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Sword Bearers and the Unforgiven (Updated 1/07/23: Angels Redeemed)

Spaced Hulk

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Hail brother! Looking excellent. Your painting skills are improving remarkably. Some of these poses are honestly very inspiring for my own future projects. Its reassuring to know they can be done without greenstuff fu.


Everything is tying together quite nicely now that paint is meeting plastic. The clear differences are becoming crisp between the units yet they all bear a sense of unity to each other. Hard to do with such disparate styles in yoir units. Good work.

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Hail brother, and thank you for the kind words :smile.: Interesting that you mentioned the different styles between units, as one of the themes I've been thinking about for the chapter is that they're this kind of a 'splintered brotherhood', with various factions within it competing with each other. It's good to know that they're still looking like a coherent force though. I think the colour scheme helps in that regard, despite being quite time consuming to paint. After the ETL is over I might take some more pics of the entire army, as the last time I did that I don't think I'd finished painting a single model!

Sorry it's taken me a while to reply btw, real life has been a bit hectic again lately. I have, however, been making good progress on my third vow. Here's a teaser of some of the finished models:

Vid Capture: Unidentified Revenant strike team, recorded by Inquisitorial surveillance drone during final assault on the Phormian Necropolis, 723.M41


[cross reference: Celerem Mortem, Destroyer kindreds, Blade Wraith]

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Cheers mate! :smile.: Vow 3 is nearly complete, just the two Librarians and a bit more highlighting and it's finished. Here's a couple more of my trademark blurry pics :smile.::

Titus Raum, Master of the Eighth Company, Captain of the Hyperion Foot Knights


Ivan Orbec, Captain of the 3rd Battle Company, Heir Apparent to the Chapter Master


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@ deathspectresrg7: We're the Unforgiven brother. Nobody does loyalty better than us...:whistling:  :wink:


And my third vow (and blood oath!) is now complete :smile.:



Will be adding better pics and some background for each unit over the next few weeks. However, I reckon I've just about got time for one last mini vow before August 1st, so here goes:   


I, Spaced Hulk, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete:
Interrogator Chaplain, armed with a power sword @ 125 pts
Interrogator Chaplain, armed with a power fist @ 135 pts
Interrogator Chaplain, equipped with a power axe & jump pack @ 140 pts

For a total of 400 pts from Codex: Dark Angels by August 1st. Success will bring glory to the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame til years end.



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Finished my 4th vow:

From left to right: Interrogator Chaplains Malik, Uriel & Arathorn.


And I'm going to risk a final vow:

I, Spaced Hulk, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

Issac Krell, Captain of the Sword Bearer's Sixth Battle Company, Master of the Rites

- Company Master, equipped with Foesmiter, Monster Slayer Sword of Caliban, Melta Bombs & Artificer Armour



For a total of 180 pts from Codex: Dark Angels by August 1st. Success will bring glory to the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame til years end.

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Also managed to take some better pics of the characters from my third vow:

Reynard Crom, 'The Faceless', Sword Bearers Chief Librarian


Haradiel, Codicier Librarian (who's preparing to banish a foul winged fiend of Nurgle back to the warp! :smile.:)


Titus Raum, Master of the Eighth Battle Company & Captain of the Hyperion Foot Knights


Ivan Orbec, Captain of the 3rd Battle Company, Heir Apparent to the Chapter Master


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Cheers guys! :smile.: Titus seems to be overall favourite, and I must admit, I am really pleased with how he turned out.

Still working on my final ETL model, but here are a few more pics from my 4th vow:

Vid Capture: Revenant Destroyer Kindred. Subjects recorded moments after airborne insertion into the Hrax Secondus star port by landing field security systems. 322481.M41


Archivists Note: The agri-world of Hrax Secondus was visited by an Adminstratum Investigation team in 223492.M41, after the prolonged absence of both communication and the Imperial Tithe. Although previously recorded as a highly productive, Category 2 'garden' planet, the Investigators found a barren, battle scarred world with almost no surviving lifeforms and large swathes of radioactive contamination. Surviving data stores found amongst the ruined population centres provided evidence of a large scale planetary assault by a Revenant (see Appendix 98a: cross reference: Adeptus Astartes, Sword Bearers, Second Company) task force over 10 years previously. The reason for this devastating purge of a formerly loyal Imperial world has never been discovered.



Infamous across the entire Eastern Fringe, the Destroyers of the Celerem Mortem have become a byword for wanton carnage and devastation. Like their Heresy era namesakes, they form a core of battle hardened shock troops, whose formidable skills are enhanced by both the debilitating effects of the Shadow and the esoteric wargear at their disposal.

In addition to their standard bolt pistols, each squad, or Kindred, is heavily armed with a wide variety of weapons and grenades, including deadly plasma pistols, archaic stasis bombs and proscribed radiation munitions. Drop pods, jump packs and rare, Mark IV pattern assault bikes are also commonly used, enabling them to close with their enemies as quickly as possible. Whether deployed as airborne infantry, jump troops or mounted attack squadrons, the Destroyers can inevitably be found at the forefront of every Revenant detachment. Even amongst the grim ranks of Second Company, the Kindreds are considered to be a savage fighting force: brutal, uncompromising warriors who leave only fields of ruptured corpses and shattered, irradiated ruins in their wake.

Extract taken from 'Warrior Cults of the Astartes', written by Inquisitor Christoph Noekel, 445995.M41.

Really enjoyed modelling and painting the Destroyers, so will be expanding the squad up to 10 at some point, as well as adding a jump pack version (allied Vanguard vets) and bike mounted version (RW Black Knights).

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Will be working on quite a few Revenant units over the coming months, including several bike squads, a re-worked version of Letholdus and a conversion of the Lord Revenant himself (finally decided which model to use as a base). It won't be the whole Second Company though, as there are just too many of them! :wink:


However, I am seriously considering building all 60 terminators of the Penitent First Company to paint during next years ETL! :smile.:  

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This last completion perfectly sums up tu global feeling when I look at this topic :


Why, in the name of the Emperor of Mankind, haven't I thought about this before?




Glad to finally see this those gorgeous models painted, I felt sad to imagine those marvelous conversions remaining in the plastic grey usual scheme...


Ok now ETL is over, what about your fluff? I think we had a scout sergeant in uncomfortable situation hadn't we? ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it's been a while since I posted an update. Afraid I've had a bit of hobby burn-out, caused mainly by real-life stuff. However, I've felt a bit more inspired today so finished off a couple of models. These two are the start of Sixth Company's Command Squad:


Standard Bearer, armed with power halberd & storm shield:


First Sergeant, armed with lightning claw & plasma pistol:


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