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Pors Rising: A Word Bearer's Log


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I should have known it was only a matter of time before the Word Bearer's message reached my ears... And thus I have now rightfully dedicated myself to the righteous Word Bearers Legion.


I have some models in progress and i'll post pictures of said models soon, until then does anyone happen to know of good techniques to strip games-workshop paint from models?


I look forward to spreading the good word, and spreading the love of the Great Gods.

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If you're in the US: Soak them over night in neat Simple Green detergent. Then in the morning scrub them with an old tooth brush under a running tap.


If you're in the UK: Soak then in neat Detol or Fairy Power spray as above.


But I believe the Simple Green is the most effective without damaging you plastics.



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Got some spacemarines started on the path to chaos. Three have begun to be de-imperialized and are currently having new armor be sculpted unto them.


First time sculpting/using green stuff so let me know what you think! All constructive criticism is totally welcome. :P

(Only two out of the three marines have dedicated pics)


The three

The 1st Another Angle

The 1st WIP

The 2nd

The 2nd side view

The 2nd Rear view


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, been a lot longer than I meant for an update. >.< I got distracted with a new toy. (a Brand spanking new airbrush and compressor :P ) I've got some more converting done, and a unit of counts as bikers WIP. I'll get pics up soon I promise. Spring break has started for me so no excuses now!

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