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Sons of Anarch WIP


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Hi Guys,

I've been working on my nurgle army and i thought i might post some progress here.

My army is rat themed so i do a lot of kitbashing with skaven. they are called the Sons of Anarch.

The paint scheme is white with gold trim and red details and i also use an orange brown weathering powder to rust them up.

anyway enjoy


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And next my daemon prince.


so i haven't finished the model yet so its all unprimed and random colours. He still needs his black mace which i'm building separately.


can't wait to get started painting this guy. The neck looks a bit weird in the photos but in real life im very pleased with the results.

As a lover of Skaven, the plague, and Grandfather Nurgle I'm very excited to see where this leads! Also, I really like the dirty white color scheme, it really brings out the idea of spreading the gift of disease across all that is pure. biggrin.png

Thanks, that was what i was going for, my bases are of a city that has not yet been very corrupted or destroyed, there are just a few rats and maybe some small bits if rubble, i wanted it to be the beginning of the spread of plague.

I have to say, I am intrigued. Not sure on the colour scheme just yet - but see how it pans out!

Glad to hear it, some guys at my LGS are in the same boat but i like it, my best painted are currently in store for a painting competition but in a few days i'll have them back and i'll take some photos of them all together, it works nicely together

Sorcerer of nurgle on a bike.


So he's not close to fully painted yet and i'm still working on his base separately, i stuck the book on and then thought about the bolters which obviously didn't fit anymore which is the reason for the side slung bolters


the top of the staff is a warpstone from my growing collection of skaven bits.
I do like him having a load of books but it doesnt quite make sense, i mean is he going to stop, put the kickstand down and look something up? for gods sake buy a kindle.


a couple of plague marines, the one with the power fist is a bit problematic as i will rarely want to run him with it.


I do like the dark vengeance models but seeing as i have 5 times the chaos set it can be quite hard to make them all different enough

using GS and fine ware you could extend the fingers to turn it into a lightning claw. lovely conversion none the less


Beat me to the draw... Guess it must be that you're from the Night Lords. XD


Also, with some GS you could cut off the or modify the fist into tenticles or other fleshy attached armaments. :P

good ideas, but the lightning claw doesn't quite work as i want to run him as a basic plague marine. maybe i could have him holding a  chainsword in that hand. tentacles are a good idea too, or i could GS fur all over it and it would look more like a ratty mutation

Here is the Rat Bastard, my landraider for the Sons Of Anarch. It isn't quite finished yet


I want to redo the Banner. i was quite rushed when i did it and my hand was no where near still


The computer screens mostly just have scribbles but one screen has alien invaders and another has a badly drawn apple logo.


My favourite bit...release the rats


i still haven't worked out where a rat gets a tiny little robe, does he go to a mini tailor?


thanks. i've never quite understood when building landraiders why it says to put those inner panels in when they are just going to be covered up so i figured i should show it. i love the rats a guy i played against gave me assault launchers (that thing the crusader and redeemer get) because he liked the idea of the rats coming out first and jumping on people. 

Presenting my freshly converted chaos stormeagle, the PlagueClaw.


Its covered with a lot of fur, partly for the rat theme and partly so i could cheat and make my plasticard joins a bit ugly.


Some Close ups of the artwork on the wings



some pretty heavy damage. I couldn't work out what should be showing through the hole, retrospectively i should have done the marines inside all strapped in.


So i had some people ask about the storm eagle so im going to really quickly run through it here.


1. build the main body of a storm raven, dont go adding details to it yet like fins and wings


2. do not fit the rear section. 


3. measure the internal height of the cabin 


4. cut 2 strips of thick plasticard as wide as the internal cabin height and about an inch longer than you want the cabin to be extended. 


5. slip the plasticard inside the cabin and use a sharpie to trace the open edge onto the end of the plasticard. do this twice


6. using a sharp knife and a metal ruler carefully cut along the lines. 


7. now use one plasticard cut out as a stencil for the other. one end of each plasticard strip needs to be the opposite of the other (hope that makes sense)


8. cut two 1"x2" strips. glue them well to the inner edge of the cabin. these will structurally help hold the side panels as the side panels fit edge to edge. 


9. fit the panels to the main cockpit section


10. fit the tail section, remember the tail section fits between the two panels not on the end of the two panels. 


11. the hard stuff is all done. now we need 2 simple rectangles for the roof and floor


12. i then grabbed different bits of the storm raven and stuck them on as fins and scoops, mainly the two tail fins became the front wings. 


I hope that helped. 

so i went to a non gw game store today and found one of these guys in a blister 

i really like the model so i took it home and have converted it. unfortunately no pictures yet but i should have some by tomorrow.


what i've done:


i've given him a rats head and then using quite a lot of greenstuff changed his pose to be far more hunched over with a huge mound of fur on his shoulders running into his head and sticking out from his gorget. i let the fur run into the metal fur already on the cloak. 


I gave him the spiney backpack from the dark vengeance lord


i swapped the arms over so that the fist holding the helmet is pointing down and is his left hand. (to be honest this was an accident which i only just realised, the thumb is wrong but it doesnt notic really and i could potentially paint it to blend in to the helmet. 


i swapped the combi melta for a combi flamer


perhaps most importantly i have created a diorama on a dreadnought sized base which the lords gaming base can fit on. the diorama shows the body of the marine whose head the lord has ripped off. he has a shield and sword and a spine protruding from his neck along with a pool of blood leaking off the base. there are rats scurrying over him as well as the lords gaming base. The scene is lit by a street lamp and the road he lies on has douple yellow lines and a portion of the words 'no parking' both of which continue on to the lords gaming base. 


I'm really pleased with the project so far and i can't wait to share photos. 


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