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Sword Bearers and the Unforgiven (Updated 1/07/23: Angels Redeemed)

Spaced Hulk

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  • 2 months later...

My apologies that an update is so long overdue. As is so often the case, real life has taken it's toll on my hobby time. Hopefully that will be changing over the next few months, as I still have lots planned for this army.

In the meantime, I've decided to enter the Feast of Blades. Unfortunately I haven't had time to create a new character, so I've decided to use one of the models I painted last summer for the ETL. However, I have used this opportunity to practice doing some writing again, and created some additional background for him.

Hope you like it, all comments and feedback are appreciated as always :smile.:

The Feast of Blades

In marked contrast to the melodrama of it's name, the Chapel of Woe was small and unassuming, a spartan stone chamber carved into the western face of the mountain fortress. Like many of the countless shrines found within the Fenspire's labyrinthine interior, it had fallen into disuse in recent times. Not through lack of faith, for the Sword Bearers remained as devout and zealous as any of the Lion's sons. Simple attrition was the cause of the chamber's current air of neglect. With the Chapter engaged in multiple war zones throughout the Eastern Fringe, few remained to honour the lost heroes of antiquity.

Nevertheless, a trail of footprints disturbed the thick carpet of dust that covered the ancient flagstones. No serf or servitor would have intruded in this sacred place, for the Chapter's laws had long decreed that only their trans-human masters were permitted access to such holy sites. As he entered through the Chapel's tall arched doorway, Mordrain, High Chaplain and Lord Interrogator of the Sword Bearers, was confident that the warrior he sought would be found within.

Sure enough, a lone knight was the only occupant. Clad in baroque Mark III artificer plate, a winged battle helm mag-locked to his hip, the warrior knelt in silent prayer before the tomb at the far end of the chamber. An unadorned stone sarcophagus lay before him, framed by the large, stained glass window that dominated the entire western wall of the Chapel. As usual, it was dark outside, Mire's perpetual rain beating futilely against the thick arma-glass, the constant downpour mixed with hail and sleet as a reminder of the Fenspire's high altitude. Nevertheless, the dim light was enough to illuminate the subject captured in the stained glass. It was a battle scene, a Space Marine engaged in brutal close combat with an immense xenos monstrosity, trading blows with a pair of elegant lightning claws against the alien's own massive, sabre like talons.

Every Sword Bearer knew the identity and story of the warrior encapsulated in the window. Hyperion, one of the greatest heroes in the Chapter's long history, pictured during his epic battle against the Beast of Malal, wielding the legendary 'Raven's Claws' and wearing the distinctive “Iron-clad” war plate.

The same armour, in fact, that the visitor kneeling in the Chapel now wore.

As Mordrain had expected, Titus Raum – Master of the Sword Bearer's Eighth Company, Captain of the Hyperion Foot Knights – was paying his respects to the founder of his Order.

Despite his seniority, the High Chaplain waited patiently at the doorway of the Chapel. Such moments were private, and regardless of the urgency of his news, it was imperative that these traditions be maintained. The Chapter's honour was defined by the actions of it's brethren, and only by remembering the sacrifices of the past could they hope to win the battles of the future.

Is it time?” Raum's voice echoed through the Chapel, his accent still carrying the strong, thick brogue of Mire's North Highland tribes. As he rose, the Eighth Company Master bowed his scarred, shaven head one last time towards the tomb of his ancestor.

Indeed Captain.” Mordrain growled, his own voice as deep and thunderous as a summer storm. “The Warp Runner is prepared and waiting at Sky-dock. If you leave now, you should be able to rendezvous with...our esteemed brothers... before the start of the Feast.” There was a slight, almost involuntary pause as the Lord Interrogator mentioned the other competitors. Despite their shared blood and heritage, relations between the Unforgiven were not always cordial.

And Kane? Is there still no word?” Raum released the mag-lock holding his battle helm, gripping the face plate between both armoured gauntlets. It was not just idle curiosity which had provoked his question. Arvas Kane was the Sword Bearer's Chapter Champion, and as such the honour of competing in the tournament should have been his, and his alone.

The Chaplain shook his head. “The Champion and his forces are still embroiled in the maelstrom of the Endless Siege. The tourney will be over long before they fight their way clear. As his nominated second, your skills represent our best chance for success.”

Then I am proud to answer this summons, to compete against our brothers for the honour of the Chapter. Gloriam aut Mortis!” In a swift, practiced movement, Raum donned the war-helm, the collar sealing shut with a mechanical hiss. With the ancient helmet in place, the similarity with the figure in the window was now complete.

Good luck, brother” Mordrain whispered, watching proudly as the warrior strode purposely from the Chapel. “Gloriam aut Mortis”.

Glory or death.


The Sword Bearers' Entrant to the Feast of Blades:

Titus Raum, Master of the Sword Bearer's Eighth Company, Captain of the Hyperion Foot Knights

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Company Master, equipped with twin lightning claws, frag & krak grenades & artificer armour (140 pts).

Armourer's Note: The relic weapons known as the 'Raven's Claws' consist of a pair of ancient energy gauntlets, who's multiple adamantium blades have never once broken despite their millennia of service. In addition, each gauntlet contains a palm mounted micro-grenade launcher, pre-loaded with frag & krak munitions that can be triggered as their user advances towards his enemies.

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Cheers brothers. Sadly Raum's progress in the Feast of Blades was short lived (I suspect his lack of an AP2 weapon was a big contributing factor). Oh well, can't win them all :smile.:

Bit of an update tonight, as I've been building some more Revenants over the weekend. The Sword Bearer's Second Company are probably my favourite colour scheme to actually paint, so hopefully these will encourage me to pick up a brush again.

Revenant Execution Team


Although primarily a fast attack formation, the Celerem Mortem also includes a limited number of long range support units. These Execution Teams, or 'Hunter-Killers' as they are also known, function in a similar role to the Sternguard Veteran Squads utilised by Codex Compliant Chapters. Whilst most Revenants specialise in assault, utilising their speed to quickly engage enemies at close quarters, Hunter-Killers prefer to operate at range, exterminating their designated targets with a deadly hail of concentrated firepower. Armed with customised boltguns and rare special issue ammunition, Execution Teams eliminate threats to the bike and assault squads before they reach enemy lines.

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I've had a squad of Anvil's Black Op models for ages, but not really been sure what I wanted to do with them (they've very nearly become a Star Phantom's Tac squad and a Mentor Legion Elite Cadre in the past :smile.: ). However, the modified guns and sheer quantity of extra ammo they're carrying meant that it was probably inevitable that they'd eventually become an allied Sternguard squad :smile.:.

Unknown Revenant, 'Cursed Knight' (Letholdus' Command Squad). Armed with Corvus pattern thunder hammer, Godwyn Diaz boltgun & storm shield.

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One of a five man squad to act as a bodyguard for Letholdus. Still need to use a bit of green stuff to fill in the gap on the handle of the thunder hammer (which is obviously meant to look like an oversized version of a Black Knight's hammer.)

Thanks for looking, C&C are welcome as always :smile.:

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Thanks to you, I'll be placing an order with Anvil soon.  I've been looking for good skull helmets for Chaplain conversions, and then I saw all the other options they have.  Not just skull helmets, but hooded skulls and other hooded heads too!  Also robed legs and torsos. Perfect for making a Dark Angels army a little more unique.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers guys, and sorry for the delay in replying :dry.:

@ Master Avoghai: Certainly will be participating in the next ETL brother :thumbsup: Not sure I'll be able to match the points I pledged last time (real life is taking it's toll on my hobby time at the moment) but I should have a few models ready to be painted by then. As for the Pathfinder, his plight hasn't been forgotten :wink: Hopefully when that story does continue it'll have been worth the wait.

@ Brother Stobz: Indeed! The Black Ops kits are really nice and detailed, and I'm surprised you don't see them in more Marine armies. Mind you, a while back Elmo used them to build an awesome squad of dismounted Ravenwing, which is probably what gave me the idea! :smile.:

@ deathspectersrg7: Cheers brother! :thumbsup: The Cursed Knights are actually a rank within the Revenants, basically their version of Company Veterans. I'll be building more and writing background for them in the near future (going to incorporate them into the conclusion to the Aldous/Necropolis story).

@ Ulfgrim Alvsbane: Anvil do produce loads of useful bits. The robed kits are particularly good because they allow you to alter the poses, unlike the current GW Dark Angel models. If the DA sprues are ever re-done, I hope they follow Anvils example and have the legs and torso separate.

So, update time again. I've been building, yes you guessed it, more Revenants! :smile.:

First up is a mounted Revenant Destroyer, whose fluff is back on page 21. These are basically the Sword Bearers version of Ravenwing Black Knights, as the plasma talons and rad/stasis grenades fit the Destroyer background quite nicely. For continuity, I've kept certain elements of the model (basically the torso and backpack) the same as the infantry versions I built and painted last year. Will be building at least another four of these, with the intention of getting them painted during the ETL. Anyway, here are the pics:





Next up is a test model and a bit of fiction for a new type of Revenant unit, a Dusk Wraith:



They came for us – finally – as night was falling. For hours we had felt their presence, that familiar, all pervading sense of unease and trepidation that accompanies all their kind. The conscripts in the trenches were jittery with fear, and even my fellow officers were pale and nervous. We were the last – just a few hundred of us remaining – the tattered survivors of an army that had once numbered in the tens of thousands. We knew what was coming for us. We knew what the Imperium had unleashed to quell our rebellion. We knew we were all going to die.

It began as Naropa's second sun started to dip beneath the horizon. Just sporadic firing at first, the distinct crack of las-rifles as our sentries shot wildly at the lengthening shadows. Reports began to filter back to the command centre, reports of missing patrols and men deserting their posts, and sightings of armoured giants prowling through the ruins of no-mans land. But our weapons fire was not answered, and as a deathly silence fell across the battlefield once more, we dared to hope that we had earned a reprieve.

As the final rays of daylight were slipping away, the bolters began to roar, and we knew we were mistaken. But the attack didn't come from the front. Instead, our enemies had somehow infiltrated directly into the trench network, bypassing the heavy weapons and artillery which were our only chance of stopping them. In the close confines of the ramparts, the noise was deafening, a cacophony of violence that almost, but only almost, drowned out the screaming of our men.

I drew my stub-revolver and led my squad out into the trenches. Better to die fighting than cowering inside, I thought. But the moment we exited the command post, the guardsmen around me simply...evaporated. A hail of mass reactives punched through carapace armour as though it was paper, detonating their bodies in visceral explosions of flesh and blood. Within seconds, I was standing alone, surrounded by sundered corpses and drenched in gore. And as I stood there trembling, numbed by shock and disbelief, a shadow fell across me, blocking what little daylight still remained.

The Revenant was immense, a towering statue of jet black plate that seemed to exude menace and hatred. A grey cameoline cloak trailed from his pauldrons like a funeral shroud, and a hood partially covered the grinning steel death mask that had become such a symbol of terror to our armies. In each armoured fist, the warrior held a boltgun, wielding the twin weapons as easily as I carried my own pistol.

Before our world had fallen from the Emperor's Grace, I had seen holo-vids of his Angels, Marines Errant who had visited Naropa almost two centuries previously. Even from the ancient recordings, the grandeur and nobility of the Astartes had been plain to see. Perhaps facing them as opponents soured my perspective, but the Revenant invoked no such feelings of awe or divinity within me. No, the warrior who towered over me in that trench was simply death incarnate, my every fear made dreadfully manifest. A monster of the night. An angel of darkness.

As I stared into the glowing eyes of the skull mask, my body frozen with terror, I only dimly perceived the revolver slipping from my trembling fingers. I vaguely remember sinking to my knees, waiting for the inevitable.

I do not know what happened next. I can only assume that I passed out, for I awoke the next morning in the ruins of the command centre, still covered in the blood of my men. For hours I just lay there, listening to the silence, waiting for death to return to claim me. When I finally mustered the courage to venture out into the trenches, I found only carnage. The dead were everywhere, lining every parapet and gun nest, their bodies dismembered and brutalised beyond imagining. They had killed everyone. Everyone but me.

At the time I thought it was simple luck, sheer chance that I had survived the slaughter whilst everybody else had perished. Only in hindsight did it occur to me that these enemies would not miss. Their accuracy and proficiency with their weapons were beyond compare. Nor can I explain why the Revenant spared my life. Perhaps because I was no threat, but such inhuman killers gave no indication that they were capable of mercy. No, I believe I lived simply to bear witness, to be able to give this account of their deeds, and aggrandise their dread reputation still further. Fear is their greatest weapon, and one they utilise with the utmost efficiency.

- From the personal testimony of Lieutenant Henri Dans, believed to be the sole survivor of the Naropan 3rd Army of Independence. Recorded in 23566.M41, during interrogation by Inquisitor Larsson as part of the post-war investigation into the Naropan Rebellion. Subject was subsequently executed for crimes of gross treason against the Emperor and his Domains.


I built him originally as another Cursed Knight for Letholdus' bodyguard, but decided I liked the concept enough to make a whole unit of them. Rulewise the Dusk Wraiths will be represented by a Company Veteran squad all armed with twin bolt carbines (counts as storm bolters). Fluffwise they act as infiltrators, using camo cloaks and an accompanying Shadowcaster Librarian (who provides psychic camouflage) to close with their enemies and cause mayhem.

Finally for today is actually something Un-Revenant related. I managed to pick up an old model on ebay that I'd wanted for years: a metal Rogue Trader marine armed with a flamer:


I've always really liked the half-armoured look of this model, so I definately want to include him in an army somewhere. There's only one problem - the scale. Here he is next to another WIP Cursed Knight:


As you can see, Marines have really grown since their earliest incarnations! I still want to use him though, so I'm thinking of giving him a fluff reason for his diminutive stature. Possibly as a horrendously wounded, crippled & very bitter Sword Bearer looking for vengeance against his enemies, or perhaps as a Neophyte who's gene seed implantation went very wrong somehow.

Anyway, thanks for looking. All C&C are welcome as always :smile.:

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He looks like Gollum; "The flamer is mine, precious. MINE"

Sword Bearers brother, not Ring Bearers :wink:.

Update time again:

Mordrain, Lord High Interrogator and Master of the Reclusiam. Equipped with terminator armour, rosarius and the relic weapon 'Scipione Redemptionis' (counts as the Mace of the Redemption + crozius arcanum)


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Part weapon and part Battle Standard, the relic known as the Scipione Redemptionis has long been the mark of office for the Sword Bearer's Lord High Interrogator. An immense, two handed crozius arcanum, it is said that only a warrior in terminator plate can even lift the massive power maul, let alone wield it in battle. It is perhaps fortunate then that the Master of the Reclusiam is one of the few ranks within the Chapter to be awarded a rare suit of tactical dreadnought armour. With only sixty functional suits available, the High Chaplain of the Sword Bearers is the only individual outside the revered First Company to be allocated such hallowed war plate.

Uniquely, the Scipione Redemptionis houses two energy field generators: a highly charged disrupter array built into the large crozius head, and a smaller power mace mounted at the bottom of the relic. This allows the maul to be used as a quarterstaff, raining deadly blows from either end of the massive polearm. As a result, the wielder of the weapon invariably develops their own unique combat style, and the High Chaplains have frequently been accounted amongst the greatest warriors of the Sword Bearers.

Mordrain, the current Master of the Reclusiam, has served in this role for over two hundred years, following the death of his predecessor during the infamous Hothe Migrations. A great brute of an Astartes, it is joked (although never within his earshot) that he is as large unarmoured as he is when clad in terminator plate. As High Chaplain, Mordrain is responsible for upholding the faith, traditions and spiritual purity of the Sword Bearers. Of his duties as Lord Interrogator, and the rumours that persist of hidden chambers and dark deeds within the halls of the Fenspire, it is perhaps wisest not to speak...

- From the memoirs of Remembrancer Arnost Gull, Official Chronicler of His Imperial Majesty's Eastern Domains, dated 698.M41.

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@deathspectersrg7: Cheers brother! :thumbsup: Yes, Mordrain's death mask is a re-consecrated Traitor's helm (in other words, the top knot and chaos arrow have been removed :wink: ).

@ Master Avoghai: Thought about using GK parts mate but in the end decided against it. For a start, I've used wrist mounted storm bolters a lot throughout the army and I wanted Mordrain to be a bit more unique. I also like the idea of a pure close combat Chaplain with the Crozius and Mace of Redemption loadout, and the two handed crozius was how I first described the Lord Interrogator (way back on page 5!).

I still haven't built my counts as Belial, so I may end up using GK parts for him, although at the moment I'm favoring something a bit more ambitious and unconventional...:wink:

@ Stercus: Cheers mate! Your Rogue Trader is still one of my favourite models on the forum :smile.: The Mire Longblades are indeed Catachan swords, usually combined with the hand/hilt from a Grey Knight falchion. I think they're from the Catachan Command Squad box, although I managed to buy a load of them from a bits site (sadly I've used nearly all of them now :sad.: ).

Another small update tonight. First of all, another member of Letholdus' Command Squad:

Cursed Knight Champion, Letholdus' Bodyguard, Sword Bearer's 2nd Company. Armed with a 'Reaper' pattern power sabre, phobos bolt pistol & combat shield:

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The tilt shield/buckler represents a Company Champion's combat shield, as I've never liked how the 'official' versions of combat shields and storm shields are the same size.

Secondly, a currently unnamed Sword Bearer marksman, who'll probably be joining one of the robed Tactical squads of Third Company:

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The slight angle on the Marksman honour is bugging me a bit, so I'll probably end up altering it before he get's primed.

Thanks for looking, C&C are welcome as always :smile.:

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You know, I stumbled onto your thread here while looking to check on the latest Arena battle (I literally tripped up the kerb while walking and reading - serves me right really!) I then spent my whole journey home reading through your work and admiring your conversions. Incredible stuff in here, I'll be following your chapter's growth with interest!
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@ Marshal Mattius & Stercus: Thank you brothers! :thumbsup: Really appreciate the support and encouragement.

A couple of updates today. First of all, a prototype for a new type of Sword Bearer, a Siege Veteran. I've mentioned the Endless Siege several times in the Chapter's background, so this is a bit of a teaser :wink:

Unknown assault marine, Sword Bearer's 7th Company. Wargear and heraldry suggests current deployment to the Sevastopol warzone, situated at the north eastern border of the Charadon Sector (see associated files: 'Ongoing campaigns of the Ultima Segementum', 'The Endless Siege')

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The Endless Siege is one of the most important campaigns in the Chapters history (along with the Hothe Migrations, the assault of the Necropolis and the battle for Fatum II :smile.: ), and one which I'll be describing in detail at a later date.

Secondly here's the start of a new short story (which I'm hoping will get me back into the habit of writing regularly again :tongue.: ).

The Penitent (Part One)

They knelt together in silent prayer. Five behemoths of battle, the greatest and most glorious warriors of their Chapter, all reverently bowed in mutual obeisance.

Artificers and maintenance servitors swarmed around them, making last minute adjustments to weapons and wargear. Ammunition feeds and power lines were checked and then re-checked, whilst sacred oils and unguents were administered to the massive hydraulic joints of the ancient terminator plate. Oath papers and purity seals were affixed to the baroque armour, whilst a crimson robed Tech-Priest monotonously intoned the necessary Rites of Activation.

Oblivious to all this frantic activity, the five knights remained silent and motionless. Each was making his own preparations, fortifying both mind and soul for the task that lay ahead.

Suddenly a bell tolled, echoing within the claustrophobic confines of the chamber. Almost immediately, the armourers and servitors withdrew, leaving the five warriors alone on the teleporter pad. As one, the knights rose to their feet, the movements smooth and effortless despite the great bulk of their armour. Visors locked into place as weapons were raised and readied. The time for introspection had passed. Now only their mission, and the grave duties entrusted to them, were all that mattered.

For a moment, the only sound was the continuous low hum of the terminator plate. As the leader of the squad gave a slight nod towards the attendant Tech-Priest, a shrill whine of charging teleport capacitors began to drown out all other noise. Greasy, blue-grey smoke began to coil around the heavily armoured forms, clinging unceremoniously to the dense plasteel and ceramite plates, quickly obscuring the warriors from view.

There was flash of light, brighter and more intense than a lightning strike, followed by a peal of thunder louder than an artillery barrage.

Then there was silence. Slowly the smoke began to clear, revealing the empty teleport platform.

Once again, the Penitents had journeyed into hell.


Thanks for looking :smile.:

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Cheers brother :thumbsup:  Was aiming for a trench warfare feel with the Siege Vet. Will be building some more but I'll have to find some different torsos & heads (I picked up the LS Vengeance crew model on ebay but they don't turn up very often). I'm thinking that the HH Death Guard torsos might give a similar look. Actually primed the Siege Vet and the Revenant Execution team this afternoon, so I might actually have some more painted models to post in the not too distant future! :smile.:


Glad you liked the Penitents, I'm quite pleased with how they turned out. I wanted each one to look individual, like a squad of heroes rather than rank and file. I'll be posting some better pics with the next part of the fluff.

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