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Avoghai's 5th company and support Update : ETL adds on

Master Avoghai

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Well guys, some of you may remember but between november 2010 and April 2011 I had to paint around 4500 pts of DA to complete my already painted 6000 pts in order to field them at GD Paris under a huge Titan Warlord converted by my best friend.

Memories Memories...

The models finally painted


The whole army :


The table :


But now I have to make it improve : a new Dark Vengeance Box with new models, a contemptor gift, and now a new codex... I've started to convert and paint new stuff... And I want to share it with you.

I've started with simple thing : the new DV tactical squad (no vet sgt for the moment still hesitating about the wargear display)


Then I've painted (at last) my contemptor...




Then I've started to convert the termis from the DV boxset :




And my other project is to create a command squad for my Tech (basically, I'll use the right to recruit a Command squad given by my chappy in jumppack to recruit a full plasma guns squad that will join the techmarine).

I've all the bitz!!!!teehee.gif


And tonight Ill go to cut, modify glue all of those!

... to be continued

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The squad of tech-apprentices with plasma cutters is fully ready for painting
A model is missing : the master of bionics (count as apothecary), I think I'll use the MkII FW apoc for him... Need to purchase though...

Looks good. Remember to drill out those storm bolters (etc) or they can't shoot!
Yup, don't worry, it will be done as well for the plasma guns.wink.png
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well long time no posting...


I've made a tutorial for that banner... 


Don't know if it needs explanation actually, I think the pics speak themselves but if you need precisions feel free to ask




Then we come to Belial... Like everybody, I didn't like the position of the feet, so I decide to modify a little.

My first idea was to drill with a dremel tool all the legs/tabard and replace them with a new pair of legs and the bottom of a DWKnight tabard.


Then I saw the tabard and the details with the keys and the knife and they were perfectly sculpted on the model I've bought... So...


So My 2nd idea was just to give a new orientation to the left foot and just dig the resin on the right leg and replace it with a plastic leg better oriented...

I first replaced the left foot :





Problem... I found that the position was already quite well and I feel really bad to cut of the detailed right leg to replace it by a right plastic one...

And them I started to look how the model would look after reposiitionning the sword's arm like indicating a direction :




Actually the position satisfied me a lot and I started feeling lazy to replace the right leg and I fear to break something good to make something worse... Better is good's worst ennemy like we say...


So I glued the arms in the correct position, and drilled the banner to pin it... Have no confidence in this little resin stick... :lol:


And here's the result :




Now it's time for painting!

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Master Avoghai, your alterations look good, the turned foot does improve the model some, but I'll be honest, I still just don't like it over all. However, the model doesn't detract from your painting, which does look very nice so far. I really like the green and purple you have achieved so far. It appears that a little clean up on the left greave/cloak area might be needed, but it all looks really good.


Keep it coming!

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  • 3 weeks later...

New adds on :


My Belial is finished



As well as the new heavy weapon of the company 



I've also converted the sgt of DV to better fit the role I now give to the sgt into a tactical squad : addition special weapon (but still bolter to benefit from the standard of devastation)


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Thanks SG.


I wish I could participate bu those times I'm able to get my hand on a brush very randomly... Making it very difficult to plan and follow a regular contest.


I use my topic to keep motivation and a bit of regularity but as you may see with the dates of my posts, it's waaaaay difficult for me to remain regular...

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Last night I've finished to paint the DV Librarian...


Don't know if I'll keep his name or change it...




Next step is a tutorial for magnetizing a Nephilim/Dark Talon

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys


Just finished to mount and magnetize my nephilim and I will post a tutorial ASAP.


For now I've painted 3 more termis... And also the base for my flyer.



I've also converted 3 more termis from the DV set



And last but not least the DW champion.




They will join the 25 termis already painted ;)


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  • 2 weeks later...
At last!


My flyer is finished!


The Nephilim version








And the Dark Talon version :








I still have to make the tutorial for magnetizing the flyer... hopefully before the end of the week...
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  • 1 month later...

One month without posting... And I still haven't translated my tutorial into english :blush:



But I've finished a squadron of Black Knights. 3 come from the DV boxset. Why such conversions? The price first : it only costed me the price of 3 winged hulls and one separate bike. Then because the design of the wings + bolters doesn't match with the RAS boxset. The wings are designed like the BK's ones.


Still using the night blue enlightments inspired by Master Toddius.



C&C welcome
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ETL Update :


My venerable dread is almost finished.


Just the black highlights + base.



Why a black venerable dreadnought? For practical reasons first : the scrolls and the scuplture wouldn't have matched with a bone dread, and the position make some parts really difficult to reach with the brush. Then because I think that not all the members of the DW considered the plain worlds incident like more important than the original legion's colour. Some may even have considered this incident like a proof of weakness of the population.


So I've painted Brother Zeriah in black. He was already in his sarcophagus when the plain worlds incident happened and so wore the black livery of the legion. When he got awaken, he asked why his brothers changed the colour of their armour. Once he been told, he felt proud of this capacity of sacrifice but couldn't resolve himself to recover the colour of his legion. Hence he asked the techmarines to paint only the arm which he used to strike the Emperor's foes.



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