TAC list, I'm up against my regular Eldar opponent... What surprised me the most was that even with the points reduction I appear to be worse off than before, so I'm just trying to get my head around what else I can do to get the best out of this force. Opinions welcome :) BAjim, Remtek and Dolchiate Remembrancer 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pearson73 Posted December 23, 2014 Share Posted December 23, 2014 The Knight's looking great, as are Corbulo and Tycho! Jolemai 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted December 23, 2014 Author Share Posted December 23, 2014 Thanks! :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted December 23, 2014 Author Share Posted December 23, 2014 Now for a musing: Dropped into my nearest GW today to catch a glimpse of the new Blood Angels models (sadly they were still being painted up). Had the usual chat with a blue shirt where he's trying to push sales and I'm riposting them all (as I've either got it already or don't need it), only for the conversation to drift to White Dwarf where I'm not bothering with next week's as it's not BA relevant (and I've already done my time with buying them religiously). I get left to look at the models and a black shirt who was painting takes the blue shirt aside for a chat. When he comes back, the black shirt starts to talk to me about WD, saying how he feels I was misinformed and that the second half of the Cities of Death Objective Cards on in WD48, etc, etc. Unbelievable. I know that they don't know me in there anymore (either the chap who does recognise me has quit or isn't working today), but that was pretty poor form imo and it's the first time I've really felt how pushy the staff have to be in there. Not only that but I didn't really get a chance to talk about my side of the hobby, upcoming games, etc. Sad really. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 5, 2015 Author Share Posted January 5, 2015 (edited) Blood Angels Vs Eldar - 1500 points Army Lists Baal Strike Force - +1 Initiative on the charge, re-roll Blood Angel Warlord traits Librarian on Space Marine Bike - Divination, Warlord Scout Squad Tactical Squad with Razorback in "Las/plas" configuration (Plaserback) Death Company with Razorback (Bolterback) Furioso Dreadnought in "Fragioso" configuration, with a Lucius-pattern Drop Pod Bike Squadron (with Attack Bike) Attack Bike Stormraven Gunship Predator Destructor in "Autolas" configuration Officio Assasinorum Detachment Vindicare Assassin List discussion thread Eldar Combined Arms Detachment Avatar - Fast Shot, Crack Shot, Warlord Spirit Seer 2 x Wraithguard 2 x Guardian Support Squad 2 x Wraithlord 2 x Warp Spiders Crimson Hunter - Exarch Deployment Mission: Deadlock Setup: Vanguard Strike The board is a Realm of Battle board with six tiles of the order: ABC DEF In the centre of the board is an inactive Skyshield Landing Pad. At each corner of the board is a hill. Tiles A and F each have an inactive Bastion (denoted Bas5 and Bas6 respectively). Tile C has a ruin and Tile D has some low level terrain. Other than that, there's a smattering of Aegis Line walls dotted about the place. Cover is either 4+ or 5+. In Tile A, objective five is placed to the south of the Bastion while objectives 3 and 4 are placed to the northwest and southeast of the Sky Shield respectively. Tile C has objective one to the east of the ruin, Tile D has objective two to the south of its main terrain piece and finally, Tile F has objective 6 to the north of its Bastion. In addition to Force, the Librarian rolls on Divination gaining Foreboding and Scrier’s Gaze to complement Prescience. The Spirit Seer rolled on the Runes of Battle gaining Quicken/Restrain and Protect/Jinx to compliment Conceal/Reveal. The Librarian’s Warlord Trait was Soulwarden (Adamantium Will), whilst the Avatar’s trait was Ambush of Blades. Winning the role off, the Eldar deploy first. In a horizontal line running from the long board edge DEF to the short edge CF they deploy as follows: Guardians and Spirit Seer (G-SS) -> Avatar -> WG2 -> Bas6 (which contains the second squad of Guardians on the battlements) -> WG1, with both the Wraithlords in behind them. This triggers Objective 6 to be a Grav-wave Generator. The Warp Spiders and Crimson Hunter start in reserve. Leaving the Stormraven (and it’s Scout cargo) and the Fragioso (in the Lucius Pod) in Reserve, the Blood Angels deploy next. With the majority castling up behind Bas5, just the Predator, Plaserback and Attack Bike take up a flanking position behind an Aegis wall. Finally, the Vindicare is placed in Aegis cover just in front of the BA lines. The Blood Angels are gifted first turn. Turn One Blood Angels ~ The following Tactical Objectives (TO) are drawn: 53 (No Prisoners), 62 (Witch Hunter), 51 (Overwhelming Firepower), 31 (Secure Objective 1), 65 (Demolitions) and BA15 (Swift Advance – Obj 1 & 6 nominated). ~ The Lucius Pod lands in Tile E, to the south of the Skyshield. The Fragioso stays embarked while the tanks and bikes advance under its shadow. Objective 5 is revealed to be a Targeting Relay. ~ Not only does the Librarian fail to get a power off during the Psychic Phase, he also suffers a wound from the relic, Galian’s Staff. ~ The bikes and Razors turbo boost closer towards the Pod. The Predator and Dreadnought unload into G-SS, but despite many casualties, they hold firm. The Assassin takes a wound off the SS. Eldar ~ Six TOs are drawn and remain hidden (for now) ~ WG1, WL1 and WL2 head towards Obj1, while WG2 heads off towards Obj4. The Avatar advances on the Pod while G-SS move back towards Bas6. ~ Reveal is successfully cast on the Pod (thereby nullifying all Stealth bonuses) and Protect is cast on G-SS. ~ WG2 explodes the Pod (First Blood, 1VP) to reveal the Fragioso, only for the Avatar to explode it with the Wailing Doom. The Bike Squadron’s Attack Bike suffers a wound from the Guardians on Bas6, who then reform into better firing positions using Battle Focus. ~ TO 24 (Claim Objective 4) is cashed in for 1VP. Eldar 2: 0 Blood Angels Turn Two Blood Angels ~ TO 65 is discarded. ~ The bikes reform to get a better firing arc on the Avatar, while the Predator advances into cover (triggering Obj2 – Sabotaged!). The AB and Bolterback advance along the board edge while the Plaserback runs alongside the Skyshield and disgorges the Tactical Squad into cover. ~ Foreboding is successfully cast on the Bike Squadron. ~ Grav fire from the bikes takes three wounds off the Avatar, while the Tactical Squad removes two of WG2’s number. The Vindicare assassinates the SS and a further Guardian from that squad to lost. ~ TOs 51, 53 and 62 are cashed in for 3VP. Eldar ~ The Crimson Hunter enters play and lines up a broadside on the Predator’s right flank. WG1 reach and trigger Obj1 (Sabotaged!), the Avatar moves behind the Plaserback and both the WLs head towards the Skyshield. The remains G-SS cluster up around Bas6. ~ The Crimson Hunter knocks two HPs off the Predator, shaking it. Combined fire sees the Tactical Squad take four casualties, with just the Plasma gunner remaining. ~ The Avatar needs 6” to charge the Plasma gunner. A 2 and a 1 are rolled. The dice are re-rolled (Fleet) to give a 2 and a 1... ~ TOs 11 (Claim Objective 1) and 31 (Claim Objective 1) are cashed in for one point apiece, while 44 (Ascendency) is cashed in for 3VP. Eldar 7:3 Blood Angels Turn Three Blood Angels ~ TOs 24 (Claim Objective 4) and 34 (Claim Objective 4) are generated. ~ The only movement is the Tanks and AB moving further forward. ~ Scrier’s Gaze is successfully cast. TO BA15 is discarded and 56 (Harness the Warp) is generated. ~ Grav and Plasma fire combine to kill the Avatar (Slay the Warlord, 1VP), WG2 are destroyed (leaving the Plasma gunner to claim Obj 4) and the Bolterback kills two from G-SS who break towards the board edge. ~ TOs 24, 34 and 56 are cashed in for 3VP total. The bomb on Obj2 explodes killing a member of the Bike Squadron. Eldar ~ WS1 enters play and manifest behind the Assassin. G-SS run off the board while the CH moves back into the Predator’s side arc. WG1 now move back towards Obj6, WL2 heads towards the Plaserback while WL1 advances towards the Skyshield. ~ The CH wrecks the Predator and WS1 dispatch the Assassin before Battle Focusing towards Obj5. ~ Both WLs charge the Plaserback, wrecking it through Hammer of Wrath attacks alone. The Warp Spiders then jump onto Obj5. ~ TOs 15 (Secure Objective 5) and 22 (Secure Objective 2) are cashed in for 2VP. Eldar 9:7 Blood Angels Turn Four Blood Angels ~ TOs 35 (Claim Objective 5) and 61 (Kingslayer) are drawn ~ The Stormraven finally arrives and zooms to the western side of the Skyshield, with the Scouts bailing out near to Obj5. The Librarian detaches from the Bike Squadron and also advances on Obj5 while the bikes advance on WL2. The DC disembarks from the Bolterback by Bas6. Meanwhile, there are now BA units in the Eldar deployment zone (Linebreaker, 1VP). ~ The SR shoots down the CH and assists the bikes in killing WL2. One Guardian in Bas6 dies from DC bolt fire. ~ The Librarian charges the Spiders on Obj5, killing one from HoW. With no wounds in return, WS1 flees the objective. ~ TOs 35 and 61 are cashed in (2VP). Eldar ~ WS1 regroup whilst WS2 arrive behind them near to the AD board edge in Tile D. WL1 and WG1 advance on the Bolterback and the Guardians move out of the door of the Bastion to get a better firing line on the DC. ~ The Guardians fell three DC while the Wraithguard take a single HP off the Bolterback. At the other end of the battlefield, WS1 fell the Librarian for Slay the Warlord (1VP) and WS2 kill a single Scout. ~ WS2 jump away, WS1 jump onto Obj5 and WL1 charges and kills the AB, only to suffer a wound in the process. Eldar 10:10 Blood Angels Turn Five Blood Angels ~ TO BA14 (Decapitating Strike) is generated. ~ The Scouts advance on WS1, the bikes advance on WL1, the DC advance on the Guardians (who remained outside the Bastion) and the Bolterback trundled off towards Obj1. The SR turns and heads towards the CF board edge. ~ The DC kills two Guardians, while the SR kills three from WG1. The Scouts shoot a Spider before the bikes finish off the Wraithlord. ~ The DC charges into the Guardians, only to be cut down from Overwatch fire. The Scouts also charge WS1 and with both units losing one from their number, the Spiders jump away towards the Skyshield allowing the Scouts to consolidate into cover. ~ TOs 14 and 31 are cashed in for 2VP. Eldar ~ TO 63 (Scout the Skies) is discarded. ~ The Guardians and WG2 converge on the Objective by Bas6. The sole survivor of WS1 jumps towards the Plasma gunner under the Shyshield. WS2 jump towards the Scouts. ~ WS Battle Focus to get a better firing position, before killing the remaining squad members. WS1 kills the lone Tactical marine. ~ WS2 moves behind the Aegis, WS1 gets into cover behind the Shyshield, and gets within range of Obj3. ~ TO 13 is cashed in for 1VP. Eldar 11: 12 Blood Angels With a roll of a 2, the game is over. A narrow victory to the Blood Angels! (For those interested, the Eldar had TO 55 – Psychological Warfare remaining). Edited January 5, 2015 by Jolemai Klazien 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 5, 2015 Author Share Posted January 5, 2015 Review Close game! What was worse was that I thought I had lost until today when having gone through my notes, I realised I was missing two VPs. Ah well... Quite like the new Codex, especially my means of taking out the MCs. The Plasma gunner was given MotM simply due to claiming four VPs in one turn a five overall. Personally, I was more impressed with the bikes but :) Using the BSF did help out somewhat but I didn't feel the need fr Objective Secured either, so I can't say if this was the better option of not. Probably should have re-rolled the Warlord Trait but the chances of getting something useless went up to a third... Librarian on Space Marine Bike - Divination, Warlord It was typical that I took a wound from Galian's Staff the first time I used it, but otherwise he was simply OK. Will probably run him like this again. Scrier's Gaze seems a little pointless regarding Mysterious Objectives (as they have already been discovered before you manifest the power), but then I suppose it lasts until the next Movement phase. Didn't get to use Auspex, was never close enough. Was considering using Sanguinary rather than Divination and definitely made the right choice even though it was a shame to not use the new powers. Scout Squad Nothing to write home about really. Chose not to use the Combi-Flamer when I should have (was expecting a charge from Warp Spiders...derp!) but generally did as expecting and what I wanted them to. Tactical Squad with Razorback in "Las/plas" configuration (Plaserback) Quite liking that we can now take upgrades for a five man squad and it meant a somewhat successful outing for my Tacticals (can't remember the last time I said that). Will likely run this again. As for the Razorback, I still love it and it did what it had to. It even did some damage where necessary. Don't think I'll downgrade or switch it out to a Rhino yet. Death Company with Razorback (Bolterback) The DC were underwhelming but I should have probably positioned them better when disembarking - basically I should have hidden more from the Guardians. The Bolterback performed as well as it normally does and it will remain my transport for foot DC (for now). Will likely run these again. Furioso Dreadnought in "Fragioso" configuration, with a Lucius-pattern Drop Pod My opponent hates this guy so as a distraction, it did it's job well enough. Shame it didn't hang around though. First time using a Lucius meant my Dreadnought swapped Frag Cannon range for protection and not too sure if it was worth it. Will be sure to properly dispel Reveal next time! Bike Squadron (with Attack Bike) Star performers for me. Grav, Grav, Combi-Grav and Multi Melta , along with a couple of ablative wounds. Best ever showing from my bikes and long may it continue. However, for a change my opponent didn't focus on them and with it being his first experience of Grav (seriously, there aren't any Vanilla players in our group(s) right now) he didn't know how potent they could be. Their next run out will be interesting. Attack Bike A nuisance as always. Stormraven Gunship Arrived late but still did it's job. It's mere presence on the shelf was enough for my opponent to concede first turn as he knew his CH would get obliterated otherwise. Didn't miss Bloodstrike missiles when shooting the CH and for a change, I didn't miss the Hurricane Bolters. Predator Destructor in "Autolas" configuration Another one my opponent likes to focus on and this time it didn't survive long. Still one of my go to units in my mech lists. Vindicare Assassin First non-Apocalypse game since the 2nd edition with this chap and he didn't disappoint. Took care of the Seer and almost bagged the Avatar too. Dangerous, nuisance and a distraction :) BAjim 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaezus Posted January 5, 2015 Share Posted January 5, 2015 "The Avatar needs 6” to charge the Plasma gunner. A 2 and a 1 are rolled. The dice are re-rolled (Fleet) to give a 2 and a 1... " That's bad Nice showing, those grav bikes do seem awesome. Would use them if I didn't need a third pod. One thing about the Lucius, IIRC you only get shrouded on the first game turn so you wouldn't have benefitted from it in your oppo's next shooting phase? Always been a bit iffy with the dread staying embarked thing - this isn't specifically stated in the rules - but don't have a big problem with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 5, 2015 Author Share Posted January 5, 2015 Yup on the first game turn. It's just there to give extra cover for the tanks/bikes/jumpers/etc on that turn so they can approach somewhat unmolested. Even so, I didn't expect it to get removed before the first shooting phase! As for the disembark thing, FW have categorically stated that in their Pods (Lucius, Anvillus Dreadclaw, Kharibdys) you can stay embarked on the turn you land. It's just the GW ones that spit you out on the moment you drop. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shaezus Posted January 5, 2015 Share Posted January 5, 2015 Cool, where did FW say that, just so I can show it if I use it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 5, 2015 Author Share Posted January 5, 2015 B&S Source which links to this. I'm sure I saw something else, but I can't remember where right now :/ Shaezus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jolemai Posted January 12, 2015 Author Share Posted January 12, 2015 Just three weeks to go before my group's next Apocalypse game and for some reason, I never posted about 2014's effort It was 16k per side. On the forces of order were Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Eldar and Space Marines. One the forces of disorder were Chaos Space Marines, (traitor) Imperial Guard and Tyranids. This was our first go with the current Apocalypse rules and it was a lot of fun. It lasted for a whole weekend. Rather than do a battle report like I do with my regular games, I'll just do a quick review with pictures as it's the sane thing to do... Deployment I had deployment my static firebase on the right flank, with my transports behind the centre bastion. My Attack Bike and Land Speeder went with the Ravenwing and I had a bunch of stuff in reserve. The forces of Order went second. Turn one My firebase was saved by a shield in the first turn as were my tanks, while the bikes were hidden via smoke. After an Apocalyptic storm popped by DC's Rhino, my Pod arrived and cleared out the Havocs on the right flank and my Stormraven came on (contained Corbulo and some DC). Turn two A combination of Apocalyptic storms and firepower obliterated my firebase, all my transports were wrecked in the centre and my bikes (along with the Ravenwing) were annihilated on the left flank - the Carnifex apoc formation is nasty. Meanwhile, Mephiston - who was using the transports as cover - shrugged off a volcano cannon to the face and Angron himself had engaged an invisible Abaddon in combat. Turn three Apocalyptic events ripped the planet asunder (again) whilst Eldar reinforcements arrived. The Vindicare delivered the finishing blow to the Shadowsword, the Swarmlord took out Mephiston and Angron was beaten by an invisible Abaddon in combat. Turn four and five My storms decimated the Troops as reinforcements arrived from both sides (including another Shadowsword...) A large mob of Death Company that had arrived earlier and had been whittled down to a small handful (along with a wounded Lemartes) engaged the Swarmlord, with Lemartes actually wounding the beast. More Eldar arrived along with a handful of marines who went about mopping up what was left. The final VP haul was around 25:4 in Order's favour. *** *** *** The forthcoming battle will be even better. Larger table, nine titans confirmed, more beer - it's going to be ace! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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