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  • 1 month later...

Some updates! Sadly, half of it can't be claimed for ETL.



Venerable Iron is now finished, allowing me to move onto my other projects. Had a lot of fun putting him together and painting him.






Been working on finishing my Valkyrie alongside my ETL vows. Been trying out some weathering and so far I think it's coming out well. I think the light made some of the grime hard to see, but I'm digging the new typhus corrosion. Need a name for the bird to put on the side. Two suggestions were Delta Queen and Jade Lady.





Finally, I have my ETL vows. Prepaint photos are on the first page. I've got the hellhound turrent about 90% done, and the Chimera turret has the base paints finished. Hopefully by the weekend they'll be finished and I can move onto the main hulls.




Excellent work! The green is top notch, really makes the Knight look good. The Valk looks good (Jade Lady), I can make out some of the corrosion and it looks good. Can you detail how you did the weathering? I need to build up my notes on techniques again after the Omnissiah took my old HDD.

Love that Valkyrie!

I too vote for Jade Lady.

Actually I once went on a cruise boat called Jade Lady III. Made me wonder what happened to I and II...


My guess is you used a sponge and/or stippling for the weathering, though I'm very impressed and keen to hear too.

Damn fine work there. My IG force is very similar in color scheme  but made from Catachans.  Even our Knights look similar.

 I was a member of the 256th Mech Inf Brigade down in Louisiana and used them as an inspiration for my force. That is what drew my attention to your thread.

 Your models look great, well executed to a man ( no easy feat with so many Guardsmen). Can't wait to see more.

Yeah, it's a good sponge job with some Typhus involved somewhere that much I can see but I want to know precisely how it was done so I can experiment. I'm keen to get my weathering sorted now I've got a new highlighting colour for my vehicles but I've got to collect methods again... I suppose you should be glad you were on Jade Lady III rather than the first two? :P


Keep up the grand work Idlem, I'm always quick to swoop when I see this topic has been updated :)

Thank you all for your feedback, and apologies for my tardy reply. The upstairs neighbor decided to let his toilet flood all night and my roof above my computer started to spring a leak. Bright side of that coupled with the start of the summer vaction for my students, I've had some freetime to paint!


How I'm doing the weathering is following the exact process found at this video GW put up, link here. I'm not using a sponge, but a brush set I pilfered from the art class. You can buy them at just about any art store and they come in optional sizes useful for different spaces.




I've been putting the grime in places that streak back with the wind and would gather up as it slows. I blackened the areas around the jet exhaust as well. Pretty much grime goes anywhere an explosion would kick up muddy water on it.



My ETL vows. They've been washed, waiting for highlights and fine detail work.



  • 1 month later...

Well, with my ETL vow over, I have completed every single model in my Imperial Guard army. This is the first army I've ever completed.




Already have plans to expand, and I worked on tonight a single rough rider I've kitbashed from spare parts. That'll be my next project once some extra income comes in.




As you see, the Old 256 outfits its Rough Riders with bikes. He's the test model for my future unit, and I think I'll be sticking with this idea. Future plans are Rough Riders, more Chimeras for my vets, and the super costly idea of combining Scions parts with Forge World Cadian Respirators to make "new" Kasrkin. When I have the money for all this, I have no idea, but thems my plans.

  • 2 weeks later...

Since I've finished my guardsmen, for now, I'm finally focusing my attention to their terrain. I've had a Aegis Defense Line that I've started to paint up, as well as a Firestorm Redoubt to Cadian-ise. I still have a wall of martyrs to finish too. So my next few posts are going to be terrain focused.


My brothers and I have had this blue foam terrain you've seen in the background that we've been using for our personal games, and we decided tonight to get some of this stuff painted!


So first off I have the first test piece of my Aegis line. The rest are gonna follow the colors of this one.





Next I've got some ruins. They're still works in progress, as we're gonna put posters and graffiti all over them, as well as battle damage. 



It's a little hard to tell when the "steel plates" have been planted on the side of the walls. It'll clear up when we get to detail work. (And green stuff standbags!)





Some boring rocky plains. (My brother's deathkorpsman keeping it AM!)



Finally I leave you with a highlight picture of our game tonight. A heavy flamer and two normal flamers made quick work of these filthy greenskins. Don't have a battle report, but I managed to use "Take Aim!" to get three melta gun shots on his warboss, who failed his "Look our Sir!" rolls. Suffice to say, the filthy Xenos was no more and the Guard earned a quick victory after that!



The only good greenskin is a charredskin! Good job :D Your terrain looks good, it'll light up the table - I wish I could put the boot up my gaming circle but it's a miracle they paint anything at all sometimes :lol:


Maybe I should just take up the mantle myself and make some, but there's still so many models to be working on...

I hear you, WarriorFish, but lucky for me I have slave labor in my family members. I got them into Warhammer and now they're getting their pals into it, so I've got a gaggle of cheap labor I can use since my friends are useless. :biggrin.:


Scatmandoo, for the hills I used the technique from this video, and the ruins this video. Basically I just browse Miniwargaming's videos and then follow all the suggested links until my eyes bleed or I suffer from "too many ideas not enough money to make it all" syndrome.

Nice to know I'm not alone there, but the young family members are too young to help me. At least for now, they're showing interest even if it is asking who the goodies and baddies are :P


I think I'll look at some terrain projects once I've cleared my decks of the ETL and a few more models, especially if you keep posting up good work like this :D

Sooo, I've kinda lost it and have gone on a sudden terrain spree. I'm currently making a terrain piece that I can fit my Aegis Defense line in, it'll be a command post that I can work my guys into a gunline formation in. Currently printing off Imperial propaganda posts to put on my buildings, hopefully I'll have some final shots in the next few days.


But first! I made a step by step of two terrain pieces I've finished. I tend to go with function for my terrain, as much as I would like to make it over the top amazing, I find it's harder to use that type of terrain in actual games. The flat open grass makes it so I don't have a ton of wobbly models on the board.


So the tools I use is a couple of good hobby knives for fine detail cutting, a normal box cutter for quick edges, Polystyrene Foam board, thick brushes, cork board with a sticky side and acrylic paint.





For my craters, I outlined the blast templates as they're a good size to fit a few figures in. I used what I cut out as chucks of rock that I placed another piece of terrain (in the picture above) and I use my box cutter to make the jagged edges all along the sides. Also, cutting at a 45 degree angle with my hobby knife I worked around the crater edge to give it a slight rise. ---KEEP IN MIND--- cutting foam board will get a ton of little flakes flying everywhere. Keep any animals or kids away as they can eat it and choke on it. Make sure you have a vacuum cleaner handy.




Next I just cover these suckers in acrylic paint. I like acrylic because it gives it an almost plastic like glaze which helps protect the terrain.




After that first layer dries, I moved up to the greys all along the rocky edges. I tend to ignore spots I know will be covered with flocking, as long as it's thick enough to hide the black.




I like Agrellan Earth, so I line my edge with a base of brown (Any dark brown will do) where I know the dirt will stick out from the grass. Then just glue where ever you want the grass.




I glued cardboard from a coke box on the bottom of the craters, and then just glued down some black sand on the bottom to show the scorched earth. Corkboard with a sticky back was used for the road. It's nice as you can tear it by hand easily to make whatever ruined shape you want it, then just press down and it sticks just fine without glue. A lil' paint and you're done!




If you make a "assembly line" out of pieces, you can pop these out really, really quickly. Just play around with different shapes and you have some effective terrain!




Next time...Guard specific terrain! Remember Sandbags...

Edited by Idlem

Yeah, no kidding. Half my bench is covered in terrain bits and junk right now.





Going out of town for the next few days, so the production has to stop for a bit...which is fine, I ran out of greenstuff and have to wait while the FLGS orders some more in...

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