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Today in the hobby I....


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YITH Ran out of 4 base paints . NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!

dss7 given the number of squads you did during ETL this isn't that surprising!


YITH i had the pleasure of having a game at a mate's place.


as much as i have warmed over the past few month to playing at flgs and have met some great people there, there's nothing that compares to a good garage game.

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This past weekend in the hobby....

Continued work on home office / hobby room.  Installed recessed lights with 5k LED bulbs.  First coat of plaster on walls.  Probably have another month of weekend work before I get to move in and bust out the toys again.  :thumbsup:

Fed my 40k fix by sneaking into the attic ( had to make sure my resin models weren't melting in this heat ) and digging out the plastic cement and tools to begin working on assembling Lost Patrol which will be our new game while our 3month  old genestealer is sleeping.

Edited by Space Truckin
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TITHI Did some finishing work on some of my death guard for an 1850pt game tomorrow

Here's the list



Warpsmith with the burning brand of skalathrax, aura of dark glory and mark of nurgle


7 man plaguemarine squad with melta gun, flamer, b' meltas, p' fist, icon of despair, rhino and combi bolter

7 man plaguemarine squad with melta gun, flamer, b' meltas, p' fist, icon of despair, rhino and combi bolter

35 zombies


3 terminators with mark of nurgle and a landraider with a dirge caster


10 havocs with 4 auto cannons and mark of nurgle


and just in case the game goes up to 2k

vindicator with siege shield, warp flame gargoyles and daemonic possession

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TITH I am building Deathwatch Killteams. I have SO many semi built marine lying around.


With 2 boxes of Kill Team, the Kill Team Cassius box and my bits, I am looking at 4 kill teams, 1 SW terminator and 5 vanguard vets.


Not bad.

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Today in the Hobby, I've finally decided to try and sell off most of my 40k stuff and go full on 30k. Bought some more Word Bearer upgrades and eyeballing some Volkite weaponry to go along with it.

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TITH I spray primed a Space Marine Executioner Lord (think that's what it was called) and bemoaned Finecast models once more. It's for my local GW's painting competition, so it's about time to pick up my paints again after a couple of years. Considering taking progress shots as I go to show some friends.

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Today in the hobby, I bought the Cypher and Inquisition Codexes, entered the aforementioned board challenge mentioned by the Psycho. Painters block be damned! :laugh.:
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TITH I painted the hell out of a Rhino chassis, painted over two Predator turrets and Predator HB sponsons, and magnetized all that jazz.  Then a FW WW turret (now discontinued) and stressed over preordering a Kill Team boxed set.


At my painting rate I may be finished with all that in two weeks. 

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TITH I initiated yet another forum event (one with a history, but still... another one.) Seems like there are a lot going on now...


TITH I spent all day working on said forum event. Literally, all day. I don't think I quite predicted how much work goes into one of these, and I'm only doing a small one with 15~20 people. Everyone who organizes one of these has gallons of newfound respect on my part, especially Captain Semper, who handles literally hundreds of vows. I salute thee, Captain!!!


...that being said, I'm honestly happy to be doing this, and I'm pretty sure I'm starting to get a handle on it. Should be easier from here on out! :)

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YITH I painted two different layers of robes on my Interrogator Chaplain (one of which is definitely light purple and not hot pink...) and started the base coat for my Tactical Marines robes. Small starts...

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TITH I stripped a squad of metal grey knight terminators which I picked up for only 27NZD

Been wanting such a squad for ages ... now just have to find one of the old metal psycannons, hate the look of the newer model

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Today in the hobby, I realized I've kinda shot myself in the foot. I finally got fired up to finish assembling one of my BaC boxes, and then realized that I can't work on the Word Bearers Vet squads until I get the upgrade pack I just ordered. :wallbash:

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TDITH I was washing chaos cultists prior to assembly. I find this step makes the glue bond better, not that it's so important with the snap-fit models, but I do it anyway as it helps me organize. Anyway, one of the cowardly heretics lost his gun down the kitchen sink until I figured out some basic plumbing. I have a feeling that the cultist losing his gun might be indicative of his future performance on the table.
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Today in the hobby, I broke down and purchased the Age of Darkness Army List book as well as some Volkite Chargers, Proteus-II Pattern Missile Launchers, Phobos Pattern bolters, and one pack of MkIV Ultramarine pauldrons (Figured I'd customize the BaC Ultras a little as well)


I'm also thinking of cracking open my second BaC box and beginning work on a full 20-man WB Tac squad since I do have enough pauldrons and different pattern bolters for that.

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