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The Crimson lunatics of G'harzak Tul


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And with that G'harzak Tul leads his blood clad lunatic brothers into battle:


And the first unit of Berzerkers, Tragon's Impalers:




Some individuals in the unit:


So, that's the beginning of my foray into the blood crazed lunacy of Khorne. I currently have a WHFB Crypt Horror kitbashed as a mutilator with a ton of blades and such and a unit of 10 raptors made by kitbashing a unit of Berzeker parts, raptor/warp talon parts and tyranid gargoyle wings etc.

Once i've made progress on those I'll post pictures.

I do also have a unit of CSM built from kitbashing a Gor herd with CSM parts. I was going to use them in my Nurgle line up but it just felt off so hooves,horns and bloodlust sit better I think.

C&C welcome.


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Thanks lads, yeah the Berzerker kit.... my the sprue has GW 1994 stamped on it and the age of the molds definitely shows! A lot of trimming needs done to get rid of mold lines. That is a real problem with smaller components... GW really need to update the mold. I really hope they don't decide to make them failcast.


The lord was fun to put together, components from possessed kit, WHFB zombie kit, FW chainaxes and other gubbins from the bitz box...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okie dokie, Some more Khornate goodness

First off some raptors from a squad of 10:


And here is my take on the Obliterator theme. Basis is a Crypt Horror. I wanted something big looming and nasty. Eyes blanked off, many dakka added to the arms. You get the picture:
And this is my take on the Mutilator:

I went this way with both because I basically didn't like the official models. I felt a more base, brutal aesthetic could be achieved with these conversions. Eyes blanked off on both, possession of both figures with the lust for battle of the weapon spirits being the driving force.

Comments and criticism welcome.


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I love custom builds over the official models.  There is such limitless modeling potential within the ranks of Chaos for Obliterators, Mutilators and Chaos Spawn.  Your marines are horiffying (in a good way!) and those customs jsut push it over the top.  Good Job!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

SO..... I got my computer fixed eventually and now i'm back in the world. So, here's some stuff wot I made in the meantime...

first off chaos spawn:


Next up some possessed marines:


Then a Daemon Prince:


Then some new Berzerkers of the Knights of Blood:


I thought I would put together some Chosen in the style of the Sanctified, the Word Bearers who worship Khorne:


Morgenstern Marine, with Chaplain style face mask.


Coryphaus and supporter.


Thought I would attempt the Heldrake/zombie dragon kitbash after seeing it elsewhere on these forums:


I don't think it's finished yet, maybe a speesshh marine of some chapter having its head stoved in by one of the claws.... maybe. and definitely some more paint work in the individual cells of the wings..

And of course I had to do a juggerlord:


I had a lot of fun doing this guy especially the Juggernaut. Man it's a good model to work with.

that's all for now folks.

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