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Brother Nihm

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=][= Your attention please, this is a service announcement =][=


Because of the recent board upgrade; which left some of you unable to provide your planned updates - we have decided to extend the Call for a week. The new end date is therefore Friday, the 25th of January


If you have already finished your pledged items, you can use the time to fiddle with details, error correct, take your finished units to the table (!) or even pledge additional items - should you be so bold.



As for the prizes,


Things have been quiet on this front due to the odd ways of the Warp as well as the difficulty in producing these rare items.



Apart from the eternal glory of winning a Call, taking his rightful place in command of the Infernal legions, the overall winner also gets to choose one of several Black Library products.


If the winner has no need for for the prize he is of course welcome to pass it on to his second in command (i.e. the person who's got 2nd place)


If there are two or more people tied for first place (has only happened once), we will work it out via PMs, or even let it come down to a dice roll. (the Gods of chaos are fickle and cruel)



Enough chatter, here they are:









And a huge thank you to my friend DeathShadow, for donating them. :)

Thanks Nim, I hope it's going to be enough additional time for me to finish in time. Right now, it looks like a certain Warmaster felt a bit to bold...


Still, my first update for this month is done:


January update #1


Here's my final update with my completed vow: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=125136&p=3292236


Thanks again to Nihm for running this, and to everyone that took part - you've all kept me inspired and motivated with your quality work and high level of productivity, well done every one! B)

Gods of Chaos, I failed you! I was not able to finish my 20 Cultists, so only 4/5 of my vow have been completed. I will repent by wipping the worthless scum even harder (and maybe annihilating a planet or two). Should another Call arise, I will also paint an additional miniature according to your wish to be allowed back into the rows of your most leal servants verymad.gif

It has been a bumpy ride with the forum downtime and the subsequent related issues.

It is also the first Call of Chaos without any participating Mods/Admins - which may have affected the overall motivation.


Still - if you look at the amazing results that came from this Chaos Marine invasion of the B&C - it was worth it.


Whoah, I forgot to update for December! Not that I wasn't doing anything, I'm just easily distracted and seemed to overlook it. Anyway, here is a megapost with updates from both December and January. While I'm not quite finished, I'll get there!


Sorry Dez but you have fallen in battle, I do appreciate the belated updates though - thank you very much for fighting in The Long War!



Well, I'm running behind on updates due to holiday madness and the site being down, but they've resumed at this point, and I should still be able to finish my modest pledge in the time allotted.

The same goes for you Mali, thanks for sticking by for the end.



As for the finale,

Never before have one person done this much.



The winner is without a doubt Danny Cyanide - with his 13 units pledged (73 Infantry Models and a Helbrute). All in the span of 3 months. Inhuman? I think so!


Danny - please send me a PM with your prize choice and your name + address) - prize info here



It was also great to see some old faces returning to reclaim their lost honour. Well done Neigorath and Insane Psychopath for taking on an even greater challenge this time around - and succeeding.


I also want to take some time and mention a few of the highlights from this round of The Call of Chaos

Now - whese are purely personal rewards/mentions and are based on what I've seen. They are intended to show my appreciation and to poke fun.




First through the breach (finished first)





Cannon Fodder (the first to fall)




Unrelenting (most active)


Danny Cyanide


Mad Genius (best conversion)


Whiskey Tango's Typhus counts-as http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=263719&view=findpost&p=3230704


Hellraiser (most units pledged and completed)

Danny Cyanide


Daemonic Craftsmanship (best overall paintjob/modelling)


Danny Cyanide/Kizzdougs


It came from The Warp (best unique scheme/theme)









And finally, the ranks:




Warmaster of Chaos

Brilliance, determination, excellence


Danny Cyanide - Iron Warriors/Alpha Legion/Word Bearers



Lords of Chaos

Command, inspiration

PipX – Idolaters
Nehekhare - Iron Warriors

Insane Psychopath - Iron Warriors

Neigorath - Black Legion

Zyl- - Rav'vir's Thralls


Champions of Chaos


Arizonajir - World Eaters
Capitano - Night Lords
kizzdougs - Chaos Undivided


Chosen of Chaos

Perseverance, Dedication

BrokenGlytch - The Cult of Flesh
JamesI - Thousand Sons
firestorm40k - Legion of Taurus
GrimApostle - Iron Warriors
Iron Warrior w/ Servo Arm - Scions of Devastation
RazakelXIII - Word Bearers
Teku - Nurgle Angels

Ammonius - The Deprecators


Aspiring Champions

The promise of glory, or that of ruin

Kythnos - Stonebreakers


The Fallen

Those who tried.. and died

emperors immortals - Skyrar's Dark Wolves
Battle-Brother Ludovic - Iron Warriors
Deus ex Ferrum - Alpha Legion
greenee22 - Hellhounds
Brother Ramiel - The Trinity
Anturis - Black Legion
Rhynn - Black Legion
Bungicats - The Malevolent Heralds
Archangel - The Knights of Doom
The Cosmic Game - Black Legion
OuThere - Word Bearers/Night Lords
Thymebandit - The Ebon Rot
Thunder_god - Disciples of Truth
Vlâdvar The Destroyer - Iron Warriors
HellChyld - Night Lords
Brother Ulkesh - Night Lords
Zacco Kathcis - Delpoxors Diseased
Marshal Sampson of Terra - Alpha Legion
Jiron - Space Rats
Uprising - The Cleaved
Ifrit446 - Alpha Legion
Bymis - Death Guard
Dez - Death Guard
heralds of excess - The Corpus Brethren
hidicul - Sons of Malice
Cambodia - World Eaters
Malisteen - Black Legion
Silver Phoenix - White Talons, Servants of the Dark Covenant
Paladin 7221 - The Disciples of Mithras
Max- - Iron Warriors

Fullbrook - Death Guard
Sgt. Blank - Oracles of Change
Tanith Ghost - Night Lords
Panda_ - Alpha Legion

Jay Taint - The Tainted

Steve Shields - Iron Warriors

Brother Heinrich - Night Lords

Brother Kovash - The Crimson Sigil


The Lost and the Damned

For every reward, there are those who fall from grace. They are the Lost and the Damned

BearingtheWord - Word Bearers
Caffeineated Chaos - Word Bearers
Twin .44 - The Sons of Set
Horus Aximand - Night Lords
Circus Nurgling - The Apostles of Contagion
Lord of Blades - World Eaters
Maximvs - Night Lords
Gunshow - The Wolves of Cthonia
The Prophet - Word Bearers
csblackhawk - World Eaters
Midgard - Word Bearers
ChaplainMikey - Emperor's Children
Vilicate - Flawless Host
Noctus Cornix - Black Legion
SmallVictory - Khalfani's Vultures
Razorblade - The Sons of Malice
Player not found - Dark Mechanicum
Kallistus - Alpha Legion
Warmammer - Black Legion
Hellrender - Night Lords
Reverend Tiberius Jackhammer - Dawnspitters
Grazcruzk - The Veracious Word
Death Given Form - Night Lords
Jackel - Alpha Legion
Scribe of Khorne - Word Bearers
Gubnutz Da Grim - The Heralds of Despair
Agerjag - Thousand Sons
TredHed - Death Guard
Dz'arkoth - Warp Angels
sangunius' chosen wing - Iron Warriors
TheDarkOne - Chaos Undivided
Vorganov - Thousand Sons/Night Lords - Gahiji Warband
Mr.Malevolent - Alpha Legion
JamesG89 - Preachers of Pestilence
Trevak Dal - Red Corsairs
Thrashard - Fabious Bile's warband
Sonata - Night Lords
space wolf - Night Lords
RipherChost - World Eaters
Whiskeytango - Death Guard

Previous ranks : link , and link



Note: if you attended Call of Chaos IV you can also claim your old badge, details can be found at: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=207769&view=findpost&p=2478653



Stay tuned for the aftermath gallery post where I will be collecting all the final shots - in one glorious thread.

And of course, the badges of honour.




THANK YOU everyone for the good show and for making this happen.

Until next time.

Well done to Danny Cyanide, a very deserved winner – I was blown away by not only his work rate, but by the consistently high quality of his painting :tu: B)

Well done to everyone else that took part, I must say seeing everyone’s efforts inspired me and helped keep me motivated and excited about doing this.

Finally, thanks to Nihm for running this again – looking forward to the next! ;) :D

Well done to Danny Cyanide, a very deserved winner – I was blown away by not only his work rate, but by the consistently high quality of his painting thumbsup.gifcool.png

Well done to everyone else that took part, I must say seeing everyone’s efforts inspired me and helped keep me motivated and excited about doing this.

Finally, thanks to Nihm for running this again – looking forward to the next! msn-wink.gifbiggrin.png

I can only agree whole-heartly with your statement, firestorm. It was - once again - an awesome event and I hope to return to previous titles the next time around. Thank you for your effort in running this, it is much appreciated! :)

I would also like to thank Brother Nihm for running the Call! It is truly an honour to have been named Warmaster of Chaos for this call! The mention for Daemonic Craftsmanship was a surprise as well! All in all I had a ton of fun, and was able to keep motivated throughout! Thank you all for the constructive criticism throughout the call! I can't wait till next time!

Agreed! A big thanks to Brother Nihm is in order! Congratulations to all of my fellow victors as well!


And now with our Warbands ready to make war upon the Imperium, it's time to meet our old foe in combat, and show them why they fear the Legions!

I have to say, this was a very fun event, and seeing the stuff other folks came up with was a great motivator to get my own stuff done. "It came from the Warp" indeed thanks.gif .

Thanks to Nihm for running the Call, and congratulations to Danny Cyanide for getting Warmaster, your stuff is amazing!


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