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Today in the hobby I....


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TITH, I went 0-2 in our Combat Patrol day, but still had an excellent time. Misunderstood one of the scenario's conditions and ended up, for all intents and purposes, bringing a CCW to a Bolter fight.

On the plus side, caught up with some folks I haven't seen since the last time I went to the local GW, and took advantage of the huge discount on 'All Quiet on the Martian Front' to pick up 6 tripods that will become my counts-as Skitarii walkers.

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Today in the hobby I discovered that I've somehow misplaced a Techpriest Dominus sprue, a set of Skitarii and Sicarian sprues each, and a single Cataphractii Terminator. Found all of them. I am not having a good day. It has gotten considerably better.


EDIT: But I can't find my copy of Talon of Horus (it was in a side pocket of my travel bag), one of the two parts of Milliput, and the drill bits I use for bolters. I think I left the drill bits at the GWHC, but I've got no idea where the Milliput stick is.  Argh. :furious:

Edited by The Psycho
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TITH my Khorne Berzerkers came into the shop so I picked them up after class (Yes Saturday 8 am - 2pm gotta love technical programs).  However I think my little foray into using their bits for a Khorne themed force are gonna be put on hold.


My friends have decided to start up kill team so I spent this afternoon helping them out with Ork, Cron, and CSM lists respectively.  I have decided that I will be converting a small unit of Sisters for this joint venture.

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I will be converting a small unit of Sisters for this joint venture.

I've been told that Sisters do well at Kill Team level :)

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TITH I finished painting my Captain model and then sprayed my Scouts. I also sprayed my Heresy army blue, and would have loved to get them started off, but turns out I don't have any Macragge Blue paint. At all. And I'm painting Ultramarines. Poop!

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Today in The Hobby i decided to learn Epic, so i started printing out units.


I almost dropped a wad of cash on ebay for models but had the foresight (for a change) to try printing some proxies first....

...case i don't like it and due to apparent shortage of other players in my area.

the STL files are substantially more detailed than the models turned out but low-res printer so wasn't expecting wonders.

from a metre + away and with a splash of paint they should work fine.

have already blacked the base and will probably do them up as impfists... because i always have lots of yellow left over.

Edited by paulJam
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Yesterday I realized that I could build a 2000 point 30k list with just the stuff I have unbuilt. Not necessarily the most effective one, but one that includes lots of things that I like (like Cataphractii, Destroyers and Night Raptors!)

Edited by The Psycho
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Today in the hobby my Knight got to throw some Tyranids across the table. Twas quite fun.


Note: Taking the time to paint the melee weapons turned out to be worth it.

Edited by Lysere
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TITH - Parts ordering for my Ultramarine Praetor, which was surprisingly hard as there seem to be a lack of basic command models in the Heresy range, they're all either named characters or Legion Command. Still, got what I need, just hope I can make it work!

Edited by kobrakei
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YITH - I painted my first Ultramarine ever for my Heresy blog. After painting so many Shrikes it almost felt like cheating due to how quickly I finished him - the joys of painting your Marines one colour! Will be spending tonight painting all parchments on my Shrike Vanguard Squad and washing some more Ultra's ready for highlighting.

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Today in the hobby I assembled my last Immolator at a friends house, only upon returning home to drop the turret into the bushes while checking my mail.


I spent an hour with a flashlight sifting through dead leaves and still havent found more than one of the multimeltas.


Perhaps in the morning I'll have better luck :(


EDIT: Found it this morning :)

Edited by Warsmith Aznable
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Today in the hobby, I dug out all of my armies and put them up on various shelves and surfaces so I could take stock of what I have. Turns out I have six armies, so I decided to work by dice chart. Roll two dice for two armies, pick two units from said armies, build/paint them, repeat. Looking forward to getting started!
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