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Brother Nihm

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December, Update 2 (How do we do those fancy title blocks? I can't find a FAQ or anything on it.)


My CSM squad is done! Here is a link to the update post.


Some highlights from the squad:







December Update


I had hoped to be farther along than I am, but Nurgle has visited my family and there has been little opportunity to paint.


I'm probably about a third done with the Tzeentch Sorcerer, and with Nurgle's curse moving on I will hopefully start up again after the holidays.

December Update 3: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...t&p=3268011

Details/bases on the Raptors finished (already! Basically spent the whole day painting):


Closeups in my thread. Just got the diorama squad left to do now.

Stay on target, brothers!

Here is my final entry for the call of chaos....finished up my choosen squads plus added a 10 man cultis squad to the top of it...


if i need to add stuff to do in jan messaged me up brother hihm and i will add up some more cultis or something...


but i just broke up with my girlfriend so i got a few other things to take care of like moving out and into a new apartment and getting my stuff in order again...


but hey on the bright side i can paint in my room again hahaha




Call of Chaos

++Update Eight++



Chaos area



WIP area



Cultist Champion finish. Just two more models to go until call of chaos challege is complete. Pray to the Chaos gods that I get a good haul tomorrow :HQ: For I have been a faithful warrior of Chaos, slaughter all before me & burn worlds in the name of the Chaos Gods :ermm:



Im going to have to confirm my fallen status - may the gods of the warp have use for my wretched soul.


The Dark Wolves will be done - but on my own time now.



Really was looking forward to this but unexpected RL issues have arisen.


But a 6 month tour isnt too long and i'll have a nice backlog of projects to finish in the near future :HQ:



Terrible news brothers. Due to real life difficulties, I will not be able to complete my vow in time. Please strike my name from the list and let me know what I must do as a Fallen Brother. Is there a signature of shame? How does this work?


Again, all apologies brothers.

So i may or not be a procrastinator. i think i took these pictures a week and a half ago. i brain farted and didnt take the pictures till till i had already put the gold on them. hope thats ok. the bike squad is almost done and ill be putting up the pictures tomorrow as my second update. yep last few days. like a boss.


Biker Squad 1



Lord and Sorc



I will be taking the completed pictures with my camera so as to do these guys justice, i spent a lot of time converting them and realize these pictures don't really do them any justice at all.

Call of Chaos V - December Update 5

Trim done on 1 squad, Huron and Sorcerer:


Also, the other squad is built and primed:


Helbrute as well:

Oh the shame and horror that will befall me for saying this, but i have no time to finish the wow that i have pledged to the chaos gods, so i guess ill hide in shame and become a chaosspawn :confused: The progress on my warband will however continue in the near future, but not to a timelimit

My two finnished terminators one more and five Warp Talons to go. I am not much of a painter so I hope it will look better on the tabletop.

I must say I really have motivational issues with Terminators. Hereby I thank my wife who made me work on them with words "My husband will not dishonor himself on the internet!"


Thank you though.


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