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What you guys think?


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Hi everyone, not sure if this is the right section or not so if its not im sorry and feel free to move it.


Anyway I've just finished my first decent paint job(i hope), which is my third model painted so far, and want to know what you guys think of it.


Screen Shot 2013 03 30 At 8.02.55 PM


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Looks like nice clean work to me! Dis you use some form of wash on the green armor to get the depth of shading?


I also really like the gold on the Aquila chest plate. It stands out nicely and contrasts well.


Maybe some shading on the red for the gun or highlights on the eyes.


Good work though mate. 

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Thanks guys for the comments. I agree on the high lights and the shading on the gun.

When i bought thew paints i didn't have a whole lot of cash so had to be a bit stingy. Also for the armour shading I applied a coat of Nuln oil all over, before adding the red and gold detailing.

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