NightHunters Posted October 31, 2012 Share Posted October 31, 2012 I am loving this thread! The free hand on the vindi=fricken good and should be even better on the talon! Know what you mean on the canopy, it looks great yet a little off, hmmmm Could it be that it's the curvature of the highlights on a flat surface? Let me think on it a mo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted November 1, 2012 Author Share Posted November 1, 2012 Thankyou, brother! High praise indeed, considering what you've had in your own thread... About the cockpit canopy- the things that strike me most so far are the blending (or lack thereof), the shading progression being too 'stark' and the angle of the reflection. I think that whole 'horizon' highlight needs to be level with the ground or it will look odd? Hm... also, I'm wondering if I shouldn't change the colour? Maybe a dark blue, or a green glow to go with the other greens in the army? Ah well, for the moment, I'm happy just slowly painting up the rest, which seems to be taking forever (nothing to do with the fact that I keep getting distracted by zombie videogames!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squeaky Posted November 1, 2012 Share Posted November 1, 2012 Wow like everyone else that mural on the vindi is epic, love the colour scheme with its wonderfully contrasting colours look forward to more keep it up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightHunters Posted November 1, 2012 Share Posted November 1, 2012 About the cockpit canopy- the things that strike me most so far are the blending (or lack thereof), the shading progression being too 'stark' and the angle of the reflection. I think that whole 'horizon' highlight needs to be level with the ground or it will look odd? Hm... also, I'm wondering if I shouldn't change the colour? Maybe a dark blue, or a green glow to go with the other greens in the army? Yes, to a degree. The blending could be a little smoother but I quite like the cartooney feel! Colour, I would say go with the same colour that you paint the vision blocks on your vehicles, (personly I have a preference for dark blue but that's just me :P ) on the directionality, interstingly thinking on it I reckon you niled it on your sketch! This in blue = epic, (Blue imho sits rather more comfortably with red & gold) That's my 2 pence worth, look forward to seeing what you come up with, good luck! Edited for BAD typos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted November 1, 2012 Author Share Posted November 1, 2012 Just a progress report- Changed the direction of the gradient to match what I did in my preliminary sketch. Also, trying for blue, because it looks great against the bright red, even if I dislike using lots of primary colours in the same space. Using Ultramarines blue (are we allowed to call it that, still?) up from Chaos... er.. Abaddon black and blending into Skullwhitescar. ( :) ) I'm not unhappy so far, but the lighter shades didn't blend as well as I'd hoped. I'll play around with it some more when I get the time! Thanks again for the input~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TennisBall Posted November 1, 2012 Share Posted November 1, 2012 That's heaps better. Before the cockpit looked like it was full of water sloshing about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted November 1, 2012 Author Share Posted November 1, 2012 That's heaps better. Before the cockpit looked like it was full of water sloshing about. Hah! I just busted a gut laughing about that- It looked exactly like that! The pilot had one of those big-gulp slushie things (Emperor-size obviously) and had to come to a sudden halt :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarsminimadness Posted November 1, 2012 Share Posted November 1, 2012 Yep i like this one much more then the first one! Nice free hands btw on your dozorblades and cant wait to see those sketches painted on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightHunters Posted November 1, 2012 Share Posted November 1, 2012 As already mentioned brother that looks the nuts! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted November 3, 2012 Author Share Posted November 3, 2012 Just thought I'd post an update on the colourscheme. Still working on the canopy- it's a daunting task, but it'll get done! Not sure what you might think about the chequers on the wings/missiles/props. I was going for flyboy ace markings and hoping it doesn't make this look too Orky... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted November 4, 2012 Author Share Posted November 4, 2012 Wow, pretty quiet in here... Almost finished with the canopy, and did some work on the ace markings- I figured red would blend in better and make it look different than my Orky stuff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NightHunters Posted November 6, 2012 Share Posted November 6, 2012 Hey Lionheart, Loving the Canopy, great work! Now, this may just be me but the red on the majority looks alot more purple than seen on the marines/Vindi/cockpit surround? Now looking at the cockpit in detail this may just be the base coat for the more red red which I do prefer as a colour tbh but loving the Ace markings and the black/white missile heads and "props". I do the same on mine :P Keep at it brother, sometimes you just don't get any feedback, rarely to do with the quality of the work, I know I can be quite bad if I am just scanning a quick look :ph34r: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted November 6, 2012 Author Share Posted November 6, 2012 Hah, thanks, yeah. I got kind of spoiled by the responses to the first few posts I made, so I got paranoid with the sudden lack of comments; 'Did I make a faux-pas? Was it the chequers? Oh God-Emperor, what have I done?' :D I think there was a sudden rush of updates posted, so within about two hours, this thread was on the third page or so. I like C+C as much as anyone, but hey, if anyone just wants to flick through pictures, that's within acceptable Inquisitional parameters, too. So yeah, the red, apart from the cockpit is just a base of Khorne Red, which kind of shows up scarlet under my camera's light. There's no way I'm keeping that as is- It'll get done! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted January 24, 2014 Author Share Posted January 24, 2014 Greetings, my Brothers. Firstly, I apologize for my long absence. I am unable to divulge the exact circumstances behind my disappearance due to Inquisitorial edict, but I can confirm that the rumours I had involved myself with the foul Tau are pure falacy. Would one of the immortal Emperor's finest really hang up his power amour and bolter for a battlesuit and burst cannon? I think not! Ahem. At any rate, welcome or not, I have returned to furnish you with some progress images on my own chapter. With the release of the new codex, I've been plotting and possibly even scheming. Schemes involving dropping BS5 assault cannons behind the enemy lines... Mad cackling aside, I've been putting some paint on the Stormtalon I previously showed. It's not quite finished and lacks a proper base as yet, but hopefully you'll enjoy these anyway: Isometric View Port Decal Starboard Decal Additionally, I've been painting up some Marines for my friend's chapter, the Canis ex Infernis or Dogs of Hell chapter (of his own creation). I've been toying with the idea of painting some up for myself, since I've kind of fallen for the colour scheme. So anyway, sorry again for the long absence. Let me know what you think of the models! As always, c&c is welcome, and there will be more to come as I get painting new stuff. For the Greater Good Emperor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted February 10, 2014 Author Share Posted February 10, 2014 Update: Master of the Forge and army list. Tech-custodian Eldstrom, keeper of the machinae and Master of the Forge. A bit of a bare-bones conversion, but I'm eager to field a MotF as HQ once again, and this time actually have a model for it. I've used the method of 'just put that anywhere' conversion and remodelling that has served my Orks so well in the past (I'm no wiz with green stuff or plasticard, but I do have an extensive bitz box...). I've taken inspiration from the Master of Relics model, with the idea that Eldstrom comes to the battlefield with his favourite toys. As you can probably tell, he's equipped with a Conversion Beamer, which is represented by an Ork Kustom Mega-Blasta spliced onto a Lascannon from the Devastator kit. I had lots of different ideas for how to model such a rare and destructive weapon, including converting a servo-harness into a four-pronged laser cannon. I put that idea on the back-burner though, since it would require buying more models and I have plenty lying around just begging to be chopped up and crudely mashed together! So yes, I might come back to that later. (sorry about the rubbish pictures- I'll get something more servicable when he's based and painted) This is my army list for 1,500 points so far; HQ- Master of the Forge, Conversion Beamer TROOPS- 10 Tactical Marines, veteran sergeant, flamer, power axe, melta bombs TROOPS- 5 Tactical Marines, plasma cannon TROOPS- 5 scout snipers, camo cloaks ELITES- 10 Sternguard Veterans, 3 combi-meltas, heavy flamer, melta bombs, drop pod ELITES- 5 Terminators, assault cannon FAST ATTACK- Stormtalon Gunship, typhoon missile launcher HEAVY SUPPORT- Land Raider HEAVY SUPPORT- Vindicator, siege shield I take the Iron Hands chapter doctrine since it suits my reliance on shiny weapons and big tanks. The idea is that the Land Raider, bundled with the 10-man tactical squad rolls up to an objective while blasting away at enemy armour, or in a purge scenario, the tactical squad can leap out and either charge or volley bolters at an enemy position, whilst the scouts take and hold a forward position, or sit in the MotF's 3+ cover and attempt to pin anything scary and non-fearless. The MotF himself and the 5-man plasma cannon squad are there to take high ground and unleash high-strength hell against heavy infantry or monsters whilst the Terminators, Stormtalon and Sternguard bring the fight to the enemy's backyard. The Vindicator's job is to find the biggest threat and lob s10 shells at it, and just try not to die in the attempt. I'm constantly altering my list as I get new models and play games with my current one, but as always feedback is very welcome. I tend to make armies out of what I love the look and play-style of, rather than the beardiest thing I can find, though. Until next time, brothers! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted February 10, 2014 Share Posted February 10, 2014 Artistic!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted February 10, 2014 Author Share Posted February 10, 2014 Update: Finished Stormtalon Squad Gladius calls in some much-needed support from the Wrathchild after an Ork Battlewagon corners them. Even its inches-thick armour cannot stand up for long against the Stormtalon's guns and missiles. Pretty happy with the way this turned out, and totally not taking this opportunity to photograph my old Greenskins! Next up; Land Raider and MotF. So, let me know what you think; as always, comments and criticism are welcome. For the Emperor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The_Chaplain Posted February 11, 2014 Share Posted February 11, 2014 Wow, that freehanding is just fantastic- both on the vindicator siege shield as well as on the stormtalon; likewise for your piece of artwork you did in pen on page 1. Your idea of coloring out the paintscheme on paper saves a lot of time and paint and potential stripping of an off paintjob- very good idea. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, that's for sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted February 12, 2014 Author Share Posted February 12, 2014 Wow, that freehanding is just fantastic- both on the vindicator siege shield as well as on the stormtalon; likewise for your piece of artwork you did in pen on page 1. Your idea of coloring out the paintscheme on paper saves a lot of time and paint and potential stripping of an off paintjob- very good idea. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, that's for sure. Thankyou, brother! Yes, I found haphazardly painting onto a model worked just fine with my Orks, but when it came to a more ordered arrangement, a little planning was in order. And I do hope you pop back from time to time- I plan to update as regularly as I can. Artistic!!! Haha, yes, I do tend to show off with these things a little. Update: Master of the Forge pics Hopefully, these should be a little easier to make out. The idea is to paint him up in the generic 'Martian red' of the Mechanicum to show his roots, but with enough silver and gold chasing to represent his station and loyalties. That means two different shades of red: one for the left shoulder pad and weapon, and one for the armour itself. Perhaps a darker base for the Mars bits and a lighter highlight for the Korhalian red? Also, plotting for his heraldry. HQ figures deserve a little more freehanding, I reckon! Should help tie him in with the armies themes, too. Let me know what you think, brothers! For the Emperor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ch@oZ Posted February 12, 2014 Share Posted February 12, 2014 I suppose, if You do manage to pull off the heraldry You're planning, and I don't doubt You will, some bricks will be... excreted, to put it lightly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted February 13, 2014 Author Share Posted February 13, 2014 Update: New fluff, MotF progress Thought I'd show off what I have so far, just because the reds are almost finished. Not sure yet if they clash too much. I do want to show that this model is a Techmarine as well as a Sword of Korhal. I guess that's a problem with any chapter who uses red alot. Any Blood Angel/Raven players that can give me some advice? Other than that, I'm pretty happy with the colour scheme so far. Needs details, though. And yes, those decals. Speaking, of which; Ch@oZ- I suppose, if You do manage to pull off the heraldry You're planning, and I don't doubt You will, some bricks will be... excreted, to put it lightly. PREPARE THE IMPERATOR STRENGTH LAXATIVE! So, I've revised the chapter background fluff, which you can see at the start of the thread, but I thought I'd add to it here with a bit of diatribe on chapter organization. The Swords of Korhal mostly adhere to the Codex Astartes when it comes to combat doctrine and company arrangement. They do differ in a few key ways, though, the first being their scout company. Due to the large number of young, Human soldiers from Korhal itself, the Swords of Korhal maintains a higher than average number of scouts, though rather than being arranged into a 10th company, they are primarily stationed on Korhal's surface. From there, they are sent on hunting missions against the planet's Feral Orks or the monstrous abominations that occupy some of the darker crags and taller spires. Of these kill teams, only the most successful are selected to accompany the chapter's space-bound companies in combat, so the active number of Scout companies is much lower than the average chapter, though their reserves are much higher. The 1st company is markedly different, too. The chapter's veterans maintain a squad for each full company (8 in total) that traditionally accompanies the strike forces from each company in more dangerous operations, or campaigns that require the Chapter Master's supervision, as well as multiple small 'Hunter' veteran squads who eshew the protection of Tactical Dreadnought armour for greater mobility and more accurate strike potential, through various transports, more often Drop Pod than not. These Hunters tend to pick a target, usually a high-value enemy leader or a foe in possession of a relic of great importance. They will doggedly pursue their target and are absolutely merciless in its execution, having gleaned as much information on the target's weaknesses beforehand. The companies of the Swords of Korhal are in most respects, the same as a standard Codex chapter, though they are each equally dispersed around Tactical, Assault and Devastator squads. A standard company will consist of: 1 Captain 1 Chaplain Reclusiarch 1 Librarian Codicier 2 Apothecaries 3 Techmarines 1 Command Squad 6 Tactical Squads 2 Assault Squads 1 Devastator Squad 10 Rhinos Motor pool (usually around 2 Razorbacks, Vindicators, Hunters, Whirlwinds + 3 Predators) Bikes, attack bikes and landspeeders, varying numbers. 2 Dreadnoughts 1 Land Raider 3 Stormtalons, 1 Stormraven Each company represents a different House from Korhal's past and will draw their recruits from successful scouts. Usually, the Scouts will have to have originated from the house in question, though in the case of recruits from minor clans, or when no successful initiates are available, companies will have to be less picky. Such recruits inevitably have a harder time fitting in with their brothers, but such is the nature of the crucible of war that they will come to rely on their comrades, no matter their clan backgrounds. Let me know what you think, brothers. MotF should be finished soon, and there's a certain troop-carrying assault vehicle in the post that I'll be working on soon afterwards. So watch this space! -For the Emperor! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted February 16, 2014 Author Share Posted February 16, 2014 Well, that's the MotF finished. Did I manage the heraldry okay? Well... maybe not as well as the vehicles, but painting in that much detail was a tall order. Either way, I'm happy with the result! Please let me know what you think as well, brothers. So what's next? Some vehicles are in the post, but meanwhile, I think I shall bolster my Scouts and Veterans. More models coming very soon, so watch this space! -For the Emperor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Squeaky Posted February 17, 2014 Share Posted February 17, 2014 .... uuuuuhhhhhhhhhh wow! amazing is all i have to say really Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted February 24, 2014 Author Share Posted February 24, 2014 Update: Scouts & Sternguard Squad 1 finished, Land Raider progress. Ginger beer and double-deckers are the official snacks of the Adeptus Astartes. True fax. Worked on the interior of the Land Raider, first. Why? It's a beautiful model with some great details and deserves the attention, even if it's unlikely they'll be seen by many. ( ) Needs some love on the outside, though. My more eagle-eyed brothers might notice some extra gubbinz on the outside. Nothing extensive, but I like the idea of the Land Raider being as much a rolling shrine to the Emperor's glory as an assault tank. And as everyone knows, covering models in purity seals makes them perform better! So, I'd be eager to see what everyone thinks, so far. I've wanted one of these models since they were first released and it was a joy to build, even if the door mechanism did require me to prise the whole thing apart more than once to make it work! Once this and the drop pod are painted, I plan on lining the boys up for a group photo (and possibly a fully painted battle report?). Until next time, Praise be to the Emperor of Mankind! EDIT: Updated pictures Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Lionheart Posted February 24, 2014 Author Share Posted February 24, 2014 Quick update: Sternguard quandry. Apologies for double-posting. I wanted to pose a question to you though, brothers. I find myself using deep striking elements more and more in my games as it becomes obvious that Space Marines are highly allergic to having to slog it up the field. With this tactic in mind, I'm currently fielding Terminators and usually 2 squads of Sternguard in my 1500 point games. However, I'm finding that the Sternguard are getting butchered right after they arrive (though they do cause some damage first, and usually take a considerable amount of fire before they go down). Should I be worried about this, and if so, what else could I take, or what actions could I take to increase their survivability? I was thinking about fielding a different combination of troops, like for example; 7 Sternguard in a drop pod with deathwind and locator beacon. They have 3 combi-meltas and a heavy flamer for a good mix of anti-infantry and anti-tank firepower. 5 Legion of the Damned with meltagun and multimelta. These are primarily anti-tank with their ability to ignore cover being great for skimmers and hull-down tanks, but can repurpose to heavy infantry or small squads of light troops, too. 1 Venerable Dreadnought in drop pod with locator beacon. It is armed with an assault cannon and heavy flamer, primarily for taking out pesky HQs or heavy weapons. However, it could try to back-door tanks and artillery if needed. Being a vehicle it might be able to weather a bit more fire than a throwaway Sternguard squad. What do you think, brothers? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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