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A Labour of Love: Iron Hands to 2.5k and beyond


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Me and the Iron Hands go way back, we’ve been bros since third edition. I’ve been making this army since then easily; collecting bits from various independent manufacturers and trying to figure out how I want the army to work on the table.


Below are a few pictures of the army, there are a bunch of clearer ones available on Paint Water Diaries. Here and Here




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'Love' is hardly what I would call Iron-handy. ;)


Pretty cool stuff, and obviously a lot of effort put into them.  I think my favorite is the guy wit hthe Iron Warrior's head, the one that seems to be using the force, or perhaps just reaching out to pet a favorite dreadnought. :D

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Thanks for all your kind words everyone.

Aquilanus, on 22 Feb 2013 - 20:09, said:

The more Iron Hands armies I see, the more I want to put my DIY IH successors into moth balls and just do outright Iron Hands laugh.png

Great minis Tormentus. Have you seen the topic Purge the weak! - the Iron Hand disccusion thread? It's a place where Iron Hand fans (and their successors happy.png ) can discuss their background etc happy.png

I hadn't seen that thread, however giving it a quick scan read, has made me realise I made a faux pas dumb mistake with my army list.

Originally I was using the Space Wolves list heavily, before I realised I could use Grimnar to make wolf guard troops. So all excited I switched to just 2 units from the wolf dex. But just now I've realised these wolf guard can't join Tactical squads......

So I shall be tweeking the army list some today - the question now become do I ditch the wolves altogether, ditch the CSM or try to find a happy marriage between the two again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, finally decided on the codex set up after spending some time poking around the Purge the weak! - the Iron Hand disccusion thread. I'll be using Codex Space Marines primarily, but with allied units drawn from the Space Wolves codex - in the form of Bjorn, a squad of Grey Hunters and some Wolf guard. This allows me to use the Wolf Guard as an accompaniment to my Captain and another as a Terminator sergeant with the grey hunters. 

This ticks all the boxes for me, HQ dreadnought, Terminator sergeant as well as Master of the Forge etc from Codex Marines. 







And... my new WIP captain:



I'm currently in the process of sorting out some fluff and bits, including a step by step guide which will be posted over on paintwaterdiaries when it's all done.

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Praise the Omnissiah! Somebody made really awesome Iron Hands for once, these are just beautiful that my circuts were bursting in awe, keep up the good work and serve the Emperor!


For once?! There are plenty of dudes here with awesome Iron Hands! Look at Brother Argos', Bannus', Deus Ex Ferrum's, and Ravenfeld's (commission painted by Davey8oy) armies. Those are just off the top of my head!


I'd love to see a bunch of different Iron Hands armies all together on the same table. Now THAT would be inspiring :D


@Tormentus- I am loving your army so far! Can't wait to see your Captain finished! Did you use maxmini legs for the bionics on the terminators? Looks like you cut them at the knee and glued the terminator leg on. I like the look :tu:

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Praise the Omnissiah! Somebody made really awesome Iron Hands for once, these are just beautiful that my circuts were bursting in awe, keep up the good work and serve the Emperor!

For once?! There are plenty of dudes here with awesome Iron Hands! Look at Brother Argos', Bannus', Deus Ex Ferrum's, and Ravenfeld's (commission painted by Davey8oy) armies. Those are just off the top of my head!

I'd love to see a bunch of different Iron Hands armies all together on the same table. Now THAT would be inspiring biggrin.png

@Tormentus- I am loving your army so far! Can't wait to see your Captain finished! Did you use maxmini legs for the bionics on the terminators? Looks like you cut them at the knee and glued the terminator leg on. I like the look thumbsup.gif

Seeing a group of Iron Hands armies on the same battlefield would be awesome ^_^ Would put the fear of the Omnissiah into anyone :lol:

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Praise the Omnissiah! Somebody made really awesome Iron Hands for once, these are just beautiful that my circuts were bursting in awe, keep up the good work and serve the Emperor!

For once?! There are plenty of dudes here with awesome Iron Hands! Look at Brother Argos', Bannus', Deus Ex Ferrum's, and Ravenfeld's (commission painted by Davey8oy) armies. Those are just off the top of my head!

I'd love to see a bunch of different Iron Hands armies all together on the same table. Now THAT would be inspiring biggrin.png

@Tormentus- I am loving your army so far! Can't wait to see your Captain finished! Did you use maxmini legs for the bionics on the terminators? Looks like you cut them at the knee and glued the terminator leg on. I like the look thumbsup.gif

Exactly right, I always thought the max mini bits needed something to make them look more 'marine' and eventually narrowed this down to the greaves being the key part. Which that in mind, I chopped them up.

I did the same on my captain although, but also went a step further. Essentially I hollowed out the terminator greave and sat the bionic inside. I'll post a pic to illustrate later.

Where did the helmets for your termies come from, especially the ones with all of the lenses?

They're from the Forgeworld Chaos Militia Tank Crew, suitably chopped down. The rest are bare heads from techmarines, boarding assault marines and the Forgeworld character upgrade pack.

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