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Ultramarines 1st Company project


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Good to see you painting again! happy.png

My painting Mojo has all but abandoned me as well sad.png I do have eight days off from Friday, so hopefully some will be done then.

I love the skin tone and the hair especially smile.png


Im glad Im back on it as I kept looking at them and thinking "next weekend"

Heres the group shot.

Ive another 6 to go as Ive now got another set of legs.


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Only going to say this once... those ultramarines are pretty. Keep up the good work. 


I do like how characterful each model is, like his own tiny army of one. 

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Thanks everyone. Always good to see some Ultra love ;)

Ive actually found time to paint every night since the weekend so I'll have something to show later tonight.


Really loving how these guys come out. Fantastic work. What else do you have planned? Perhaps some Terminators?



Terminators are done although Ive a couple more SH ones to finish



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everything here is amazing. I'm really looking forward to the tanks. The thing for me, which really sets these apart, is the attention to detail with the conversions and painting. 


I'd kill to paint that good.

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Fantastic stuff! Really loving what you have done here.


Only thing  I would change would be the camo-cloak as it kind of looks out of place. Personally what I would do would be paint it as the remains of a squad banner draped across his shoulder. Maybe even reversed colours, so white but with a big blue ultramarines icon on it.


Stick at it, loving the terminators as well.

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Thanks everyone.
@Doghouse, thats a great idea although there are 5 of them so to do that across them all may look odd. I do agree that its not right in green camo so when Ive done my sternguard (unless something else comes out) I'll redo the cloak in a blue / black camo like Flint13's recent tutorial or try a block pattern.

@ Tarvick Now Ive decided to go all out first company Im going to retrim my whole army although my older minis have some dodgy highlighting

Ive nearly finished the bodies on my heavy bolter marine and the one with the power sword

One problem I have is that in my 3 month painting break my Gold has "set" and is unusable. I think the GW in Chesterfield has also now closed for a month! So Im going to have to order online


The flash is washing out the shade so Ive got to get a better set up. Heres without


Here are a couple of my older minis that are going to get re done at some point but which power sword should I use on this one. Im not convinced the blue sword contrasts enough with the mini so I may go for the activated "red" one

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As the blue's a bright, light turquoise I think it's sufficiently different from your Ultra's armour to stand out whilst also complimenting the rest of the scheme. The red/black is too stark a contrast in my opinion (and looks a bit heretical).

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You might have explained it already but I couldn't find it. The gold on the guy in post #143, how was it made? I'm gathering gold recepies and trying them out for when I need to paint my HH Thousand Sons sometimes in the future, and yours was really nice!

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You might have explained it already but I couldn't find it. The gold on the guy in post #143, how was it made? I'm gathering gold recepies and trying them out for when I need to paint my HH Thousand Sons sometimes in the future, and yours was really nice!

Its pretty simple


Base with Balthasar Gold

paint with shining gold

lighlight with golden griffon

Wash with Agrax earthshade + Medium

Highlight with Golden Griffon

Edge Highlight with 50/50 golden griffon / mithral silver

Wash with seraphim sepia + Medium (depending on how aged you want it to look make the ratio of wash/medium stronger with wash)

I sometimes then go over the very deep creases with a fine bush and wash of Agrax but this is just to taste


i need to buy some more griffon gold as mine dried up but if you look at the pics of the headless minins above you can see the base of Balthasar gold

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Heres a quick update on the heavy bolter. The head is just temporary as its going onto one of the other vets

I cant do the Gold until the weekend when our local GW reopens so this ones on hold until then. 


Edit: heres the problem with close up photos it really shows how wonky the silver highlights are! I'll be fixing them later and finishing the seals off.



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Ive found a use for one of the spare vet heads that I had left. 

Its almost a direct replacement for the original one on the Nid vet but without looking squashed (which the original one does) 

Hows this for bolter and chainsword? 




Ive a couple of more vets to finish then onto this. 

I have just ordered the new vanguard vet set so one of them may sneak in front.

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Thanks everyone. Its good encouragement for me to get these finished before the vanguard vets turn up 


@1000heathens - You are on. I'll see what I can do

@Doghouse - Thanks for the comment. Its not glued and I have another mini in mind for it so I might ask opinions once that ones done

@TearsoftheRaven - Its a bodge really. Its a standard bolter with a scout silencer, Anvil industries mag and a GS purity seal. I wanted something that was grander than the standard one. The only other thing I might do is to add a sight. (in hindsight I wish Id used one from the vet box but I didnt have it when I built it)



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Sternguard are looking great and I'm always a sucker for any space marines with white helmets.



Here you go then. 

Ive started to batch produce as its easier than individually spraying.

The red ones for my vanguard sergeant which is coming once the sternguards are finished



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  • 2 weeks later...

Im cracking on with the vets but took a break to work on their ride


This is going to be part of my nid vet squad

Its had its base coat and a bit of a wash but thats it so far. 

The tech marine is there to plug the hole at the moment. That will probably be swapped out.

I know its not legal but it looks good (IMO)


So you have a nid problem what do you need? 

How about extra armor?

How about fire?

How about linked bolters? 




but what if we come across something big I hear you ask......

I thought of that 




The blade will be fitted once the tanks finished.


Thanks for looking

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Quick update

Ive now given it a full ink shade air brush and its first air brush highlight.

Its now time to start the detailing and damage. 

I want this to look like its been used in action so it will have a fair bit of wear and tear.


Ive also decided on the cupola mini. Who else could it be? 



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