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The Orion Crusade - A Templar fan fiction.


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Brothers! Greetings, some of you may have seen what I am about to post in the past, but I am considering turning some small narrative pieces I wrote for my crusade into a larger one. My crusade is taking a back seat, I just don't have the funds to continue! This is a sort of hobby to keep to connected to the 40K universe (which I love) and not be broke in the process.


Here is a small taster of the base of my story, I will try to keep this updated as regularly as I can...



 +++TO+++ ---->
High Marshall Helbrecht


+++FROM+++ ----> Marshall Thomias Thain , Orion VII


+++TRANSMITED+++ ----> via Adept Primus Septimus,


+++THOUGHT+++ ----> Accept any challenge, no matter the


“My Lord,

                My Brothers and I have been struck with
misfortune and have been deceived. We came to the planet intending to quell a
local rebellion in the interest of protecting a small scale keep. The roots of
their heresy run deeper than we knew, we arrived expecting minimal resistance
but to our horror the world had been garrisoned by the loathsome Iron Warriors.
Our fleet was devastated and destroyed. Not before most of the 200 brothers of
the crusade made planet fall. We have led a ground campaign for the past 11
months (Terran) but I am afraid this is the only opportunity for deep space vox
message we have had. Out of the 200 brothers that started only 60 of us remain,
we have had to fight in a number of guerrilla actions and have met up with what
remains of the loyal PDF. Send us aid my Lord we don’t know how much longer we
can hold! The relics from the ‘Ásgierr’.. the Black Sword… It is lost to
us  ... 
What?! How did they find us? … Knights prepare for battle…. My Lord they
must be stopped at all costs…”





I would appreciate any C&C and would love suggestions!

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Sounds cool. But I love everything that involves both Templars and Iron Warriors.

Do you often play vs. Iron Warriors? I find it helps to include parts about battles actually fought, the stuff that happens in your average game of 40K can be so awesome you couldn't have made it up yourself.


That's why my Guard have a short part about a Veteran Sergeant ambushing a unit of DE kabalites and destroying them all (Actual game: Kabalites charge through terrain, lose 1 guy, fail to wound the Sarge, run away and get sweeped.) And Templars can do so much more, from Heroic charges to a particularly effective shot by the Vindicator. Really, play some games, and when something awesome happens write it down, and fluff it up later.

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Prologue- Dust and Echoes


“Dust. Is that not what we

are all destined to be? We will all be dust in the end.”  A man once told him that, a mere mortal
had said those words. And he was right. Those words had haunted him for much of the
one hundred and fifty years that had passed. 
One hundred and fifty years later he once again stood on the surface of
Orion IV, which was still the same volcanic wasteland he remembered. Even after
all those years Hurson had never forgotten those words.


Sword Brethren Hurson
stood attention. He was clad in his full ceremonial armour. Each plate had hand
carved lettering which contained many of the heroic deeds he had done in
service of his chapter. His crimson cloak, marking him as a member of the
Marshals household, billowed around his coal-black and burnished gold power
armour. He stood shoulder to shoulder with what remained of the brothers that
had fought on Orion IV. There were less than a score of them.


To their left stood the
Orion Planetary Defence Force, several hundred men in ordered ranks, each wore
their ash-grey fatigues and their gunmetal carapace. Each service man had the
templar cross on the opposite side to the Aquilla, a mark of their earned
friendship and respect from the Black Templar’s. All silent. A mark of respect.


As Hurson looked out onto
the scarred, crater filled plains he thinks of those words once more. He looked
out on the plains… all that remained were echoes and dust. Dust.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Part 1- Crisis (Not complete)


At the system edge of

Orion IV the fabric of space became distorted. A point of violet light appeared

the light it emits not quite natural, the space around it rippled and blurred.

The point of light burst outwards violently. Tearing a hole in real space,

unearthly energies poured into the void. Out the swirling rent the came the “Ásgeir”.

God Spear.


The prow of the ancient

gothic ship cut through the void. Like a spear literally cast into the deep by

the Emperor himself, its powerful engines making it surge forward. The warp

rifts hold was losing its grip on the ship; arcs of energy licked the side of

the battle barge, like a demon losing its prey. The rift, reduced back to a

point of light, snapped shut the “Ásgeir’s” Geller field dissipated.


In a fluid formation that “Ásgeir”

and its escorts moved into extreme orbit of the ash-grey planet. The proud battle

barge moved with intent. Its broadsides in their arched housing brought to

readiness along with the colossal Ryza-pattern nova cannon on its prow charged

up. The true tip of the spear. Flanking the venerable ship were the frigates

“Wisdom of Pain” and “Sigismund’s Hammer”. Though they are not as ornate as the

“Ásgeir”, each is formidable in their own right.


From the domed bridge the

Marshal of the crusade watched. He was stood in the centre of the of the raised

command platform. He towered over his mortal crew in the pits below, where men

in black uniforms walked with data-slates and servitors, lobotomised humans

that were machine than man, worked tirelessly connected to their

terminals. “Carson. Report.” Boomed from the vox of the

Marshal. One of the mortals handed the giant a data-slate. “My Lord, we are in

formation approaching the planet at maximum speed. Initial scans show no

response from an enemy fleet.”


“As I expected. Bring the “Ásgeir” around the third moon to cover our approach anyway. Also tell Farendir

I will be down for the rights soon.” He turned on his heel without waiting for

a response. The heavy footfalls of his armour clanging of the deck. All the way

to the exit.


C&C welcome as always!

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