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Brother Nihm

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Call of Chaos V - December Update 1

Well, 12 days into December, and I have nearly completed my 5 units pledged. All that is left is base work,so I figured this would be a good time to post an update!

Here are some better pics of the two units from my last update:

Alpha Legion Raptors Squad 1:




And here are the other three pledged units:



Word Bearer Raptors:


Alpha Legion Raptor Squad 2:


And to finish off, a group shot of my Call pledge:


My next update will have them all based, and will include a second pledge!

Here's my first December update. It's technically the second thing I've posted in December, but I wouldn't consider getting my stuff primed as an actual update. Let's say it's the first, really. This time I actually got some paint on my models. I've got paint on all of them ...


Cheers, JT


SP's December Update


Okay so this isn't the update I was hoping for. Whilst I have made some progress I have also seemingly hurt my back at work. This means that A. If ?I dont want to get sacked I have to go to work injured (busy Christmas period and all ready been off on compo once this year for an injured back) and B. I cant bend over for any length of time (ie. more then about three seconds) So I will try and keep going but its looking like I may have to pull out this year AGAIN. I swear to the Gods (all four of them) that one year I will get this complete...

Call of Chaos V - December Update 2

Well I've based my first pledge, and have decided to call them finished! Here they are:


With that done, I believe I need to make a second pledge, so here goes nothing:

Gods of Chaos hear my call!

I Danny CYanide hereby pledge my soul, my allegiance and that of my troops', to Chaos Eternal.

I swear to you that I will paint and present A Huron Blackheart, a Sorcerer, 2 CSM Squads, and a Helbrute of Alpha Legion, before January 18th, 2013.
I also promise to provide a project update, at least twice per month.

You can follow my progress here: My WIP Log

-Danny Cyanide
since i cant make a new pledge, having completed my 5 units already, i am still going to work on my world eaters and still post the updates in here so just follow the link at the bottom. I recently completed my DV chaos lord, a 10 man CSM squad and my helbrute and maulerfiend. enjoy and please comment.
Call of Chaos V - December Update 3

Here are the first three units from my second pledge. Sorcerer, Huron Blackheart and 1 squad of CSM all primed grey and waiting for paint:


Call of Chaos

++Update Seven++



Chaos area




WIP area




Almost finish my Cultist champion. Then money permit I will hopeful get the two Champion for my Havoc units to complete my Call of Chaos.



My second December update is posted, though no progress has been made.




edit: We are encouraged to take on up to 5 more items when we finish, correct? My holidays are always super boring, so I'll have time enough for 5 more units easily once I finish the current set.

The progress you all have made is astonishing. As I told Brother Nihm before the nefar..erm I mean ever chaotic warp sought to change me in ways this realm did not comprehend. Alas, the new surg... daemonic upgrades seem to be working much better as they interface with my mortal body and I hope to soon fully recover and start converting/painting again should it please the chaos gods.

December is almost over and the holiday festivities are about to begin for many.

Please remember however that the last day to submit is January 18th, 2013 so there is less than a month to go!


The details on the prizes (yes, there will be prizes - remember? :unsure:) will be made available around the first or second of January.

Call of Chaos V - December Update 4

Here's where the first 3 units (10 CSM, Huron, Sorcerer) of my second pledge stand: Armour is painted and shaded up to the green! Just trim, detailing and faces left for these guys! Aiming to have them done before December is done!

Regretfully I must admit failure. with work the holidays and a unexpected move I wont be able to make both updates this month so have failed the call. best of luck to all still involved and keep an eye on my wip thread as I will finish the models just not with the deadline I was hopeing for.

December Update 2: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t&p=3267379

Bolter Marines done.


More pics of these squads are in my thread. Pics of the squads with Champs, Icon Bearers and Plasmagunners are in my thread. Here's some closeups of the minis painted for the Call:




Still looking at getting the pledge done before the end of the year, Raptors should be done in the next few days.


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