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A Log of Mercenary Endeavours - painting armies to sell

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Welcome to this, my new painting log, where I will paint several (that's right, more than one!) army - for the sole purpose of selling them once they're finished.

I decided to do this because in the last couple of years I've had a bit of success selling a couple of fully painted armies on eBay - I got £250 for a Tyranid army I'd spent less than £80 on (!) and sold an Imperial Fists army on behalf of a friend for £230 last year.

So it got me to thinking about doing this to make some money for my family - to pay for boring grown-up stuff like a car, or stuff for the house, or even a holiday. With that in mind I've spent the last year buying junk lots of Marines and Tanks from eBay, setting a strict budget on each unit. I've spent just over £200 so far, and I think I can get probably 3-5 armies from this.

On top of this, I have some Chaos Marine stuff that I built for my Legion of Taurus army (which I'm not abandoning by the way), which I've decided not to use. From this I've managed to get together a 1,750 Khornate Chaos Marine army (including Daemon allies), which is what I've decided to paint first. As well as this army, once I've finished stripping all the other Marines and Tanks I'll start on the next army. Here's what you can all look forward too:

- Silver Skulls or Damnos themed Ultramarines
- Blood Angels
- Raptors with Guard Veteran Allies
- an eclectic melange of Tzeentch and Slaanesh Marines & Daemons
- Dark Angels

Anyway, as you can see I've started on some of the Khornate Marines; I've started painting the Berzerkers, Terminators and Bikers - Blood Red base coat, Baal Red wash - next will be Blood Red/Blazing Orange mix overbrush, followed by more washes of Red, then shading. After that, the bane of my life, metallics... yucky.gif


As well as this I've got to convert a Land Raider (which is currently marinading in Dettol to get the paint off! laugh.png ), assemble a few more Cultists, strip 8 Blood Letters, and build a classic metal Daemon Prince. There's already a Champ and a counts-as Khârn to go with it:



So progress will be slow, but I'll share as I assemble/paint. Thanks for looking!


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